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I have a very serious problem

from 2 years from now i had visualisations of my chakras opening but after that my whole body gets heated more and i started to sweat more, my problem now is tat i sweat in my legs more, its embarassing to see my pants wet in the public.


now for the past 3 months, my hands automatically make mudras, most of them are apan mudra and gyan mudra, i dont know wats hapening to me,

i went to a skin doctor and he prescribed me propranolol and methylcobalamine tablets, but its still not releiving my sweat problem.

please tell me wats happening and get me out of this situation...


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What you seem to be having is a typical experience of the uncontrolled awakening of the kundalini...


This is why it is adviced to pursue the awakening of the kundalini only under direct supervision of a knowledgeble guru...


The normal suggestion that you would be given is to stop all spiritual pursuits and contemplation till such a time ...that the experience ceases... and then to find a knowledgeble guru and pursue ur studies under the guidance of such a guru.


kundalini and its powers arent something to be trifled with... incorrect awakening of the kundalini has been known to drive people entirely insane...so be careful...


best of luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, these are just stories to scare people. Those who were already insane, start to blame their kundalinis. Chances are that you haven't even started to awaken the kundalani at muladhara. The problem probably has another cause, don't just blame the chakras, silly.


Something else I would like to add, any form of new age yoga or tantra is most likely void of real Hindu devotion. Without ishvarapranidhana yoga is just a silly form of exercise. To gather peace in body and mind plain yoga postures are not enough. Chant prayers to Bhagavan Shankara, the master of all yogis, instead of visualising chakras after yoga practice. Chakra visualization is most effective in complicated tantra practices which are heavily bound by rules. The new age form of it is not effective. Chant and be happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, mental disorder are related to the nervous system and kundalini is often compared to the pelvis region below the spinal cord up untill the brain. Therefore people say that you can become crazy if you practice kundalini yoga the wrong way. I feel that this is a misconception, most likely the kundalani has not been awakened at all. In most people, who are not advanced yogis, the kundalini is asleep.


I think that the kundalini either awakens or is a sleep. Most likely it won't awaken wrongly, because the body will prevent this from happening. If people are such scared little wussies, it's better for them not to practice this type of spirituality at all. Uncontrolled awakening of kundalini isn't typical, it happens very rarely. The advice from Swami Satyananda is to condition yourself first with hatha yoga, asana's, bhakti yoga, proper diet and sleep before atttempting kundalini awaking. People want instant succes, this is not possible.

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  • 6 months later...


I have a very serious problem

from 2 years from now i had visualisations of my chakras opening but after that my whole body gets heated more and i started to sweat more, my problem now is tat i sweat in my legs more, its embarassing to see my pants wet in the public.


now for the past 3 months, my hands automatically make mudras, most of them are apan mudra and gyan mudra, i dont know wats hapening to me,

i went to a skin doctor and he prescribed me propranolol and methylcobalamine tablets, but its still not releiving my sweat problem.

please tell me wats happening and get me out of this situation...



i have read in a book abt kundalini awakening tht when it is showing its signs of awakening or the process is going on we shud not take medicine as it is kundalini doing all the things ..shes purifying our system



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your kundalini is trying to act through one side.. ie. the solar channel.. you need to do some prayanama.. when you start to feel overheating , you should close the right nostril and breathe steadily through the left nostril to cool down and balance the energies.. you can even lie down on your right side at that time as it helps the left nostril open..you should take some cooling drinks or melon at that time too... .. for kundalini to rise properly both the solar and lunar channel must be equally balanced so it can rise up through the middle.. so you should pay attention to the nostrils to help keep your balance. breathing through right nostril will increase heat, the left nostril will cool.. you should practice some simple, but very moderate pranayama on a daily basis (not excessive) , any good yoga book will explain, to help learn to control the flow of breath better..

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