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End of Rahu Dasa

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Does Rahu in 12'th house (Virgo) during the last three years of rahu dasa difficult in terms of married life.

Is is true a person loses everything at the end of rahu dasa before jupiter dasa starts?


Will the marriage end up in a divorce for no reason.


Rahu-Surya ended in 2008-08-13

Rahu-Chandra ends in 2010-02-11

Rahu-Mangal ends in 2011-03-02


Here are the details of the chart(female) undergoing rahu dasha.


Lagna Libra 23:37:54 Vishakha-2

Surya Libra 29:42:58 Vishakha-3

Chandra Taurus 13:36:40 Rohini-2

Mangal Scorpio 16:32:48 Anuradha-4

Budh Scorpio 22:08:58 Jyestha-2

Guru Cancer 15:20:20 Pushya-4

Shukra Libra 16:56:59 Swati-4

Shani Leo 19:01:20 Purvafalguni-2

Rahu Virgo 00:06:15 Uttarafalguni-2

Ketu Pisces 00:06:15 Purvabhadrapad-4

Harshal Libra 23:34:19 Vishakha-2

Neptune Scorpio 23:34:19 Jyestha-3

Pluto Virgo 24:25:19 Chitra-1

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yes i do witness this happening - though "everything" is a very big word really. Rahu and chandra, Rahu and Mangal in any case are not compatible signs at all. You need to find the association and aspects to figure out the extent and areas of damage.


Rahu beej mantra japa, 8 mukhi rudraksha, and a visit to kalahasti temple are among the most commonly acknowledged remedies.


Best Wishes


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hi there


It's interesting to see this post as I too have rahu in 12th house in libra rashi(29 apr 1977/2100hrs/delhi). And though I am at beginning of rahu dasa rather than at the end, I have already had some pleasant and unpleasant effects of rahu dasa like having to move abroad for husband's sake, leaving a nice permanent job, an uncertain career etc.;)



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