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Competitive exam. Usrji, Deepaji - Help.

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Hi USRji and Deepaji,


Please help me with this.


I want to do higher studies (MBA) in US, and for the same, i have been struggling for the last two years. I am retaking the competitive exam this year. Could you please suggest me a good period to take this exam? Also should I pursue this dream of doing an MBA in US?? I have already spent a lot of time and money on this and really feel dejected.


Please find the details of my information below:


Rashi: Mesha

Nakshatra: Bharani

Time of Birth: 2nd August 1983, 14.26 PM.

Place of Birth: Bangalore

Occupation: Software engineer, working from June 2005.

Gender: Male,

Qualification: BE in Computer Science, graduated in the June 2005.

Important Events:

1. Met with an accident in August 2003[not sure about the exact date, could be b/w 8th and 12th of August], and ended up with a ligament tear in the left knee.

2. Started working from June 10th 2005.

Family Background: Have an elder brother, who got married in Feb this year. And currently i am staying with parents.


Thanks and Regards,


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Well, that's been my dream, and I believe, we live to realize our dreams :-). All I can do is put more effort in the right direction.. Thanks a lot for your time and effort. I sincerely appreciate it :-).


I am sorry, i will trouble you with one more question. As per the time you have specified, I will have to start the course, in Sep 2010. So does my dream still hold good :-?.


There's a part in my brain, which keeps asking - Should i ask such questions?[Like the one i have asked here.]. I should know myself better, and I should take my own logical decisions. And yes, there is another part of the brain, which is completely dejected, and really worried[since 2006, i am having the toughest part of my life.]. Please, dont think otherwise, this is just a dilemma, I am in. Probably, again the right question is - When should one go to the help of astrologers?




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Its a perfectly sensible question, sri.


i have my own equation for imbibing astrology in life.


Get a basic reading done. So that you know which time-periods could be really trying. Perform remedies to pacify malefic influences.


No decisions should be made purely upon basis of astrology.


Use muhuratha for taking major decisions in life.


When faced with difficulties or unfulfilled desires, visit an astrologer and work upon remedies.


Now, two things could happen - Either a prediction fails or its proved correct. One should not go in for extremes of opinion in either case. One failed prediction cannot debunk the whole science. One correct prediction does not mean astrology should be preferred to actions and logic.


Personally, i keep myself well equipped with what to expect astrologically. My decisions are based upon logic and what I percieve as the best thing to do.


Best Wishes




PS - In one reply to your post i have edited and typed "hacked" - I was working elsewhere and somebody misused my id in my absence and wrote something very offensive and completely wrong. So I removed it.

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Dear USRji,


Great to see you back on the forum :-). Yes, you have cleared my doubts earlier.


As, I have mentioned here, I wanted to know about a favorable period, to put my plan into action - that is all it sir.


Sir, I was reading "Astrology for Beginners" by BV Raman and your earlier comments did make a lot of sense :-). Your way of writing things so clearly is awesome :-).



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