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Please Comment On This Matri Match

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Dear all learned ones,

A girl born on 19/12/1976 at 10-05 AM at Chennai,Tamilnadu,India has been proposed to a boy born on 03/05/1974 at 08-25 AM at Secunderabad,Andhrapradesh,India for matrimony.

Your valuable advice is sought to know whether this match is perfectly OK for a fruitful wedded life.

Two different astrologers seem to have given different views.

Hence your help is sought.



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dear shri.murthi


matching just based on janma nakshtra is very basic. kuta matching though

looks at the longevity part, just the janma star alone does not determine

one's longevity.


a chart must be anlaysed separately, say before you choose a boy for a girl from

your side. His characters, approach towards life, strength of profession, health

issues ( look for chronic diseases), spiritual attitude, santana bhagya and what

not should be seen before you do any kuta matching. this is one of the very

basic reason for failures in marriages. people always ask after divorce as to

who matched those charts and then try to find fault with the charts and not kuta matching.


it is higly advisable to weigh the chart separately. a good boy or a bad boy

can have the same star which can give very good kuta value with that

of our girl's star. but which one to choose unless we weigh the chart for

its hidden content.


For example, in the girls chart, the fifth lord venus falls in sarpa dosha.

kendras to it are ketu, saturn and rahu. naisargika putra karaka jupiter is

afflicted by KETU. her saptamsa( looked for progeny ) is even worse. fifth

house has ketu and sixth lord budha. fifth house is aspected by rahu and

mars. venus is not only fifth lord in rasi chart but also in saptamsa.

venus is chara putra karaka in the chart and hence it becomes all the more

important to see its strenth for progeny.


in the boy's chart, fifth lord mercury has gone to the 12 th house.

fifth house aspected by mars. in his saptamsa, mars is placed in the fifth house

and fifth lord mercury is with saturn and aspected by rahu.


hence these persons as individuals are likely to face troubles in the area of

progeny. if these two persons marry, then they are definitely likely to have

this problem.


" does the kuta matching reveal these points ?" is a thousand dollar question.



may mother bless all





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Thank you Shri Sasisekaranji,

I agree that star matching alone is only a fractional part of total matching and the basic charts play a major role in deciding the total result. It seems you have done accordingly based on the birth details and given your highly valuable view.Thank once again


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