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My Sani MD, Sani Bhukti-Case Study for Learners

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Hello All,


I am posting the following information of my presonal undergoings from the time Sani Mahadasa- Saturn Bhukti has started. This might be useful as a case study for students of astrology.


July 5th 2006, Jupiter-Rahu-Mars - Working for an MNC in Bangalore. Application submitted in Bangalore VFS for UK Work Visa.

July 28th 2006, Saturn-Saturn-Saturn - Left my good job for reasons of my hypersensitivity related to peers at work. Mind matters.

Came back to my home town Hyderabad with no task in mind.

August 30th 2006, Saturn-Saturn-Saturn - My father(diabetic and normally fine in health) woke up from bed and realized that he has no strength in legs. Pain in Lumbar region. Not paralysis but no strength in legs. Zero capacity to walk.

Admitted in Hospital for One month. After diagnosis, Doctors suspected Multiple Myloma(Bone Cancer). Finally they ruled it out and was discharged after one month. Till date there is no clear definition of what was his illness. He is fine now.

Dec 2006, Saturn-Saturn-Saturn - Sold my vehicle

Feb 5th 2007,Saturn-Saturn-Saturn - Attended Visa interview in Chennai, Visa was refused by the officer.

Feb 22nd 2007,Saturn-Saturn-Mercury - I submitted appeal on my own to UK tribunal against the refusal.

June 28th 2007, Saturn-Saturn-Mercury - Got letter from UK tribunal that they are ready to give Visa.

September 24th 2007, Saturn-Saturn-Ketu - Went to London. Grossly neglected and ignored by a couple who were to give me place til i get work. Came out of thier home. Wandered in London all by myself for 3 weeks trying to find a job in vain. Running short of money.

Oct 18th 2007, Saturn-Saturn-Venus- Back to square one, hyderabad crestfallen. Visa lying useless.

Applied for US visa. Application approved.

Nov 2007- Saturn-Saturn-Venus - Separation started in Love life due to my uselessness.

Feb 2008, Saturn-Saturn-Venus - Left me, She got married.

March,April 2008, Saturn-Saturn-Venus, then Sun - I tried to attempt suicide but could not dare. Depression of the worst order, not a single night proper sleep. Nightmares at night and day. Lived in Hell, what one may call Atma Kshoba in telugu- Soul Suffering...

May 2008, Saturn-Saturn,Sun then Moon - felt a bit better, Started the process to attend interview for US Visa.. Getting postponed from that time with trouble from consultant-delay in giving papers. He is playing with me- again tension and anxiety in my life..till date..


All this while with all these things going on, tried to find employment but unsuccessful.


Birth details--

Dob 5th July 1977

Time 3.50 am

Place Hyderabad AP India ( 17 N 23, 78 E 28)



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dear unanth


thank you for thinking about enriching our knowledge.


apologies..for all that you have been going through


this is rather strange because saturn is yogakaraka for taurus lagna - its placed in 3rd - where it gives good results - makes you want to live kingly.. though in cancer - saturn is not very happy.


from 3rd, saturn aspects 5th, 9th (own house) and 12th.


i think its this saturn-mars sambandha creating problems.


also i would attribute this to moon in aquarius in tenth.


The exchange between 3rd and 10th lords contributes to a lot of mental and emotional worries, unhappiness.


I hope USR ji and Sasisekaran ji reply to this post and pitch in their views


Best wishes


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Thanks Deepa ji for your kind words..


Definitely Saturn has made me learn a lot for good or bad.. I started accepting things the way they come..


Saturn supposed to be Yogakaraka for Vrishaba Lagna, also being placed in 3rd from it would have been good for me.

Also Sanjeeva Rao ji in another forum opined that 1-8 relation of Sani-Chandra was the reason for the delay in my marriage too..

Is this relation 3rd and 10th placement a cause for instability in career and frequent job change too in general. till 2006 i could never stay with a firm for more than hardly a year. i changed half a dozen firm in just 4 to 5 years..




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Dear Unath,

My sincere sympathy and empathy for you and I do hope you sail through successfully the adversities that imposed on you by divine scheme. Easily said and I do understand that pain can never be really felt by others.

I hope you do not immerse deeply into the divine science of Vedic astrology or be obsessed with it without understanding the fact that Vedic astrology can never be equated with our destiny. Only supreme consciousness would ever know our destiny and to certain extent, highly evolved soul might have access to “Akashi Record”.

Vedic Astrology is just like nadi reading, numerology, palmistry, face reading, western horoscope, Chinese astrology, Feng Shui, Vastu, Egyption astrology, crystal ball reading, tarot reading, “Trance Reading”, ‘channeling Reading”, Psychic Reading, “Medium Reading” and so on. These methodologies or approaches always try to break the destiny code to reveal our future. This is not an easy task and success plus failure stories always exaggerated by media and by word by mouth.

With this level of understanding in our mind, we can go further into delineation and analysis of chart.

I am using Jagannath Hora Lite to generate chart. As I am using 360 days in dasa calculation ( savana years), the date given will a bit earlier between 3-6 months.

You are running Saturn dasa from 18/2/2006 till 10/11/2024. Currently the bukti is Saturn till 2/5/2009.

In transit, Saturn is transiting Leo, which is 7<SUP>th</SUP> from your natal moon. By next year (September), Saturn will move into Virgo and this is 8<SUP>th</SUP> from your natal moon.

So transit wise, from July/2007 till July/2012 is not very positive, can say quite negative.

Dasa and transit wise, Lord Saturn rules the event. So the best thing to do is fully summit yourself to Lord Saturn. I recommend you chant “OM SHAM SHANAISWARAYA NAMAHA” 108 times, 2 times per day with utmost belief and submission to Lord Saturn. You should visit Karumariamman or Ambal or Durga temple every Saturday to circumambulate Lord Saturn with sesame oil offering and chanting the mantra above while circumambulating. Do fast on Saturdays and if possible make some donations on Saturdays. Everything should do with utmost belief & confidence in GOD. Please do not expect magic to happen overnight. You really need deep faith and ever lasting patient.

Even though, Saturn is Yoga Karaka for Taurus Lagna, it is still a natural malefic. More ever, it is posited in 3th house that is 6<SUP>th</SUP> from your 10th house. The dispositor of Saturn, moon is posited 8<SUP>th</SUP> from Saturn in aquarius. Saturn is not associated with any natural benefic and also not aspected by any natural benefic. Saturn is not very confortable being in its enemy house (cancer) and like wise, its dispositor moon too not very comfortable being in its enemy house, Aquarius.

Let us hope, during mercury bukti, starting 5/2/2009 till 2/10/2011 will have better prospect. Even though, Saturn not being beneficial during its bukti, it some more rather being the first class yoga karaka for Taurus lagna will bless through other planets. As mercury is in 2th house in your natal chart, that is 5<SUP>th</SUP> position from 10<SUP>th</SUP> house, there will be improvement as far as job is concern. In dasamsa, Mercury in the 7<SUP>th</SUP> house is another indicator for good turn around. Relationship wise may not be as good as 2nd house is 8<SUP>th</SUP> from 7<SUP>th</SUP> house.

Anyhow, as Guru is moving to Capricorn this December that is 12<SUP>th</SUP> position of your natal moon, not so positive event is seen. Basically you need to prepare for a rough tide.

It is my strong conviction that you should wear “Blue Sapphire” to alleviate your adversities and to face challenges. You can go to these sites below to know more about gem stone and pricing. You can choose wearing either gem stone or rudraksha as remedy apart from chanting mantra and visiting temple.



Best of Luck,

Bhaaskaran at brv62002gmail.com

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Thanks a Million,


Thank You Deepaji for Your reply.


Thanks You Bhaaskaran ji for Your very exhaustive analysis on my chart. I thank You for Your remedies suggested. I am learning also from what You mentioned.. I cannot express in few words but i seem to follow Your elaborate views and suggestions..


I am only thinking of one thing. Inspite of undergoing what i am undergoing, I have started to realize that I have to view all this as a third party/ariel view and undergo and learn and experience at the same time and i am finding it painful as a native and informative as a learner at the same time. I thank everyone and everything contributing to this state..


Many Thanks to all and one....




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I Should not forget to Bow to You Deepaji, Bhaaskaranji, Sanjeeva Rao ji, Pabloji and Nikhilji, Rajshekharji and Many others for Your contributions in this and any othes Forums related to anything related to me. My Namaskaars .... I learnt a lot about life in this Forum..




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  • 2 weeks later...

The solution for you is this Unanth:-

I am giving you the best remedy for Shani MD with Rudraksha.You need to wear 7 mukhi or 14 mukhi Rudaksha whose ruling planet is Saturn(I am wearing 14 mukhi-just because I love Rudraksha and this 14 mukhi is known as Deva mani-the most precious Rudraksha for Lord Shiva).

Rest everything I have sent in a private message to you,read and reply back.Yes rest assure your good days are knocking your door.Yes I mean this.

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