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need advice on buying rudraksha

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hi there guys

I caught this forum from google and it seems there were a few posts on these magical mystic mukee rudraksha beads here. This inspired me to take opinions of a few expert people who are in to these beads.


Please advice, I need to buy a few mukee rudraksha beads and I have zero down on this vendor called Rudraksha Ratna. I have selected the following beads






















As you guys can see this is a lot of money to pay so before going ahead I wanted to see if I can get some expert advice fro people here on the where abouts of this vendor or beads and on the beads themselves


Feel free to give honest answers please.




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hi there bija

Thanks for the reply.


Well money is the secondary part here the first and foremost importance is to honesty and genuinity of a vendor.


I was just on the verge of closing the order today with them, thats when I noticed that the beads that I selected on these URLs were changed by them and it does not reflect the beads that I had selected earlier on the URLs. Also I noticed that a few of beads on the URLs that I selected says SOLD and still they are proposing it to me for buying them so I smelled a rat here hence forth had to seek opinions of people of your likes on this vendor.



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Hi, when I was in India I got rudraksha from Shop24, they advertise as Original One Mukhi rudarskha, I took it home to Uk. And one day wanted to put a string through it (i was sort of bored so wanted to do something), I heated up a metal pin and inserted it (rudraksha shouldn't break open), it did. The contents inside were made up of plastic casing, and glue. So of course it was a fake. You will find many 'bollywood stars' advertising great Hindu Products esp rudraksha. But they are all fake. THE ONLY way to find out I feel if a rudraksha is fake or not is to break it open with a hammer. Because it is made up one 2 layers, they need to glue it together. So you would have to buy 2. I was thinking of buying rudraksha again, from a site. Many sites have advertised Rudrakasha and say they Don't sell fake ones. And they show you what are fakes etc., this is a marketing technique used by many so-called Rudraksha sellers. You will stumbleupon sites (that a are massive), with explanation's on fake rudrakshas and how they are the ONLY ones that sell true ones. The only way to get a Rudraksha is probably to go to a tree (somewhere) on your OWN, and pick one out yourself.

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Yeah, the truth hurts. Better wait and get a true rudraksha than get a fake. There might be a site that sells. I don't know I feel wary of sites that MASS sell Rudrkasha (as they are rare to find), either they have tree that grow rudkrakhsa like mangos, or they are fake. The reason why many are fake is because they cannot be found. Otherwise they are actually Free as THEY GROW on trees. I worshipped Lord Shiva all my life, and was expecting to get the result and get a True Rudraksha. I knew when I got it, it was fake, but I just wanted to believe it was real. :(

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Hello John.

Even I am trying to buy a genuine rudraksha and having hard time finding it. The one I found on websites its just another scam, no doubt about it. In my recent research I found that its really hard to find a genuine rudraksha for the prices that they offer on the websites. The ORIGINAL AND GENUINE Rudraksha's are very powerful and hard to find, there is NO CHEAP deals on it. SMELL THE RAT if you are getting special discounts or free gifts. Most websites link Rudraksha's to the planets with is NOT TRUE and there is no mention of it the puranas. You would also end up finding these NEW LINE ITEMS called LOVE MALA, HARMONY MALA, ATTRACTION MALA...ETC Remember it's all SALES GIMMICK,SO DON'T BE VICTIM OF SCAM/FRAUD.

Be relaxed, do your research and try to find a Genuine source.


Good Luck!

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Also the ones that sell for $1,0000,0 etc, they can also be fake. Just because they selling for more doesn't mean they not fake, although you like to think they are,.


Good Catch! I agree with you! It is human tendency to think that the expensive are better, but not in the case of 'Rudraksha'. It could be just a piece of card board selling for 100 Grand!


Buyer Beware!

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hey lotusflower

Holy Christ!!!!!!!! spare me man, I don't have the time to come to India and spend days or weeks finding these trees and from your saying it can guess that these companies that run sites selling beads might have also come up with artificial and fake trees :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Hi John,

I thing with out physically seeing and touching the Rudraxa, you have a very big risk of buying a fake bead.


General examination to check genuineness of rudraxa.


  1. Visually inspect the bead and ascertain that its not made of wood or plastic or any other man made material.
  2. Put it in a glass/cup of water, Genuine Rudraxa will sink, fake one stay afloat. This is because density of genuine rudraxa is higher than water. Wood/Plastic general is lower than water.
  3. Genuine Ek Mukhi Rudraxa is never sold. Majority of cases its gifted by Guru to a lucky person. So dont shop/hunt for ek mukhi rudraxa.
  4. ADVANCE: Rudraksha has a physical quality of pulsating when subjected to electric current. Many blessed individual are able feel and quantify the pulsation of rudraxa due to minute electric current from with in the human body. Based on this they know whether the rudraxa is genuine or fake. This is similar to quartz clocks fundamental. You will appreciate the fact of pt. 3 after this.
Hope that this info guides you in buying a rudraksha.





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