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Kumari - Worship of devi in a girl !

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100412648One of the many interesting practises in India is that of Kumari pooja - the worship of a young prepubescent girl as the divine mother .




Its hard to state with certainity the places or the rituals from which such a custom originated . Many scholars link it with early uncorrupted version of bhairavi sadhana in mystic tantricism where females are chosen to be worshipped as the divine . Inspite of accute lack of evidence and other problems one thing is clearly established , that Kumari puja is definitely a contribution of tantra . much in the same way as it contributed Mudra , Puja , Bija-mantra into the fold of Hinduism .




Kumari puja seeks to view the supreme as mother inside conscious beings . Just like deity worship is imposition of divinity on inanimate(jada) objects , Kumari puja is imposition of divinity on animate conscious ( chit ) objects . in Markendaya purana Devi declares " ekaivaham jagat tatra dwitiya kaa mamaapara ?" which is translated as " I am the only one that exists in this manifestation " . She is also invoked by the Devas as "striyah samasta sakala jagatsu" whcih means "all the female jivas are verily your manifestations " . This two verse is elaborated in the concept of Kumari puja . It seeks to find the divine mother in female of the species . And as a child is the most chaste and most beautiful creation of the heavens she is chosen to be the residing place of the goddess .





Balarupancha trailokyasundarim varavarninim nanalamkaara namrangim bhadravidya prakaashinim.

Chaaruhaasyam mahananda hridayaam shubhadam shubham dhyayet kumarim jananim paramananda rupinim.


I meditate on the divine mother who is the condensed form of bliss , in her form as a child , one who is most beautiful among the three worlds , covered with jewels and revealer of the highest knowledge , one with a beautiful smile and blissfull heart , giver of all good .





Most common occasion for her worship is during the auspicious hours of Navaraatri . In north India each household invite one or many young girls from other households and worship them with offerings and gift items . This may be done by the lady of the house herself or through the help of a priest and proper rituals . the main intention is the see her happy . It is known as Kanyaa pujan .

In eastern states like Bengal , Assam , Orissa and parts of Bihar the ritual is a bit different . A single girl is chosen from Brahmin caste with auspicious signs and pleasant looks to be decorated as a goddess . Then she is brought to the place where worship of Devi has already been going on and the rituals are then conducted on her . She is offered all the sixteen items of worships and showered with lavish gifts to please her , like chocolates , dresses , jewellery , toys , cosmetics etc .

In Nepal things are totally different . Here Kumari assumes a huge importance . There are huge palaces dedicated to a Kumari . A girl is chosen from buddhist tribe after the 32 auspicious signs have matched . Then she must be fearless . On a new-moon night she is made to spend a night in a hall filled with severed heads of buffaloes and goats offered as sacrifice to the goddess . If she remains unmoved she is chosen as the next goddess , the post in which she remains till she menstruates . During her stay she is worshiped once a day , gives darshan to people , studies under private tutors , plays with children specifically appointed for that purpose , gives blessings to the king and prime minister of Nepal and officiates the state festivals .Her feet are not supposed to touch the ground after she turns a Kumari . For this reason she is carried around in a palanquin whenever she is supposed to leave her palace quarters !!





Many people have pointed out the ill effects on the psychology of these little girls when the grow up . Much criticisms have been hurled at this custom . But contrary to the popular belief most girls do find a happy family life later on . And reports of psychological disorders are also not heard of .


Still one cannot deny the possibility of creating a mental strain on these little girls , specially during the ghastly test of fearlessness !


However in India where the entire rituals last for only a few hours it assumes a more funny ambience . Specially when the girl's parents touch down at her feet to get her blessings !! It is a kind of victory day for the otherwise dominated child . There is a reversal of roles . In India most Kumaris eagerly look forward to be pampered and loved in this manner .


But is the Nepal Kumari custom too severe and violation of human rights ? what do you think ?




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Im not a shakt but i would like to say that this is mentioned in the devi bhagwatam also.




37. Everyday he should sleep on the ground and worship the virgins (young girl from the age of two to the age of ten) with nectar like sweetmeats and beautiful clothings aud ornaments.

38. Everyday one virgin or increased by one, two, or three every day or nine virgins in all the days respectively are to be worshipped.

39. O king! One should perform worshipping this Kumârî (virgin) Pujâ for the satisfaction of the Devî, as his means allow; never one is to shew miserliness in this.

40. O king! Hear the rules of the virgin worship that I am going to tell you. The virgin, aged one year, is not to be worshipped; for they are quite ignorant as to smell and tasting various delicious things.

41-43. The virgin aged two years is named the Kumârî; aged three years is named the Trimurtî four years, is called the Kalyânî; five years, Rohinî; six years, Kâlikâ; seventh year, Chandikâ; eighth year, S’âmbhavî; ninth year, Dûrgâ; and a virgin, aged ten years, is called Subhadrâ. Virgins aged more than ten years are not allowed in all ceremonies.

44. One should worship these virgins, taking their names and observing all the rules. I am now mentioning the different results that arise from the worship of these nine classes of virgins.

45. The worship of Kumârî leads to the extinction of miseries and poverty, to the extirpation of one’s enemies and the increment of riches, longevity and power.

46. The Trimurtî Pujâ yields longevity, and the acquisition of the three things, Dharma, wealth, and desires, the coming in of riches, sons and grandsons.

47. Those who want learning, victory, kingdom and happiness, they should worship the Kalyânî, the fructitier of all desires.

48-49. Men should worship Rohinî duly for the cure of diseases. For the destruction of enemies, the worship of the Kâlikâ with devotion is the best. For prosperity and riches, Chandikâ is to be worshipped with devotion. O king! For the enchanting and overpowering of one’s enemies, for the removal of miseries and poverty, and for victory in battles, S’âmbhavî worship is the best.



52. People should, with great devotion, worship the Kumârîs (virgins) with the mantrams “S’rîrastu” or other mantrams, beginning with “S’rî” or with the seed mantrams.

53. The Goddess who can create without any difficulty all the sacred tattvas of the Kumâr Kârtikeya and who effects, as if in sport, the creation of all the Devas Brahmâ and others; I am worshiping the same Kumârî Devî.

54. She who is appearing under the three forms as differentiated by the three gunas Sâttva, Râjas, and Tâmas, and who is appearing in multiple forms, owing to the differentiations of the three gunas again into various minor differences, I am worshipping Her the Trimûrtî Devî.

55. She who being worshipped always fares us with auspicious things, I am worshipping Her, with devotion, the Kumârî Kalyânî, the awarder of all desires.

56. I am worshipping the Rohinî Devî with a heart, full of devotion who is germinating all the karmas in seed forms, that have accumulated owing to past deeds.

57. She who, at the end of a Kalpa gathers unto Her in the form of Kâlî all this Universe, moving and unmoving, I worship that Kâlikâ Devî with devotion.

58. She, who is furious and wrathful and hence is called Chandikâ and who killed the two Demons Chanda and Munda I bow down to Her humbly with devotion, to that Chandikâ Devî, who destroys the terrible sins.

59. I worship that S’âmbhavî Devî, the giver of all pleasures and happiness, whose form is the Veda Brahmâ, and whose origin is without any cause, and whe is so recited in the Vedas.

60. She who saves from danger her devotees and who always delivers from various difficulties and troubles, whom all the Devas are incapable to know, I worship with devotion that Dûrgâ Devî the destroyer of all calamities.

61. I, with my mind devoted, offer my salutations to that Subhadrâ Devî, Who procures all auspiciousness to Her devotees and removes all inauspicious incidents.

62. Thus, in the mantrams, above described, people should always worship the virgin girls, giving them clothings, ornaments, garlands, scents, and various other articles.



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no . thats not possible . i mean thats not mentioned or practised anywhere . but personally and from a purely spiritual viewpoint i feel that seeing every girl as mother is the culimination point of kumari pooja . realising the divine in evry conscious being and respecting every women as a mother helps one to follow spiritual path .


in that way , it would be better if we learn to revere the women all around the world as devi all year round , rather than doing an extravagant puja and abusing a girl in the street the next day !


kumari puja in mind and all year round would solve many of world's problems !!!

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There are two kinds of Puja which are in vogue.


1. Kumari Puja - The rituals and mantras depend on Sampradhayas. The age of the girl matters a lot. The caste of the girl also matters.


Generally it is like what sambya has given.


Performing Kumari Puja in the Khamakya temple is considered very good.


2. Suvasini Puja - This is for married women. It is also called as Sumangali Puja. Performed on a group rather than an individual. Rituals depend on Sampradhayas.


The worship of Kumari in Nepal does not fall in the same category.


The Nepalese Hindus follow Guru Matsyendranath sampradhaya. Their beliefs and practices are different from the common Indian Hindu.


Kumari is considered an incarnation of Devi. The rituals and beliefs in this respect are part of Vajrayana Buddhism. It is similar to the incarnation of Dalai Lama and other important Lamas. Vajrayana Buddhism and Hindu Tantrism overlap and merge in many respects. The followers of the great Padmasambhava and Guru Matsyendranath share a lot in common.


We do talk about Cina Tantra.


An article about Kumari Devi.



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The Nepalese Hindus follow Guru Matsyendranath sampradhaya. Their beliefs and practices are different from the common Indian Hindu.


Kumari is considered an incarnation of Devi. The rituals and beliefs in this respect are part of Vajrayana Buddhism. It is similar to the incarnation of Dalai Lama and other important Lamas. Vajrayana Buddhism and Hindu Tantrism overlap and merge in many respects. The followers of the great Padmasambhava and Guru Matsyendranath share a lot in common.

thats solves the problem . as to why the method of puja is so different in nepal and in india .


thats why the nepalis elect a kumari and keep her all year round instead of a small one day service !!

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I know sambya or any shakt wont answer this.

The answer is because the female principal is worshipped as mother and so they wont sacrifice females.

But isnt the male father.

Thats an answer in itself when someone asked me why vaishnavs here call shakth religions foolish.

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I know sambya or any shakt wont answer this.

The answer is because the female principal is worshipped as mother and so they wont sacrifice females.

But isnt the male father.


why wouldnt i answer this ?!!!


yes they dont sacrifice females animals because they are the mother . males are fathers as well !


but these are pure rituals undertaken by men desiring material benedictions which have very less connection with spirituality or self purification .


i cannot comment why sacrificing males has been allowed . no shastric explanation has come to my knowledge till date . it is simply allowed ................. cannot say why !! just like red hibiscus or blue aparajita flowers are not allowed for vishnu ................ no shastra says why !!


yes , they might say red is a ugra colour ( what about blue ?) . but thats not a explanation in itself . an explanation would clear all doubts as to why ugra flower is not to be offered to vishnu who is also ugra at times (narasimha or varaha or kalki) . same is the case with the case of sacrifice ...........theres no proper explantion to my knowledge !


but unlike you , i dont bother myself with such petty issues like why red sandal is forbidden in vishnu worship or why should one not sleep with head facing the south !!


i have more interesting and spiritual matters to concentrate on !!

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i have more interesting and spiritual matters to concentrate on !!



Interesting so you agree sacrificing rituals are not spiritual.

Your hibiscus arguments dont enter here.

Sacrifices are said to be part of vedas so is that not spiriual i dont thinks so.

But they are to be performed By brahmins under conditions.

I criticize this ritual sacrifice above because the reason is not very appealing and is in a way feminine......

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Interesting so you agree sacrificing rituals are not spiritual.


any ritual is not spiritual in strict sense .

rituals are merely conducive to purity and spirituality in varying degrees .

and sacrifice obviously occupies a lower rank among them !



Your hibiscus arguments dont enter here.


they do , but maybe not to your understanding !




BTW sacrifices were there in vedic times also . infact no proper festivals could go without sacrifice......................and more ghastly and shocking than todays sacrifice ............................... bulls , cows , horses !!!


saying this just as a way of information .

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red hibiscus or blue aparajita flowers are not allowed for vishnu ................ no shastra says why !!


where is such a thing written.

iv never heard of it.


One reason can be because these flowers can be tamasic or rajasic and vishnu is considered triguna sattvic maybe thats why.

But ive never heard of such a thing.

Remember ramayan.



but unlike you , i dont bother myself with such petty issues like why red sandal is forbidden in vishnu worship or why should one not sleep with head facing the south !!



This is not a petty issue i just asked a question about the logic behind such rituals of offering only males also ive mentioned the reason which you still dont accept.

Anyway those who had to understand and i hope youve also understood why i posed this question.Im sorry if i hurt intentions.



any ritual is not spiritual in strict sense .

rituals are merely conducive to purity and spirituality in varying degrees .

and sacrifice obviously occupies a lower rank among them !



A man can do yagnas,it is mentioned in the bhagwad gita.It is a part of karama yoga.

So u cant call it non spiritual.

Bhagwad gita is perfect knowledge and i hope you understand that.

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One reason can be because these flowers can be tamasic or rajasic and vishnu is considered triguna sattvic maybe thats why.

But ive never heard of such a thing.


maybe you are not aqquainted with archana manuals . vishnu is considred trigunatit by vaishnvas . why is blue aparajita or red sandal tamisic ?



Bhagwad gita is perfect knowledge and i hope you understand that.


yes i do !


ill repeat what i have said previously with the hope you understand that !!


--any ritual is not spiritual in strict sense .

rituals are merely conducive to purity and spirituality in varying degrees .

and sacrifice obviously occupies a lower rank among them !

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why is blue aparajita or red sandal tamisic ?


I said maybe

i never heard of Such a flower not being offered to vishnu

Where did you get this from.

Please tell me.

I remember shri ram eating jhootha fruits offered by shabri.

So such a thing doesnt apply.

If any shastra says it then well talk.

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any ritual is not spiritual in strict sense .

rituals are merely conducive to purity and spirituality in varying degrees .

and sacrifice obviously occupies a lower rank among them !



can you give an example i dont understand .

the vedic yagnas performed are not spiritual?

I thought vedas are perfect

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