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Message for Dear Webyogi, Sanjeeva Rao, Amateur - requesting advise

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Dear Webyogi Ji, Sanjeeva Rao Ji, and Dear Amateur (Atul),


I need some advice. I am having trouble in career and life. I am totally confused, all my efforts on any initiative are going waste. I have tried crystals and stones but nothing working.


Please advise on what I should to improve my career and get holy blessings. I am a religous minded, good and honest person but very frustrated at this time. When will I get a right job/contract and get stability?


My particulars - DOB - April 18, 1964, Time : 7:20 AM (approx.) City: Bhiwani, Haryana.


Thank you so much for your help and insights.

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Dear Webyogi Ji, Sanjeeva Rao Ji, and Dear Amateur (Atul),


I need some advice. I am having trouble in career and life. I am totally confused, all my efforts on any initiative are going waste. I have tried crystals and stones but nothing working.


Please advise on what I should to improve my career and get holy blessings. I am a religous minded, good and honest person but very frustrated at this time. When will I get a right job/contract and get stability?


My particulars - DOB - April 18, 1964, Time : 7:20 AM (approx.) City: Bhiwani, Haryana.


Thank you so much for your help and insights.




Moon Subperiod in Kethu Dasa is from March till October 2009, Moon is profession lord but placed with Rahu. With hard efforts it is possible to get the job, it may not be that you desired. Worship lord Shiva (no flowers), be vegetarian if you are already not so.



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Dear Webyogi ji,


Do you know when the tough period for me end. For last few years, I have had very choppy career, inspite of super hard work and great achievements. When can I expect to feel stable and get reasonable career satisfaction. I am ready to have a breakdown.


DOB - April 18, 1964

City: Bhiwani, Haryana

Time : 7:20 PM (approx.)

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Dear Webyogi ji,


Do you know when the tough period for me end. For last few years, I have had very choppy career, inspite of super hard work and great achievements. When can I expect to feel stable and get reasonable career satisfaction. I am ready to have a breakdown.


DOB - April 18, 1964

City: Bhiwani, Haryana

Time : 7:20 PM (approx.)




The period might have started atleast at the start of kethu Mahadasa. Kethu is placed in Jupiter's sign and thus giving spiritual results, meaning not the materialistic results as most of the people may like to get these days. It is Karmic planet and results are due to karma of previous lives. I have seen several charts where people have hard work not for only 1 or 2 yers but all the life, these people could have chnaged the life on this earth for good but it never happened as they did not get the opportunities to do taht. It does not matter if they are in western hemosphere ot in india or somewhere else. Point is that hard work is a gateway to fight negative Karma and thus try to make best use of your current time period as well as the years to come. You need to start practicing DHAYAN/meditiation and thta may help you a lot. There is no need to think about to breakdown, just think you have been put under a test and how you are going to stand up rather than thinking of breaking down. It is your choice, face it now or later but there is no escape from our Karma, we all have to go through it. Thus, in short make your present time as good as possible.



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