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Bailout voted down by Congress

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Pretty cool. It looks like the New World Order may have been dealt a little bit of a blow today unless this is just all part of their plan. Even small victories don't seem to last very long because its seems the NWO always has another trick up their sleaves to dupe the people into giving up more and more freedom and becoming enslaved to the federal reserve, islamaphobia etc.

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It is amazing that once you see how the federal reserve has enslaved people and they still don't know it, it is like getting the keys to the matrix so to speak. It all becomes clear how they have been manipulating the American public at every turn. Just unreal. I never could completely believe in all of these conspiracies but watching the actions of Bush, Pelosi, and Paulson has made me realize the magnitude of this whole scam perpetrated on the American public. If there really is a God we are going to need His assistance to get this mess cleaned up and finally exposed to the American public if they even care.

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Fellow citizens being paid with paper money immediately work day&night against other fellow citizens and turning their lives into chaos. How you will stop this, it is impossible.


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="550"><tbody><tr><td>

</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> US Banking Collapse a “Controlled Demolition”


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Amy de Miceli – opednews.com September 26, 2008



What does the rest of the world know that we don't? The United States Dollar is dead.


While we are being jerked around by the mainstream media here at home, the rest of the world has already drawn the final conclusion for us, and what they are saying about us isn't pretty.


We are in the middle of a crisis much larger than most Americans could imagine, a portion of America can't even handle it, for that matter. The Bailout is an awful idea, and the majority of Americans realize that. There is even a provision that would grant Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson dictatorial powers, and that is obviously insane, but here we are debating it. It's like asking a dead man whether he wants to be buried or cremated; it's a non issue and Congress is just playing a game to distract the American people. We need to move ahead, and we should begin with taking our country back from the tyrants.


Hank Paulson has already taken control of the US banking system; journalist and expert economist Max Keiser compares Paulson to the 9/11 hijackers, calling him a financial terrorist. Keiser has been making his rounds on international broadcasts, including France 24 and Press TV where he compares the collapse of the US banking system to WTC 7 - "a controlled demolition."


Our news is being filtered and the rest of the world is ready to write us off. China has asked domestic banks to stop lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent losses. America has relied on borrowing money from foreign lenders, and China was one of the largest. We have put ourselves in debt to China, and now they have cut us off.


Meanwhile, the President of the United States is trying to scare the American people, threatening: support the Bailout or face more bank failures and a stock market crash; 401Ks will evaporate; home prices will plummet and foreclosures will rise. Sadly we face all of these things plus much worse, with or without the bailout, and our president is deceiving us and he's being aided by the media.

During his speech on Wednesday, Bush claimed to have been informed by, "The government's top economic experts" and they are warning us, "without immediate action...America could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold."


These experts are the same ones that led us to this economic crisis. Many have been predicting this collapse for years. Let's listen to some other economists. Yesterday Senator Shelby, ranking Republican on the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, met with the President and brought with him a 5 page list of the nation's leading economists, who do not agree with the Bailout Proposal and have offered alternatives.


The veil has been lifted for those who have eyes to see it. We are being shown who is in control of America, and it is what many of us know already - the bankers- the central bank. It is a sickening display.


Right now we are relying on the rest of the world. If they continue to dump or threaten to dump our dollar, we are sunk, and if our representatives pass the Bailout and the Fed "prints" all those billions of dollars, (trillions when its all said and done) we are sunk. Our dollar will be worthless. Either way they are taking it to zero.


It is not an ideal situation but we are in it and there are other factors bringing us to our knees.


According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) our gasoline inventories are the lowest since 1967. The southeast is running out of gas; Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College in North Carolina has shut down; and AAA reports that Nashville TN has the worst gas shortage, 85% of the gas stations are closed, and where you can find fuel, the wait can be 4 hours long. Add that to the flood damaged wheat, corn and soybean crops and our supermarket shelves will be thin. What will happen when we are hungry and broke? They would expect us to be upset about that. Bush can declare himself a dictator at any time, according to PDD 51, and implement martial law for any reason. In early September an article from the Army Times went virtually unnoticed for a couple of weeks. They reported that troops will soon be patrolling our streets:


"The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.

Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or man-made emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks."


We are on our own, people. Congress is merely making a final attempt at looking sincere, as they have been profiting all along. The main stream media has no loyalty to America either. Their strings are pulled the same way by the same people. America has been hijacked. We have lost everything, and now they want to leave us broke and homeless on the continent our forefathers conquered.


We cannot let that happen. Get the mist out of your eyes and Stand.



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David Buick from BCG Partners in London told Al Jazeera that now was the time for pragmatism rather than recriminations.

"The fact is we have a problem and I don't think that those people who voted against it know the implications," he said.

"The banking sector is the lifeline, the best artery ... to the fabric of every society in the world. Without strong banks we have nothing, we have a delapidated economy worldwide, we have no retail, we have unemployment, we have anarchy."



It is amazing how we put our faith in the temporary things that crumble...no mention of the true lifeline (God).

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Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krsna!


Economies may crash...


The body may crumble in pain and disease day by day...


The sun and the stars may even explode and fall into nothing...


But I know this for sure,


Gurudeva's words which touched my soul,


Which activated awareness of what is eternal and true...


These words will last forever!


We are not these bodies, we are not these minds. We are not any of these things.


Transcendental sound is integral to the soul...it stands forever!



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funny how it went, eh??


First pillar to fall was illicit sex and the STD horrors of AIDS. Then the intoxication and the meth explosion, the most insidious of all drugs. And then of course, the mad cow disease for all those with killer tongues anteeth.


Now we get the whole collapse brought about by the fall of truthfulness via gambling. Anyone who has been around must remember, before the cancellation of pious controls, that only bookies from vegas took bets on how the stock market would fare. Now this horror, deregulated into the mainstream, has robbed the poor to pay the rich. The stock market is not pork bellies and silver, and orange juice. Its CDs, and houses sold at extremely inflated prices. So the suckers who bought a $1oo,000 home for $250,000, financed accordingly, cannot pat any more, so the banks take possession of these junk houses and lose the mortgages, and they insist that the taxpayer pay for their gambling debts. I think not. Im proud of the progressives and the far right who have an unheard of alliance on this issue. The leaders of congress, the vegas bookies in the brave new world, want to sucker us into it, but 500 to 1 letters have reached the first term congresspeople and the vote no.


As the Jefferson Airplane said, tear down the walls, and pink floyd see the other side of the wall, where the bleedin hearts and artists take their stand.


Or, as ron paul predicted, the '89 fall of USSR has chickens comin home to roost, the peace dividend was spent killing the innocent.


Good riddence.


mad mahax.

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Was listening to Alex Jones today and he said this has been the plan of the New World Order all along and that even Warren Buffet thinks Americans will be turned into sharecroppers and eventually be paying income tax to both the US government and China. I have to take my hat off to that democrat congresswoman from Ohio. She got up and said that financial high crimes were being committed by enemies of the constitution or something to that effect.


Its too bad because it was a small victory but they will find a way to screw over the American people one way or another or that is what my gut tells me after watching both Obama and McCain trying to push another form of this on the poeple. Maybe they actually have a better proposal on the table but from everything Alex Jones says they are both puppets of the NWO and they will continue to try and enslave Americans at every turn.


I think this whole thing has awakened alot of people to the fact that the whole republican vs. democrat paradigm has been a tool and strategy of the new world order to keep the American people divided while the stooges of the new world order have been behind the scenes stealing all the freedoms and liberties of the American people.

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Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krsna!


Economies may crash...


The body may crumble in pain and disease day by day...


The sun and the stars may even explode and fall into nothing...


But I know this for sure,


Gurudeva's words which touched my soul,


Which activated awareness of what is eternal and true...


These words will last forever!


We are not these bodies, we are not these minds. We are not any of these things.


Transcendental sound is integral to the soul...it stands forever!





Nice thought, I am hoping I can continue to remember the words of Prabhupada even up to the time of my death. Even when I get completely tired of Krishna Conscousness and uninspired by the condition of Iskcon etc. the words of Prabhupada still pop into my mind from time to time and the stories I have read in Srimad Bhagavatam come popping back into my mind even if I don't consciously try to think about it. It must be my subconscious trying to remind me that all these illusions I buy into are not ultimately good for me or something.

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To Max. As Prabhupada said if we have opulence and no real hard struggle to put bread on the table, then utilize that time to cultivate. Such a rare opportunity. But no, such is the way of the world that no one wants to listen to the realized saint. So onward in cultivating that which will perish.



Even when I get completely tired of Krishna Conscousness and uninspired by the condition of Iskcon etc. by ancient

I dont know Ancient. There are so many views online, I think it is not worth soaking it all in. If people are wrestling with their faith that is their wrestle with maya(not a reason to lose faith). The picture painted is not always the true picture. There is only one reality (amid all the mind stuff that floats in the collective)... Krsna and bhakti. They are One. That is simple truth and a solid foundation to build upon.



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