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I am going through a phase where to whom should I trust n to whom not is the biggest question in my life. My mind is continously thing about the same things n that is why I can't make proper step todays my goal, then at this time what a person should do when the problem is emotional one.

Please guide me what n how should I behave so the is doen't affect my peronality.

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I am going through a phase where to whom should I trust n to whom not is the biggest question in my life. My mind is continously thing about the same things n that is why I can't make proper step todays my goal, then at this time what a person should do when the problem is emotional one.

Please guide me what n how should I behave so the is doen't affect my peronality.

You are right to not trust anyone in the material world (material consciousness) because material consciousness is caused by a desire to exploit others.


Another angle is to reverse the question; who can trust you? We also want to exploit others.


It comes down to trusting only God and His devotees because they have nothing to gain from exploiting us nor do they have a desire to do so. They truly seek only our welfare.

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I am going through a phase where to whom should I trust n to whom not is the biggest question in my life. My mind is continously thing about the same things n that is why I can't make proper step todays my goal, then at this time what a person should do when the problem is emotional one.

Please guide me what n how should I behave so the is doen't affect my peronality.


No one influences no one. SP said never surrender your intelligence.


With time you'll get to know that you don't have anything to do with intelligence also.

But till then or till you don't start identifying yourself with the soul... don't surrender your intelligence.

Trusting others is a secondary matter when you'll realise that the true battle is not outside you but inside the core of your heart and your mind.

You have the right to question everything but in a humble manner.


The words of Bishadi are very fruitful here, "Experience" as he always says.

Learn from the car wreck.


The Hard facts of life Theist has explained, its cent per cent true. You'll need to gather strength and learn to overcome the satva gunna such that nothing can affect you and at the same time you don't feel any grudge against the exploiters also.

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I am going through a phase where to whom should I trust n to whom not is the biggest question in my life. My mind is continously thing about the same things n that is why I can't make proper step todays my goal, then at this time what a person should do when the problem is emotional one.

Please guide me what n how should I behave so the is doen't affect my peronality.


Trust in yourself. The rest will follow. Be a guide to your mind and not guided by it. If your problem is an emotional one, the best way is to solve it so that it becomes a stepping stone for your future load of things to come. If it is something which is out of your reach of action, ignore it and dont spoil your life by pondering over a lost cause. The Best is yet to come. Always believe that 'Everything that Happens, Happens for Good'. It may reflect not right at that moment but definitely in the unknown future.

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Trust in yourself. The rest will follow. Be a guide to your mind and not guided by it. If your problem is an emotional one, the best way is to solve it so that it becomes a stepping stone for your future load of things to come. If it is something which is out of your reach of action, ignore it and dont spoil your life by pondering over a lost cause. The Best is yet to come. Always believe that 'Everything that Happens, Happens for Good'. It may reflect not right at that moment but definitely in the unknown future.


Happy to see you again Sri.:)

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But till then or till you don't start identifying yourself with the soul... don't surrender your intelligence. by amlesh

Dear samiksha, this is nice advice of amlesh. Infact as we grow spiritually, the spirit of unity and love (super-soul), will speak to our heart with divine intelligence. That is called buddhi-yoga (bhakti-yoga).


In regards to emotions, I have emotion synesthesia (a brain/mind condition). My senses crossover with this condition...in other words super sense-itive. I am finding tolerance, higher vision, and love are great foundations to build upon while in this world.


Bishadi does have nice advice, as does amlesh. And our friend Sri has given much here.


And theist has a heart 'in which the whole world can live'.

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Dear samiksha, this is nice advice of amlesh. Infact as we grow spiritually, the spirit of unity and love (super-soul), will speak to our heart with divine intelligence. That is called buddhi-yoga (bhakti-yoga).


In regards to emotions, I have emotion synesthesia (a brain/mind condition). My senses crossover with this condition...in other words super sense-itive. I am finding tolerance, higher vision, and love are great foundations to build upon while in this world.


Bishadi does have nice advice, as does amlesh. And our friend Sri has given much here.


And theist has a heart 'in which the whole world can live'.


Thanks for your kind words bija...

& I'm wondering where is 'Dark'?

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I am going through a phase where to whom should I trust
the one in the mirror.


use your mind to appreciate being alive, in that as soon as your eyes open, say thanks and then find what needs to be done 'today' and do what needs doing until tomorrow as you hope to awaken and have another chance.


'if the bowl is dirty, wash it' (an old upanishad idea)



n to whom not is the biggest question in my life. My mind is continously thing about the same things n that is why I can't make proper step todays my goal, then at this time what a person should do when the problem is emotional one.
what is on your mind?


is there something you do not have that is required for your life?


and that is a loaded question such that are you in need of things, love, air, food.... what is your 'desire' that is removing the immediate appreciation for being alive?



Please guide me what n how should I behave so the is doen't affect my peronality.
think of yourself as a splash on the pond of existence. That each step makes a wave. If your steps combine with others, then the 'good' combinations will live beyond the simple splash. if the acts or steps taken are adverse, or taking from the other waves simply of self, then you are not supporting life, but becoming a loss to life.


so think in items of choice but be absolutely honest with that person in the mirror; measure you actions;


good: supports life to continue


bad: loss to the common...


so go out there and enjoy each moment and know, when you water the tree, feed the birds and assist another across the street, you are giving of your energy for the good of others (life) and you will live in them gifts (choices) forever upon this existence.


make a child; teach them so that never will they feel unnatural to life!

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Peace and the ever lasting is to them of good choices.


And to know that is heaven upon this life, this earth; now!


Enjoy that whole of existence and find the Love of duty you are born with; devote your life to learn that which needs to be understood for you to be the best you can be. (a doctor, a teacher, a street sweaper; each give of their life to support the morrow)


There must be something that calls your name and to be capable of the internet, you have access to what many never do; knowledge to learn and understand. So learn and do that which is good for life to continue.


p/s ... what is the troubling item? Has it been answered?

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>And theist has a heart 'in which the whole world can live'.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Theist is outside looking in ;)



If anyone has the fascility, make a Krsna conscious version of this song that I first heard when I was 14 years old


We need another 1960s mind expanding conscious revolution to get the kids of 2008 (not just Hindus from India) to experience the Prabhupada bliss of 1968


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