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30YRS OLD, Still Bachelor, Gurujis!! Please Advice

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Would you mind sharing some of your past life incidents?

Apparently, the chart denotes severe problems on parental front. (especially between 10-20 years of age)

Are you having Or ever had any health problems related with eyes, teeth, joints, skin, nervous system and chest?

Are you tall (around 5.10) and plumpish body?

Is your face round, oval or long?

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I have to do hardwork inorder to be sucessfull in any work. Lots of failure in my life related to daily life and profession. but now i have settled in a good job. Had problems in education but completed well(BE, MBA).


My father met with a severe accident when i was 18yrs old and was hospitalised for nearly 2 yrs and he is fine now.


I have problem with my stomach(Gastritis) and neck(cervical pain). which led to depression. Even now i lack energy, feel tired often. Still my heath problem is a major problem of my life.


I am 5 9 tall,i was lean but now i am medium built. weatish brown complextion, round faced.


Please advice guruji.

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well, there are likely to be some grave problems in pre-marital as well post-marital life. Therefore, do not try to materialize marriage at your own; let it take time. Though period from Jan 2011 to Dec 2013 is likely to bless you with marriage but the appropriate time for entering into marriage is 34 years at least.

Try to get horoscope checked and matched before deciding for marriage.

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Hellio Sanjeeva Ji,

Thanks for the reply.


I will follow as you have adviced.


I have ordered for a pearl ring with gold for my right ring finger. Is that fine ? or you want me to change to little finger? What metal is best for pearl(Gold, White gold, Silver or Platinum) ?


Please advice.

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Namaste Guruji and Sanjeevaji,


From Dec 2007, I am facing very difficult period in my life. Can’t understand what should I do? Suicide or Sanyas kinds of thoughts are coming in my mind. Please, I need the help of your valuable knowledge and your guidance. I am totally frustrated.

My Details: DOB: 6 May 1982, (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Nagpur</st1:City>) <st1:place w:st="on">Maharashtra</st1:place>, Time: 00:55 AM (Midnight)

I attached my chart, now my Guru mahadasha is started and Sani Antradasha is running from 20 – 01 – 2008 to 2-8-2010.

I am facing many problems regarding my marriage. Please kindly guide me, I loved a girl from last 3 years but now we both are infamy in our society and in relatives. Her parents are not ready. But, one astrologer told m that we both have love marriage yoga.

(Her details are: DOB 15 JAN 1986, Nagpur (MH) Time: 03:00 AM (Midnight)

Please kindly suggest something; each and every movement of my life is going difficult to live.

Please guide me. I am new in this forum.

Aapka Krupabhilashi,



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From Dec 2007, I am facing very difficult period in my life. Can’t understand what should I do? Suicide or Sanyas kinds of thoughts are coming in my mind. Please, I need the help of your valuable knowledge and your guidance. I am totally frustrated.

My Details:

DOB: 6 May 1982, (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Nagpur</st1:City>) <st1:place w:st="on">Maharashtra</st1:place>,

Time: 00:55 AM (Midnight)

I attached my chart, now my Guru mahadasha is started and Sani Antradasha is running from 20 – 01 – 2008 to 2-8-2010.

I am facing many problems regarding my marriage. Please kindly guide me, I loved a girl from last 3 years but now we both are infamy in our society and in relatives. Her parents are not ready. But, one astrologer told m that we both have love marriage yoga.

(Her details are: DOB 15 JAN 1986, Nagpur (MH) Time: 03:00 AM (Midnight)

Please kindly suggest something; each and every movement of my life is going difficult to live.

Please guide me.

Aapka Krupabhilashi,



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From Dec 2007, I am facing very difficult period in my life. Can’t understand what should I do? Suicide or Sanyas kinds of thoughts are coming in my mind. Please, I need the help of your valuable knowledge and your guidance. I am totally frustrated.

My Details:

DOB: 6 May 1982, (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Nagpur</st1:City>) <st1:place w:st="on">Maharashtra</st1:place>,

Time: 00:55 AM (Midnight)

I attached my chart, now my Guru mahadasha is started and Sani Antradasha is running from 20 – 01 – 2008 to 2-8-2010.

I am facing many problems regarding my marriage. Please kindly guide me, I loved a girl from last 3 years but now we both are infamy in our society and in relatives. Her parents are not ready. But, one astrologer told m that we both have love marriage yoga.

(Her details are: DOB 15 JAN 1986, Nagpur (MH) Time: 03:00 AM (Midnight)

Please kindly suggest something; each and every movement of my life is going difficult to live.

Please guide me.

Aapka Krupabhilashi,


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