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Kind Attn. Shri USRji & Deepaji...I am still under the Shadow of Rahu

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Revered Sir USRji and dearest Deepaji,




My name is Rajiv Kejriwal. Last year I visited the forum for a solution of my dire financial conditions due to the malicious effect of Rahu Mahadasha. I was advised by you two learned members to wear a ruby, a zircon and an emerald. I was also asked to worship Godess Durga and Lord Shiva. I did as directed and was patiently waiting for the period to get over. I did get some favorable fruits out of my humble efforts to fight the tough times but largely my conditioned remained unaltered.


My Rahu Mahadasha ended on the 4th of March this year.


However, I would like to inform you that since that very date, I feel lazier at work. As it is I don’t have much work and what I got from God’s grace, I am doing it half-heartedly. I feel like I get irritated very quickly, I have become more careless and fun-loving. I have read that such things happen during the reign of Rahu (the demi-lord of worldly pleasures) in a person’s chart/life. Does that mean I am still under his shadow?


What am I supposed to do now? Please provide guidance as to what next is stored therein for me. I just want to break free.


My DOB: December 10, 1982 at 03:37 Hrs. IST

Place: Kolkata(then Calcutta) West Bengal.



Rajiv Kejriwal

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This is what I replied earlier

"Dear Rajiv,

You got an excellent future.Pray Lord Shiva along with Durga mata.If possible wear a Ruby on your ring finger.Sun is 11th lord for gains is in 2nd (dhana).

wish you all success,



To become lazy and not interested in work is due to your Sani Sadesath started from 11/2006 which ends by 11/2014. Now a retro Sani by transit is in Simha Rasi,not much comfortable as its lord Ravi .By 9/2009 Sani goes to Kanya and after 8/2012 goes to Tula Rasi.Sani is retro at present in transit till 5/2009.

Exalted Sani is also Yogakaraka for you ,he will not cause damage to you but slows the progress till 9/2009.Afterwards things improve and gives maximum benefit from 8/2012.

Puja to Sri Shani Dev on Saturdays or reciting Sri Hanuman Chalisa or Puja to Sri Hanumanji regularly helps a lot.


With best wishes,




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Revered Sir,


Thank you for your reply. I have started worshipping Lord Hanuman in addition to worshipping Lord Shiva & Durga Maa whom I am worshiping since you advised last year.


I have been struggling throughout my life. Currently I am totally fed-up of the moves my life is taking. I struggled as an Interior designer for 4 years now but could'nt make it. Now I am being forced by my family to join my father's business dealing in Ball & Roller Bearings. Can I join it? Can you please suggest any other feild in which I can venture?


However, I would also like to tell you that you are the only person who has told me that I am under Shani Sade Sati. Thanks for that too.


Thanking you once again,


Hi! Deepaji, Hope u r fine.



Rajiv Kejriwal.

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Dear Rajiv,


I agree with respected usr ji's inputs. Moon has also become an akaraka in the chart. I would strongly advise you to wear pearl as well, in your right hand little finger on a monday during waxing moon.


Jup, Mars and Saturn are aspecting the 10th house. Career related to eatables, machinery, etc are great.

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