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What A Discrepancy-What Is True to Depend?

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Respected members,Pranams:pray:


1.An elderly woman born on 22-12-1918 at 1-00hrs at Chittoor,Andrahpradesh is found to run SAT-SAT-GURU dasa as on 4-4-09 as per the Vedic chart.


2.This woman on 15-4-09 fractured her back by an accident fall between 10-30 and 11-30 Am


3.When the same birth input was given to an astrologer on a site for his opinion,he observed the dasa running as on 4-4-09 MOON-MOON-RAHU


4.When his attention was drawn to this vast discrepancy,he said he follows Parasher preaching for chart and analysis and hence the chart & analysis would not tally with other systems.

There could be be some difference between systems.Could there be so much?


Looks very odd.There should some definite system to be reliably followed.


Trust knowledgeble ones here can throw some light to clarify.




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Dear vipvats Ji,

Thank you.I am at a loss to understand how so many are approching the site at for guidance/misguidance.

I will shortly collect the conversations between the seeker and advisor without any prejudice to the both so that we will know what it is.




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