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Does 'free will' Exist?

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Bart Happel

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Again, for those who came in late, especially paarsurrey, look at this thread. The most scientific thread I have come across. Paarsurrey, just read the three threads that have be enlivened for your grace. You will know the strength of the readers and the postings they have done. Your cut and paste of materials of the west will hold no ground.

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OK...let us explore that line of thought a little bit.


Does Krishna know today, which shirt I will wear tomorrow? If yes, then I do not have freewill. If no, then he does not know the future which contradicts the Gita verse.



Here is my two cents on this:


Krishna(god) doesnt know what shirt i am goining to wear tomorrow.If he knew it means he has FIXED it.Why god fix such an inconsequential thing?


God knows about something when he makes it happen


And i think GOD doesnt bother about running the affairs of world on a day to day basis.

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Here is my two cents on this:


Krishna(god) doesnt know what shirt i am goining to wear tomorrow.If he knew it means he has FIXED it.Why god fix such an inconsequential thing?


God knows about something when he makes it happen


And i think GOD doesnt bother about running the affairs of world on a day to day basis.


Dear Chandu, the day to day affairs of the world are running due to something called consciousness. It is the same consciousness that is regulating the affairs of the whole universe. That consciousness is called Krishna/God/Allah/Parameshwar etc. by different beliefs. Hence there is nothing to bother about running the world. Something to bother is the work of the mind and not consciousness. Everything is not prefixed but fixed at the right time.

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Knower of Bhagvad Gita knows it all ... yet, whatever is contained in Bhagvad Gita is not easily explainable as our senses are not competent to comprehend the absolute truth. Our senses are limited by the mind power and the mind power itself has limitations and as the Cosmic mind itself is controlled by Almighty Creator ... it is beyond the power of the mind to grasp or comprehend the Essence contained in Bhagvad Gita.

It is true that everything is predestined and pre-planned by the Lord; and only in accordance with the holy writ, everything takes place. God has given free will also to the individual to do right or wrong, to discriminate between the Preyo Marga and the Sreyo Marga. If one is endowed with true wisdom as to the fleeting and painful nature of the worldly enjoyments, one can exert oneself in the right direction to do or undo his Prarabdha, the portion of Karmas ripened for actual experience in this current birth. Without the Lord’s special grace, none can make or mar himself. Even for realization, the Lord’s grace is necessary. Whether it be failure or success in any undertaken work, it is but the effect of the Lord’s grace and will alone.

Aspiration on the mundane side is but an expression of egoism that bursts forth in every moment of man’s life through actions, thoughts and speech. Unless it is, as already stated, willed by the Lord, nothing mundane or spiritual is possible of attainment by any human being on earth. God actually helps those that help themselves, provided that the thing aspired for is in strict conformity with the injunctions of the holy writ. From the cradle to the grave, from birth till death, from the moment of awareness to that of eternal rest, the guiding factor of man should be self-effort, self-effort, self-effort and self-effort alone, based on surrender, without minding the results.


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