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Arun Gandhi: Using Religion to Justify Violence is Always Wrong

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This link is the latest news on the Pakistani terrorist situation. Where are they getting their American-made weapons ? Captured battlefield weapons ? Or purchased by the Taliban from a country such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan itself ? Don't some of the Islamic states receive some training and weaponry from the U.S. as part of an "aid" package ?






India buys weapons from Russia, China, USA, Israel, UK - just from everyone. Says, India's government is a puppet theater of all those different camps?

Friday, March 20, 2009


India Buys Israeli Spy Satellite


India Buys Israeli Spy Satellite

(NSI News Source Info) NEW DELHI - March 20, 2009: India has bought a spy satellite from Israel with day-and-night viewing capability to boost surveillance capabilities in the aftermath of the Mumbai militant attacks, a report said March 20. RISAT+2.jpgIndian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation of India as part of the Indian space program. The IRS series provides remote sensing services to the country.*

Following are the remote sensing satellites planned by ISRO to be launched next strengthening the fleet of IRS satellites and widening their applications:

*RISAT (Radar Imaging Satellite): A microwave remote sensing mission with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) operating in C-band and having a 6 x 2 meter planar active array antenna based on trans-receiver module architecture. SAR is an all weather-imaging sensor capable of taking images in cloudy and snow covered regions and also both during day and night. RISAT weighs 1,750 kg. It is slated to be launched in 2008-2009.

*Oceansat-2: It is envisaged to continue the service of OCEANSAT-1. It will carry an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) and a Ku-band pencil beam scatterometer. It is scheduled to be launched in March 8 2008 on board PSLV.

*Resourcesat-2: It will have imaging sensors similar to RESOURCESAT-1. Payload electronics have been miniaturised to reduce the overall weight. RESOURCESAT-2 is planned for launch by PSLV in 2009-10.

*Resourcesat-3: A follow on to Resourcesat-2, it will carry more advanced LISS-III-WS (Wide Swath) Sensor having similar swath and revisit capability as Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS), thus overcoming any spatial resolution limitation of AWiFS. Satellite would also carry Atmospheric Correction Sensor (ACS) for quantitative interpretation and geophysical parameter retrieval. It slated to be launched during 2011-12.

*CARTOSAT-3: A continuation of Cartosat series , it will have a resolution 30 cm and 6km swath suitable for cadastre and infrastructure mapping and analysis. It would also enhance disaster monitoring and damage assessment. It is slated to be launched during 2011-12.

*Oceansat-3: Oceasat-3 would carry Thermal IR Sensor, 12 channel Ocean Color Monitor, Scatterometer and Passive Microwave Radiometer. IR Sensor and Ocean Color Monitor would be used in the analysis for operational Potential Fishing Zones. Satellite is mainly for Ocean biology and sea state applications. It is slated to the launched aboard PSLV in 2012-13.

The satellite, which can see through clouds and carry out day-and-night all-weather imaging, has been one of the long-standing demands of the Indian military, the NDTV news channel said.

The 650-pound RISAT 2 will be launched by India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle rocket in the next few weeks, the report said.

Indian scientists were in the process of integrating the satellite and the rocket at the Sriharikota space port in southern India, it said.

The acquisition was fast-tracked after the Nov. 26-29 Mumbai siege in which 10 gunmen went on a shooting spree.

India says the attackers came by boat from the Pakistani port city of Karachi to Mumbai, based on its investigations and the confession of the lone gunman captured alive after the 60-hour siege, in which 165 people were killed.

India's existing satellites get blinded at night and in the monsoon season.

NDTV said the new acquisition would also provide New Delhi with the capability to track incoming hostile ballistic missiles.

India treated Israel like a pariah for decades, but has forged close military links with Tel Aviv in recent years with the Jewish state replacing France in 2007 as its second-largest arms supplier after Russia.

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This link is the latest news on the Pakistani terrorist situation. Where are they getting their American-made weapons ? Captured battlefield weapons ? Or purchased by the Taliban from a country such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan itself ? Don't some of the Islamic states receive some training and weaponry from the U.S. as part of an "aid" package ?





India buys weapons from Russia, China, USA, Israel, UK - just from everyone. Says, India's government is a puppet theater of all those different camps?

Friday, March 20, 2009


India Buys Israeli Spy Satellite


India Buys Israeli Spy Satellite

(NSI News Source Info) NEW DELHI - March 20, 2009: India has bought a spy satellite from Israel with day-and-night viewing capability to boost surveillance capabilities in the aftermath of the Mumbai militant attacks, a report said March 20.



Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation of India as part of the Indian space program. The IRS series provides remote sensing services to the country.*

Following are the remote sensing satellites planned by ISRO to be launched next strengthening the fleet of IRS satellites and widening their applications:

*RISAT (Radar Imaging Satellite): A microwave remote sensing mission with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) operating in C-band and having a 6 x 2 meter planar active array antenna based on trans-receiver module architecture. SAR is an all weather-imaging sensor capable of taking images in cloudy and snow covered regions and also both during day and night. RISAT weighs 1,750 kg. It is slated to be launched in 2008-2009.

*Oceansat-2: It is envisaged to continue the service of OCEANSAT-1. It will carry an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) and a Ku-band pencil beam scatterometer. It is scheduled to be launched in March 8 2008 on board PSLV.

*Resourcesat-2: It will have imaging sensors similar to RESOURCESAT-1. Payload electronics have been miniaturised to reduce the overall weight. RESOURCESAT-2 is planned for launch by PSLV in 2009-10.

*Resourcesat-3: A follow on to Resourcesat-2, it will carry more advanced LISS-III-WS (Wide Swath) Sensor having similar swath and revisit capability as Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS), thus overcoming any spatial resolution limitation of AWiFS. Satellite would also carry Atmospheric Correction Sensor (ACS) for quantitative interpretation and geophysical parameter retrieval. It slated to be launched during 2011-12.

*CARTOSAT-3: A continuation of Cartosat series , it will have a resolution 30 cm and 6km swath suitable for cadastre and infrastructure mapping and analysis. It would also enhance disaster monitoring and damage assessment. It is slated to be launched during 2011-12.

*Oceansat-3: Oceasat-3 would carry Thermal IR Sensor, 12 channel Ocean Color Monitor, Scatterometer and Passive Microwave Radiometer. IR Sensor and Ocean Color Monitor would be used in the analysis for operational Potential Fishing Zones. Satellite is mainly for Ocean biology and sea state applications. It is slated to the launched aboard PSLV in 2012-13.

The satellite, which can see through clouds and carry out day-and-night all-weather imaging, has been one of the long-standing demands of the Indian military, the NDTV news channel said.

The 650-pound RISAT 2 will be launched by India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle rocket in the next few weeks, the report said.

Indian scientists were in the process of integrating the satellite and the rocket at the Sriharikota space port in southern India, it said.

The acquisition was fast-tracked after the Nov. 26-29 Mumbai siege in which 10 gunmen went on a shooting spree.

India says the attackers came by boat from the Pakistani port city of Karachi to Mumbai, based on its investigations and the confession of the lone gunman captured alive after the 60-hour siege, in which 165 people were killed.

India's existing satellites get blinded at night and in the monsoon season.

NDTV said the new acquisition would also provide New Delhi with the capability to track incoming hostile ballistic missiles.

India treated Israel like a pariah for decades, but has forged close military links with Tel Aviv in recent years with the Jewish state replacing France in 2007 as its second-largest arms supplier after Russia.




India, Russia sign $1.5 billion deal on Gorshkov aircraft carrier By IANS

Tuesday,20 January 2004, 00:00 hrs



NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday signed a $1.5 billion deal with Russia for refurbishing and supplying the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier to the Indian Navy, a move that is expected to bolster India's strength in regional waters.


Indian Defence Minister George Fernandes and his Russian counterpart Sergei Ivanov announced the signing of the deal, after years of protracted negotiations, at a joint news conference here.

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My question isn't who India buys weapons from; India is still somewhat independent regardless who she buys weapons from. The question was where are the Pakistani terrorists getting their weapons from, as some western-made weapons are apparently ending up in their hands. If we could find that out, we would see who the terrorists are in collusion with. I say the trail will lead back to the middle east or to Pakistan military itself.


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Indians have become really pathetic... they always forget the best rulers for their country has always been those who are adherents of the Vedic texts.


The perfect are not those necessarily having a Harward Degree but those who possesses the Perfect Knowledge from Sruties and Smrities.

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Suchandra, it sounds like you are attempting to compare India to the terrorists because they both receive weaponry from other countries. But India is a legitimate country, whereas the terrorists are the dogs from hell, representing no one except their own perverse ideas, even terrorizing their own brother Muslims in countries like Pakistan. How can you possibly compare the two ? India, at least as of today, still has the dharma wheel on its flag, if I am not mistaken. What flag do the terrorists carry ? The black flag of tamo guna ? They respect nothing except their own highly convoluted conception of religion. As I said in an earlier post, their cup is 10% full, but that leaves them 90% empty. They cause so much more harm than good. They should be shot on sight, and there cannot be negative karmic implications from killing demons such as they. Only the politically correct would think so, who still would appease these miscreants. Politically correct means unable to stand up for the truth for fear of offending someone; that means that the politically correct must therefore accede to the demands of miscreants, since they are unwilling to oppose them. Political correctness is the disease of the times.


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Suchandra, it sounds like you are attempting to compare India to the terrorists because they both receive weaponry from other countries. But India is a legitimate country, whereas the terrorists are the dogs from hell, representing no one except their own perverse ideas, even terrorizing their own brother Muslims in countries like Pakistan. How can you possibly compare the two ? India, at least as of today, still has the dharma wheel on its flag, if I am not mistaken. What flag do the terrorists carry ? The black flag of tamo guna ? They respect nothing except their own highly convoluted conception of religion. As I said in an earlier post, their cup is 10% full, but that leaves them 90% empty. They cause so much more harm than good. They should be shot on sight, and there cannot be negative karmic implications from killing demons such as they. Only the politically correct would think so, who still would appease these miscreants. Politically correct means unable to stand up for the truth for fear of offending someone; that means that the politically correct must therefore accede to the demands of miscreants, since they are unwilling to oppose them. Political correctness is the disease of the times.


Good thing is that there are presently no demons in the karmi societies - they're just ignorant sinful people who can be uplifted. Real demons are those who are in full knowledge about the vedic siddhanta but purposefully destroy dharma and religion in human society.


Yes, India still has the dharma wheel on its flag but there are many people, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc. who believe that India's politicians, India's government, are not working for the benefit of the Indian population but for their own profit. Ok, this is probably the same anywhere else, corrupt politicians, corrupt governments are all over the world.


But since India is special in that sense that it is the land of religion and the land where Lord Krishna incarnates, this is especially not tolerable. Now the global players want to stop overpopulation. First they created materialistic societies, now they want to shrink world population back to 5000.000.


And India's government supporting this policy. Artificially devaluing the Rupee to suppress the population, introducing modified seeds, pro-choice abortion propaganda, cow killing in full swing, allowing huge slums to develop, allowing foreigners to import and create monopolies with things that can be produced in India, leading India into the globalization trap where everything is imported from outside, purposefully leading India into unpayable indebtedness, etc etc.


All this has to be stopped and people given real knowledge how to live in actual prosperity and wealth by protecting the cows and produce one's own food. First thing what Krsna is ordering, produce food.

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Hari Bol, Suchandra,

I am certainly not claiming that India is perfect; in fact I agree with many of your points brought up in post # 31, particularly paragraphs 2-5. My point is that it is not fair to compare India, which is a sovereign nation, with the Taliban, who really represent no one but themselves.


As far as paragraph 1 goes, I believe that there are demons amongst the karmi societies, and that the Taliban are in fact demons, or at least one class of demons. On what do I base this claim ? I have thought long and hard about this, and finally had to come up with my own definition of a demon: a demon is one who, in order to further his own ends, does not care how much pain and suffering he inflicts on others. This definition fits the Taliban to a tee, because they will threaten or execute anyone who does not measure up, even in a small way, to their "standard." They attempt to rule almost exclusively through intimidation, coercion and violence rather than through rule of law, which is the hallmark of legitimate government. Yes, others attempt bullying, but at least we still have, in theory anyway, some system for redress of grievances against corruption in most of our governments. It is becoming clear, however, that as Kali progresses, governments are sliding down a slippery slope from legitimately trying to aid their own populace to attempting to manipulate their populace for various ill-motivated reasons, as you have pointed out.


That brings me to your point that "real demons are those who are in full knowledge about the vedic siddhanta but purposefully destroy dharma and religion in human society." This is another type of demon, whom I believe you are suggesting are now attempting to get control of India, and certainly there is truth in your contention. So now we have two types of demons, the highly ignorant fundamentalists such as the Taliban and certain personalities within the government of India (and certainly other governments, as we are not attempting to single out India here) who perhaps should know better. But ignorance, regardless of origin, breeds the same result: misery.


All we can do is keep chanting and preaching and hope that we can influence enough people to somehow produce a change of consciousness on the planet.


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My question isn't who India buys weapons from; India is still somewhat independent regardless who she buys weapons from. The question was where are the Pakistani terrorists getting their weapons from, as some western-made weapons are apparently ending up in their hands. If we could find that out, we would see who the terrorists are in collusion with. I say the trail will lead back to the middle east or to Pakistan military itself.



That is not an easy question to answer. First of all, you need to know one thing - those who create this weapons - whether they are based in US, UK, Russia or even Pakistan, have no problem selling weapons to whoever they please.


Weapon-makers are profit-mongers - a sort of prostitute's pimps - they care not who their weapons used on, only thing they could care could be that they make profits of other's suffering and misery.


Secondly, the Talibans - for years have established illegal drug syndicates which have its links in Europe and Middle East. The Talibans themselves have no problem selling drugs (especially to Westerners) because they were taught that anything they do to non-believers are justified in their religion. And Islam have forbids Muslims from taking drugs, so those who do take them are considered forbid their own fate, thus leaving the Talibans no blame for them using drugs.


And lastly, weapon purchase by one party (legally or illegally) can be sold to the Talibans by means of black market or direct selling through agents.


So, I really do not see what is the use of asking which country sells this terrorists their weapons. That is insignificant questions.

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Indians have become really pathetic... they always forget the best rulers for their country has always been those who are adherents of the Vedic texts.


The perfect are not those necessarily having a Harward Degree but those who possesses the Perfect Knowledge from Sruties and Smrities.


Because they are INDIANS.


Seriously ... what the heck is an Indian? There is no such word in Santana Dharma (Hindusm), yet that is what most people in India (and Malaysia) have called themselves. Why can't they call themselves "Hindus"? It is like they are embarressed to call themselves such.


Stop labeling yourselves using Foreign labels and start calling yourselves as your forefathers' have done. :smash:

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Why can't they call themselves "Hindus"? It is like they are embarressed to call themselves such.


Stop labeling yourselves using Foreign labels and start calling yourselves as your forefathers' have done. :smash:


Then even the word Hindu fails.

My forefathers called themselves Sanatanist. Not even Hindu

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Would Arun consider Arjuna a violent and therefore non-religious man? Apparently so. The truth is however Arjuna was perfectly non-violent and was the perfection of religon personified because he was directed to kill by Krishna.


But no need to be hard on Arun. Peacefull people who abhor particpating in violent acts even though it may mean so many hardships taken upon themselves are worthy of much appreciation even though their vision may not be perfect. Afterall the intricacies of action and inaction are very difficult to understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Here is a link to another article detailing the Taliban's rapid rise within Pakistan. If this continues, it will directly affect all of us one day.






Yes, this is what the New York Times wants more than anything else, India should start a war against Pakistan.

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I cannot say that anyone is unbiased, as we are all subjective and biased, but some of these reports are simply facts, regardless of who is reporting them. There apparently IS a groundswell of Taliban energy in Pakistan that could very well overwhelm the entire country. I don't think N.Y. Times is putting much spin on this. But we could all stick our heads in the sand and pretend that this isn't happening. This is called political correctness, and it means that those who are politically correct will be forced to accede to the demands of those who are not, such as the Taliban. So get your prayer rug out, and practice the maha-mantra on it in complete silence, for that is what you may have to do before this is all over. Also, if Prabhupad indeed said that WW3 will start between India and Pak, this is the apparent run-up to it, and we should be very clearly aware of it. And it WON'T be India that starts the war, it will be Taliban-controlled Pakistan, but India should be prepared to end the war, if she has any nobility left in her.


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I cannot say that anyone is unbiased, as we are all subjective and biased, but some of these reports are simply facts, regardless of who is reporting them. There apparently IS a groundswell of Taliban energy in Pakistan that could very well overwhelm the entire country. I don't think N.Y. Times is putting much spin on this. But we could all stick our heads in the sand and pretend that this isn't happening. This is called political correctness, and it means that those who are politically correct will be forced to accede to the demands of those who are not, such as the Taliban. So get your prayer rug out, and practice the maha-mantra on it in complete silence, for that is what you may have to do before this is all over. Also, if Prabhupad indeed said that WW3 will start between India and Pak, this is the apparent run-up to it, and we should be very clearly aware of it. And it WON'T be India that starts the war, it will be Taliban-controlled Pakistan, but India should be prepared to end the war, if she has any nobility left in her.


The Pakistani military is in chaotic condition, they would lose a war with India within one week. And they know it. Whereas with more than 1,130,000 soldiers in active service and about 1,800,000 reserve troops, the Indian Army is, after China, the world's second largest.


Actually Pakistan wouldn't even dare to fight back. When 2 million soldiers enter their country it is all over. That there is a dangerous Taliban camp in Pakistan, this they also said about Iraq. They said Iraq is an aggressor.

Now the world knows this was wrong, the allies led by US started a war of aggression against Iraq. The opposite around.


India cannot do this since they have 300 mio Muslims in their own country. They can only attack Pakistan when there is solid proof not something vage. When the community of states, including Russia, China would support such a war.


Even the 300 mio Muslims living in India must support it. Since this will never happen, there will be never a war between India and Pakistan.

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Respectfully, Suchandra, I beg to differ:

I don't think you can equate Iraq with Pakistan. Iraq was led by a secular dictator, Saddam Hussain, who was something along the lines of Josef Stalin. Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy, although it is increasingly apparent that the country is in disarray. The war likely won't be started by the current Pakistani military, knowing the Indian strengths, as you have stated, although we cannot completely rule out the possibility, but as I have stated in other posts, if the Taliban gain control of only one Pakistani nuclear missle installation, they WILL fire the missile at India. And the fact that there are 300 million Muslims in India won't prevent them in the least. As noted previously, they are demons, and demons kill their own with no regard and no regrets. The Taliban would simply see the death of up to 300 million Muslims as a necessary sacrifice in order to destroy India. Quite an easy sacrifice, I might add, judging from their mentality and previous actions. Furthermore, you should consider that since the Taliban are basically stateless renegades, they care not in the least for world opinion, the "community of states," as you put it, and will not hesitate for a moment to launch a nuke at India. To think otherwise would be foolish as well as naive. I feel that since we have until now seen only relatively small regional skirmishes with the Taliban, that most of us are vastly underestimating their strength and determination, but they have an apparent will-to-power not unlike Adolph Hitler, and they are at least as demonic as he, if not more so.


Another danger, and this is possible, as far-fetched as it may presently seem, would be that the Taliban within 2-5 years actually gain political control of the whole of Pakistan. At that point, they would first likely attempt to hijack world opinion and get the western nations to capitulate to some of their demands, such as rule of Sharia law. If the west did not pacify them, it really isn't hard to imagine what would happen: they would unilaterally declare war on India, or possibly unite with other Islamic states such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, and declare war not only on India, but on Israel as well, and perhaps even on the west. It would be WW3 and it could be the final triumph of the world Islamic caliphate and the uma, the brotherhood of Islam, would have world-wide domination, if the Islamists win. And all this within 2-5 years because, frankly, the Taliban smell that the west is mainly full of godless pacifists who would rather bow towards Mecca than fight, and the moderate Islamists, although there really is no such thing, would, if given only two choices, rather support Islamic facism than support western efforts to crack down on it (Islamic facism). That is why I suggest practicing the maha-mantra on your prayer rug now, because this might actually happen, and sooner than later.


What about Prabhupad's prediction that WW3 would start between India & Pak. Is this correct ? Is there anything in the archives on this ? Can anyone authoritatively make a statement about this ? Personally, I see this war as inevitable, unless we all become pure devotees very shortly, and frankly I just don't see that happening. Speaking for myself only, I apparently still have too many material desires remaining to become a maha-bhagavata within what little time I have left of this lifetime.


Actually Joseph Stalin takes the honors for biggest demon in recent history, as he trusted no one. Even Hitler had some intimate associates.


And, to prove that I am at least somewhat unbiaed in all this, I was actually one of the very few who opposed the U.S. intervention in Iraq from the very start, as I could discern that most of the arguments were fabricated, and that we had no immediate concerns from Saddam Hussein. I can tell you that that was NOT a very popular opinion then, and I practically couldn't speak it at all for all the flag-waving that was going on in this country at that time.


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Respectfully, Suchandra, I beg to differ:

I don't think you can equate Iraq with Pakistan. Iraq was led by a secular dictator, Saddam Hussain, who was something along the lines of Josef Stalin. Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy, although it is increasingly apparent that the country is in disarray. The war likely won't be started by the current Pakistani military, knowing the Indian strengths, as you have stated, although we cannot completely rule out the possibility, but as I have stated in other posts, if the Taliban gain control of only one Pakistani nuclear missle installation, they WILL fire the missile at India. And the fact that there are 300 million Muslims in India won't prevent them in the least. As noted previously, they are demons, and demons kill their own with no regard and no regrets. The Taliban would simply see the death of up to 300 million Muslims as a necessary sacrifice in order to destroy India. Quite an easy sacrifice, I might add, judging from their mentality and previous actions. Furthermore, you should consider that since the Taliban are basically stateless renegades, they care not in the least for world opinion, the "community of states," as you put it, and will not hesitate for a moment to launch a nuke at India. To think otherwise would be foolish as well as naive. I feel that since we have until now seen only relatively small regional skirmishes with the Taliban, that most of us are vastly underestimating their strength and determination, but they have an apparent will-to-power not unlike Adolph Hitler, and they are at least as demonic as he, if not more so.


Another danger, and this is possible, as far-fetched as it may presently seem, would be that the Taliban within 2-5 years actually gain political control of the whole of Pakistan. At that point, they would first likely attempt to hijack world opinion and get the western nations to capitulate to some of their demands, such as rule of Sharia law. If the west did not pacify them, it really isn't hard to imagine what would happen: they would unilaterally declare war on India, or possibly unite with other Islamic states such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, and declare war not only on India, but on Israel as well, and perhaps even on the west. It would be WW3 and it could be the final triumph of the world Islamic caliphate and the uma, the brotherhood of Islam, would have world-wide domination, if the Islamists win. And all this within 2-5 years because, frankly, the Taliban smell that the west is mainly full of godless pacifists who would rather bow towards Mecca than fight, and the moderate Islamists, although there really is no such thing, would, if given only two choices, rather support Islamic facism than support western efforts to crack down on it (Islamic facism). That is why I suggest practicing the maha-mantra on your prayer rug now, because this might actually happen, and sooner than later.


What about Prabhupad's prediction that WW3 would start between India & Pak. Is this correct ? Is there anything in the archives on this ? Can anyone authoritatively make a statement about this ? Personally, I see this war as inevitable, unless we all become pure devotees very shortly, and frankly I just don't see that happening. Speaking for myself only, I apparently still have too many material desires remaining to become a maha-bhagavata within what little time I have left of this lifetime.


Actually Joseph Stalin takes the honors for biggest demon in recent history, as he trusted no one. Even Hitler had some intimate associates.


And, to prove that I am at least somewhat unbiaed in all this, I was actually one of the very few who opposed the U.S. intervention in Iraq from the very start, as I could discern that most of the arguments were fabricated, and that we had no immediate concerns from Saddam Hussein. I can tell you that that was NOT a very popular opinion then, and I practically couldn't speak it at all for all the flag-waving that was going on in this country at that time.


The Russians tried to fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan for 10 years, 1979-89, with 10,000 soldiers, they failed. Next Afghanistan war 2001 by US and installing a new government was also not very successful.


In fact they couldnt even capture Osama bin Laden. On the other side, when Lord Caitanya appeared His country was ruled by Musulmans and the acarya of the Holy Name became a Muslim born Vaishnava.


So what had happened in India, the Hindus where so much absorbed in sensual pleasures that they overslept how the cowkillers became their political leaders.


In kali-yuga it is like that, that when things are materially nicely managed, people have well-paid jobs, everything nice, they start to live like hogs and waste this human form of life.


When Prabhupada argued with Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja to first liberate India from British raja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said, “This so-called nationalism or any ism, they are all temporary. Real need is the self-realization.”


Of course it is horrible scenario to think of Muslims ruling our country. On the other hand, people have become so much sinful that you cannot give them material opulence, they simply become just like animals.


If the Taliban are like a gang of thieves in Pakistan, it would be the responsibility of the Pakistani government to eliminate such terror camps. Since the whole military equipment in Pakistan was set up by US, US could easily enforce that the Taliban in Pakistan are disciplined and checked.


Instead they demand that India should start a war against Pakistan. Looks rather like a conspiracy of some tricky arms dealer and not a solution for the population in general.

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Suchandra, Your point is well taken that not only the Americans, but the Russians fought the Taliban, and so far, neither have been actually able to check the Taliban. This proves the determination and ruthlessness of the Taliban and serves to prove my point that they are not to be taken lightly.


As far as Haridas Thakur goes, he is not the only example of a Muslim-born Vaishnava. Anyone, regardless of birth or religion, is welcome to partake of the Holy Names. We encourage everyone, including Muslims, to experience the higher taste of chanting the Holy Names of God, as long as that name is a bonafide name, not a fabrication.


Yes, when humans become too successful, particularly in Kali yuga, they simply begin to gratify their senses like animals. In a sense, the Taliban are like a wake-up call to sensuous modern day men that the human form of life is for religious purposes, not sense gratification. Unfortunately the Taliban are completely harsh, and rather than teaching by illustrious example, they are so lusty that they must cover their women from head to toe, lest they get sexually excited. They punish people harshly for even simple transgressions, while they themselves are no more advanced. That makes them hypocrites- another Kali yuga hallmark.


Yes, all these isms are temporary, but we still must deal with them in an intelligent way, from a transcendental perspective, because they can affect us directly or indirectly.


My point in post # 42 is that presented with two choices, Muslims "would rather support Islamic facism than support western efforts to crack down on it (Islamic facism)." That is why the Pakistani military would rather not crack down on the Taliban, simply because most Muslims feel more akin to the Taliban than they do to westerners, and western sense-gratifying culture, even though many Muslims also view the Taliban as harsh.


I don't know where you are getting the idea that "they demand that India should start a war against Pakistan." I will re-read the N.Y. Times article, but the N.Y. Times is not some provincial, right-of-center war-mongering paper. It has a reputation of being a so-called liberal (left-of-center) paper, and those papers are usually more conciliatory and pacifistic, so I am not sure where you are getting that idea from.


Also, as a point of correction, India has approximately 15% Muslim population, rather than the 30% as you have claimed. That translates to about 150,000 Muslims in a greater population of approx 1 billion.



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Just use google, Mumbai terror inside job, why blame me for getting ideas?


Yeah google and u get ideas on why earth is flat.


Suchandra is back to stupid theories.what a waste of life.And there is enough fodder on the net from islamic publicity machine to feed imbeciles like him.


Info for your stupid mind;


Ajmal kasab caught in the attack is a pakistani.Admitted by pakistan minister to a pakisthani news channel.



The terrorists were conversing with their pakistani handlers

by sat phones.


and more at http://specials.rediff.com/news/2009/mar/17sld1-book-extract-of-mumbai-attacked.htm

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Yeah google and u get ideas on why earth is flat.


Suchandra is back to stupid theories.what a waste of life.And there is enough fodder on the net from islamic publicity machine to feed imbeciles like him.


Info for your stupid mind;


Ajmal kasab caught in the attack is a pakistani.Admitted by pakistan minister to a pakisthani news channel.



The terrorists were conversing with their pakistani handlers

by sat phones.


and more at http://specials.rediff.com/news/2009/mar/17sld1-book-extract-of-mumbai-attacked.htm


The worm shows its teeth. Well that's your sentimental belief, you simply present your biased opinion. Therefore if you like it or not you have to accept that others do the same.

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The worm shows its teeth. Well that's your sentimental belief, you simply present your biased opinion. Therefore if you like it or not you have to accept that others do the same.


Sentimental beleif??. i am not way off the mark when i said you are an imbecile cause you dont know difference between

facts, opinions and beleifs.What a moron.

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Boys, Boys!


Can't we just get along --and focus on a mutual threat?


Check it out:




Walid Shoebat (Arabic: وليد شويبات‎) is an American citizen, born to a Palestinian father and American mother, is a former PLO terrorist,<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-luyken_0-0>[1]</SUP> although some speculation has been raised about his terrorist past by various sources.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-speakerneil_1-0>[2]</SUP> Shoebat came to public attention by becoming an ardent critic of radical Islam and supporter of Israel.




No one (Arab or Jew) has a "right of return". Jews who fled Arab persecution from 1948 to 1956 should have no right of return to Arab lands, and Arabs who ran away in 1948 and 1967 should have no right of return either. This should end all argument. Yet the Jews accept this judgment, while the Arabs reject EVERYTHING. - Walid Shoebat

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