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kalki purana

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Don't know for sure the answers to your questions as it has been a while since I read about Kalki avatar. My memory seems to tell me that the Kalki avatar goes around killing the kings of the world because the kings have become corrupt and are making everyone live irreligously. My understanding is that Krishna is the eternal defender and restorer of religion so when things get to bad in the material world Krishna is obliged to come down and restore religion. At the end of the Kali-yuga the method Krishna uses is the Kalki avatar. My understanding is that Krishna experiences all emotions from a transcendental perspective so even if the lord is angry if you are even on the bad side of his anger it is ultimately to your spiritual benefit.

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Don't know for sure the answers to your questions as it has been a while since I read about Kalki avatar. My memory seems to tell me that the Kalki avatar goes around killing the kings of the world because the kings have become corrupt and are making everyone live irreligously. My understanding is that Krishna is the eternal defender and restorer of religion so when things get to bad in the material world Krishna is obliged to come down and restore religion. At the end of the Kali-yuga the method Krishna uses is the Kalki avatar. My understanding is that Krishna experiences all emotions from a transcendental perspective so even if the lord is angry if you are even on the bad side of his anger it is ultimately to your spiritual benefit.


thanks for the quick reply

i just ordered the kalki purana and looking to find out...

as far the 8th avatar (krishna) goes there was a large scale war which is written in the mahabharata. How did Krishna go from a popular, loving statesmen to a fierce warrior? it was known that he killed and also was involved on the battlefield. Were there any events that triggered his desire to fight or was it transcendental? Also how did he aquire his celestial weapons like the chakra and how did he meet Parashurama?


This is a seperate question for anyone who knows:

all of the vishnu avatars seemed to be dark/blue skinned, was siddartha gautama (buddha) also dark skinned?

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and Hello to you


i have a few questions regarding the kalki avatar...

-why is the kalki avatar upset?

Seems the amount of deceit is beyond correction. Ie… the very folk who claim to carry the torch, no matter the culture, reverted to the pride of ego and self over the compassion to the collective; the damage seems to have gone to far and nothing will change it but turning over the order…


he goes out to kill all evil doers, but why is this? what makes him care?

for life!

for the children; the future

it seems the ‘life’ of all that exists is the transcendent Vishnu and the avatars realign awareness of the universal life (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Krishna</st1:place> conscious so to speak), in the last chapters it seems instead of simply sharing to a single culture, this time around it is to be shared to the globe over. And if a change of the guard (turn over) is possible (the world over), then it must be from the nuclear capabilities, which then brings all ‘life’ into the picture.

So in a real sense, ‘life’ itself would make ‘him’ care.


and are there any personal reason to him being upset stated in the kalki purana?
perhaps the experience known in life; such that what has been passed on in knowledge and beliefs contradicts the truth and to experience the corruption with palms up and feeling the pain; perhaps puts him in a bad way by knowing the pain others are feeling and the deciet others are being exposed to


all of the vishnu avatars seemed to be dark/blue skinned, was siddartha gautama (buddha) also dark skinned?
seems many depictions share a view of what many of the past teachers were thought to look like but with 2 feet on the ground and looking at the idea from a perspective of reality; maybe the avatars had a nice tan. Perhaps the outdoorsy kind of guy.

As for meeting Parashurama: an eye opener :eek2: .

Seems that since time divides the 2 to literally meet face to face, the life is what must interact. Perhaps by an experience or inner seeking……perhaps someone walks the globe having the life within..

but the idea of receiving weapons can only mean 'knowledge' as magic is not an option and I do not believe harming people physically with bombs or the such is anything the kalki would partake in. It seems the primary objective is to destroy ignorance. And all heads of corrupt teachings, oppression and beliefs will perish by the knowledge of truth.

This is by observing with a perspective of in this day and age of how the stories could apply to reality.

Hope it helps during your reading pursuits.

if you find something that stands out, please place it on the thread;

'enquiring mind, want to know'


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Paarsurrey says:


It is a common misconception that the personage to come at end of times would restore the lost honour of those religions by going on a killing spree. The DivingGuides sent by GodAllahParmasherYHWh only to establish peace.It is the war-mongers who misinterpret it otherwise.

Mistake of Judaism:

They thought that Moshiach would come and fight with the enemies of Judaism to return them the lost rule of Davids and Solomon. Moshiach did come in the form of JesusChrist; the Jews did not accept him. Jesus pleaded so much but they opposed him tooth and nail; they said they would accept a DivineGuide of their Mullah’s (Ribbi’s) liking.

Mistake of Muslims:

Muslims still belive that they would believe in IssaMessiah who will kill their opponents with sword and this way establish their rule in the world.The PromisedMessiah/ImamMahdi has come but they have not accepted him. They have done as did the Jews; and this a prephcy of Muahammad.

The KalkiAvatar or <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishnas</st1:place>’ Seond Coming says:

Let it be known that most Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus (on whom be peace) went alive to the heavens; both these people have believed for a long time that Jesus (on whom be peace) is still alive in the heavens, and will sometime in the latter days come down to the earth.


The difference in their views, i.e. the view of the followers of Islam and that of the Christians, is only this, that the Christians believe that Jesus (on whom be peace) died on the Cross, was resurrected, and went to the heavens in his earthly body, seated himself on the right hand of his Father, and will come to the earth in the latter days for judgment; they also say that the Creator and the Master of the world is this Jesus the Messiah and no one else; he it is who, in the latter days of the world, will descend to the earth with a glorious descent to award punishment and reward; then, all who will not believe in him or his mother as God, will be hauled up and thrown into hell, where weeping and wailing will be their lot.

But the aforesaid sects of Muslims say that Jesus (on whom be peace) was not crucified, nor did he die on the Cross; on the other hand, when the Jews arrested him in order to crucify him an angel of God took him away to the heavens in his earthly body, and he is still alive in the heavens - which, they say, is the second heaven where is also the prophet Yahya, i.e. John.


Muslims, moreover, also say that Jesus (on whom be peace) is an eminent prophet of God, but not God, nor the son of God, and, they believe that he will in the latter days descend to the earth, near the Minaret of Damascus or near some other place, supported on the shoulders of two angels, and that he and Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, who will be already in the world, and who will be a Fatimite, will kill all the non-Muslims, not leaving anyone alive except those who will forthwith and without any delay become Muslims.


In short, the real object of the descent of Jesus (on whom be peace) to the earth, as stated by Muslim sects known as Ahl-i-Sunnat or Ahl-i-Hadith called Wahabis by the common people - is that, like the Mahadev of the Hindus, he should destroy the whole world; that he should first threaten the people to become Muslims and then, if they persist in disbelief, massacre them all with the sword; they moreover say that he is alive in the heavens in his earthly body, so that, when Muslim powers become weak, he will come down and kill the non-Muslims or coerce them on pain of death to become Muslims.


Regarding the Christians especially, the divines of the aforesaid sects state that when Jesus (on whom be peace) comes down from the heavens he will break all the Crosses in the world, do many a cruel deed with the sword, and inundate the world with blood. And, just as I have stated, these people, i.e. the Ahl-i-Hadith etc. from among the Muslims, are enthusiastic about their belief that a short time before the coming down of the Messiah there will appear an Imam from the Bani Fatima whose name will be Muhammad, the Mahdi.

He it is who will be Khalifa and King of the time, and as he will belong to the Koraish, his real object will be to kill all non-Muslims except those who readily recite the Kalima. Jesus (on whom be peace) will come down in order to help him in his work; and although Jesus himself (on whom be peace) will be a Mahdi - nay, a greater Mahdi - yet, because it is essential that the Khalifa of the time should be a Koraish, Jesus (on whom be peace) will not be the Khalifa of the time; the Khalifa of the time will be that same Muhammad, the Mahdi.

Muslims say that these two together will fill the earth with the blood of man, and they will shed more blood than has ever been shed before in the history of the world.

No sooner will they appear than they will start this bloody campaign; they will neither preach nor plead, nor show any sign. And they also say that although Jesus (on whom be peace) will be like an adviser or a lieutenant of Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, and although the reins of power will be in the hands of the Mahdi only, Jesus (on whom be peace) will instigate Hazrat Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, to massacre the whole world and will advise him to adopt extreme measures, i.e. he will make amends for the humane teaching which he had given to the world before, namely, 'not to resist evil,' and, being struck on one cheek, 'to turn the other cheek also.'



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and Hello to you

Seems the amount of deceit is beyond correction. Ie… the very folk who claim to carry the torch, no matter the culture, reverted to the pride of ego and self over the compassion to the collective; the damage seems to have gone to far and nothing will change it but turning over the order…

for life!

for the children; the future

it seems the ‘life’ of all that exists is the transcendent Vishnu and the avatars realign awareness of the universal life (ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek2: .

Seems that since time divides the 2 to literally meet face to face, the life is what must interact. Perhaps by an experience or inner seeking……perhaps someone walks the globe having the life within..

but the idea of receiving weapons can only mean 'knowledge' as magic is not an option and I do not believe harming people physically with bombs or the such is anything the kalki would partake in. It seems the primary objective is to destroy ignorance. And all heads of corrupt teachings, oppression and beliefs will perish by the knowledge of truth.

This is by observing with a perspective of in this day and age of how the stories could apply to reality.

Hope it helps during your reading pursuits.

if you find something that stands out, please place it on the thread;

'enquiring mind, want to know'



I read somewhere that Parashurama is one of the immortals and his incarnation comes to earth during all avatars...He was here with Rama, Krishna and is also supposed to help kalki aquire celestial weapons by doing a long penance to Lord Shivji.

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Paarsurrey says:


It is a common misconception that the personage to come at end of times would restore the lost honour of those religions by going on a killing spree. The DivingGuides sent by GodAllahParmasherYHWh only to establish peace.It is the war-mongers who misinterpret it otherwise.

Mistake of Judaism:

They thought that Moshiach would come and fight with the enemies of Judaism to return them the lost rule of Davids and Solomon. Moshiach did come in the form of JesusChrist; the Jews did not accept him. Jesus pleaded so much but they opposed him tooth and nail; they said they would accept a DivineGuide of their Mullah’s (Ribbi’s) liking.

Mistake of Muslims:

Muslims still belive that they would believe in IssaMessiah who will kill their opponents with sword and this way establish their rule in the world.The PromisedMessiah/ImamMahdi has come but they have not accepted him. They have done as did the Jews; and this a prephcy of Muahammad.

The KalkiAvatar or ffice:smarttags" />Let it be known that most Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus (on whom be peace) went alive to the heavens; both these people have believed for a long time that Jesus (on whom be peace) is still alive in the heavens, and will sometime in the latter days come down to the earth.


The difference in their views, i.e. the view of the followers of Islam and that of the Christians, is only this, that the Christians believe that Jesus (on whom be peace) died on the Cross, was resurrected, and went to the heavens in his earthly body, seated himself on the right hand of his Father, and will come to the earth in the latter days for judgment; they also say that the Creator and the Master of the world is this Jesus the Messiah and no one else; he it is who, in the latter days of the world, will descend to the earth with a glorious descent to award punishment and reward; then, all who will not believe in him or his mother as God, will be hauled up and thrown into hell, where weeping and wailing will be their lot.

But the aforesaid sects of Muslims say that Jesus (on whom be peace) was not crucified, nor did he die on the Cross; on the other hand, when the Jews arrested him in order to crucify him an angel of God took him away to the heavens in his earthly body, and he is still alive in the heavens - which, they say, is the second heaven where is also the prophet Yahya, i.e. John.


Muslims, moreover, also say that Jesus (on whom be peace) is an eminent prophet of God, but not God, nor the son of God, and, they believe that he will in the latter days descend to the earth, near the Minaret of Damascus or near some other place, supported on the shoulders of two angels, and that he and Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, who will be already in the world, and who will be a Fatimite, will kill all the non-Muslims, not leaving anyone alive except those who will forthwith and without any delay become Muslims.


In short, the real object of the descent of Jesus (on whom be peace) to the earth, as stated by Muslim sects known as Ahl-i-Sunnat or Ahl-i-Hadith called Wahabis by the common people - is that, like the Mahadev of the Hindus, he should destroy the whole world; that he should first threaten the people to become Muslims and then, if they persist in disbelief, massacre them all with the sword; they moreover say that he is alive in the heavens in his earthly body, so that, when Muslim powers become weak, he will come down and kill the non-Muslims or coerce them on pain of death to become Muslims.


Regarding the Christians especially, the divines of the aforesaid sects state that when Jesus (on whom be peace) comes down from the heavens he will break all the Crosses in the world, do many a cruel deed with the sword, and inundate the world with blood. And, just as I have stated, these people, i.e. the Ahl-i-Hadith etc. from among the Muslims, are enthusiastic about their belief that a short time before the coming down of the Messiah there will appear an Imam from the Bani Fatima whose name will be Muhammad, the Mahdi.

He it is who will be Khalifa and King of the time, and as he will belong to the Koraish, his real object will be to kill all non-Muslims except those who readily recite the Kalima. Jesus (on whom be peace) will come down in order to help him in his work; and although Jesus himself (on whom be peace) will be a Mahdi - nay, a greater Mahdi - yet, because it is essential that the Khalifa of the time should be a Koraish, Jesus (on whom be peace) will not be the Khalifa of the time; the Khalifa of the time will be that same Muhammad, the Mahdi.

Muslims say that these two together will fill the earth with the blood of man, and they will shed more blood than has ever been shed before in the history of the world.

No sooner will they appear than they will start this bloody campaign; they will neither preach nor plead, nor show any sign. And they also say that although Jesus (on whom be peace) will be like an adviser or a lieutenant of Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, and although the reins of power will be in the hands of the Mahdi only, Jesus (on whom be peace) will instigate Hazrat Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, to massacre the whole world and will advise him to adopt extreme measures, i.e. he will make amends for the humane teaching which he had given to the world before, namely, 'not to resist evil,' and, being struck on one cheek, 'to turn the other cheek also.'



thankyou for the information

yeah i remember seeing a documentary about the second coming of Jesus.

He will be on a horse and will shed blood to those who do not side with God.

He sounds very similar to the kalki avatar mentioned in the puranas, but also has me wondering if they are going to be the same person...

You were saying that Jesus would like be like a general but how come kalki is described as killing people with his sword? I am uncertain how there will be both a kalki avatar and jesus? I beleive that their descriptions are so similar that they are the same person. Kalki is fighting kali (the demon) and jesus against the antichrist? If kali and the antichrist are the same person, then I would also think that kalki and jesus are the same as well.

I havent seen ur link yet but i will look at it shortly and also do more research

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thanks for the quick reply

i just ordered the kalki purana and looking to find out...

as far the 8th avatar (krishna) goes there was a large scale war which is written in the mahabharata. How did Krishna go from a popular, loving statesmen to a fierce warrior? it was known that he killed and also was involved on the battlefield. Were there any events that triggered his desire to fight or was it transcendental? Also how did he aquire his celestial weapons like the chakra and how did he meet Parashurama?


This is a seperate question for anyone who knows:

all of the vishnu avatars seemed to be dark/blue skinned, was siddartha gautama (buddha) also dark skinned?


Very good question indeed!

Yes,64 crore pple died on the kurukshetra.

Lord Krsna had taken a vow not to take up arms on the battlefield.He wuld only act as arjuna's Chariot driver(What leela!).

But there came one point in the war when Bhisma faced arjuna in battle.Bhisma was more powerful and could easily kill Arjuna.

However there is a transcendental reason to it.

Bhisma wanted to fight with the Supreme Lord one on one.That was his spiritual bhava/sentiment.The Lord will turn the universe upside doen but He always fulfills His devotee's wishes.

The lord arranged such an event where Bhishma and Arjuna faced each other.Actually two vaishnavas are never inimical towards each other.They are eternal friends and love each other deeply.

So the Lord took up the chariot wheel on His finger to Fight off the great Bhishma.In the process His pitambar falls down and lo ! Bhishma beholds the naked lord.Such flow of transcendental Bhava and yet both Lord and devotee continue fighting with the help of Yogamaya when in actual they were enjoying each other's intense love.

As Srila Prabhupada puts it,"As a lover marks her beloved,Bhishma's arrows rained incessantly on the Lord.The Lord appeared to be bleeding to the material eyes for ordinary eyes cannot pierce His veil of Yogamaya.Thus He fought with Bhishma."

The lord broke His vow only to fulfill His devotee's wish.The lord can do anything.

Once He summoned all the Bhramas from the infinite of universes when the four headed Bhrama of this universe had some minor ego problems.

And then came 10 headed brahmas,20 headed brahmas,100 headed brahmas and then came brahmas with millions of heads for their universes were much larger than this one.

So even though the concerned living entity is an avatara or guna avatara,He is always a servant of Sri Krsna.

And so the Lord does anything and everything He wants.He puts forth this tremendous creation only by smiling.

Such is the opulence of Godhead who is known by the names of Govinda,Shyamasundara and Mohana.

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Also how did he aquire his celestial weapons like the chakra and how did he meet Parashurama?


This is a seperate question for anyone who knows:

all of the vishnu avatars seemed to be dark/blue skinned, was siddartha gautama (buddha) also dark skinned?


Every single second,The lord is taking millions of Avataras in infinite universes.

He appears fully (Rama/krsna/Gauranga)

As avesha(empowered) incarnations: Vyasadeva,Buddha,Narada

Expansions: Laxmana/Balarama/Nityananda prabhu

Incarnations:Nrshmdeva/vamana/shukar i.e varaha/kalki/Mohini etc.

Besides these the lord appears as Bhrama,Vishnu and Mahesh in each of the infinite universes.These are Guna avataras.

Then there are the yuga avataras...coming down every few thousands of years....Hari,etc.

So there are INFINITE,INEXHAUSTIBLE,UNCHANGING and ETERNAL forms of the Lord and they are full of Bliss.

If a mahatma sees Varaha avatar he'll fall on the ground,experiencing indescribable happiness.All the forms of the lord are Spiritual.They are ALL eternal...coming down from their respective Vaikunthas for Whenever they wish.

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