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When my marital problems will be solved?

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i got married last year June 25,2007.me and my husband are software engineers working in reputed MNC companies. All the astrologers who had seen our horoscope before our marriage told that we will be having good life after marriage.but we both lived together just for only one month.My husband's family is very uncultered one.my father-in-law wanted to run our family and he always poked his nose in all our family matters including our personal things.My sister-in-law was staying near to us and she was the main reason for our seperation.she is very selfish woman who wanted my husband's money,so always told about me wrong to my husband.My husband is very adamant and uncultered fellow who never give importance or respect to wife or her's family.I am from rich background and my husband is from middle class family.so they were not able to tolerate our social status and always said bad words about me and my family.i couldnt bear this.Naturally i am short tempered and very self-repected girl.My husband threatened to leave me at ooty for very simple and silly reason when we had gone for our honeymoon.He started scolding me with very bad and unbearable words.atlast we reached our home somehow and he left me and stayed in his sister's house without looking back at me for three months.that was my fahter-in-law's plan.my father didnt go for compromising because he didnt like my husband and his family's behaviour.He had already come for compromising before our honeymoon and my husband scolded me before my father itself.very bad and ugly words.my father couldnt digest those words and somehow convinced me and left our home.but he was quite upset.so when my husband left ,he didnt want to go to my father-in-law.My father-in-law got furious because he expected my father to come and beg him.when my father didnt do that,he reached one of his relatives and sent him for compromising.he wanted my father to settle down everything as dowry.they called me and my father to talk about this and when we went there ,they gathered a big crowd and humiliated me and my father before everyone and forced me to ask sorry.finally i asked sorry because i wanted to live with my husband.we both reunited.but that lasted for only one week.My father-in-law forced us to vacate our house because he didnt like that i m living in a rich and posh house where my sister-in-law is living in a small house nearby.That house was selected by my father and he paid the advance and settled everything in that house because he wanted his little daughter to live comfortable always.Without my knowledge my husband paid advance for a new house which is faraway from my office and forced me to come there.i lost all my patience and thought why he never realised that i am also a human being and have self thinking and feelings.this time i got furious and threw all my husband's things out and told him to leave the house.my father-in-law took this as oppurtunity and challenged my father how my father can make me live with my husband .He told to everyone that i am not willing to live with my husband and they created some bad impression about me in the outside world.i have tried so many times to meet my husband in the past seven months and all were useless efforts.When i talked with my sis-in-law and mother-in-law by loosing all my self respect they spoke very ugly words and asked to go for second marriage.they are willing to get divorce from me because they dont like a self thinking daughter-in-law.They never treat their daughter-in-laws as human being.My father-in-law scolded me once that i should not speak human rights because i have come to live in their house and their son is a boy.My parents doesnt want me to live with my husband after they see all these illtreats from my husband's family.i was about to give police complaint but kept quite because it will worsen the things. But i still love my husband.I dont know why and how i love that beast.i cannot go for another marriage or another man.i love my man sincerely.ofcourse love is blind.Is anything wrong about my feelings?I want to be very true to only one man and that is my husband.i dont know when my husband realises his family's drama to get his money and come out of this and accept me as his wife?i want to live like all other girls.want to have my marital life and kids.i am undergoing ezhara sani for the past three and half years.Here are my details:


DOB:March 9,1982

Time:5.50 PM


moon sign:Simmam




My husband's details:


DOB:April 9,1979




Please help me with your valuable advice..




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I have forgotten to mention my place of birth.Its Dharmapuri/TamilNadu/India.


My husband's place of Birth is also the same.But i dont know his birth time.


please all i am seeking is i want to live with my husband and i want him to love me truly and understands my feeling.please help me in getting rid of this problem.I have been crying for the past one year and not happy.am i such a bad girl who did lots of paabams in the past karma?I hope in this jenma i am somewhat ok.because i always help others and willing to help and we would go to temples whenever we get free time.i hate to go for second marriage.I want to be very devoted wife. please help me.....this is very urgent........

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please analyse my horoscope and give me some details like when my husband will be coming back to me?i am having so many pressures because of this.i am not able to concentrate on my career.i am scared whether i will be loosing everything in my life including my career life .I want to travel back to India and i am not sure whether this is a good decision?but i am not happy in US.plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss anybody help me..

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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


your chart has two kroora planets saturn and mars placed in second

house , called as kutumbha sthana. it is a very bad combination.

that is one of the reason why you are also fiery in your talks.

your lagna is simha along with moon ( mind). saturn , mars and rahu

(placed in eleventh house from lagna ) are heavily influencing your

intelligence(lagna) and moon (mind). these three will cause lot of

stress naturally.


you are running mars dasa (period). mars /sat combo is very bad.

also , what is known as upapada lagna (house of marriage ) is placed

along with saturn and mars. this too is very bad. As of now, i dont

see any immediate patch up.


you have said your husband's star is uthiradam ( makara rasi ). but

on apr 9, 1979 the nakshtra is pooram. pl confirm


all the incidents you have cited seem to have happened in india. are you

in US alone now ?


i admire that you still want to live with your husband. the attitude is

very good.


may mother bless all





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Dear Mr.sasisekaran.


I am very happy to see your reply.yes these incidents happened in india.i am in US alone now.Yes i am very bad at words.Though i have no intention to hurt others or say furious words,it come out of my mouth without my knowledge.i know that i should not have uttered some words to my husband though they have given me mental disturbance.i am in terrible situation now.I am extremely sorry.My husband's DOB is April 19,1979.I typed it wrongly.Please sir i am expecting some good statements to hear from you.i have no intention to get divorce from my husband at any cost.but my husband is not willing to continue his life with me and the reason is my inlaws.we both are seperated for past seven months after our one week reunion and before that one week we got seperated for three months.i lived my marriage life for only one month.I was travelling to almost all temples in SouthIndia before i come to US including thriupathi,thirunallaru,temple for sani.when can i expect some good news?i want my husband back.He is not responding to my calls.i went to his office and had been waiting for nearly 6 hours in India.atlast he insulted me by telling security to ask me to get rid of that place.I got upset and decided to move out of India and came to US.But i am not happy here also.i cannot forget my husband.though he did lots of injustice to me i love him deeply.all my prayer is he should realise his mistakes and come back to me.pls help me................................

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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


pl chant " om bhagaya namah " 324 times.. daily after lighting a lamp.

this will calm down your mind.


your aggressive language has frightened your husband. your husband is

also runing bad transits.. saturn is travelling the eigth house from his

moon sign. after saturn transits to kanya, things are likely to change

provided you control your anger and words. it is a long time, almost till

the end of 2009.


may mother bless all





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thanks much Sasisekaran bhaya.I am very relaxed now.God has sent you to help me.I accidentally came to know about this site when i browsed for some other thing.I am going to wait without having any expectations for the next one year bhaya.Hope God will push the things in the right direction like how he showed me a path through you now.

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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


hold your breath.


are you sure this was the horoscope given to you ? pl confirm more than twice before you think further .


saturn and rahu will be near mesha ( the second square

from top left ) in 1968. but they cannot be together in mesha. and that

too at this time guru can never be in the top left hand corner. it would be

in simha ( third one from the top right downwards ) which is far away.


if sun is in dhanus ( bottom left corner ), the birth should be in dec/jan and

not april.


if navamsa chart is considered as rasi, then saturn and jupiter can never

be together in the top right hand corner around this year. they are

miles away.


they have cooked up the horoscope and that too without any logic.

it is totally absurd.


i wish i am wrong. but the document you have sent appears to be totally

wrong. road side astrologers never understand a bit of astronomy.



may mother bless all





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Dear Madam Sakthi,

As rightly observed by Sasisekaran Sir,the chart given by you is quite contradictary to the date of birth & the star,uthiradam 3 which were also given by you.

If the birth star is really uthiraadam 3,he must have been born after 8-15pm but before 12 midnight on the birth date 19/04/1979.Thus your loved husband's Rasi chart should have been

Mesha-SUN, Kataka-JUPITER, Simha-SAT & RAHU, Makara-MOON, Kumbha-Ketu, Meena- mercury,venus & Mars. Lagna could be either Virchika or Danur depending on the exact time of birth-which you are not aware.


In case you know the counting of houses from Mesha to know the exact placement of planets on the day of birth,given above,you can yourself realise the fact that the chart with you is quite absurd.Sasi sir has aptly

said that the chart is from the road side.

Now dear madam, don't worry about all that has happened.You are very young and have to look to the future which must appear bright & flowery.Do what has already been suggested by sasi sir with full dedication and devotion.Whatever remedy pooja you do,if done without any distraction even for some mts will have telling +ve impact than doing for hours with much of distraction.If you know your family deity,it is important to worship Him/Her also.With your strong will surely you will achieve your cherished goal of getting back your beloved one early.


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Dear Sasisekaran Bhaya and Moorthi sir,


I am extremely sorry.The Road side astrologer is none other than me.My husband's horoscope couldnt be scanned and sent across.So i have drawn squares and fill it up by asking my sister to tell me the planets in the square through phone.I thought we need to look into the position of the planets alone starting from lagna.(ie in 2,chandra and in 3,kedhu)irrespective of the position of the squares. I never know that top left corner or top right corners will be playing the part in horoscope. I sincerely request you to forgive my ignorance.:pray: sorry for making you to spend your valuable time in analysing a amature chart drawn by me.I have attached the exact replica of my husband's chart given by my husband's father herewith.Please look into this and let me know my husband's future.i want to know why he doesnt love his wife or want to live with her?though i have uttered some words,his family tortured me and my family.When he will realise his mistakes and accept me as his wife?though i am going to wait till my bad period get over as suggested by Sasisekaran bhaya,i want to know whether we will have good marital life after our reunion?his family is planning to have second marriage for him.Thats why they dont let me to live with him because they want to take revenge on me.whether my husband will change and love me and our future born children?your help is highly expected.

My husband's horoscope.doc

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Dear Sasisekaran bhaya,


My sincere apologies once again.sorry for wrong squares.my husband's horoscope is in tamil.so scanning wont be helpful for you.My sister looked into the horoscope and found again the squares are wrongly edited by me.somewhere some miscommunication happened and i am giving you trouble continuously.I request you to forgive this sister.she edited the squares by verifying against the original horoscope and send it across to me.i have attached the horoscope herewith.please look into it.i feel very very bad to give you trouble again.It is really kind of you to spend your valuable time by considering my pains and forgiving my ignorance without getting irritated by my stupid activities.you are really wonderful.

My husband's horoscope.doc

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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


atlast you got it right !


he was born around 23 hrs 56 minutes !

but here too is a problem , the namvamsa chart will remain the same

if the birth time is around 5 minutes beyond midnight, in which case

the birth date can be 20 and not 19.


any way the present chart will be considered for analysis .



may mother bless all






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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


as i said earlier, the time is not good for him. he is running rahu dasa

and mercury antar. rahu and saturn placed in the ninth house of dharma

is bad.


but sun, the ninth lord and a dharmic planet placed in third from AL and

jupiter placed in sixth house from AL , appear to me as a good factor

and that he would not fight issues whole heartedly. ( AL is not a planet.

it falls along with ketu in rasi chart).


next antar dasa is of ketu. he can commit a mistake , during its time.

god alone can give him good budhi. i honestly hope he does not press

for divorce during this phase of ashtama sani.


may mother bless all






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Sasi bhaya,


now i am very very scared.what kind of mistake he will be committing?during the astama sani he wont ask for divorce means will he ask after that?dont we have atleast 1% chance for our reunion?please give back me reply.i desperately need your help..

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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


i think i should not answer hereafter late in the night. the analysis have to

be in accordance with the chart and not necessarily to suit one's wishes.

stop worrying too much and place faith in god. i only said that he should

commit a mistake of pressing for divorce during his ashtama sani. generally

mistakes are committed during such period. since he is running such a period i expressed my concern. this was already told to you earlier and

nothing new has been added by me. take care


may mother bless all






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Everything looks crooked because of my confusion.I take things in a negative way because of my worst situation now.I am terribly sorry.Instead of spending time in worrying about negative effects,it would be really better praying to god.only He can mend things.Thanks a lot for your analysis Sasisekaran bhaya and thanks for your real concern about mending a marriage life.Never forget your help.Long live a happy life!!!

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om gurubyo namah




dear smt.sakthi,


i am very sorry for a grave typographical mistake. the line

" i only said that he should commit a mistake of pressing for divorce during his

ashtama sani "


is corrected as follows:-


" i only said that he should NOT NOT commit a mistake of pressing for

divorce during his ashtama sani "


my worry is that mistakes are normally committed during ketu ( as ketu is

headless) periods if ill placed. i sincerely feel and hope and wish that he

would not commit such a mistake.


may mother bless all





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can Sasiji/anyone clarify me that whether my husband is having any extra marital relationship or multiple affairs?An astrologer told me this by looking into his horoscope.Actually i am quite confused now than ever.As far as i know,he is not such kind of guy.please it would be great if you answer my question.I will be much grateful.Sorry for the troubles.

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