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Sani Mahadasa

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Hi Abhay,


Saturn is your best benefic sitting with exalted moon, aspected by jupiter (and mars). Why should you be worried with shani mahadasha. I would think that it should mainly be good, if not best, given that saturn is sitting in a dusthana. Anyways, generalization of a 19 yrs dasha is not possible and a lot depends on sub and sub-sub periods too.


How was you experience in past sade saatis. Please share if possible. May be it can help learners like us.


Best and regards

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Hi Abhay,


Despite my limited knowledge and experience, my gut feeling says that the culprit is not saturn but Mars (and maybe Jupiter to some extent). I have known a case where a person was running the mahadasha of his maraka along with sade saati. and he thought all his problems were due to saturn while I thought that the 7 year period of his maraka mars (coinciding perfectly with 7 and a half yr period of sade saati) was the problem.


I hope the experts here can spare a few moments to guide both of us.


Now the reasons for my assertion:


1) As a yogakaraka, saturn is extremely beneficial for you. even though it is placed in the 8th house.


2) At the time of your birth, you seem to be running the sade saati. But again in your case too, you were simultaneously runnning the dasha of mars, which is a very strong maraka for you. and it is sitting in the mooltrikona rashi of saturn.


3) Jupiter, though a natural benefic, is a functional malefic for you again sitting in another house of saturn.


4) Both mars and jupiter as malefics for you are not only sitting in either house of saturn but are also aspecting saturn.

I would think this is detrimental to the working of saturn in giving good results but am still not convinced that it should be bad for you.


As I said about your first sade saati, even your second sade saati fell during the mahadasha of Jupiter which as I said is again a malefic for you.


Kindly specify what kind of problems did you face in sade saati period- as in health related, finance related or relationship etc...




Respected learner members,


Your guidance on above is highly appreciated. Please share your views.


Kind regards

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thanks for this


My sade satti problems were mainly career related last time, however were partly mitigated. When I lost a job I found a new one in one week but I lost that too after a few months.


I have a Rahu Antardashs starting in two days - in 3rd house and debiliated. There are very conflicting views on my 2009 prognosis as well. Any views ?

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Hi Abhay,


Thanks for your reply. I would think the change in job is due to the lord of 10th house(job) in 8th(change). But being exalted, I would expect the change in job to be for a betterment each time(in which case we shouldn't really call it a "painful" sade sati). Please comment.


Can I ask if the said change was somewhere 1997 -2000/2002-- just asking for own learning :) .


Frankly, I would expect some changes on the job front coming year as well. But then I am just a learner and can be as wrong as anyone :)


best and regards

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thanks for this


My sade satti problems were mainly career related last time, however were partly mitigated. When I lost a job I found a new one in one week but I lost that too after a few months.


I have a Rahu Antardashs starting in two days - in 3rd house and debiliated. There are very conflicting views on my 2009 prognosis as well. Any views ?



Hello abhay, Hello Mylilangel,


I agree with Mylilangel, Saturn is functional benefic for you and also most strong in shadbala, so it is supposed to exert good effect. Problem arises also due to venus and mercury combusted by sun, along with jupiter being malefic and exalted moon in eight house (which may cause some disturbance in mind also).


Regarding your Rahu subdasha, I think Rahu is also well placed in your kundli (house 3, which is considered good for malefic planets) So I think Rahu mahadasha will be good for you, as it is aspecting house seven (house of spouse, where mercury, venus, sun are residing), also house of profit.


Also, Usually in Rahu kaal, Sun looses it's effect, so the combusting to venus and mercury by sun will be diminished and thus lead to strengthning of your personality. Although Venus has a little functional malefic quality so it may cause some problems in your love affairs/married life. But that will be in less extent.


I request mylilangel and Respected gurus to forgive for my mistakes


Pardon me If I sound rude



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I want to ask something, I think I am getting confused


In abhay's chart


Although Saturn is a functional benefic, but it's placement is not so good. For examle


Saturn as a lord of house 5 and 6 is placed in eight


Saturn is placed with Moon(Lord of profession)


Saturn is aspecting lord 10 (house of profession) and house of Wealth




Then, is it supposed to give good effects (because it is benefic) or it is supposed to give bad effects (because of it's placement)?


Also If it is supposed to give bad effect, We will try to suppress it (Because it is giving bad effects) or we will leave it as it is (Because it is benefic)


Please guide



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Hi Amateur,


You gave your first analysis according to libra lagna But in your second post, you seem to be considering gemini ascendant. Please check. I have done my analysis on the basis of libra lagna where saturn becomes yogakaraka, hence auspicious.


Also, I believe that though mercury and venus are conjunct exalted sun but they are fairly away from the Sun to be combust. Am I right here? or exaltation can have some role here.



Rahu is a malefic, hence we wouldn't be worried if he's weak. Rest, I think rahu is doing well in Jupiter's house. I don't see much concern there. According to me, the saturn period should be overall better than current dasha as Saturn is much more auspicious for u than jupiter.


Still, I owe upto any mistake I may have committed here and apologize.


About your experience with sade saati, can you say if there were any more negative experiences you had?



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Not sure Saturn is a yogakaraka for me despite Libra connection. Can u check that again - is it in the correct position ?.


I think venus is combust but not mercury


my most negetive periods were 1989 to 1990 (very bad for education), 1993 to 1996 (very bad for education), 2000 to 2002 - especially from August 2001 (very bad for job).


I have been told that the 2009 year could be very bad for me although opinion is very divergent on that.


I also may have a dahiya currently ?


thanks to both of you to take time out to provide me assistance.

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Hi Amateur,


Hello mylilangel


You gave your first analysis according to libra lagna But in your second post, you seem to be considering gemini ascendant. Please check. I have done my analysis on the basis of libra lagna where saturn becomes yogakaraka, hence auspicious.


I am using Libra ascendantfor analysis. Yes Saturn is auspicious and good for him, no doubt.


Also, I believe that though mercury and venus are conjunct exalted sun but they are fairly away from the Sun to be combust. Am I right here? or exaltation can have some role here.


Yes you are right and I am wrong for the combustion point, they are in different nakshatra padas so they are not supposed to be combusted. I used animated transit chart so I mistook, but with KM padhti it is clear that they are in different nakshatra padas, hence not being combusted, I apologise for the mistake




I want to ask, In a case, where a planet is a malefic usually, but a functional benefic in a chart and weak in shadbala, and is placed badly in chart, then we need to strengthen it or suppress it? I hope you got me


Sorry again for the mistake


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on reflection I think that while the period 1988 to 1996 was very bad, the period 2000-2002 was great deal of mental suffering but not career and finances were actually not so bad, perhaps even sort of sheltered.


In my varshphal chart, end May to early July Rahu is very bad for me (2nd House). views ?

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Amatuer, Mylilangel,


I want to ask a question.


I am going through a slightly rough period right now with work pressure, lack of results, uncertain future etc. Transits seem to suggest two views - that this would last till September, or this would last till April.


Also - how would you rate Mercury and Sun in my chart. Mercury is lord of 9th and 12th , while Sun is lord of 11th. Both are however located in 7th house which is owned by Mars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I am new to all Vedic Astrology.....

I got to learn recently that my Shani Mahadasha and shani sade Sati are starting from September.


My details are as follows:

Name: Amol

DoB : 31/12/1980

Time of birth: 17:30:00

Place of Birth: Pune (Maharashtra)


Please tell me the positives and negatives, and remedies for the same.


Thank You


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