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Guru Rahu Association

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well.. all of us know that there are innumerable yoga possible in astrology. Some are good while others are bad. some yogas are good for the people around the native and while others harm the people around the native more than they harm the native him/herself. One such yoga, of the latter catagory, is the Guru Chandaal Yoga...


Guru Chandaal Yoga</SPAN>

This yoga is formed when Jupiter is in conjunction with or is aspected by Rahu or Ketu

The native is prone to act immorally and perform many misdeeds. However the results are not as frightening as they are made out to be. Different results are obtained for the combination in different houses however if benefic planets are present with this combination or this combination is aspected by benefic planets the results are auspicious as the inauspiciousness decreases.

In different houses this combination gives different results as follows

1. If Rahu and Jupiter combine in 8th house, the native suffers from colic pains or he may suffer from the injuries near the naval. These injuries are likely to give life long scars.

2. If Rahu and Jupiter combine in 9th house and Saturn is in the 3rd house (with Ketu), the native may be an illegitimate child.

3. If Jupiter is in the 10th house, Rahu is in the 6th house and Venus is in the 2nd house, the native becomes very wealthy even after being born in an ordinary family.

4. If there is a benefic aspect on the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu (or Ketu), the native is inclined towards religion and respects religious people.

5. If Jupiter and Rahu are conjunct in the fourth house and there is a benefic aspect on them, the person is very religious wealthy and may be a lawyer.

6. if there is an auspicious sign in the ascendant (I think it means the sign of a naturally benefic planet) and the moon is also posited in an auspicious sign and the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu takes place in 5th or 9th house, the native is very learned, wealthy, progressive and respected person.

7. In Capricorn ascendant, if Jupiter and Rahu combine in the 9th house the native is a very rich person. He is much respected and has all the facilities at his disposal.

8. Jupiter Rahu combination in the 3rd house makes the person very courageous and if this combination is aspected by Mars, the courage knows no bounds.

9. Jupiter Rahu (or Ketu) combination in the 6th house and aspect of Mars on it, makes the person extremely critical of his own religion. In fact he criticizes the wrong in his religion.

On the whole this is not considered a good yoga. The person may have some sort of enmity towards his son. I have come across a number of charts with this combination; it is my personal observation that these people have a peculiar way of thinking. They have their own views about various things (in fact about almost everything under the sun), which may not be correct but the natives are very rigid about them. Simply put in Hindi the native hamesha ulta sochta hai.

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Perhaps I was a bit too harsh in saying native hamesha ulta sochta hai and I apologize if I have hurt anyone’s feelings


After all it is the perception of what is going around us. We may perceive the things as they really are or mould them as they suit best to us. Here I would like to narrate two incidents of people having this conjunction.


Many years back I happened to be at the house of a friend of mine. The relationship between him and his father were not exactly cordial and on that particular day some intense family matters were being discussed during which the father said something which agitated the son so much that he got up to hit his father but couldn’t hit him because of whatever reason and stopped in midway and left the house angrily.


Next day the father gathered some relatives and friends and raised such a hue and cry about this incident that it was something to be seen. According to him he did not consider it safe to live with his son as he (the son) could even kill him. The son on the other hand said that the attitude of his father, towards him, has, over the years, deteriorated to such an extent that if he had hit him, it would have been better, but something, may be the inherent respect towards his father, prevented him in doing that.


Here I ask you, wasn’t the father wrong in perceiving those events as he could only see that his son got up to hit him but couldn’t see that the respect factor stopped the son in time and made a public issue of a domestic quarrel. Or was it the son who was wrong as he even thought of hitting his father.


Later when I got interested in astrology I found that on the day of father’s birth Jupiter was in Pisces and Rahu was in Virgo having direct aspect on each other (though exact time was not available but these two plnanets can hardly change their position in a day ) and in son’s chart both Sun and Saturn were together.



Another incident is of a divorce case. I was with a lawyer friend of mine who was counsel for the husband. On the day when I was present in the court the lady said that her husband slaps her hard when she didn’t get up on time in the morning. On asking about this the husband replied that he just tried to wake her up by gently and lovingly patting her on the cheek. The magistrate even asked the lady to slap (or pat) herself in the court as to judge the intensity of that act. And believe me it was just a pat but the lady was adamant on being it the slap. Guru Rahu are in the same house of that lady.


So it is only the way of looking at the things, you can say the glass is half full or half empty. Basic thinking process is the domain of Jupiter (and also of Mercury), with Rahu’s conjunction or aspect there have to be some flaws in it, which may be unclear to the native as I don’t think no one, even during most truthful self analysis, can accept his own flaws in perceiving things. It is for others around us to judge. As these planets come to associate with each other very often (because direct and retrograde motions, and their 5-7-9 aspects) I would say that majority of the population have this combination in their charts, so one can not really draw a line between the right and the wrong. I, of all the people, am no one to pass the judgment, but this is what I feel.

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Dear Rajeev ji,

this is indeed a very interesting topic to make a discussion coz people do make it soud more horrible then it is ....


I generally i found this yoga to effetc more of native's mind and make him biased about his decision and his thought process. which actually is quite faulty as per general point of view..

they dont realise that what they r thinking to do or planning to do is MORALLY not right and thus they shud reconsider it ..


As it is mentioned by few that what actually happens coz of this yoga is that people do immoralistic things and they end up paying for it GENERALLY directly of indirectly and end up blaming word for this.......

So basically it does makes native's ind quite narrow and biased...




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Hi All!


Rahu afflicts guru and therefore it tends to mar the natural significations that jupiter holds in a chart. In most cases, if the trines are not strong, this yog affects married life, or hints towards a rebellious spouse. The worst place for this yog, in my opinion, are the dusthanas where one can say with conviction that the native becomes offensive to religion. However, at best, guru+rahu conjunction may reflect an unorthodox approach to religion. Simply because, rahu rebels and guru stands for conservative religion and wisdom.




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the response to the original post by a friend of mine mr. votive


"When the wisdom of Guru is poured in the "change" which Rahu promises, it is a heady mix. Certainly not conventional, I would agree but the definition of "good" as in a good yoga perhaps needs a fresh look.

I would put it in Hindi, "hamesha alag sochate hain" and not 'hamesha ulta sochate hain".

For, if all thoughts are cast from the same mould then maybe we would not be discussing on this forum at all."

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Dear all,


Whenever you consider about Guru chandala Yoga always take notice of the condition of the fifth and ninth house. If that is not bad then Guru chandala loses much of its strength and maleficity. Also Jupiter in nodal axis always cannot be regarded as bad. It can mean host of things. Say, untraditional approach towards spiritual matters or a person who does not believe in spirituality blindly he has strong scientific bent of mind in every matter. Rahu defines hidden things and Jupiter spirituality combine the both and you may get the complete different meaning of guru chandala yoga.


Lagna is also important in this regard because lagna, fifth and ninth houses are considered to be the most important house of any horoscope. And yes the malefic effects will not be neutralized completely still they will decrease considerably without playing any havoc. A man with very strong constitution cannot be effected by the disease in the same way as is suffered by a very weak man.


Also notice where guru chandala is taking place say it is worst in dusthana houses


I think the word 'Guru' stands for tradition, convention and common belief. And Chandal is one who opposes common belief system, convention. A guru chandal combination with the help of a few other good yogas can make people fantastically original. Because logically, any person who is unique and original will have to be iconoclastic. He has to break older forms of convention to create new ones. But one thing is there, guru chandal yoga, if not supported by other planets, will keep on opposing convention and tradition just for the sake of doing it and without creating anything to replace it.






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i would like to add to what sandhu ji said... this yoga, and all yogas, should be checked in the navamsha and the bhava charts (chalit chart) because in bhava chart the planets may shift to another house resulting in nullification of the yoga... according to sh. l d madan, a great astrologer of our times, failure of predictions often results when astrologers do not take this chart into account.... also in the navamsha the planets may form another yoga or gain in their strengths resulting in altogether different meaning of the yoga

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Well I'm curious about Rahu associations too. I've always heard that the nodes take the place of their house lord. I have this example in my chart. I have Guru in the 10th house in its own house(Meena). Rahu, Buddha, and Surya are all with it. Nothing is combust. How would Rahu effect a planet like Jupiter that is in its own house?

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