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What exactly is this astrology ???

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Namasthe to all of you,

Just thought to express my doubts so that knowledge able souls can answer this..

Firstly pls dont laugh seing my questions dear brothers and sisters. Its just few things i wanted to know -im stil in learning phase..

Please clear my doubts:(

1. Why should one suffer for his fate? Is there no way we can come out.. astrology says doing remedies will reduce effect but-- what if we want to un do things?? Let us suppose someone made an enemic planet friendly-in dat case it shud reflect again horoscope rite?? will it?

2. I once heard this argument from grand father-when i asked him why rishi markhandeya could bcome chiranjeevi-then he said its bcoz he was destined to be-in dat case what bout his horoscope?? Lord eshwara himself said he is alpayu when he gave boon to his father..

3.In dat case-if we want to change fate--even that is written in our horoscope-that he can change fate?? If so why no one says about it??

4.I read somewhere that planets decide mentality of our mind-try to change mentality and they change-- in dat case isnt it possible then what we try to change is also dependent on our planetary position???

5.Believe in god!! -but how about ppl whose chart says he is athiest!! -how can he belive in god and pray to avert his situation???

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Namasthe to all of you,

Just thought to express my doubts so that knowledge able souls can answer this..

Firstly pls dont laugh seing my questions dear brothers and sisters. Its just few things i wanted to know -im stil in learning phase..

Please clear my doubts:(

1. Why should one suffer for his fate? Is there no way we can come out.. astrology says doing remedies will reduce effect but-- what if we want to un do things?? Let us suppose someone made an enemic planet friendly-in dat case it shud reflect again horoscope rite?? will it?


Your previous life karma make you suffer/enjoy. These are the thorns/fruits of the bushes/trees you sowed in your last life or I should say last hundred of lives. This is the way God maintains balance in this universe. Astrologic remedies may reduce the effect If the thorns/fruits ar too strong and sometime completely vanish the effect thorns/fruits are less strong. It depends on the strength of these three factors.


1) Your previous life Karmas (Bhagya- reflected in horoscope)

2) your this life karmas

3) Karmas/bhagya of your close relatives/enemies


You will get the ultimate result based on these three factors and the result will be mainly affected by the strongest of above three factors and supported by the other weaker factors.


We can not completely change the wish of God. If we would have been able to, Rich people would never had fallen ill and they would never be suffering any loss.




2. I once heard this argument from grand father-when i asked him why rishi markhandeya could bcome chiranjeevi-then he said its bcoz he was destined to be-in dat case what bout his horoscope?? Lord eshwara himself said he is alpayu when he gave boon to his father..


It was God wish, He can change the ultimate destiny but we can not. He has still kept the password Secret :D


3.In dat case-if we want to change fate--even that is written in our horoscope-that he can change fate?? If so why no one says about it??

If you can make your present life Karmas stronger than your previous life karmas you can change your fate upto an extent. It depends on how strong your previous life karmas were. It they were too strong to overcome then you will not be able to change it


4.I read somewhere that planets decide mentality of our mind-try to change mentality and they change-- in dat case isnt it possible then what we try to change is also dependent on our planetary position???


Yes it surely helps. But It doesn't mean you can change your fate completely. Again previously stated rule to be followed. For example If sun is positioned in your chart so that it is making you aggressive and rough in your behaviour. Then if in Sun mahadasha you control your anger you will pacify other effects of sun too

5.Believe in god!! -but how about ppl whose chart says he is athiest!! -how can he belive in god and pray to avert his situation???


This is the way god put you on test. He made you athiest, but if you still control your mind and believe in God you will pass the test and if you don't you fail.



These are teh anwers what I think. I may be wrong. But I felt I should write what I think and what I believe in


Please let me know where I am wrong




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Hope this will give you some light


1. Why should one suffer for his fate? Is there no way we can come out.. astrology says doing remedies will reduce effect but-- what if we want to un do things?? Let us suppose someone made an enemic planet friendly-in dat case it shud reflect again horoscope rite?? will it?

As per the current theories in Physics The Time arrow will not change until unless the Universe Collapse...So what is written in your chart that decides your DESTINY.... But GOD the ALMIGHTY has not decided the Path to reach that Destiny and that is decided by the KARMA ( OLD or new life )...All positive Planet make your path shortest to reach your destiny while the few malefic planet make it a bit longer and trouble some...

2. I once heard this argument from grand father-when i asked him why rishi markhandeya could bcome chiranjeevi-then he said its bcoz he was destined to be-in dat case what bout his horoscope?? Lord eshwara himself said he is alpayu when he gave boon to his father..

On such an argument I would like to come up with an example...Lord Ganesha was killed by his father Lord Shiva but still GOD remains almighty and can give Life and death to anyone as per wish...Good habits can keep you away from disease and Praying regularly can give you confidence to fight the Tough time in Life

3.In dat case-if we want to change fate--even that is written in our horoscope-that he can change fate?? If so why no one says about it??

If you read some of the other science article which tell us about Kundalini, Chakras, Unconscious Mind etc then you will come to know that our body has immense hidden powers which we don't utilize , similarly we have many things in our fate also which could be retrived using the Power from ALMIGHTY..Praying is the only key

4.I read somewhere that planets decide mentality of our mind-try to change mentality and they change-- in dat case isnt it possible then what we try to change is also dependent on our planetary position???

Since they are going to effect our mind then our mentality chnages in the Span of life and we term that as EXPERIENCE ... More the EXPEREINCE better the Life/Undertsanding...Chnage it and it will ease the path to your DESTINY....Starting and End Points are fixed and our KARMA will decide the Path and Time to reach it...

5.Believe in god!! -but how about ppl whose chart says he is athiest!! -how can he belive in god and pray to avert his situation???


Sometimes when you go to a Doctor and he is not able to diagonoze your diesease then does that mean that Medical Science is not effective or you should look for another Doctor.... We came BLANK on this earth and leanred everything here ...Some incident in our Life let us beleive on GOD and some take away from him but that doesn't Question to HIS EXISITENCE



Hope these Answers will show you a different path to same journey and we will continue to share our experience and learn to reach Desitny faster...


Let me know abt your Thoughts...ATUL presented a beautiful path and I want all other to join the same Train



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:) Dear Atul and Vats,

Thanks for enlightenment.Itwas nice going through your explanations.


Yesterday i heard a very different theory and i would like to share it here ,


It seems there are 3 type's of Bala( strength) in any human that decide his life,


1.Jataka Bala -It seems this is the least of all bala's(strenght's) bcoz one who has a good jataka bala will have fruits of his fate irrespective of his acts and thats becoz he cant control them.


2.Mano Bala- This is strenght of mind.One who develops mano bala can face all the adversities and failures resultant from his fate-he cannot change fate but his mind will not be affected by fate.


3.Atma bala - the greatest strenght among all.One who develops this will steer his fate where ever he wants and thats bcoz his soul stays in a much far higher reigns of divinity ,and hence by the grace of that god,his soul gains that power.


thanks to all you :)

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