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Combust Saturn - Plz advice

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Hi All


I read an article saying that Combust planet losses it properties and its neagtive effects are not seen in the individual life....


Does the below chart show the same for the SATURN ...Kindly advice what should be done in such situation




DOB : 4th August 1976

POB : New Delhi

TOB : 08:55 AM


Thanks in advance to all of you

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Hi vipvats,


I am a new member and a novice. But will try and share with you whatever little I know. I am sure other learned members will step in to correct if I am wrong.


Based on the info, your lagna is Taurus and Saturn is a yogakaraka for your lagna. Saturn is not combust and is placed in Cancer, the 3rd house. Though 3rd house is not bad for Saturn, Moon being an enemy, it is not the best house to be in. But Saturn is vargottama and conjunct with Venus in Navamsa. Overall shadbala is weak. But still being a yogakaraka, may not cause much problem.


In any case, I have read somewhere that Saturn and Venus are not affected by combustion. Combustion enhances the malefic nature and makes only nullifies auspicious effects.


On the other hand, your Mercury is combust and though owning good houses (2/5), may give troubles in its Dasha/Bukthi. Incidentally Me owns bad houses (3,6) in Navamsha.

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HI Audacrs


I hope you missed something in my Horoscope or in Birth Details....Actually I have LEO as the lagna and Saturn is there in the 12th house with SUN which seems to be in combust


Lagna - LEO - Mars,Mercury and Venus

4th house - Scorpio - Moon

3rd House - Rahu

9th House - Ketu

10th House - Jupiter


12th House - Sun, Saturn


Kindly have a look back again

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Sorry. I took it as April instead of August.


You are right, Leo is the lagna. Sa a functional malefic is placed in 12th. Combustion does not seem to affect Sa and Ve much (thankfully since combust planets are more malefic).


As lord of 6th placed in 12th constitutes vipareeta raja yoga. But conjunction with Su, an enemy may cause problems. Also since Sa is also 7th lord, placement in 12th will have negative effects on matters of 7th house.Sa is in 12th even in Navamsha where he is cnjunct with Ma another enemy in his own house.


From Chandra lagna Sa as lord of 3/4 in 9th is a good placement.


Currently you are running Me/Sa dasha/antar. Me also being a fucntional melefic (both from lagna and chandra lagna) and Sa in 12th from Me, the dasha lord, you arebound have challenges.


Marginal improvement may be there starting Nov when Ju, the strong benefic in your 10th house, gets out of Capricorn where he is debilitated.


Ke dasha starting Feb 2011 should be good since Ke is in 9th in the house of well placed yogakaraka Ma.Ke is in 9th in Navamsha too in the Rasi lagna house.


I dont know enough about remedies. Other learned members may be able to suggest.


Good luck.

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Thanks a lot..I was expecting a small piece of light but you bestowed with such a good Analysis of chart that I don;t have words to Say now


But when compared to my actual life then I don't beleive that Mercury could be a Malefic to me the reason being I did my best education in this period like a shining star ( BTech, Mtech and PhD , all degrees in Electronics Engineering ) also did a teaching job with good earning


CAN REALLY A MALEFIC PLANET give so much positive results


Kindly Explain



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Well, Me can give you some good results due its placement in lagna and in own house in Navamsha. Me is also natural karaka for intelligence. In D-24 chart he is in 7th aspecting lagna. Ju the lord of 5th (higher education) from both lagna and Chandra lagna is in a quadrant. You have Gajakesari yoga (Ju and Mo in quadrants from each other) in d-1,d-9,d-3,d-24,d-12. I believe these are have supported your higher education.

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Thanks audacrs

For your prompt reply and advice and I assure you that really due these combination I have seen such things in my Life..


But do you see any YOGA or combination in my chart which could lead to WEALTH and accruing of LANDS in the mere future...Now a days I more worried abt these two a lot....


Kindly let me know if you see really good anything in this regard so that I could frame myself in to get this



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Your wealth house is actually the strongest in terms of Bhava Bala. I would have thought your Me dasha (lord of 2nd) to have given you much wealth. From a philosophical perspective, beyond a point, whether you are wealthy or not is usually a state of mind and you are the best erson to answer that question.


As I said Ke dasha should be good since he is in 9th and Ma ord of 9th is in lagna and is a yogakaraka. Ma also owns 4th house. Hence you may expect acquisition of house/plots.


Astroogically, I feel the one year period starting around May 2012 should be very good based on transit of Ju in Taurus when you will be running Ve and Su antar, specially the Su antar.


But as I said earlier, I am a novice.



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I am glad to be the member of this forum because the Light thrown by a novice is so much that any light from the experts in astrology will lead to mere blindness...


I am thankful to you audacrs and also thank to anyone who predicts little more on this one


thanks a lot

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Hi audacrs


I always have a confusion regarding the profession and that becuase I have asked many people whether I should put my LEG in Business or continue the Job in the field of Research


Any Light on this problem will be surely helpful to me



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Hi Learned Astrologers


I always have a confusion regarding the profession and that becuase I have asked many people whether I should put my LEG in Business or continue the Job in the field of Research


Any Light on this problem will be surely helpful to me



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Hi audacrs


I always have a confusion regarding the profession and that becuase I have asked many people whether I should put my LEG in Business or continue the Job in the field of Research


Any Light on this problem will be surely helpful to me



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Based on the info, your lagna is Taurus and Saturn is a yogakaraka for your lagna. Saturn is not combust and is placed in Cancer, the 3rd house. Though 3rd house is not bad for Saturn, Moon being an enemy, it is not the best house to be in. But Saturn is vargottama and conjunct with Venus in Navamsa. Overall shadbala is weak. But still being a yogakaraka, may not cause much problem.


In any case, I have read somewhere that Saturn and Venus are not affected by combustion. Combustion enhances the malefic nature and makes only nullifies auspicious effects.


On the other hand, your Mercury is combust and though owning good houses (2/5), may give troubles in its Dasha/Bukthi. Incidentally Me owns bad houses (3,6) in Navamsha.


Very good and logical analysis, well done, if you work hard you will get a better understanding of the finer points of the astro system. I am also a self taught but I listen to everyone and make my own judgements based on my own personal experiences of life, this helps a great deal in deciding the exact effects of a malefic or benefic planet.


Although as the original poster has clarified that you have made a mistake in putting the data into the horoscope making software, the analysis for the horoscope generated by mistake ie of Taurus lagna is quite good. One must understand the benefic and malefic planets for each of the 12 ascendants. This is of great significance. Thanks for your time and patience and good luck in the future.........



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Hi All


I read an article saying that Combust planet losses it properties and its neagtive effects are not seen in the individual life....




Generally speaking, combust planets lose their effects, if they are malefic then they lose their bad effects, which lessens the pain for the native and if they are benefic then they lose their good effects which does not give the native the full power of the planet or planets in question. The good or bad effects of malefic or benefic planets are lessened to an extent but not wiped out completely. During the dasha, antar-daha and pratyantar-dasha one has to go through the pains or gains of the concerned planets.



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Hi watchthisfree


Learning and practicing is the best way to work in Astrology as it is really Big field to learn about ..thanks a lot for your comments


Can you throw some drops of your knowledge on the question below


I always have a confusion regarding the profession and that because I have asked many people whether I should put my LEG in Business or continue the Job in the field of Research

Any Light on this problem will be surely helpful to me



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I hope you missed something in my Horoscope or in Birth Details....Actually I have LEO as the lagna and Saturn is there in the 12th house with SUN which seems to be in combust


Lagna - LEO - Mars,Mercury and Venus

4th house - Scorpio - Moon

3rd House - Rahu

9th House - Ketu

10th House - Jupiter


12th House - Sun, Saturn

Kindly have a look back again


yes, that is right, here is your birth chart if I am correct...


<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Rashi</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="25%">Degree</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="35%">Nakshatra</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Lagna</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">28:46:53</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarafalguni-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">Cancer</td> <td class="contentMailer">18:20:28</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aashlesha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Scorpio</td> <td class="contentMailer">04:20:30</td> <td class="contentMailer">Anuradha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">23:45:37</td> <td class="contentMailer">Purvafalguni-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">07:12:18</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">04:19:21</td> <td class="contentMailer">Krutika-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">01:16:46</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">Cancer</td> <td class="contentMailer">13:44:21</td> <td class="contentMailer">Pushya-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">14:17:47</td> <td class="contentMailer">Swati-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">14:17:48</td> <td class="contentMailer">Bharani-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Harshal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">09:45:22</td> <td class="contentMailer">Swati-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Neptune</td> <td class="contentMailer">Scorpio</td> <td class="contentMailer">17:46:04</td> <td class="contentMailer">Jyestha-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Pluto</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">15:58:30</td> <td class="contentMailer">Hast-2</td></tr></tbody></table>

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You have Leo lagna meaning that the lagna lord Sun, 4th and 9th lord Mars and to some extent Jupiter the lord of 5th and 8th houses together become the benefic planets for your lagna as per old books on astrology.


Sun is a very important planet being the lagna lord as you know, it is in the 12th house and at 18 degrees this is good, I personally believe that whenever a planet goes into the 12th house it becomes very strong. Even though many will not believe so. Saturn is also in the 12th house with the Sun within 6 degrees at 13 degrees and the Sun is at 18 degrees as I mentioned earlier, this is not good in any sense, Sun and Saturn as you know are enemies despite being father and son as per astrology principles. Be very careful when it comes to spending and lending money to others, no matter who they are.


Both Merucry and Venus (being a malefic planet for the Leo lagna and same goes for Venus) in the 1st house are not a good sign. Although both of them are accompanied by Mars in the lagna and Mars is a benefic planet for you being the lord of 2 good houses namely the 4th and 9th. Mars is yog karaka here but the presence of Mercury and Venus spoil the game for you.


Moon is outside the axis of both Rahu and Ketu thus avoiding a major problem called the Kalsarpa yoga plus you have Jupiter in the kendra meaning in the 10th house. Jupiter looks directly at the Moon and this is good, but this is likely to trouble you regarding the health of your mother, vehicles and property, though I might be wrong here and only time will tell. This might give you a chane to settle abroad for good, this upto you and your circustances.


In the Navamnsa kundli, both Mars and Mercury are in their own signs meaning they are not weak overall. Mars in the 12th house in Scorpio sign and Mercury in the 7th house in Gemini sign, this is a good boost to their overall power to give results.


Here is your Vimshottari dasha table.


<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">Start Date</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">End Date</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 Feb, 1975</td> <td class="contentMailer">25 Feb, 1994</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">25 Feb, 1994</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 Feb, 2011</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">26 Feb, 2011</td> <td class="contentMailer">28 Feb, 2018</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">28 Feb, 2018</td> <td class="contentMailer">28 Feb, 2038</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">28 Feb, 2038</td> <td class="contentMailer">03 Mar, 2044</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">03 Mar, 2044</td> <td class="contentMailer">05 Mar, 2054</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">05 Mar, 2054</td> <td class="contentMailer">07 Mar, 2061</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">07 Mar, 2061</td> <td class="contentMailer">09 Mar, 2079</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">09 Mar, 2079</td> <td class="contentMailer">10 Mar, 2095</td></tr></tbody> </table>


Currently you are going through the mahadasha of Budh which is your malefic planet until 2011 and after that Ketu mahadasha will start, this might take you abroad, but I am not sure here. I have done my best and would like to request you that please do not take my conclusions too seriously and put yourself under unnecessary stress, I am not a professional and only a self taught guy. Thanks..



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It was really nice to see the analysis you had done and it was really nice


For past 2 yrs I was in US and currently I got Stuck in India due to Loss of my Passport/visa under the Jupiter-Rahu Transit and currently my VISA is in process and I should get the answer from Embassy soon ..( Hope you can predict on this ..I lost my Passport on 31st Jan 2009 )

Under the Malefic Mercury Maha dasha I was able to receive my B.TECH, M.Tech and PhD all these degree in field of ELECTRONICS ENGINERRING..

Now waiting for KETU to come and show its effects

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