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During Dialysis...... Some Problem

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My mom is suffering from Kidney Failure.


Now a days Dialysis is going on. But my mom is feeling very much weakness in her left body portion(Left leg and hand). Is there any solution for that ?


Since 3-4 days she is also not able to pass urine, instead of urine she is frequently passing stool.


Couls you please guide me on this ?


Best Regards,


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Respected Rinku,


Your mother may be having infection in her digestive system (in common terms), that's why she is having diarrhoea, this diarrhoea is leading to dehydration and a try by kidneys to conserve water. This leads to anuria (decreased urine output). You should consult your doctor, other wise this may lead to increased Blood urea and serum creatinine levels and she may need a dialysis earlier than scheduled. She should be given suitable antibiotics for 3-4 days, so that her diarrhoea stops.


Mean while maintain her hydration level, general formula for patients of CKD (having High BP, fluid overload, breathlessness) in summers is Output = Intake. WHere output include measurable outputs of water that is Stool, urine and vomit(if present). You need not be strict in measuring output only a rough estimate is enough.


and Intake means fluids including milk, juice, tea and water etc.


But do not try to take medicine from doctor other than you current physician, because we have to take extreme care while prescribing medicines for patients suffering from CKD


Let me know if you want to know anything else


Kind regards


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Yes I had kept in mind that your mother is Diabetic and hypertensive. I had read your another thread.


regarding juices, you should consult your physicain. Because this depend on her blood electrolyte levels. i.e. Sodium and Potassium.


If her potassium levels are high (Which are usually high in case of decreased urine output and CKD) we should avoid citrus fruit juices (Orange, mausami, lemon etc) and banana. But if her potassium levels are low (which may be due to diarrhoea or vomittings) then we should use citrus fruits till her potassium levels come to normal.


Electrolyte imbalance is a common complication in CKD and also this is most tricky to handle. Similarly we should also take care of serum protiens level.


May God bless your mother


Kind Regards


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Till she is admitted, doctors will take care of her and her fluid electrolyte balance.


After she gets discharged, we usually advice patients to take care of following things,


1) Keep BP and Blood sugar level in controls

2) Maintain fluid balance in body, both over hydration and dehydration are bad for patient. (Talk to your doctor about instruction on this when you will be discharged, This is most important thing to take care in kidney patients)

3) Give medicine regularly

4) Avoid any type of infection (Most common infection in such patients is Urinary tract infection, Gastrointestinal tract infection and Respiratory infection)

5) Try to cheer her up and keep her on lighter mood. this helps us in fighting the disease better


If you keep these things in mind, you can avoid unnecessary trouble


If you think you have any doubt about anything after being discharged, you can contact me. Just don't forget to post your mother's latest reports




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