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Sir Please Help... Lagna lord in 12th with 12th lord..

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Dear Guruji's.


DOB : 31/08/2006

Time : 09:08 AM

Place : Mumbai


Lagna : Virgo

Lagna : Ketu and Mars

2nd House : Jupiter

3rd House : Moon

7th Hosue : Rahu

11th House : Venus and Saturn

12th house : Sun and Mercury


Please give me the implications of the lagna lord in th 12th with 12th.....





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I am assuming that this is chart for your child who is just 3 yrs old now.


Sun in 12th indicate that native will have problems with the father with respect to point of views. The native will have a lot of journeys in Life


Since Mercury is COMBUST in this case I feel that it will tough to see the qualities of Mercury in the individual


Since I am learner in the field of Astrology so I would be happy if some GURU can correct me and predict more on this



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Thx Vipats.


Your are correct this DOB is of my son who is nearing three years of age. As far as I know, Mercury is th only planet which gives best results when combust - than any other planet. SUN again in its own house and Karaka of father would it bring conflict with the father?????


Other Gurus Kindly Opine........





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Since Mercury is COMBUST in this case I feel that it will tough to see the qualities of Mercury in the individual





Sun and Mercury are always within a distance of 27 degrees from each other, so in almost all kundlis you will find both of them together and be tempted to say that Mercury is combust, the best of mathematicans have this combination, best to have it when you want to get great success in the field of finance and management. You can be CA/CFA/ICWA with this combination. Generally Sun and Mercury are hardly one step ahead or behind each other in the chart. ie one house ahead or behind each other. thanks,



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It is not neccessarily that bad a combination to have in the 12th house, the lagna lord when in the 12th house means, the native will always progress in life, my own father has his Sun the lagna lord in the 12th house, he has had so many promotions in his 30+ yrs service. Life in general will start with a struggle but things will improve steadily. Any planet as per my own observation becomes stronger when it is in the 12th house. Some of the best learders in the world have had their lagna lord in the 12th house, why worry for nothing? God bless,



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It is not neccessarily that bad a combination to have in the 12th house, the lagna lord when in the 12th house means, the native will always progress in life, my own father has his Sun the lagna lord in the 12th house, he has had so many promotions in his 30+ yrs service. Life in general will start with a struggle but things will improve steadily. Any planet as per my own observation becomes stronger when it is in the 12th house. Some of the best learders in the world have had their lagna lord in the 12th house, why worry for nothing? God bless,




Ravi Greetings.


Thank you very much for a great reply and sharig your experience.. .....


God Bless you too!!!!





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Hi All


It is not neccessarily that bad a combination to have in the 12th house, the lagna lord when in the 12th house means, the native will always progress in life, my own father has his Sun the lagna lord in the 12th house, he has had so many promotions in his 30+ yrs service. Life in general will start with a struggle but things will improve steadily. Any planet as per my own observation becomes stronger when it is in the 12th house. Some of the best learders in the world have had their lagna lord in the 12th house, why worry for nothing? God bless,




Yes you are right and I also feel the same becuase I have seen many ups and down in life but the support in life has been tremendous.. Whatever you wish in life does come to true but Struggle will surely be there..so nothing to Worry just enjoy the power of it with struggles as a GIFT



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What Sri ravi and sri vbv said is right. according to myfriends heroscoope mercury is combust with sun and lagna lord is in 12th house. Now he is working as a faculty of a university for mathematics and his earliear life is with struggle and now the life is improveing steadily.



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Thx All the Gurus.....


My experience is that if it in the midpoint then you guies are correct. If it changes the bhava in Bhava/Chalit then the predictions vary.... I know somebody with Sun and Mercury in 12th with Virgo Ascedent that guy is Brilliant CA and has earned a fortune by the age of 34.... He already has 3 offices in the prime area of Mumbai and still moving ahead....





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Hi OM.......


when did you loose the Job and can you answer the following question


1. How is your married Life if you are married ? ( If you want to keep it personal email me at vipvats@gmail.com)


2. Are you tall in height and have some problems in in your limbs.


3. did you loose the Job in the starting of this year 2009.



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