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Educate me please..

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Hello to everyone,


I am in search of some educated and hopeful guidance with a particular chart. I am giving the details of the chart and hoping that you all may give me some insight on this chart; marriage, career, health or anything else that one may see through this...

1st house (leo)..... saturn & rahu

2nd house (virgo)...

3rd house (libra).... venus

4th house (scorpio)... sun & mercury

5th house (saggitarius)... mars

6th house (capicorn).....

7th house (aquarius).... ketu

8th house (pisces)....

9th house (aries).....

10th house (taurus)...

11th house (gemini)... moon

12th house (cancer)... jupiter

Blessings to each and everyone of you who are willing to give me your insights... many many many blessings...


Thank you,


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  • 2 weeks later...


om gurubhyo namah




dear zaara


why dont you give birth details in full,( date of birth, time of birth

and place of birth )?. it appears you were born sometime around

2200 hrs ( IST), dec , 15, 1978.



may mother bless all








I dont have a clue but just by the planetary placement without place or longitude how can one determine birth details?? its great Sir.....

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om gurubhyo namah




dear zaara


i have taken the birth details as dec 14, 1978

tob as 13 hrs 31 minutes

place of birth .. new york, newyork ( 74 w 00', 40 n 42')

time zone 5 hrs west of gmt


pl confirm. in vedic chart using lahari ayanamsa , i am getting

aries lagna 4 deg and 47 minutes.


whereas, your first message in this thread shows leo as lagna ( or

ascendant )


may mother bless all





chennai., india

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Hello Sasisekaran,


I have gotten the same aries lagna from programs here in the states but my elders in India insist that the aries lagna chart is incorrectly done. They tell me that my Lagna is leo. I am not sure how this would work. Would you like information about me that maybe of help in determining if the chart you have come up with would better match my details?



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om gurubhyo namah




dear zaara


let me educate you first regarding the calculation of lagna in simple terms,

so that you can pass on the same to your elders.


events are basically calculated from the position of sun on that day.

point of event is called as lagna or ascendant , that which rises.

at the time of sunrise, the lagna rises along with it. hence assuming

sunrise to be 6 am and if a birth happens at that time, the lagna of the

native is along with the sun.


as the day progresses , the lagna moves ahead of the sun travelling

through all twelve houses and catches the sun the next day when it

would have advanced by one degree (approximately) from the previous

day's position.


so if some one is born the next day at the time of sunrise, the lagna would

be once again with the sun.


in a day the sun moves through one degree, while the lagna moves through

the whole of 360 + 1 (to catch up with the sun ).


if some one is born in the evening say at 18 hrs, the lagna would be directly

opposite to sun. we assume day and night are equal here.


if some one is born in the afternoon ( similar to your birth ), say at 12 hrs

the lagna would have moved through four houses from sun ( inclusive of

the house where sun is placed ). this means that lagna is ahead of sun or

sun is behind lagna by four houses.


so in your birth when you were born sun was transiting 28 deg scorpio.

so four houses from it would be 1. scorpio 28 deg, 2. sagitarius 28 deg,

3. capricorn 28 deg, 4. aquarious 28 deg.


since you were born at 13 31 hrs ( one hour and 31 mintues plus 12 hrs)

the lagna falls in aries.


probably your elders could have assumed that you were born after

midnight , in which case the lagna would be ten houses away from

scorpio, which is leo.


may mother bless all





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om gurubhyo namah




dear zaara


oh god ! i was not at all hurt by you. sorry , my tone of the mail sounded

that way. i just wanted to add little humour to the message by using

the name of the thread " educate me pl ". thats all.


you go ahead and ask questions pl.


may mother bless all





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Thank you ever so much sasisekaran,


I would like to ask you from the charts that you have come with, if you maybe able to extract any information on what you see when it comes to areas of career and marriage...

I would like your intake on what saturn conjunct rahu in leo would indicate.... does not seem to friendly of a placement to me.

I sometimes get the vibe from others whom have seen my charts, that they do like to discuss my charts at all... as if they have nothing kind to say about it....

I would like some candid, direct and honest opinions about what is seen on the charts.

I would greatly appreciate it....




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om gurubhyo namah




dear zaara


saturn and rahu are kroora grahas. they give very tough experience in

one's life. it can make or break. for constructive things, one has to go

through very much hardship. if a person goes through it, it would benefit

the society also. take the charts of saints. saturn always has played major

role in their charts.


saturn causes dukha. saturn also gives enormous power to have tolerance.

rahu causes deception. rahu causes rebirth. rahu , if found as atmakaraka,

can help one to cross this lokha also.


the fifth house shows one's bhakthi, knowledge , future, children and authority.

kroora grahas influencing this house can damage these things.


fifth house causes argala ( intervention into the matters ) pertaining

to the fourth house ( home front, sukha , fundamental education ),

second house ( speech, bank balance , ones's eating habits ), seventh house

( relationships, partners ).


apart from these, fifth house also intervenes in the matters relating to lagna

and planets placed there. lagna is the seat of intelligence.


kroora grahas can affect all these in negative ways.


find out from your own experience what happened in your life in the period

shown below.


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Rah MD: 1981-08-19 - 1999-08-19 .. this is the total period of rahu.

this period is divided into as shown below.


Antardasas or subperiods in this Major Dasa:


Rah: 1981-08-19 - 1984-04-28 ..

Jup: 1984-04-28 - 1986-09-25

Sat: 1986-09-25 - 1989-07-31

Merc: 1989-07-31 - 1992-02-15

Ket: 1992-02-15 - 1993-03-04

Ven: 1993-03-04 - 1996-03-04

Sun: 1996-03-04 - 1997-01-28

Moon: 1997-01-28 - 1998-07-31

Mars: 1998-07-31 - 1999-08-19


may mother bless all





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I have heard of such things pertaining to rahu conjunct saturn...

I would say that pertaining to this Rahu period of my life has been lived much in solitude...

81' to 84' I had began speaking very late in life... at around the year 83' and I had lived in a foreign country at the same time though I was born in the states.

84' to 90' I was never to good in studies but highly artistic (drawing, sketching, painting, building..) and very healthy..would never speak much..

90' to 91' I was sent back to India for schooling and suffer greatly due to health. I was treated very badly by relatives...

92' to 96'all of a sudden when I returned to USA I started advancing in education... became an A student in all my courses. became more socail.. and outgoing..

96' and on words my health started going down again and once I began college.. something or the other always got in the way of me remaining in school....

But I love to read and gain knowledge..I happen to be skilled in many fields but seem not to complete a degree.

My psychic abilities gained much strength at around 92' and has advanced ever since....

My Rahu period had not been so bad... I remain much of it in seclusion and with family...Living wise I am very well off... though I am close to my parents they have always had a heard time understanding me... mother's largest complaint is that she 'does not know me'....but then again I have always remained somewhat of a shadow to my parents... like the child who is always seen but never heard..

and whenever I had to travel out of my hometown it has always been a disaster.

Major problems have always remained in schooling and health..oh and about 96' to 00' my temper was at it's peak...

Much of the rahu period has not been bad when it comes to the material aspect but yes there has been massive mental and emotional anguish..

I hope this helps... Let me know if their is anything in particular you were looking for that I have not answered...




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om gurubhyo namah




dear zaara


thanks for the info.


so rahu and saturn together in fifth causing argala to 2nd, 4th have shown

their effects during rahus' major period.


in 90-91, moon and mars subperiods or antar were running. moon brings one to motherland. moon is gnati (relatives)karaka in your chart.


second house shows speech. its karaka , mercury is placed in seventh from it. rahu/sat influence on the 2nd added fuel and hence speech was



the intervention of rahu/sat on the fourth had its effect on the relatitonship

with the mother and kept you silent or hidden on the home front .


it spoiled your basic education ( fourth rules education ) too.


i feel rahu dasa has not been good because the growth of yourself cannot

be termed as good or outstanding. at the most it is average or may be a

little below it. it should have paved way for higher studies. instead, it

spoiled the growth. rahu has played its part.


now let us come to the present. guru dasa is on. rahu and saturn are

causing argala. rahu and saturn are co owners of the eleventh house.

saturn is the owner of the tenth house. how are you doing in the

professional front ?


may mother bless all





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professionally, I am as yet no where. since 2000 I have been traveling in the states often for studies in alternative medicine.... I have accomplished nothing, but each time I go on my travels I do become ....how do I say this....more spiritual.

I have not been able to stablize a career anywhere....I am very skilled with fashion design and happen to be an excellent businesswoman.. but opportunities don't seem to walk on by...rather my family environment wasn't very helpful...

regardless of not being able to have a consistent job...somehow or the other I have always had funds to take care of myself...... funny thing is that it seems like mates in my life always want to care for me....financially that is.... they would rather that I do not work and be at home always.... but I am too proud to let anyone help me but still financailly I get helped. And I have had the most amazing set of friendships any person could ever have. I have made friendships with the most purest souls... I have been very lucky in that regard.. And my siblings are my world..

One thing has been consistent with me for the past few years is that people come to me for help and guidance... usually for readings... I have been advised by my environment to go forward with the idea of readings professionally but my heart is not in it.. I only do it if I feel that a person is in dire need of help...usually I suffer headaches (sometimes painful migranes) after doing readings.. so I stay away from doing them..

funny thing is that for about a 1 1/2 to 2 years I have been getting notions that I will be settling into some sort of work having to do with my hands...

oh and nothing that I plan ever works out.... for me everything that has to happen will happen at the spur of the moment or not at all....

honestly speaking I understand that my rahu period was a time where I was held back but this Jupiter period has been insanely decieving...

I have been married in 01' and divorced in 06'.. I would say that those where the most trying years of my life thus far.

If it would not be too much to ask..... I would like to know what you have to say about an event that maybe coming my way...

My current fiance and I are trying to find a way to get married soon, unfortunately, his family is in disapproval... the 1st time I had been married it was against the wishes of my family... and it was a horrible experience..

Now I want this marriage to be done right, road blocks are coming up again.... what would you account for these problems and is their any indications of marriage possible in these coming 2 years...?

I understand this maybe an outlandish question to ask but I've learned to be very cautious since my ordeal...

pls forgive me if I am asking too much,




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