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Hello, could anyone please analyze my birth chart and suggest the remedial measures for that...


My Birth Details...


Date of Birth: 5th June, 1975.

Place of Birth: Calcutta, India.

Time of Birth: 06:04AM (Thursday)


Currently I am facing problems with the following things...


1. Running out of money and wealth

2. Marital disharmony

3. Dissatisfaction in work place

4. Not getting the proper recognition for working capacity


Anybody please help...



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Iam facing serious depression and Very seriuos financial burden on me. Iam doing all the hard work but no result. Iam working but very less paid. Iam the only earner in my Family. due to depression iam gaining weight. Earlier I was very smart and good looking person But now I hate to see my self in the mirror. PLEASE VIC SAVE ME.





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name : Swaroop Bhandary

date :08/12/1983

time :17:55

place : Udipi/Karnataka/India

gender :male




Similarly, a lovely Sashi Yoga for your lagnesh which recurs from the Surya Lagna as well! you and I have several interesting similarities!

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Name: Manoj

DOB: 12th May 1982, TOB: 8:12:00 AM IST and POB: Hyderabad, India.

Gender: Male


Could you please let me know how would my married and professional life be? In which year would I be getting married?





I don't want to answer specific questions, these are just quick overviews. Specific questions require thorough readings.


However, you are the third person in a ROW here on this thread to have one of the panch mahapurush yogas, for you it's Venus - "Malavya Yoga" this should tell you something already about marriage! This recurs from Chandra Lagna.


Sun is exalted and has a very nice yoga with Mercury in Surya's 2nd and Venus in Surya's 12th!

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Dear Everyone,


Thanks for your response. If you've posted already I *WILL* reply with your overview. If you've given your email I will send it there directly instead of posting the link here.


If you have NOT ALREADY POSTED, please go to http://www.vedicastrologer.net and fill in the request form there. I do not guarantee that I will be checking this thread for new requests on a regular basis.


Thank you,


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post your



date, time & place (city/state/country) of birth




Hello, Accept my 'Namaskar'!


Pls guide me.



DOB: 19.10.1978

Time: 12:27pm

Place: Kolkata (erswhile Calcutta), India.


I am particularly worried abt my marriage possibilities.

Pls guide me.


Best Regards.

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Here are my details:


DOB: 27th Jan 1981

TOB: 03:05 AM IST

POB: Hyderabad

Gender: Female


In which 'month n year' wud i be getting married? Thanks in advance.




For specific questions please order a reading from my site: http://www.vedicastrologer.net

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DOB: 12th May 1982, TOB: 8:12:00 AM IST and POB: Hyderabad, India.

Gender: Male


Could you please let me know how would my married and professional life be? In which year would I be getting married? Am I a Manglik?




yes you are manglik, but getting too old for it to matter. for other info please order a reading.

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