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Signs and professions.

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Signs and Profession


Below are given occupation governed by different signs and also the general characteristic of each sign:

Aries. Aries signifies leadership and dominance. The native has round eyes, weak knees and is of aggressive temperament.


The occupations governed by Aries are military men, surgeons, dentists, carpenters, mechanics, hair dressers, assayers, army officers, policemen, butchers, dacoits, announcers, workers in iron, steel and metal, firemen, guards, wrestlers, industrialist, workers in brick kilns etc.


Taurus: These native have big face. They like company of women whose age is considerably less than their own age. They are usually of sacrificing and forgiving nature and are capable of enduring hardships and physical sufferings.


The occupations governed by Taurus are agriculture related, cement, property, luxury goods, furs, cosmetics and jewel trade, bankers, brokers, cashiers, gamblers, gardeners, nursery owners, music, actors, those connected with entertainment and amusement industry, tailors, revenue officials etc. They also deal in flowers, agriculture, milk, land in any manner, sugar, cotton and similar professions.


Gemini: These natives have black eyes, curly hair, prominent nose and thick neck. They have many friends. They are very versatile and usually make a mark in two fields. They are intelligent and very intuitive. They are fond of music and dancing but usually prefer to remain indoors.


Gemini indicates such profession as connected with literary field, communication, Journalism, marketing, teachers, journalists, doctors, healers, accountants, book-keepers, representatives, agents, solicitors, postal employees, photographers, rail and air transport connected professions, diplomats, secretaries, personal assistants, tutors and translators. Gemini also gives proficiency in logic and mathematics.


Cancer: The native is henpecked, as thick neck and likes socializing. They have thick waist and are short statured. They are intelligent and love watery sports like swimming, diving etc. They walk fast.


The vocations indicated by Cancer are fishing, naval officers, marine engineers, marine officials, merchant navy, nurses, interior decorators, home furnishings, home appliances, caterers, owners of restaurants, matrons, historians, explorers, shipping departments, preachers, petroleum and chemical industry.


Leo: It gives reddish eyes, large chin and broad face. They are arrogant, courageous, valiant, stubborn and firm minded. They like travel in forests and hills. Leo natives are usually short tempered.


This sign gives civil servants, politicians, ministers, connected with government in any manner, speculators, musicians, theatre owners, C.E.O. of large enterprises, soldiers, auditors, ambassadors, agriculturists and professions related to earth or land.

Virgo: The native are truthful, soft spoken and have a charming personality. They are very learned and possess encyclopedic knowledge. Their shoulders are drooping. They are also bashful. They are doctors and healers from birth in certain ways.

The professions connected with Virgo are healers, doctors, mathematicians, land owners, agriculture related professions, professors, manicurists, paper dealers, computer and software experts, psychiatrists, astrologers, reporters, book keepers and similar professions.

Libra: These natives are very religious, full of energy and have a lean and thin body. They are tall in stature, deft traders and dealers, very patient and intelligent. They like to travel and are restless. These natives are also brave, merciless but very impartial. Because of their impartial nature these natives make good jurists.


The profession indicated by Libra are Judges, diplomats, management consultants, officers of law, actors, singers, artists, beauticians, models, interior decorators, photographers, perfume manufacturers, cartoonists, fashion designers, owners of cabaret and night clubs, brother owners, prostitutes, druggists, air hostesses, pilots, liaison officers, receptionists etc.


Scorpio: These natives have heavy thighs and have broad chest and eyes. They are well respected and known in government circles. They indulge in cruel actions and are vindictive in nature.


Scorpio indicates professions connected with liquid, chemicals, medicine, insurance, boilers, machinery, military, engineers, surgeons, research workers, detectives, occultists, philosopher, criminals, coffin makers, naval officers, navigators, doctors, nurses, explorers, dealers in sea foods, poisons, drugs and chemicals, police and defense officials.


Sagittarius: This is a war like sign. These natives love an adventure. His face and neck are long and ears big. They like to keep themselves busy and are full of energy. They are eloquent in speech and charitable. They are short in stature and shoulders are broad. They are courageous and can bear physical hardships.


The professions indicated by Sagittarius are sports, horse training, lawyers, jurists, preachers, patriots, bankers, financial experts, footwear experts, magistrates, woolen traders, wholesale process, capitalists, shoe manufacturers and similar professions.


Capricorn: These natives are preserving and practical. They have weak lower limbs. They are full of vitality. At times they will be very lazy. Such natives often have affairs with older women. They like to travel.


These natives take up professions such as plumbers, property and timber related, agriculture, mining, forest related, geologists, finance experts and experts in minerals.


Aquarius: These natives like to remain informed on everything under the Sun. They commit sinful actions secretly. They are brisk walkers and can walk long distances. Their body is like a water pot. These natives are tall and well built with a poncho. They like to remain well dressed.


The professions indicated by Aquarius are public relation officers, consultants and advisors, intellectuals, philosophers, astrologers, computer hardware experts, automobile and aeroplane mechanics, engineers, scientists etc.


Pisces: These natives have a beautiful and well proportioned body. They have an attractive and charming personality. They are creative and learned.


This sign indicates doctors, surgeons, nurses, monks, traders in produce of the seas, sailors, naval officers, nuns, prison guards, wardens, workers in clubs, hospitals, jails, secret societies, sanatorium workers, writers, poets, composers, chemical and oil dealers, dealers in perfume and sea produce, amusement parks, painters and scholars.






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Houses and Professions


First House: If ascendant is strong and ascendant lord is connected with tenth house or tenth lord it indicates self employment. It also signifies such professions as connected with masses, police department and public health departments.

Second House: If second house is connected with tenth house and tenth lord it indicates professions connected with banks, revenue, finance, stock and share brokers, commercial activities, restaurants, food industry, hotels etc.

Third House: Railway and transport, motors, books, publishing, libraries, communications, postal department, marketing men, salesmen and artists.

Fourth House: Professions connected with property, land, agriculture, geology and mines etc.

Fifth House: Fifth house shows professions connected with amusement and entertainment industry, artists, musicians, schools, teachings, diplomats, speculators, gamblers etc.

Sixth House: When sixth house gets connected with tenth house in any way it gives professions connected with healing (doctors), medicine, army and navy, industries, lawyers and legal experts.

Seventh House: This house relates to gain from partnerships, females, foreign trade, brothels, prostitution etc.

Eighth House: This house shows profession connected with population and the dead, privy councils, insurance, coffin makers and related professions.

Ninth House: This house gives jurists, lawyers, preachers, foreign connections, shipping industry, philosophers etc.

Tenth House: This house shows bureaucrats, kings, rulers, industrialists, managing directors of large organizations etc.

Eleventh House: This house gives professions connected with finance, journalists and those running charitable institutions.

Twelfth House: This house shows professions connected with prisoners, foreign counties, asylums, hospitals, charitable institutions, criminals, secret service, spies etc.




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Planets and Profession


I am giving below professions connected with different planets. The profession of a native may be connected with the planet in the tenth house, eleventh house, ascendant, the tenth lord or the strongest planet in a horoscope. The planet in the Dasamsa ascendant or lord of the house occupied by 10th lord in the Dasamsa chart also indicates the profession of a native. Sun: Sun indicates government service, bureaucrats, bankers, presidents, politicians, investment bankers, jewelers, theatre owners, doctors if under Jupiter’s influence, C.E.O’s of large organizations etc.

Moon: Naval officers, liquids, chemicals related professions, dairy owners, midwives, traders in pearls and white items, laundry business, shipping magnates, merchant navy, doctors if aspected by Jupiter, trader or dealer in petrol, oil, salt, milk, vegetables etc.

Note: the readers should note that if both the luminaries are under influence of Jupiter, the native may be a doctor of medicine.

Mars: Military, defense and police officials, firemen, metal workers, arms manufacturers, assayers, butchers, iron and steel workers, security guards, stone quarry workers, mechanics, engineers, wrestlers, dealers in items made by fire, dictators, dentists, surgeons etc.

Mercury: Astrologers, writers, authors, journalists, computer experts, communication, intellectuals, teaching, transportation, accountants, book keepers, creators, translators, stenographers, stationers, printers, publishers, Radio announcers, telephone operators, journalists, diplomats, dieticians, salesmen, insurance agents, comedians etc.

Jupiter: Lawyer, Judges, astrologers, priests, preachers, bankers, financial experts, investment bankers, income from foreign connections, editors, journalists, research workers, auditing, publishers, advertising agents, woolen merchants, capitalists, shoe manufacturers, jockeys, horse related professions, clergy men etc.

Venus: Beauticians, artists, singers, musicians, traders in jewellary, diamond, poets, cosmeticians, fashion designers, interior decorators, profession connected with hotels, amusement and entertainment industry, painters, photographers, prostitutes, maids, furniture manufacturers, perfume manufacturers, book keepers etc.

Saturn: Miners, farmers, dealers in leather, hide, ice, coal etc., Watch makers, monks, time keepers, underground workers, engineers if connected with the nodes or Mars, dealer in black articles, hair, metal, quarry, fur etc.

Rahu: Engineers, profession connected with electricity, working under foreigners etc. If connected with Moon the nodes can produce a criminal. Rahu also signifies dealers in poison, drugs etc. The native can also be a jailor. It is also similar to Saturn.

Ketu: Ketu makes a native occultists, religious head, translator etc. If connected with second house or Mercury the native will know many languages. It also gives professions similar to that of Mars.




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Sandhu Ji,

Nice to see you after some short gap with a valuable thread.Thank you.I have been requesting for one on finding Curses in charts and you also promised to do so long ago but I,probably many learners like me,have been earnestly looking forward to such one.Please do it at your at your leisure,as I know you are officially also busy with heavy schedules.



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Dear anusha ji,


Attached please find the desired article.











Sandhu Ji,

Nice to see you after some short gap with a valuable thread.Thank you.I have been requesting for one on finding Curses in charts and you also promised to do so long ago but I,probably many learners like me,have been earnestly looking forward to such one.Please do it at your at your leisure,as I know you are officially also busy with heavy schedules.




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