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Career in software industry

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Can any one please share with me the significance of planets with regard to a successful career in the software or IT industry? Which planets play an important role in this field? Some where I read that Budh is very important while someone point to Venus. Need some more light on the subject. Thanks



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Generally Sun and mercury are the key plannets for Software career. If any of them positioned in stregth, in any of the chart and related to 10th house (subject to aspects and if both are benefics for the lagna), then there are more chances to get settled in software industry. For a good career improvement in that field, aspect of jupitor on them is very aspicious.


You can refer my chart for the example and I am a software employee working in an MNC and currently working in onsite. Following are the details


Date of Birth : 25-04-1980

Time : 11:36 AM

Place of Birth: Eluru, Andhrapradesh.


I am a learner in astrology and want you experts comment on my chart.


Thanks & Regards


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Dear Sir,


May i please know are you currently in software?


Sir i would like to discuss few points about your Mercury:


You mercury placed in the 5th house and jupiter is a significator, If someone wants to meet a born technical person or programmer, he should meet you. Sir your mercury in this house indicates lot of technical knowledge or Law or finance. 5th house rules education, intellect, children and jupiter is for knowledge, education, guidance and teaching others.

mercury( emerald) is related to intellect, sharpness of mind and the ways of using knowledge and logic.


in this house mercury will reduce the bad aspects of jupiter (slowness) and puting quickness into jupiter.


Sir no doubt you have a very good deep mind. usualy very good technical person, software engineers and accountants will have such a placement of mercury.


6th house also rules Service.................. and Growth in profession. mercury is the lord of service in your chart


Have a nice Day Sir.


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In regards to SIXTH house


Dear Sir,

This might be helpful:


The 6th house shows the service one will do and also money received

from those services given.

How many astrologers know that the 6th house being 12th to the 7th

shows loss to others or of opposite party and gain to self. Normally

most see the 6th house only for disease.

the 10th house shows one sprofession which may be both, either

service or business.

So for service always check 2nd, 6th and 10th house.

For independent businesses check houses 2nd, 7th and 10th. 7th is the

main house

for dealing with others.

Sun is the main Governor for Proffession.

Whenevr the 1st 5th and 9th House operates,there would

be change of profession in ones life. Why because they are 12th from

the 2nd, 6th and 10th respectively, Therefore would negate their

previous ones.

To see any promotion, rise in career, or fortune, or re-instatement

in old service,see houses,

2,6,10 and 11.

For transfer check the houses 3, 10 and 12. Why ?

3rd house indicates journey, being 12th from the 4th shows removal of

present residence,or being away from it, ie.change of place. 10th

shows employment we know already from above. and 12th shows life in

completely unfamiliar atmosphere or sorroundings.

For getting suspended from ones job, check houses 1,8,9 and 12.

Again Why ? because 1st is the 12th from 2nd - which means absence of

self earning. 8th means suspension in any form or penalty. and since

9th is 12th from the 12th, denotes absence of status, position,power

and fame. 12th we all know is loss in general.

For retirement from service or dismissal check houses 1,5,9 and 12.

also for loss of

status in any walk of life. Because 5th is the 12th from 6th which

denotes absence of

attendance of native from regular duty. Regular attendance in duty is

also shown by

the 6th house.

The 8th House will also show gratuity and provident Fund,if the

native is asking about

this at his time of retirement and if 8th house appears in front of

astrologer, he should

surmise thus.

Houses 2,6th and 11th should be considerd for gain of money in any


2nd , 3rd, 6th and 11th should be considered for gain from lottery.

3rd also shows help

received from others by the way.

2,5,6 and 11 for gain from speculation and races. 5th also shows

inclination of

one towards speculation. Jupiter here becomes the chief significator

for Money.

Have a nice day


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dear ravi ji,

i am answering your query to the best of my knowledge....i am not a pro ,so if i am wrong then pls forgive me an correct me too....


Can any one please share with me the significance of planets with regard to a successful career in the software or IT industry?


it depends on the strength of your 10th and 11th house (irrespective of the profession).actually we consider 4,5,10,11 in totality to get to one's profession.(consider 7th also but for different reasons)


Which planets play an important role in this field? Some where I read that Budh is very important while someone point to Venus. Need some more light on the subject.


SHANI this is the first main planet for engineering. nobody becomes engg without help of shani.second important planet is RAHU , without its help no-one becomes good engg.some astrologers believe that


shani+rahu= computer engg.... but a well placed shukra(Venus) is needed for a software engg.


so shani+rahu+(venus)= computer engg

shani+rahu+X= different types of engg(X= diff planets).


there association with 4th and 5th house shows us this.


as we know broadly budh=sharp mind+ good in mathematics so it good for all types of engg/tech. edu. but this(budh) doesn't show that one would an engg only.


as you yourself are an astrologer, i hope if i would have been of any help to you.



jai shri ram.

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Hi Ravi & Ram and other guruji's,


In my experience, I have seen so many charts of software engineers where either Sun or mercury are related to 10th house and strongly positioned and aspected by a benefic like jupitor. I myself being the software engineer working in an MNC. Following are my planetary positions.


Ascedant: Cancer (6 degrees)

Leo : Jupitor, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Moon is in vargottama position)

Aquaris : Ketu

Piesces: Mercury

Aries: Sun

Taurus: Venus


1. Here Sun is in exalted position in 10th and hemmed between benific planets mercury and venus and also he is getting the aspect of jupitor. Sun is placed in Cancer navamsa in navamsa chart


2. Mercury is in 9th with Neechabhanga position and aspected by 10th lord Mars (Yogakaraka for Cancer ascedant) and mercury is placed in capricorn navamsa. Mercury is aspicious by getting the aspect of Mars (Yogakaraka).


These are the points I think for software career.. and I observed these type of combinations in many charts. Please let me know if you can think of any considerations here for software career.


Respected guruji's, please share your thoughts on this.


Any special yogas present in this chart, please let me know.





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Hi Ravi & Ram and other guruji's,


In my experience, I have seen so many charts of software engineers where either Sun or mercury are related to 10th house and strongly positioned and aspected by a benefic like jupitor. I myself being the software engineer working in an MNC. Following are my planetary positions.


Ascedant: Cancer (6 degrees)

Leo : Jupitor, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Moon is in vargottama position)

Aquaris : Ketu

Piesces: Mercury

Aries: Sun

Taurus: Venus


1. Here Sun is in exalted position in 10th and hemmed between benific planets mercury and venus and also he is getting the aspect of jupitor. Sun is placed in Cancer navamsa in navamsa chart


2. Mercury is in 9th with Neechabhanga position and aspected by 10th lord Mars (Yogakaraka for Cancer ascedant) and mercury is placed in capricorn navamsa. Mercury is aspicious by getting the aspect of Mars (Yogakaraka).


These are the points I think for software career.. and I observed these type of combinations in many charts. Please let me know if you can think of any considerations here for software career.


Respected guruji's, please share your thoughts on this.


Any special yogas present in this chart, please let me know.





dear srinivasa ji,


i hope you must have read my post above ..... i am proving my pts acc to ur kundli...


i have already written above that strength to 10th and 11th house shows success in one's profession.talking about servicemen(engineers mainly) , taking no other outside factor-----sun,mercury,jupiter,saturn when placed in 10th house give it good strength(not talking about their aspects).sun+mercury(budh-aditya yoga) is considered best in it(controversial).Mars in 10th is considered in some special cases. one and all planets in 11th house give good results w.r.t 11th house.


like in your case exalted sun in 10th show that you can and will reach in one of the top positions in your profession.


now for s\w engg....


1) Shani aspecting 4th house by his 3rd aspect.


2) well placed venus(swa rashi)..aspecting 5th house


3) support of Rahu.. see ur navamansa(d-9 chart) rahu aspecting 5th house by his 9th aspect.


Shani+rahu+venus association with 4th & 5th house.


you can see a very clear picture from ur NBCC (Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart).One must consider D-1,D-9 & NBCC even chandra kundali before giving one's prediction.


as you have mentioned in your post that you have seen many s\w enggs kundli .... please bring fwd some kundlies who don't have SHANI+RAHU+VENUS combination and still r computer engg.i would really appreciate your help as these would be good subject for my analysis.


As i always say that i not a pro so if i am wrong please forgive me and correct me too.



jai shri ram

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I also have an IT degree, and that is why I am worried whether I will have a good career in the software industry or not.


Here is my horoscope:


Birth date = 21st September, 1977

Time = 20:40 pm

Place = Bhuj city (Gujarat state, India)





dear ravi ji,


acc to my calculations you have a good career in IT field ... u can also work in a bank as an IT officer.


the main problem in achieving your goal is RAHU mahadasha....



surya+rahu yuti shows low will power,low confidence,indecisiveness finding yourself always in dilemma.it may be few of your decision may have proved wrong for you(major decisions).


i am writing some rectification/remedies/upayas for you, do it as per your wish::


1) give strength to your SUN(it is must for you.it will you to get success in your profession)

2) do remedies fo RAHU & SHANI .(start it immediately )

3) worship Lord Hanuman ji. please do read sundar kand on Saturdays (it will give you courage,patience and increase ur immunity level)

4) for overall well being and prosperity worship Goddess Mahalaxmi ji(or any DEVI of ur choice).


i can give a detailed version of remedies also if you want....


"ravi ji acche logon k saath kabhi bura nahi hota" :) i have personally seen ur dedication on this forum and ur willingness to help others.continue the good work.


at last, i am not a pro soif i am wrong pls forgive me and correct me too...


few ques for you ravi ji need ans:


1) are you ill i.e suffering from some illness?is it related to ur stomach or back bone? if yes what type of illness?

2) in recent years do you have temperament problemsi.e you get irked easily? do feel headaches frequently?


i will really appreciate your help, if you answer them.




jai shri ram

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Mercury and sun is the main significator for software line. Strong Mercury - Technical/sofware person.


Dear Riaz & Sri,


Thanks a lot for the reply, it is very interesting. Generally I believe that Mars and Saturn are the planets that takes one into a technical/engg fields, but looks like you have a point to prove here, I also read somewhere that Mercury and Venus are the most important planets for IT professionals, any way I am glad that you have offered something meaningful and new in this regards. In my horoscope Sun is in the 6th house (the house of jobs) and Mercury is in the 5th house with Venus and Saturn. I have Aries lagna and thus Mercury becomes a functional malefic. I would be happy if you can explain the exchange of lords ie Sun and Mercury (parivartan yoga) between the 5th (good house) and 6th (bad house), thanks


Riaz please let us know your name so that we can address you properly.


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If someone wants to meet a born technical person or programmer, he should meet you. Sir your mercury in this house indicates lot of technical knowledge. Mercury is related to intellect, sharpness of mind and the ways of using knowledge and logic.

Dear Software_riaz,


First of thanks a lot for the time that you have spent analysing my chart and I am glad to see the way you have described some of my characteristics.


I am have a keen interested in software industry and right now due to poor health which has forced me to come back from UK after finishing my degree in IT, I am not able to work but instead I am using my spare time to learn more about astrology and help others in the process. This daily exercising is really helping me mentally if not physically. You can read about me and my problems in some of the previous threads that I had started a few months back.




Sir no doubt you have a very good deep mind. usualy very good technical person, software engineers and accountants will have such a placement of mercury.


6th house also rules Service.................. and Growth in profession. mercury is the lord of service in your chart



Yes, I use logic to solve most of my problems and I have more faith in analysing things pratically then jumping to conclusions. Mercury being the 6th lord should help me in service/job and I agree with you here. My Mercury is 17 degrees and with Venus and Saturn who happen to be his friends. It is also in Leo sign in the 5th house which is also a friendly sign. I have been told that my Mercury is really powerful despite being a malefic for Aries lagna.


Before going to UK in 2001 at the age of 24 I had done 2 diplomas in Mechanical engg. Some of my friends were going abroad to US, Australian and my father also encouraged me to try my luck by doing an IT degree in UK if not US, so this thing changed my luck for good. That is why I have asked as to what planets should one consider in choosing a career in IT. Mine has an educational background which has engineering and IT both.

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acc to my calculations you have a good career in IT field ... u can also work in a bank as an IT officer.


Dear Ram_bhakt,


Thanks for you time, it is really nice.


I hope to have a good career in IT and want to work abroad for a few years if possible in the near future.



the main problem in achieving your goal is RAHU mahadasha....


Yes, you are right I am going through Rahu mahadasha since Apr, 2006 and it has caused me illness (could not pursue MBA after graduation in IT as I had in mind after 2006) and I am still recovering, it has also caused me great mental pains and rendered me unable to work. I have mentioned a bit more about my recent past here in this thread only, please have a read. Do you think I will be able to go abroad for work etc?



i have personally seen ur dedication on this forum and ur willingness to help others.continue the good work.


Thanks for the compliments,


Astrology is my hobby since class 12 vacation and I am still lerning and a lot of experience is required before coming to conclusions, believe me it is not that easy. I am not helping people here it is the other way around, even you are also sharing some fine points of astrology with all of us here on this forum and that is a wonderful and selfless act. I appreciate it. It is only by sharing the personal skills that we can learn astrology better. I am also not a professional astrologer but self taught. Again thank you very much for the analysis and it is quite logical as well, good luck



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1) Shani aspecting 4th house by his 3rd aspect.


2) well placed venus(swa rashi)..aspecting 5th house


3) support of Rahu.. see ur navamansa(d-9 chart) rahu aspecting 5th house by his 9th aspect.




Good analysis, here you can also use the Dasamamsa D-10 chart in order to predict more about professional life/jobs etc. This will really help. Thanks



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The 6th house shows the service one will do.............





How many astrologers know that the 6th house being 12th to the 7th

shows loss to others or of opposite party and gain to self. Normally

most see the 6th house only for disease.



Interesting point made.....



So for service always check 2nd, 6th and 10th house. For independent businesses check houses 2nd, 7th and 10th. 7th is the main house for dealing with others.


This is quite true....makes sense


Whenevr the 1st 5th and 9th House operates,there would

be change of profession in ones life. Why because they are 12th from

the 2nd, 6th and 10th respectively, Therefore would negate their

previous ones.


Excellent reference point for predicting the dashas and potential job changes.........




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11:36 AM

Eluru, Andhrapradesh.



Dear Sri,


Here is your birth chart


<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Rashi</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="25%">Degree</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="35%">Nakshatra</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Lagna</td> <td class="contentMailer">Cancer</td> <td class="contentMailer">06:01:05</td> <td class="contentMailer">Pushya-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">11:36:05</td> <td class="contentMailer">Ashwini-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">16:14:02</td> <td class="contentMailer">Purvafalguni-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">04:18:09</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">Pisces</td> <td class="contentMailer">23:10:48</td> <td class="contentMailer">Revati-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">06:39:50</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">25:39:48</td> <td class="contentMailer">Mrugshirsh-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">27:14:20</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarafalguni-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">02:12:20</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aquarius</td> <td class="contentMailer">02:12:20</td> <td class="contentMailer">Dhanistha-3</td></tr></tbody></table>

Let us examine your software career with taking into consideraion Sun and Mercury as you have mentioned based on your friends in the same industry ie IT.


Your Sun is in the 10th house the house of profession (business or service) and it is exalted, this is very good. It is 11 degress and that is also good in my opinion. But in Navamamsa it is in Cancer and thus becomes a bit weak, it will not make you a Ratan Tata but will give you some success based on other planets strength and operation of dasha throughout your lifetime. This is the most complicated question as to what extent of success is promised here by Sun.


I would like to analyse the Dasmamsa chart ie D-10 as it is seen for professional life. Unfortunately I do not have a software to do so and I am just using a few sites to get the birth chart and D-9 for free. Apolozies for that.


Mars is a benefic planet for Cancer lagna and it being in the 2nd house should help you get an income. But I am a bit worried here about the 2nd house the house of family, married life and income. There are 5 planets in this house and Mars and Rahu are enemies.

Jupiter and Rahu are also enemies.


Mars and Saturn do not sit happily together, this to me indicates a painful married life or arguments with other family members on a regular basis. What is more worrying is the fact that both Mars and Rahu are so close to each other. Less than 6 degrees between them. Mars at 4 degrees and Rahu at 2 degress and that too in a fiery sign Leo this is not a very good combination to have if I am correct. This can give you sudden loss of income and make you move away from family for good as well.


I am not sure if you have changed jobs from one field to another ie say from marketing to IT or something like that.


Jupiter and Rahu both aspect the 6th house from the 2nd house with their 5th aspect, this should give you mixed results on the job front.


Jupiter and Rahu both have aspect on the 10th house, the house of profession and this affects Sun in it, making it a little weak.


Your 6th lord Jupiter (the house of jobs) and 10th lord Mars (the house of profession) both are within 6 degrees of each other in the 2nd house, the house of income making sure that you probably will have a better life with a job than a business of your own.


Lord of the 3rd house, the house of journeys and lord of the 12th house, the house of foreign settlement etc. both happen to be Mercury and it is placed in the 9th house, the house of foreign travel of short durations, this could take you abroad. This Mercury in the 9th house also makes you interested in astrology and reading things up from a variety of sources.


Yes, your Moon is vargottama in navamamsa this is a good factor, but to be honest I am not sure what good results you are likely to receive right now when you are running Moon mahadasha since 2001.


Luckily you do not have kal sarp yog here as Rahu is at 2 degrees and rest of the planets in the 2nd house are more than 2 degrees. You might not feel an earth quake but there will certainly be tremors.


<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">Start Date</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">End Date</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">20 Dec, 1975</td> <td class="contentMailer">20 Dec, 1995</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">20 Dec, 1995</td> <td class="contentMailer">23 Dec, 2001</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">23 Dec, 2001</td> <td class="contentMailer">25 Dec, 2011</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">25 Dec, 2011</td> <td class="contentMailer">27 Dec, 2018</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">27 Dec, 2018</td> <td class="contentMailer">28 Dec, 2036</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">28 Dec, 2036</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Dec, 2052</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Dec, 2052</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Dec, 2071</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Dec, 2071</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Dec, 2088</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Dec, 2088</td> <td class="contentMailer">01 Jan, 2096</td></tr></tbody></table>

Thanks a lot and good luck, please reply as to what you think and remember I am not a professional.



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Hi Ravi,

Thank you for predecting the results.I am currently working in UK in software field in a good position and managing different teams under me with good income as well.Reputation in software field (profession) is too good for me.

Coming to family , I was born in a good family and my parents are very effectionate with me. Frankly speaking, I don't have any issues in the family as of now.

So far , venus and Sun dasas gave me very good results .. Moon dasa from 2001 is also giving excellent results for me and I am longterm in onsite now... bought car and land properties as well recently. on negative side, I am not getting peace of mind in this dasa .. not always.. but some times..

Coming to financial matters, it is much affluence of money upto now.. but donno about the future dasas.. need expert comments on that.

Can any one give me the reason why moon dasa is giving good results if it is between 4 planets so that it will be helpful for my analyzation (I am a learner in astrology).

What about the mars, rahu and Jupitor dasas going forward? can any one please let me know.

I see gajakesari yoga, bheri yoga, amala yoga and lakshmi yoga in the chart. can any one please justify this upto what extent these yogas are fruitful in my chart?


Thanks in advance.

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Dear ram, ravi and other guruji's,


Here is my friend's details. He is also a software engineer.

DOB: 26-Sep-1982

Time: 1:50 PM

Place of birth: Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)


You can see that in his chart, Saggitarus is the ascedant and 10th lord mercury is exalted in 10th along with Sun and Saturn. Here also we can see that Sun and mercury combination which is the first rate combination for saggitarus ascedants being 9th and 10th lords respectively. Moon is situated in Lagna. He is also working in a good position in software field in onsite now. He is the technical architect and technically very strong due to the strong disposition of mercury in 10th house.




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