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i request you to suggest the right gemstone for me to boost, not boost to have a great career abroad. currently i dont have any career and am at home.....

and anything else u deem fit



details- 5th july 1977

time 3.50 am

place - secunderabad- ap- india

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safest stone is green emerald.. you can wear green emerald over next couple of years while mercury sub is running..sun is not a friend of your asc. lord from either moon or lagna so wear silver... you can wear diamond sometimes when you feel weak in body, but not continuously....


you are running onset of saturn dasa, and saturn has exchange with moon.. this is very good and will manifest in some kind of career .. you will have to be very patient.. saturn is very slow and takes a while to get going..even still only usually after mid 30's, but things will get moving when you enter your saturn mercury end of july this year...it's more about tapping into your creativity along with creativity with money making.... your moon although in angle from jupiter is a little bit alone, and your jupiter causes many problems.. you should honour devi on mondays and do some fast on thursdays from sunrise to sunset..you need to learn to use your intelligence more to follow your own ideas rather than influence from friends or elder sibling, you also need to work on your diet, i feel that your parents advice is helpful... . i'm sorry i can not offer more advice here, but i do offer readings at my website..

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Dear Veno,


I've been trying to understand Sun's relation for Taurus Ascendant for a while. Sun is considered a benefic for the same, it also rules the 4th house, then why its is not considered as a friend of Taurus asc.


I understand Venus cannot be strengthened for Taurus Asc as it rules 6th house. But why not Sun.




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safest stone is green emerald.. you can wear green emerald over next couple of years while mercury sub is running..sun is not a friend of your asc. lord from either moon or lagna so wear silver... you can wear diamond sometimes when you feel weak in body, but not continuously....


you are running onset of saturn dasa, and saturn has exchange with moon.. this is very good and will manifest in some kind of career .. you will have to be very patient.. saturn is very slow and takes a while to get going..even still only usually after mid 30's, but things will get moving when you enter your saturn mercury end of july this year...it's more about tapping into your creativity along with creativity with money making.... your moon although in angle from jupiter is a little bit alone, and your jupiter causes many problems.. you should honour devi on mondays and do some fast on thursdays from sunrise to sunset..you need to learn to use your intelligence more to follow your own ideas rather than influence from friends or elder sibling, you also need to work on your diet, i feel that your parents advice is helpful... . i'm sorry i can not offer more advice here, but i do offer readings at my website..


namaste veno...


thanks a ton for ur lovely analysis an advice...


i am hearing for the first time that exchange between moon and saturn would prove beneficial for me. everyone said its harmful..

i think what u said about saturn giving results after mid 30s is true in my case as the time i started saturn dasa, i lost job, love and comforts. basically a popper.

so i will expect as u said..


have noted all the points u mentioned.. will follow...


i understand that u cant provide more advice here.

i went through ur site a few days back. its great.

i will seek ur consultation once i become able- u know i am unemployed for past three years..


thanks again for ur kindness

may god bless you



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Dear Veno,


I've been trying to understand Sun's relation for Taurus Ascendant for a while. Sun is considered a benefic for the same, it also rules the 4th house, then why its is not considered as a friend of Taurus asc.


I understand Venus cannot be strengthened for Taurus Asc as it rules 6th house. But why not Sun.





your sun is fine and it is helpful.. we were only talking in the context of jewellery and the wearing of gemstones.. one reason is your mercury is on the borderline of combustion, that's why i would not recommend strengthening the sun through jewellery. gemstones are a very complicated affair . i can't go into why alls of my judgement, just because i don't know how really.. many things i take into consideration, i learnt jyotish a certain way, my teacher is unique.. ..... i give advice i feel is going to be helpful

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namaste veno...


thanks a ton for ur lovely analysis an advice...


i am hearing for the first time that exchange between moon and saturn would prove beneficial for me. everyone said its harmful..




saturn's nature is hard, it causes some pain, hardship, loss no matter if rajayogakaraka or not.. this is just saturn's way..saturn begins to stabilize after it reaches its age of maturity .. but point is it is your 9th and 10th lord and lord of your Chandra lagna.. Also Moon rules your rising nak, and the lord of your navamsa lagna.. these planets are very important in your life.. saturn dasa is slow , so that is the way.. mercury also is 12th from saturn in the chart.. so one can't expect everything to turn up roses overnight but there is progress.. it's a spiritual time as well and that can dominate... one will have shelter in the family.. there are other things to take into account , saturn's transit of virgo your 5th house end of december.. there's both good and bad in saturn's transits but i'm not going into it here.. saturn will prefer the libra transit in 3 years time..

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thanks for the clarification..


yes it seems that saturn and moon seems to be the main planets as per the details. 9th 10th lord, rohini is my lagna nakshatra lorded by moon and moon in aquarius lorded by saturn. moon being navamsa lagna lord.. i never oberved this close.. thanks for making me realize..

yes and saturn i think i have to just endure and accept..

as u said next transit into virgo again, i have to cross my fingers...


and one thing u said is too true.. " one gets shelter in the family"

exactly. but for my home, i would have disintegrated by now...


thanks for ur time

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one does not need to feel negative because saturn's way is harder than everybody else..a tortoise runs slow but it's still a fine thing.. truth is saturn gives mastery.. and there is no greater feeling of satisfaction and no joy quite like the one saturn can give, so you have things to look forward to especially exchange in the chart has power and it is involving your rajayogakaraka planet.. of course there's some flaws, but nothing is perfect... saturn is like shiva, and shiva is a true master..

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