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Kindly Help - I am highly Frustrated

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Hi All


My Details


DOB - 04 August 1976

Place of Birth - New Delhi

Time of Birth - 08:55 AM

I was working in USA from past 2 yrs and came for my final Viva of my Ph.D for seven days to India between 23 Jan 2009 to 31st Jan 2009. Everything went well and I was awarded the PhD Degree but the very last day I lost my Passport ( Visa ) and after that, till now i am stuck as Visa Processing is going on and on .... New Passport was received but Visa process is getting delayed even after submission of all documents.

Can some one analysis this problem through my chart and can you also have a look wheter I have a long stay in Foreign Country or a short term so that I could plan things accordingly

Thanks a lot in advance

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Respected vipvats,


I am just a student and a novice in Astrology. As far as I can interpret I am sure that you will live and settle abroad. You will also be very fine economically as well.


Most probably the problem was due to transits. Now Ketu Sub dasha started few days back. Next few months will translate in some struggle but you will cross all hurdles with patience.


Can you please tell me what profession you are related to? (This is just for my own learning purpose).




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Thanks Atul


I have done my PhD in Electronics Engineering and I am currently working in a Research and Development department of a Pharma company.


What do you mean that next few month will have some struggle Can you give a detail abt this so that I could be little more attentive

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I could also ask an Astrologers but if we share knowledge/incidents then it really helps for a budding astrologers and the person gets more confidence if he listens same thing from different astrologer


I know Astrology is a Science which becomes more and more strong if the practice and knowledge come together


I will be thankful to all of you if you could analyze this chart and let me know some positive and Negative traits in the chart

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Dear Vipvats,


Thanks for keeping faith in me and thank for answering my question.


The thing that confused me about your profession was this that I was not able to conclude that whether you are related to medical line or engineering line. Because half of the planets were taking your to medical line and half to engineering line and

Ketu is pursuing you to research. Another thing I get here is that you also have to manage the data for the company (Either accounts related to research or data related to research, Please let me kow If I am wrong here)


Great. You will grow and grow till you will be realted to medical line and research. Atleast I think so :) .


By a couple of months struggle I meant that as Mercury - Saturn - Ketu dasha started on 7th april and it will continue till june 09. This can translate to struggle in your profession and your luck for a couple of months. Also take care of your self you can get yourself injured in this time.


And one more question, Are you facing any financial losses/crunch and GIT related health problems since june 2008?


Take care




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Really thank Atul for such a good analysis....I will clear all your confusion


I am an Engineer by Studies while my profession is related to HEALTH CARE ( Pharma ) where I work for the Research Department of the Company...You are right because our research team does handle the Data for the Company and their Clients... In brief We develop new models for different Pharma Companies


2008 was fine with me ( with respect to Health and Profession ) but the problem started in the end of Jan 2009 and after that I also had financial Losses and a set back in profession and delay in Visa process..But health has been fine during all these times.....Kindly let me know if you see anything other good or bad so that I could help my self accordingly



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Dear Vipvats,


good and bad is in every chart. But I don't see much afflictions in your chart. And for the afflictions there are in your chart, I advice you to worship Hanuman ji. :)


You will be successful in your career and will be sound financially also when the time comes, you will become famous in your community. You will possess vehicle and property from your own income. See some problem with marriage but your Son will be intelligent.


Let me know If you want to ask something specifically




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