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Do I have posyaputra yoga??

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Namshkaar gurujis:pray:


We have been trying to have children for the past 1 year and it has not worked. I have been reading up on astrology and saw that I have posyaputra yoga. From both Moon and Lagna, 5th house/5th lord is in mercurial sign with both saturn and mercury. I am too worried now.


Does this mean the first child has to be adopted or I will never have my own children?


Since for Libra lagna, saturn is a yogakaraka and mercury is exalted does it help?


My birth details are as follows.


September 10th 1982

TOB: 09:47 AM



My husband's correct birth details are not available unfortunately :(


Gurujis pls help me!:pray:


Yours sincerely,


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There are thousands of Yogas given in texts of which 80 percent never works. So, do not try to judge your chart with your unbaked knowledge leading to such short-timed but unwarranted tensions.

There is no such Yoga present in your chart which may lead you to adopt a child.


The appropriate way for dealing with such situation:


First, go and consult a Gynaecologist so as to find out the correct medical reason behind this, if any.


Perform following remedies and you are very likely to conceive before May 2009.



  1. Wear a Gomedha in right/left hand middle finger in Silver on Wednesday.
  2. Donate following items in Temple on Thursday- 11 times
  • Jaggery (Gur) - 250 grams around.
  • Honey - 50-100 grams.
  • Red Sandalwood - 10 grams around (Do not use Sandalwood powder)
  • Poppy Seeds (Khas-Khas) - 20 grams.
  • Whole Turmeric (Sabut Haldi) - 50 grams.

The appropriate way of donating is place one item at a time in the Temple and pray for favorable results in progenic matters; and then place another item and pray; and so on till you place all the five items. The items can be donated in any temple but Radha-Krishna Temple will be the best.


Open the seal/cover of the items before donating.

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Thank you Rajshekharji....Thank you so much... We did go to doctors and were told everything is normal.

Since I read that presence of Saturn in 5th house or fifth lord in mercurial signs along with mercury and Mandi poses problems in child birth I was worried.


So do you think I will not have any issues in having a child?

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Thank you sir, since for the past 1 year we have been trying and I have not conceived , although the reports are normal. I got worried.


I know that understanding astrology requires dedication and expertise, probably it is not a good idea for me to read up on astrology and come to conclusions. Since I live in US and also my husband does not have faith in astrology, there is no way I can consult an expert here. So I felt helpless and had no other way.

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Hello Shruthi.


I am just copying what I wrote in another thread regarding conception. I think the following will be more beneficial to you , since you seem to know the basics in astrology.


Try to unite with your partner during Guru or Jupiter hora. A day starting from Sunrise to next day sunrise is divided into 24 parts of one hour. The order of the horas are

1. Sun or Surya (sunday). first hora

2. sukra or Venus (friday) second hora

3. budha or Mercury (wednesday) third hora

4. Moon or Chandra (monday) fourth hora

5. Saturn or Shani (saturday) fifth hora

6. Guru or Jupiter (thursday) sixth hora

7. Mangal or Mars ( tuesday) seventh hora


8. once again sun hora follows...



This whole cycle repeats three times. 7x3=21 hours. There are three more hours left. Once again start the cycle in the same order.


I will give you an example. yesterday was Tuesday. The sunrise in chennai is 6hrs:3min:39sec.(approximately 6 hrs 4 mins). Starting from this say 6 hrs 4 mins, every one hour you have one Hora of a particular graha in the order given above.


For tuesdays , the first hora will be that of Mangal or Mars. Next hora will be that of Sun ( in the cyclic order ie.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, ). It will start to 7 hrs 4 mins. Next hora will be sukra or venus starting from 8 hrs and 4 mins. Like this repeat this cycle three times and an extra of three more planets.

Automatically on the next day, that is today - wednesday, the first hora will be that of Budhan or mercury. Make a tabular coloumn for all week days. During the hora of Jupiter you may unite with your partner to allow the cells to unite.


you may download free jothish program called jhora from the following site



Go to "How to get it:"

and click on the first " here. "


After installing the program and entering the place of your living, go to miscellany tab on the top and choose panchanga tab given at the bottom.

You will find the break up of horas. This program takes into account of the sunrise time. But the break up shows the end of the hora hours and not the begining. This will not be a problem if you manually work out the way I have given above. Please feel free to get back to me for further doubts. Wish you good luck

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Thank you Rajshekharji....Thank you so much... We did go to doctors and were told everything is normal.

Since I read that presence of Saturn in 5th house or fifth lord in mercurial signs along with mercury and Mandi poses problems in child birth I was worried.


So do you think I will not have any issues in having a child?




I think, I have given very clear statements; and there is no need to repeat the same question again and again.


I am not against learning astrology and/or any other science, methodology or technology etc. etc.

But, if you just want to quench your thirst of a simple querry related to your progenic matters, I will not suggest you to try to understand astrological concepts behind it.

Look, there are thousands of books and texts available on astrology; and many of which will take you nowhere and you may end up finding lot of contradictory yogas and placements of planets in your chart; and you may become vulnerable to more doubt and fear.

It will be just like getting cure of normal and routine health problems from a doctor; for which no-one would like to read and understand the medical science until and unless he or she is seriously looking for becoming a doctor/surgeon/healer.

There are number of charts where no Saturn or Mercury or both are placed in concerned houses, but still they are not being blessed with progenic happiness and; There are so many charts where not only Saturn/Mercury but even other so-called malefics are placed/related to 5th house while the couple is enjoying full domestic and marital happiness.

Yourself not being successful for one year does not indicate any serious problem in progenic matters;

Had it been 3 or more years only thereafter the condition could be taken as serious? I believe, even your doctors would have been suggesting similar.


Therefore, be relax and perform the simple remedies. Your problem is not any serious for which you need to divert your attention towards learning astrology.

You may also like to go through following link


http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/449546-problems-career-finance-post1115545.html#post1115545

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Sir,I do not want to sound greedy here, but just out of curiosity, as per my horoscope,will I have the first baby as a boy or a girl?


Best Regards,



Without having correct birth details of both husband and wife, it is not possible for me. Besides, I personally do not believe in such practices.

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i have been trying to conceive for 6 yrs pls tell me when will i concieve

my dob is 2nd sep 1979 time of birth is 8 24 am born in chennai

date of marriage is july 6th 2003 pls help


my husbands dob is 26 th april 1976 chennai


i have been taking medical treatement for 2 full yrs injections and tabs pls tell me if i will concieve now in approximately few months


pls tell me if i will be able to concieve is all i want to know

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi , That's surprising. would you know how childbirth is affected by astrology. my astrologer said that jupiter transit on Dec 6th will help me . so i am thinking it will probably help you too.the whole year of 2009 is god to try again . also he asked me to pray to shani and lord dakshinamurthy .i also visited Garbharakshambigai temple in kumbakonam in south. saying the matra for her helps in conceiving it seems. if you want it , let me know and i can send that to you.

How did you get a response on this forum. i have not had anybody response to my query.

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