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<TABLE title="Know anout our Hindu Religion" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=619 border=0><TBODY><TR height=25><TD title="Hindu Gods" vAlign=center>Sri Narasimhar


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Sriyapathi - Sriman Narayanan protects all of the Jeevathmas and gives all of the essential things what we needed. He has taken lots and lots of Avathaars to protect this entire world against any evil.

Though he has taken various Avathaars (forms) in various yugams, the main purpose of taking those Avathaars is to protect his bhaktas and to help in many ways against the evils and to protect the Dharmam. Some of the great Avathaar taken by Sriman Narayanan are : sri-narasimhar-01.jpg

  1. <LI class=para>Sri Matsyavathar <LI class=para>Sri Koormavathar <LI class=para>Sri Varahavathar <LI class=para>Sri Narasimhavathar <LI class=para>Sri Vamanavathar <LI class=para>Sri Parasuramavathar <LI class=para>Sri Ramavathar <LI class=para>Sri Balaramavathar <LI class=para>Sri Krishnavathar and
  2. Sri Kalki Avathar.

There are other great forms Sriman Narayanan has taken but these 10 Avathaars, which are collectively termed as "Dasavathars" are said to be so special.

The purpose for taking each avathar has unique reasons. To make the entire human community to know how a human should lead his life is the Avathar of Sri Ramar. Mahabali thought that he is the chief of all and wanted a win over all the Devars; to reduce this, Sriman Narayanan took the avathar of Sri Vamanan.

A guide to the entire human community is the Bhagavath Gita, which was explored and explained by Sri Krishnavathar, is one among the great Dasavathar. But, as the crown of all these Avathaars, to protect his Bhaktas Prahaladhan - Sriman Narayanan took the avathar of Sri Narasimhar who came out from the pillar (thoon) to perform vadham of Hiranyakashibu.

In this Kali yugam, Naamams of Sri Vishnu (Naama Sangeerthanam - chanting of thiru Naamams) alone will protect us and will lead us in a right path. But, this is reflected in some previous yugams itself. Hiranyakashibu treated himself as the god and wanted the entire world to chant his name instead of Sriman Narayanan. The entire humans in fear said his name instead of Sri Vishnu. But, his son - Prahaladhan, who is a great Sri Vishnu bhaktan, did not say his father's name but chanted Sri Vishnu's Naamam "Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha".

"Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha" as the Moola mantram.

Because of this, Hiranyakashibu tried to kill his own son and was finally killed by Sriman Narayanan who took the form of Sriman Narayanan who took the form of Sri Narasimhar. So, this is the Avathar, which is taken upon the will (or) because of the bhakti of his Bhaktas - Prahaladhan.

This clearly states that if any problem for his Bhaktas happen, he will definitely came towards us and help us.


<TABLE title="Know anout our Hindu Religion" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=619 border=0><TBODY><TR height=25><TD title="Hindu Gods" vAlign=center>Sri Narasimhar Temples, Pazhaya Seevaram


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This sthalam is one among the sthalam that is found in the hilltop where Sri Narasimhar along with the Thaayar gives his special seva to His Bhaktas. The mountain, which is found, is called with the name "Padmagiri". This kshetram is also called with name as "Sathya Varadha Kshetram".


Pazhaya Seevaram is one of the famous temple of Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar. This sthalam is found in between Chengalput and Kanchipuram, on the shore of River Palar. There are lots of buses available from Kanchipuram to this Temple.



Once, Vishnu Chitthar, a great muni in Naimisaranyam asked to the other Rishis to say which is the best and great sthalam where he can get the seva of Sriman Narayanan in Archai (one among the 5 Nilayas (or) forms of Sriman Narayanan) roopam, where he can get the complete credit of his tapas.

On hearing this, Mareecha muni, one among the muni in that group answered that there exists an sthalam, where the Perumal has already given full palan (credit) for the tapas and is gifted with nature's beauty. He also added that the muni, who got the seva of the Perumal, is Atthiri Muni and he the wish of seeing the Perumal in Archai roopam and performed severe tapas in the place "Padmagiri". And as a result of the tapas, the Perumal came in front of him in the form of Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar. Atthiri muni wished that the Perumal should stay in that place and the entire Bhaktas of Human community.

Triveni Sangamam:

Triveni Sangamam means 3 rivers joining in one place. In this Pazhaya Seevaram sthalam, we can find 3 rivers getting merged. The three rivers are Palaaru (Kshera Nadhi)- Cheyyaru (Bahoo nadhi) and Vegavadhi (Saraswathi). This Triveni Sangamam is termed as the Triveni Sangamam of south.

In Krutha yugam, there lived a great Sri Vishnu Bhaktan, who wanted to take bath daily in the river Ganga, which emerges from the foot of Sriman Narayanan. He took bath in this Sangamam and treated this water as the Ganga River and worshipped the Perumal in Sudharsana Malai (mountain). Another saint lived here and treated this river as the river Yamuna. Because of this, both the rivers Yamuna and Ganga emerged here and the other river Vegabagha (Saraswathi river) also emerged and these 3 rivers merge in the great Pazhaya seevaram sthalam. This river flows in between Padmagiri and Sudharsana malai.

It is 100% evident that if you take bath in this river and get the seva of Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar in Padmagiri and Sri Venkatesa Perumal in Sudharsa malai is equivalent to 100 times to that of taking bath in Prayagai.

It is also 100% evident that if we take bath in this river for a month without any interruption and be rested under the shadow of Pippali tree in Padmagiri, is said to cure all sorts of sins and diseases.

Sudharsana Malai (mountain):

On the opposite side of Padmagiri (also called as Seevara malai) another mountain is found which is called as "Sudharsana malai" where Sri Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal is giving his seva. This Perumal gave his Prathyaksham to Brighu Muni and King Chakravarthy.

Paarvettai and Seevaram:

During the 3 day of Pongal festival in Thai month (Jan 14 – Feb 15), the utsavar Sri Varadhar of Sri Varadharajar temple, Kanchi is taken towards this Seevaram sthalam and this is one among the great utsavam of Sri Varadhar (Malai utsavam).

Lots of Bhaktas from Various parts come to Seevaram to visit Sri Varadharajar and Seevaram Paarvettai Utsavam is one of the worlds known utsavam among Sri Vaishnavites.

Not only in religious way, this sthalam is said to be an sthalam, which is surrounded by herbal trees, silent atmosphere and can cure lots of diseases as it is.

The temple is maintained in a great manner by the authorities. In the districts, this is one among the great sthalam and well-maintained sthalam and has been very appreciated by the government for maintaining the temple in a good way.

Lots of Utsavams are performed in this sthalam. Bramhotsavam in Aani month, Theerthavari in Swathi and Paarvettai during Thai month are said to be some of the Utsavams that are performed in a great manner.

So, Bhaktas this is one among the great temple of Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar. So, visit this sthalam and get his blessings. <CENTER>"Om Namo Bhagavathey Vasudevaya Namaha"</CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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You explained well,ok just I would like to ask the question that what is the greatness of Sri Rama,you explained that Avthar is helpful to explain humans how to lead life.


Could you explain in which sense this is better avathar to Harischandra,Devotee of Shiva ( Ancient and Raghuvamsa King) to Rama.


If you take normal lifes of humanbeing,compare all the activities then expalin which activity is better to normal lifes.


All people (atleast 50%) will think of their parents suggesions and orders.

All people can go for marriages

only some people are trying to leave their wifes with roumers.


So dont concider him better life advisor ,no i dont accept blindly all you people and aryans(non locals) explained .


Remaining avathars are good.

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That you'll have to ask Hanumatha when he grew so eager to serve His Mighty Lord..

That you'll have to ask Shabri and the intensity of Her emotion emitted while feeding the Lord with the fruits which were first tasted by Her..

That you'll have to ask Jatayu and His long awaited blessing to serve the Lord, that too by giving His Life..

That you'll have to ask Sita Maa, even after being abandoned Her Husband.. unlike many.. the Universal Mother's Love for the Universal Father grew exponentially..

The list is incomplete.. Ahalya et al...


Your doubt about "The Greatest of Sri Ram" is putting me in doubt about your capacity to assimulate.

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Do you people know how Narashima avathar was end.

If you know then,ok Otherwise its better know that Sharabha Avathar of God shiva made end of Narashimhaavathar.


Sri Sri Madhvacharya answered the above question when a great (?) saiva charya called Lingaraja debated with him. At last Lingaraja got defeated. Sri Sri Madhvacharya explained him puranas explained by brahma/shiva in rajasic and tamasic modes cant be taken as authoratative. Shiva purana is a tamasa purana. Even Sri Sri Ramanujacharya has explained in Vendantha Sangraha by quoting verses of "Sri Vyasa" from Matsya-purana and padma purana that Shiva purana is tamasic. Above all Sri Adishankara himself worshipped and praised Lord Narasimhadeva only.


Jai Sri Narasimhadeva

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