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Is Shukra Dasha Really bad for one's career

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Namaste to all Knowledgeable folks out there:


My doubt is similar to a post I had read earlier. One of my colleagues is having a problem, he has shown his kundli to many astrologers and he has been told tht he has shukra dasha, which will be very bad for his career.


He is very troubled, as problems are also cropping up in his personal and professinal life. I am giving below details of my colleague.

I would be grateful if someone could explain the reason of his problems and remedies as well (if any).




Time 12-30 pm

Place Guwahati (Assam)




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Dear kshipra Ji,


Any planet can confer good or bad,depending on its strength in a native's chart.Even natural malefics can be functional benefics and become yoga karakas,if best placed with strength while natuaral benefics like Guru whom we refer as the king of benefcs,Shukra,raisig Moon & buda can trouble like malefcs,if they are weak,afflicted& placed in an undesirable locations.


Shani and Rahu can even pour gold,if they are highly favourable for a native while weak & higly afflicted Shukra & Guru will make one unconfortable.


One has to go deep into the charts to ascertain the strength of dasa planets to know what it would be during their periods.So all natural benefics need not be always funtional benefics.


I know a person who did not bother about his chart,when he was doing extremely well in his career during Sani dasa but he started searching for his birth chart & astrologers as soon as his Buda dasa started.


It is good if your colleague's chart is best analysed by a best analyst.




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Hi Anusha


You are right that Planets behave differently and show different colors at times in Life..Saying some thing common about a planet is very tough..


Shani is not always BAD and can do a lot of favor..Amitabh ji gave his best performances in his Saturn Mahadasha.


So no worries and Enjoy the Bad and good time of every Planet





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Dear kshipra Ji,


Any planet can confer good or bad,depending on its strength in a native's chart.Even natural malefics can be functional benefics and become yoga karakas,if best placed with strength while natuaral benefics like Guru whom we refer as the king of benefcs,Shukra,raisig Moon & buda can trouble like malefcs,if they are weak,afflicted& placed in an undesirable locations.



Very good point Anusha, makes sense. Thanks,



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