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suffering a lot! will anybody reply here please?

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Respected astrogers,

Firstly, thank you very much for your time. People like me are very grateful to you for your service.


My career path is shattered- Im jobless for about 9 months now.

I wanted to work in HR Management, so I completed MBA in human resource in 2007 but due to circumstances i had worked in BPO for 1.5 yrs ( april '07- sept-'08). After sept 2008 till date.. I can't get job in HR or any field bcas i was in BPO. Im jobless, pennyless. Father is now 56yrs & asthma patient so can't support us anymore. We are lower middle class, my family's finance situation is becoming very tougher from past 9 yrs.

Most painfully my elder sister's marriage (28 yrs) is not getting fixed

we have been trying since 4 yrs. All the alliances get cancelled even before much of discussions- groom side assign some or other simple reasons.


My question :

1) When will my sister get married, any indications why there is delay & remedies to it. How will be her marriage life?



2) Almost no income, joblessness is killing me. When will i get job, as HR professional. Do I have to leave chennai for starting my career?

whether i & my family will become well to do after all sufferings..or we have to suffer financially throughout life?



Many astrologers told favourable results... like I will get good job and that my sister's marriage will happen soon... For this they asked to do many remedies like KaalSarpa dosha puja in shri kaala hasti, i have done it in 2002. Again recently another jyotishi said

shri kaala hasti puja is not enough and asked to spend Rs.7000 for yantra remedies , I did that even though we could not really afford it.. But none of predictions came true.. till date.


Im much talented in my job but even then I have low self confidence, inner fear while talking to people at some times (not always) that spoils my brave personality. I also feel that I hold back myself, procastinate a lot and possess low-will power... these seem to be practical causes of my failure..


Finally, I became desperate and had to do personal research on my chart.. I learnt my 10th career lord MARS (yogakaraka- as im cancer ascndt ) is placed debilitated house in navamsa.. ( not sure if neecha bhanga is effective there)


Can I wear coral to enhance my career..?


PLEASE HELP , God will definitely bless you for your kindness.

Awaiting your response.


Thank you so very much.


V.Hemant Kumar



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Dear Hemant Kumar,


Please do post your birth details for the astrologers on this forum to look at.





My details..

DOB :09-10-1983 , Time : 01.50 AM (night) ,

Place : Chennai. Longitude: 80.17E & Latitude : 13.05N


I understand astrology, so please elaborate ur comments.

Thanks a lot in advance to all respected astrologers.



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Dear Hemant,


If the birth details are correct then here is your birth chart - kundli


<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Rashi</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="25%">Degree</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="35%">Nakshatra</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Lagna</td> <td class="contentMailer">Cancer</td> <td class="contentMailer">20:15:42</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aashlesha-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">21:21:03</td> <td class="contentMailer">Hast-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">22:48:48</td> <td class="contentMailer">Vishakha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">11:50:34</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">06:08:51</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarafalguni-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">Scorpio</td> <td class="contentMailer">14:21:41</td> <td class="contentMailer">Anuradha-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">08:19:58</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">10:56:08</td> <td class="contentMailer">Swati-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">25:21:40</td> <td class="contentMailer">Mrugshirsh-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Scorpio</td> <td class="contentMailer">25:21:40</td> <td class="contentMailer">Jyestha-3</td></tr></tbody></table>

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If I am correct you have Kal Sarp yog in your chart. Jupiter in the 5th house is at 14 degrees while Ketu in the same house is at 25 degrees. This yog gives a lot of unwanted troubles to the native, delays are the most common headaches in any important task, but this is not end of life. Your Saturn is exalted in the 4th house. This is good. In Navmansa it is in its own sign ie Capricorn. Here is your Vimshottari dasha cycle


<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">Start Date</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">End Date</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">25 May, 1980</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 May, 1996</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 May, 1996</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 May, 2015</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 May, 2015</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 May, 2032</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 May, 2032</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 May, 2039</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 May, 2039</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 May, 2059</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 May, 2059</td> <td class="contentMailer">01 Jun, 2065</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">01 Jun, 2065</td> <td class="contentMailer">03 Jun, 2075</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">03 Jun, 2075</td> <td class="contentMailer">05 Jun, 2082</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">05 Jun, 2082</td> <td class="contentMailer">07 Jun, 2100</td></tr></tbody></table>


As you can see from the table above, you are currently running Sani mahadasha or MD which started in May 1996 and will end in May 2015. Sani dasha lasts 19 long years, it is for everybody. Right now ie today your are running Sat/Mar/Sat as your MD, PD and AD. MD = Mahadasha, AD = Antar dasha, PD = Pratyantar dasha. This is also not good or very favourable for you. But if you keep making efforts then there is nothing in the world that can stop you.


In my family there are 2 people with kalsarp yog, but they are fit and fine. Many famous world learder and famous people have had this so called kal sarp yog, it is not end of the world. Please let me know as to why you are jobless, what is your educational background and what you are doing currently. It looks to me that you come from an engineering background but I am not sure, thanks



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Please check your original post where I have already replied, but you started a new thread and I had to copy and paste everything from there, please make sure that you check your replies if any from members from time to time, thanks


http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/453101-im-lucky-become-rich-after-making-my-right-kundali-janam-patri-its-really-great.html



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Respected astrogers,

Firstly, thank you very much for your time. People like me are very grateful to you for your service.


My career path is shattered- Im jobless for about 9 months now.

I wanted to work in HR Management, so I completed MBA in human resource in 2007 but due to circumstances i had worked in BPO for 1.5 yrs ( april '07- sept-'08). After sept 2008 till date.. I can't get job in HR or any field bcas i was in BPO. Im jobless, pennyless. Father is now 56yrs & asthma patient so can't support us anymore. We are lower middle class, my family's finance situation is becoming very tougher from past 9 yrs.

Most painfully my elder sister's marriage (28 yrs) is not getting fixed

we have been trying since 4 yrs. All the alliances get cancelled even before much of discussions- groom side assign some or other simple reasons.


My question :

1) When will my sister get married, any indications why there is delay & remedies to it. How will be her marriage life?



2) Almost no income, joblessness is killing me. When will i get job, as HR professional. Do I have to leave chennai for starting my career?

whether i & my family will become well to do after all sufferings..or we have to suffer financially throughout life?



Many astrologers told favourable results... like I will get good job and that my sister's marriage will happen soon... For this they asked to do many remedies like KaalSarpa dosha puja in shri kaala hasti, i have done it in 2002. Again recently another jyotishi said

shri kaala hasti puja is not enough and asked to spend Rs.7000 for yantra remedies , I did that even though we could not really afford it.. But none of predictions came true.. till date.


Im much talented in my job but even then I have low self confidence, inner fear while talking to people at some times (not always) that spoils my brave personality. I also feel that I hold back myself, procastinate a lot and possess low-will power... these seem to be practical causes of my failure..


Finally, I became desperate and had to do personal research on my chart.. I learnt my 10th career lord MARS (yogakaraka- as im cancer ascndt ) is placed debilitated house in navamsa.. ( not sure if neecha bhanga is effective there)


Can I wear coral to enhance my career..?


PLEASE HELP , God will definitely bless you for your kindness.

Awaiting your response.


Thank you so very much.


V.Hemant Kumar



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Many educated persons from India are finding jobs in the United States and in the Arabian Oil Nations. I would suggest that you contact the Embassy or Consulate of the Nation you might be able to work in for further information. Also search the Internet for jobs in various Nations. It is a tough economic time but Indians have a very good reputation for quality job performance around the world. Corporate Addresses may also be found on the internet. If you have the skills someone needs they may be able to pay your moving expenses...even an advance in salary...don't be afraid to ask for their initial help. Verizon hires people from all over the world, as do many Electric Power Corporations in the US.


Tomorrow is another day. May it be better for you.



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Respected vhemant,


As you know basics of Astrology, I will not go in minute details. But I will like to highlight few points in your chart.



1) Your Lord of 2nd house wealth (Sun) is weak and is in enemy's house and in upchay house. It is aspected closely by Rahu, further weakening it's effect. 2nd house is further occupied by functional benefic mars and functional malefic Venus. (Both are enemies)


2) Your Saturn-MArs Dasha is running since july2008. Mars is infact very good for you. It is functional benefic for you, being lord of profession it is placed in 2nd house(Great friend's house), which is further good for your wealth. But it is sitted with his enemy so it is supposed to effect venus's result i.e. property, family, mother and profits to some extent.


Your Saturn in placed in 4th house with moon (Thus affecting you mind and It will not affect badly the fourth house because it is exalted in 4th house and planet do not harm the house in which they are exalted, but it will affect your profession and lagna as it is aspecting them fully)


As Saturn is supposed to give you mixed results. But since july 2008 it is giving bad results because sub dasha of MArs is running. And as both are bitter enemies, Saturn is giving bad results and also good results of Mars got hidden. This will continue till August 2009.


After this Things are supposed to change as sub dasha of Rahu will be good for you in terms of gains as it is in 11th house (good) and is exlated there (good). But it will affect your sun adversely and thus affect your earned wealth, thus you may get a job in Rahu subdasha but you may not be able to d osavings in this time. But over good results can be expected because Rahu and saturn are good friends.


3) Your Saade sati is going to start from September this year, which may create problem despite having good rahu placement. Also your Mercury mahadasha will start from 2014. Mercury being 12th lord and dispositor of gullika may cause problem


4) You have Kaal sarpa dosha.


5) Your overall chart is very good. You have to wait for the right time to get the results.


I think instead of spending much on yantras puja etc you should do prayers and donations. THey are very good remedies


I suggest you to do remedies for Saturn and read Hanuman chalisa daily with deep devotion. Practice meditation and chant Mahamrityunjay mantra. Help poor people as per your ability


Kind Regards




My details..

DOB :09-10-1983 , Time : 01.50 AM (night) ,

Place : Chennai. Longitude: 80.17E & Latitude : 13.05N


I understand astrology, so please elaborate ur comments.

Thanks a lot in advance to all respected astrologers.



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Dear Ravi & Atul ,

thank you so much for taking efforts. Thanks to herodotus.

I will follow your guidance.

Regarding remedies.. i already do prayers and donations. Helping needy is my second nature. I also light deepam for saturn.

I will start Hanuman chalisa & Mahamrityunjay mantra.


Atul, can u please indicate if saturn in 4th is totally dentrimental for 10th house & Lagna OR does its aspect also cause any favourable effect (saturn being exalted)?


Thanks & regards

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Dear Ravi ji,

Thanks so much for your reply & grateful for efforts you took.


Actually i have already posted my query

Later I thought I will also make request to Neeraj726 at his post:


[sorry i didn't mean to post redundantly.]


No I am not from engineering background.

Unfortunately, professional education was not in my kundli. if it was so.. i would have met most of my dreams bcas Im exceptionally strong in computers & software technology. Again it is story why i missed to choose engineering field.


My basic qualification is "Bachelors in Information System Management" - IT & Business Management. Immediately after that I made my mind for HR career & I did MBA in Human Resource full time (in 2007), from a II Tier B-School.


However, as a fresher, i was only able to find low paid (6k) consultancy jobs as HR but my family has been in financial deficit since years, to support it i planned to earn more so i joined as tech support in bpo (pay was ok)- inspite of being MBA i had to work in BPO nightshift (i know im not alone, many people have been suffering like this).


I was top performer in my job but working in hectic shifts had been awfully spoiling my health however I did not quit my job as i was only earning member, but after 18 months i got exhausted healthwise & resigned in sept 2008 with firm decision to start again as fresher into HR domain.


Fate..by same time recession started & since then i have been trying desperately but cannot find even average pay HR job (even small companies). Temporarily i worked with consultancy for 4 months for 5k & left it but now can't get good jobs, bcas the criteria is atleast 1-2 yrs of HR

exp (which i don't have). Im already late for HR career, as such i don't want go for other jobs.

Currently, I am attending interviews , there are rarely any openings and result is either the companies offer very low salary 6 ot 7k or they want a candidates experience in HR.


Sorry, I took ur time, this is a long explaination. Now I am thinking of doing something astrologically. Please suggest me deciding a proper gem stone.


Thanks a million.

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Dear Ravi and Atul,


I am keen learner of astrology, since 6 yrs. Understand much about this divine science but im still not even a beginner level because you know pretty well- it is like ocean, whole life isn't enough to master it & bcas i did not follow systematic approach to learn it. Now, I am in trouble & I need professional advice.


Regarding my horoscope, yes it has kind of KaalSarpa Yog but exactly speaking it is KaalAmrit Yog, so i did not suffer like complete kaalsarpa yog native- however, to be safer side I have already done most famous sri kalahasti pooja for this & recently installed a powerful yantra remedy

from an eminent astrologer. Still no noticeable change in life.


Currently most important concern for me is career & to earn for average life.

Leave apart KS or KA yog bcas, now i learnt that KSY alone cannot cause all misery & you ( Ravi) also say so.

After all mine is not KSY, its KAY.


Yet definitely there is also some other strong placement in my chart that causing lot of diversions & delays.

Is there no good yogas at all?


There must be something like moon+sat in 4th aspecting 10th house leading me to pursue public relations (or say people management) career like HR but also this placement is causing delay in pursuing the same. Moon is known to cause changes in career when aspecting 10th house...well.. is it true? Adding to this my 10th house lord Mars is debilitated in navamsa.

Perhaps, im not sure if this is reason of breaks in my career.

As confirmed by Atul.. wealth & career karaka .. "SUN" is weak in my chart. This is another valid point.

So far none of astrologers have discussed on my 10th lord mars, but since sufferer is myself, for me it looks obvious to strengthen it. Trust me this is only my personal research , that i have done (bcas marta kya na karta) bcas all that astrologers told about my career did not fructify atleast till date. Now each day is late for me. Believe me suffering to fulfil basic needs in family.


Dear Atul & Ravi, as you both know a lot.. can u answer on few of my questions..


1) Is HR career okay for me ? or does 10th lord mars necessarily mean i should have pursued career related to mars? Or should i try HR openings only in industries related to mars?

2) Can you indicate how much time it will take before i get suitable job & how well is my long term career prospects on a scale of 1 to 10.. in terms of position & earning ?

-I am hard working person.


If career choice is ok. Please can u indicate.. what should i do to lift it. Can i wear redcoral? As mars is functional benefic & yogakaraka (10th+5th lord) for me but he is considered WEAK in 2nd & further a confirm debilitated status in navamsa (not sure if mars attains neech bhanga yog). I feel this has been cause of low self-confidence in me.

While if it is okay to try redcoral then will there be any major sideaffects. Though a yogakaraka still Mars is in Marakasthan, being natural malefic can it cause injury/accident as per my chart? If Mars is not okay, should I use 9th lord Guru's Yellow sapphire?

Also advice on best remedy to strengthen SUN and appease VENUS.


Anxiously awaiting responses from Ravi & Atul... , please add your suggestions. I really hope it will help me.

Thanks a lot.


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Dera hemant,


In both KSY and KAY, results are same. NAtive suffers from lack of resources and/or luxuries. Difference between these two is that KAY takes person towards Moksha and KSY takes person toward material attachment. Alone KSY and KAY is not enough to cause too much of problem usually, although person gets lesser than what he deserves or want to get.


I am not expert in Gems so I can not advice whether red coral is good for you or not. I hope learned members will help you in this regards


Regarding your profession, I think you may not be much successful as a manager. A technical line related to Finance-banking/insurance/food and tourism will be better for your. As Mars and Saturn are both strong planets and Saturn is aspecting house of Mars and houe of profession, and MArs is also aspecting house of Saturn. Ketu in 5th house took you to Software industry and also if is aspected by Mars. I wonder what took you to HR management, I am not negative but I was not able to find too strong yogas for HR field. I hope able and learned astrologers can help me in this regard. I am just a novice and a student of astrology, I advice you to take expert advice before you change your line


Kind Regards


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Dear Atul,

Thank you so much for reply. I am in depression friend.

I agree to your words - Yes, slowly & surely I think im seeking natural bliss of moksha path- however, not until i have experienced life completely (materially as well).


KSY & KAY a newly created yogas- so called great astrologers have created it & other great ones have also made ways to nullify it by puja/ other remedies to maximum possible extent - otherwise why at all people whose marriages get delayed, got settled immediately after performing pooja in sri kala hasti.. i have witnessed one of such native (& heard about many) but it can be co-incidence for such natives might have got other yogas which worked for them after lot of delay.


So, KAY is no way good for me.. huh? Am I going to face all this till 45yrs of age..? Is there no way to get out of effects of rahu-ketu axis? Currently, my dasha bhukti is also not good and soon Sadhe saati will be bringing huge difficulties


Biggest question for me is career path.. Truly, God has given me incredible talents (in computers) that I have been using as hobbies…such a bad luck. I don't have any IT/Technical qualification. Now it is very late- Neither I can go about joining programming courses to get into Software Engineer job Nor I have money for such IT qualifications & Industrial recession is adding to my problems.

Already there are lakhs of fresh B.E. in same queue of IT field– I am MBA (not relevant to technical field). Further, one of astrologers told me… education is not going to help me at all - only my experience will get me jobs.


Now, your reading says that I will not be able to become able manager - only technical career holds good or me? If this is completely true then.. This is great shock for me. Its adding to my woe.

Some thought in me pulled me to HR field, I really passionate make HR career, but now when I am jobless I feel I am standing nowhere, if HR career is right choice-I will somehow manage. If it is wrong, then I don't know what to do.


Atul, you checked the saturn aspects on 10th (mars house) and mars aspect on saturn house. I agree on this and also that Saturn is one of the strong significator for my profession. However, as per my view I think, Mars although 10th lord, moon and Saturn look strongest planets in my natal & Moon+Saturn together are aspecting strongly on 10th house. This lead to HR career but with very slow progress.

Mars being yogakaraka, is great functional benefic for me but its weak being placed in 2nd, its Shadbala strength is okay but again Mars is debilitated in navamsa. Hence, 10th lord weak = directly meaning no lift of career.


May be these placements together have become inevitable reasons of slow pickup of career.


Nevertheless, career lord Mars is in 2nd (5th from its place- I guess 5th can signify rank/position), & from here Mars is aspecting Jupiter in 5th (mars' own house). Furthermore, mars also aspects 9th house (Jupiter's house) indicating some relation between them & "may be" led me to management field, Isn't it?


Also, I feel that exalted mercury & ketu in 5th makes me proficient in IT (though I have no IT qualifications) - this caused me incline towards IT industry and so has been my objectives:

"To pursue HR career in IT/IT related industry"



Atul, please comment on this.

I may be wrong & you may be right. Please correct me & explain. I am only kindergarten student of astrology. Please help me.


I humbly request other experienced astrologers to please analyze my chart in totality and rule out either one of the career fields. So I can select either Management OR Technical career (this is going to be really difficult change) and my path becomes clear.


I have ambition for setting up small business in future not sure what kind of. Does exalted mercury aspecting 9th house or any other placement indicate something about this & its success?


Dear respected experienced astrologers & gemologists, please help me. Please analyze & let me know what remedy to follow and whether I can try Red coral and/or Yellow sapphire to reduce my sufferings.


Please if anybody has found any astrological solution to my problems, please aid me out. I will be forever grateful for the help. God will bless you all for your kindness.

Thanks with regards.


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Respected Hemant,


I had considered Navamsha and also dasmansa before predicting. Saturn seems to play important role in all your three charts.


Please note that I am a student and not an expert of astrology.

Based on these three charts I told you what I felt. Saturn + Moon is good for HR, but we can not ignore other yogas in chart. the final effect in chart should be calculated based on resultant of all the present yogas.


By technical line I meant the work which is related with logic and technology. and your graduation is related with that. Not only engineers are related with technology, even a car mechanic who earns more than a engineer is related with technologic work. By saying


"Regarding your profession, I think you may not be much successful as a manager."


Please take that it doesn't mean that you can not be a manager, you can be a manager no doubt but the fruits you will get may not equal the fruits you may get when related to technical line. A HR related job in technical field may be good.I hope you got me.


Again I am a novice so I advice you to contact Respected Webyogi ji on his Email for better prediction. He is very able and learned astrologer., also let me know what his opinion is. His Email is horoveda@gmail.com


Kind Regards


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Dear Atul,

Thank you for prompt reply & detailed explaination, im much grateful to you.

Nice.. you have took dasamsha also in consideration.Thanks.


Very well said.. logic and technology related work is easy for me more than anything else.

A HR related job in technical field may be good.I hope you got me

...Yes,thanks for explaining. That is what I have been trying.


Now I will request to webyogi ji, I will email him.. will he entertain direct emails? I will also ask him to read these posts. I really hope he hears my request. Sure, I inform u abt his opinions.

Atul & Ravi, you both have been wonderful help, Im grateful.

Thanks once again.




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Sure, I will be waiting





Dear Atul,


Thanks friend , for refering me to another kind person like you.

Webyogi ji replied to my mail. I wanted to PM it to you but for PM facility..this forum needs 30 posts from me , which I cannot do as of now.

So , may i know your email id so i can send his comments?

Thanks a lot.

With regards



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Dear Ravi,

Thanks so much for your concern, I am very much convinced with your practical advices. It moved me. Even I have also planned abt SAP HR but only in later stage. Actually, I want to PM you. Let me complete 30 posts soon (in a day or 2) then I will reply you.

Thanks for your kind support.


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Dear vhemant7


What is KaalSarpa Yoga ?


When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's south node KaalSarpa Yoga is formed. Complete KaalSarpa yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu Axis there is no KaalSarpa Yoga.

The general impacts of KaalSarpa dosha are following :

1. Hurdles in every important and auspicious work.

2. Lesser Mental peace.

3. Low self-confidence.

4. Deterioration of health and reduces longevity.

5. Poverty and destruction of wealth.

6. Destruction of business and loss of job.

7. Anxiety and unnecessary Tensions.

8. Bad Relations with family members and friends.

9. Treachery from friends and colleagues.

10. Very less help from relatives and friends.

Partial kaalSarpa Yoga is applicable In your chart because all the planets are not situated in beetween the House position of Rahu and Ketu, but all the planets are situated beetween house position of Ketu and Rahu.

In your Kundali, due to the presence of Rahu in the 12th house and Ketu in the 6th house, a situation of Sheshnag KaalSarpa Yoga is being established. Such person has many secret enemies. His mind remains anxious. He has to face defeat during clashes. He has to get his eye operated. He has to bear defamation but at last or posthumously he obtains fame.

KalSarpa Yoga is an unfovrable yog. Sometimes, Kalsarp Yoga is seen at the first sight in this person's kundali, but if seen thoroughly then there is a breach of Kalsarp yog, which doesn't show any unfavorable effect, still all people affected by this Yoga should indulge in worshipping and should establish Kalsarp Yoga Shanti Yantra at home.

Calming of Kalsarpa Yoga and its Remedies

There are many remedies prescribed in Lal kitab to calm down Kalsarp yog. Those which show miraculous effects are as follows:

1-Donate fresh raddish.

2-Have meal sitting in the kitchen.

3-Clean your teeth with the urine of cow.

4-Observe 16 shraddh faithfully in bhadrapad.

5-Float one coconut in the sea.

6-Worship the symbolic silver cobra on the occasion of Nagpanchmi. Invite your ancestors. Pray to the cobra that your ancestors obtain the right path. Then float all the articles of worship along with the silver cobra in the river.

7-Place a silver Swastik at the entrance of you house.

8-If there are problems in your married life because of Kalsarp Yoga then remarry your wife.

9-Rahu is always hypnotized by Mantra, so give more importance to worship.

10-Keep barley grains by your side while sleeping in the night and feed them to birds at dawn.

11-Float more alive fishes than your age once or twice every year in the river.

12-Worship Lord Ganesha daily and chant the mantra 'Om Ganpatye Namh' regularly.

13-Worship Lord Ganesha every Wednesday and offer him the Laddos made ut of 'Bundy'. You must necessarily worship Lord Ganesha on the occasion of Ganeshchaturthi.

14-Touch the Pepal tree on Saturday and offer sweet water to it.

15-Install a pecock feathered fan in the bedroom.

16-Feed millet etc. daily to the birds.

17-Make a hole in the coconut and put black sesame, barley, sugar powder, deshi ghee and some dry fruits in and bury it under the soil where ants are. Do this experiment on Saturday.

18-Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.

19-Wear snakeshaped silver ring in the middle finger after aspersoriuming it with mantra.




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Hi Hemant,


Who said you have kalasarpayoga?You don't have kalasarpa yoga.Right now you are running saturn mahadasha/mars antardasha and saturn pratyantardasha.

You said you got astrology knowledge,i think you can understand how the life will be with saturn as 8th lord and its dasha is running.Please remeber that 8th house is famous for obstructions,tensions,and the same thing is happening with you.Knowing this you should try to understand that the time is not favourable for you,and you should keep patience,have to control your mind and try to keep confidence.5th house and moon indicate our mind.If 5th and moon are afflicted it will be difficult to control our mind when troublesome situation arrives.I can see afflicted moon with 8th lord,5th house with rahu,ketu axis.Presence of mars as 5th lord and its house with rahu ketu indicating lack of peace of mind during mars dasha.

Now you are having saturn pratyantar dasha in mars antardasha,saturn as 8th lord again making you worry about your job as mars is related to your profession.


Sometimes time gives the solution to the problem.When the time is not favourable,we have to do our work and have to beleive in god that he will help us.Beleiving god will reduce lot of mental pressure.Right now the period is suitable for your job,but you have to try it with hardwork as it is sub period in 8th lord dasha.Till end of May,you may face some problems regarding job or lack of peace of mind.From june 1st 2009 to Dec 2009,period is suitable for job.Practicing yoga and meditation will help to have peace of mind.



All The Best,



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