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Israel And The U.S. Attack The Rogue State Of Iran

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By Author unknown



The war began as planned. The Israeli pilots took off well before dawn and streaked across Lebanon and northern Iraq, high above Kirkuk. Flying US-made F-15 and F-16s, the Israelis separated over the mountains of western Iran, the pilots gesturing a last minute show of confidence in their mission, maintaining radio silence.

Just before the sun rose over Tehran, moments before the Muslim call to prayer, the missiles struck their targets. While US Air Force AWACS planes circled overhead--listening, watching, recording--heavy US bombers followed minutes later. Bunker-busters and mini-nukes fell on dozens of targets while Iranian anti-aircraft missiles sped skyward.

The ironically named Bushehr nuclear power plant crumbled to dust. Russian technicians and foreign nationals scurried for safety. Most did not make it.

Targets in Saghand and Yazd, all of them carefully chosen many months before by Pentagon planners, were destroyed. The uranium enrichment facility in Natanz; a heavy water plant and radioisotope facility in Arak; the Ardekan Nuclear Fuel Unit; the Uranium Conversion Facility and Nuclear Technology Center in Isfahan; were struck simultaneously by USAF and Israeli bomber groups.

The Tehran Nuclear Research Center, the Tehran Molybdenum, Iodine and Xenon Radioisotope Production Facility, the Tehran Jabr Ibn Hayan Multipurpose Laboratories, the Kalaye Electric Company in the Tehran suburbs were destroyed.

Iranian fighter jets rose in scattered groups. At least those Iranian fighter planes, that had not been destroyed on the ground by the swift and systematic air strikes from US and Israeli missiles. A few Iranian fighters even launched missiles, downing the occasional attacker, but American top guns quickly prevailed in the ensuing dogfights.

The Iranian air force, like the Iranian navy, never really knew what hit them. Like the slumbering US sailors at Pearl Harbor, the pre-dawn, pre-emptive attack wiped out fully half the Iranian defence forces in a matter of hours. But unknown to the Americans and Israelis, Iran had an enormous military force well hidden outside of Iran.

By mid-morning, the second and third wave of US/Israeli raiders screamed over the secondary targets. The only problem now was the surprising effectiveness of the Iranian missile defenses. The element of surprise lost, US and Israeli warplanes began to fall from the skies in considerable numbers to anti-aircraft fire.

At 7:35 AM, Tehran time, the first Iranian anti-ship missiles destroyed a Panamanian oil tanker, departing from Kuwait and bound for Houston and an Australian battle ship. Launched from an Iranian fighter planes, the Exocet split both the ships in half and set the ship ablaze in the Strait of Hormuz. The Australian causalities were 542 sailors dead. A second and third tanker followed, black smoke billowing from the broken ships before they blew up and sank. By 8:15 AM, all ship traffic on the Persian Gulf had ceased.

Most US Navy ships had been ordered earlier into the relative safety of the Indian Ocean, south of their base in Bahrain, launched counter strikes. Waves of US fighter planes circled the burning wrecks in the bottleneck of Hormuz but the Iranian fighters had fled.

At 9 AM, Eastern Standard Time, many hours into the war, CNN reported a squadron of suicide Iranian fighter jets attacking the US Navy fleet south of Bahrain. Embedded reporters aboard the ships--sending live feeds directly to a rapt audience of Americans just awakening--reported all of the Iranian jets destroyed, but not before the enemy planes launched dozens of Exocet and Sunburn anti-ship missiles. The US aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, a cruiser, and two destroyers suffered direct hits. The cruiser blew up and sank, killing 600 American sailors. The aircraft carrier, hit by over 40 missiles, sank an hour later killing another 4,400 sailors.

By mid-morning, every military base in Iran was partially or wholly destroyed. Sirens blared and fires blazed from hundreds of fires. Explosions rocked Tehran and the electrical power failed. The Al Jazeerah news station in Tehran took a direct hit from a satellite bomb, levelling the entire block.

At 9:15 AM, Baghdad time, the first Iranian missile struck the Green Zone. For the next thirty minutes a torrent of missiles landed on GPS coordinates carefully selected by Shiite militiamen with cell phones positioned outside the Green Zone and other permanent US bases. Missiles are now raining all over Iraq coming from hidden Iranian bases within Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia

Although Israeli bomber pilots and US had destroyed 90% of the Iranian missiles in Iran, thousands of Shahabs remained hidden outside Iran that fully destroy the Green Zone, the Baghdad airport, and a US Marine base. 14, 300 unsuspecting US soldiers died in the early morning barrage.

Not surprisingly, CNN and Fox withheld the great number of casualties from American viewers; in fact, nothing drastic was being shown to the American public.

By 9:30 AM, gas stations on the US east coast began to raise their prices. Slowly at first and then altogether in a panic, the prices rose. $9 a gallon, and then $12 and then $15, the prices skyrocketed. Worried motorists, rushing from work, roared into the nearest gas station, radios blaring the latest reports of the pre-emptive attack on Iran. While fistfights broke out in gas stations everywhere, the Third world war may have possibly begun.

In Washington DC, the spin began minutes after the first missile struck its intended target. The punitive strike, not really a war said the harried White House spokesman, would further democracy and peace in the Middle East, he had no idea how serious it was becoming.

Media pundits mostly followed the party line and stopped reporting American causalities. They justified the attack by claiming they are successfully ridding Iran of weapons of mass destruction,

Rice declared confidently on CNN, in a cover-up to the American people, that Iran might follow in the footsteps of Iraq, and enjoy the hard won fruits of freedom. She was unaware that Iran had actually built 3 nuclear weapons that were somewhere in Syria in the process of being detonated in Israel

The president scheduled a speech at 2 PM. Gas prices rose another two dollars before then. China and Japan threatened to dump US dollars. Gold raised $160 an ounce. The dollar plummeted against the Euro.

CNN reported violent, Muslim anti-American protests in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, and Dublin. Muslims and anti-War protestors attached American fast food franchises throughout Europe and Australia.

Muslim and Anti-War protestors firebombed American corporate Businesses. Citizens of Christian, Jewish and Hindu background retaliated in France and fire bombed Muslim mosques, schools, and homes killing over 150

A violent coup during the Iran attack toppled the pro-American Pakistan president putting nuclear weapons in the hands of Fundamentalist Muslims. India goes on Red alert and prepares for the worst by having their nuclear weapons on standby.

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The war has been going for 7 hours and already 10s of thousands have been killed


On the New York Stock Exchange, prices fell in frenzy of trading, except for the major petroleum producers.

Word comes through from CNN of A barrage of Iranian Shahab missile striking Tel Aviv, destroying many city blocks, then to the shock and horror of everyone, one missile, carrying a 25 kiloton nuclear war head, cloud bursts over the heart of Tel Aviv killing an estimated 600, 000, CNN’s live broadcasts ceases, all journalist are killed.

Israel immediately retaliated with the first barrage of 30 nuclear strikes on Tehran and cities around Iran, turning half the country of Iran into dust. There ally India, who always said they would come to Israel aid, prepare for war

The Syrian Capital is also hit with 3 nuclear weapons but was able to retaliate with another of Iran’s secretly stored nuclear weapon. Most of Israel is also destroyed. None of Israel’s Nuclear weapons are in Israel; most are hidden in other counties as far away as South Africa and India

A hastily called UN General Assembly in New York City attempted to ease tensions, which is ignored by Israel. A small plan crashes into the UN building in New York causing minor damage killing 11

An orange alert in New York City suddenly reddened to a full-scale terror alarm due to many back-pack bombs, planted by Muslim cells in America, detonate on a Manhattan subway killing 340.

Mayor Bloomberg asked President Bush to declare a nation wide martial law ordering every Governor the to mobilize the National Guard, what few national guardsmen remained in the state.

President Bush looked shaken at 2 PM when he hears of a second nuclear explosion in Israel killing another 500, 000. Now over a million dead and many millions more dead in Iran




The War has been going for nine hours






The Israel Army, Air force, and Navy send a massive nuclear strike in every corner of Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Georgia, and north Eastern Afghanistan. A huge nuclear attack also destroys most of Libya. They also denote already placed mini nukes in the Gaza stripe and the West bank where Hezbollah are. The Blue domed mosque in Jerusalem is also destroyed and many senior Israel military men want to hit Mecca, the heart of Islam.

The scroll below the TV screen reported Persian Gulf nations halting production of oil until the conflict could be resolved peacefully. Oil reaches 320 dollars a barrel. The US announce they are turning to their reserves and suspends the influence of world prices

Only rumours of nuclear weapons being detonated are released to the American public.

Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, announced a freeze in oil deliveries to the US would begin immediately. Covert American CIA invades the county to assassinate Hugo Chavez and his supporters. A missile strike from unknown source hit his residents and he, along with family members and bodyguards, are killed.

English Prime minister Gordon Brown offers to mediate peace negotiations, between the US and Israel and Iran, but was resoundingly rejected. Two suicide bombers kill 38 people at Heathrow Airport. Another suicide bomber targets a School Assembly in Melbourne Australia killing 93 and a Shopping Center at Southland Cheltenham is hit with five car bombs killing 60 shoppers. These random attacks are increasing throughout Australia, Europe, America, Russia, China, Japan and other non Muslim countries.

Iran has an estimated 49,000 suicide bombers all around the world and THEIR attacks have only just begun.



By 6 PM, Eastern Standard Time, the war has been going for 12 hours. An estimated 18 million have been killed, mostly in Iran and over 1 million in Israel

Gas prices had stabilized at just below $18 a gallon in the US. A Citgo station in Texas, near Fort Sam Houston Army base, was firebombed, 84 workers were killed.

Another barrage of Nuclear weapons hit Iran. More that half the population is dead and millions are dying of radiation poisoning

Afghanistan tribal areas are hit again, two nuclear weapons detonate in Pakistan. India doesn’t wait for any response from the new Muslim fundamentalist Government and unleashes a barrage of nuclear weapons at Pakistan’s military and industrial sites, as well as all northern tribal areas.

Pakistan responds with a nuclear attack on Amritsar and surrounding military bases all over the Punjab killing millions. India retaliates by hitting more major industrial cities; Pakistan launches nuclear weapons at the major cities of Delhi, Mumbi, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhopal, Chennai, Goe, Gujarat and the secret Military base near the city of Mathura (The famous birth place of Lord Krsna), 40 million are killed.

Nuclear device are also detonated over American War ships, the carriers, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Constellation and USS John F. Kennedy, and accompanied battle destroyers, there are no survivors.

The US invades Venezuela to claim its oil; their military responds by destroying all oil fields

India hits EVERY major city in Pakistan Killing more than half the population of 160 million. Military bases in Bangladesh are hit by massive air strikes. India is in chaos due to some of India’s 180 million Muslims calling for jihad against Hinduism and the West

While this is going on, nuclear weapons of unknown origin (most probably Israel submarines) rain on major cities in Indonesia. They respond by invading New Guinea and also attacks Darwin Australia with their Military. Australia goes on War footing.


Israel vowels to turn the lands of EVERY Muslim country into fine dust particles


Secretly stored nuclear weapons at the American Pine Gap base in central Australia (meant for China, North Korea and Eastern Russia) are mistakngly unleashed on military bases in Indonesia. They do however, stop a full scale invasion of Australia's North, killing millions. Thousand of Australians are killed in Darwin in a further missile counter strike by Indonesian Military. They still prepare for a ground invasion of Australia.

Mecca in Saudi Arabia and Cairo in Egypt is also destroyed by a nuclear attack!!

The Andersen Air Force Base at Guam is destroyed by Nuclear weapons; Pakistan is blamed although the Americans also suspect Russia.

More American bases outside of America are attacked such as the Bahamas Camp Doha, Kuwait City, US Army Camp Udairi, Kuwait City, US Army with another nuclear warhead sent from Pakistan. Other bases are also destroyed, the Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, US Air Force Ali Al Salem Air Base, US Air Force, Saudi Arabia Eskan Village Air Base, US Air Force Riyadh Air Base, Riyadh, US Air Force, King Abdul Aziz Air Base, Dhahran, US Air Force King Fahd Air Base, Taif, US Air Force King Khalid Air Base, Khamis ushayt, US Air Force


American military dead is over 50, 000 in just over half a day of fighting, more deaths than 10 years of fighting during the Vietnam War.



The war has been going on for 14 hours so far



Japan and China are not involved and stand by the sidelines attempting to stop the horror. Then news comes through of rogue Indian soldiers, who are Buddhists, Sikhs and Hindus, invading Tibet and attacks Chinese army and Air force base killing 4000 Chinese soldiers and airman. China responds with an Air strike on advancing Indian Troops killing 12,000.

Indian Northern command, hidden within the Himalayas, have lost contact with what’s going on and launches a nuclear attack on in North Western China in self defence unaware of the rogue soldiers invading Tibet. An Estimated 26,000 Chines troops perish.

China responds with a devastating Nuclear attack on India’s northern region killing 80 million and making the place uninhabitable for the next 10, 000 years

Russia takes advantage of the conflict and helps Serbia to invade Kosavo, Nato responds with attacks on Serbian airfields and military bases. Russia begins evacuating Moscow. All air traffic in the US is grounded and borders closed. Evacuation of Washington DC Politicians secretly begins, hundreds of Muslim American suicide bombers start attacking Americans in their own cities. The Government puts in place a plan to round up and incarerate all Muslims

Russia launches a massive nuclear attack on Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Turkey, telling the Americans the Muslim scourge must be eliminated. Russia and America however do not become allies and the US come to the aide of Turkey, but do nothing knowing Russia would unleash nuclear weapons on America.

Russia continues attacking Muslim cities and armies all over the old Soviet Union and the world however, a rogue group of officers in the Russian military steal 20 nuclear weapons, some are Muslim and vowl to use the weapons against the American mainland and even Russian cities. India's ground assault begins in Pakistan while both Israel and Iran and now uninhabitable






At sunset, the death toll so far is 240 million, with millions more missing, injured, and homeless. The call to pray is put out by the International Society for Krishna consciousness. All members and congregation takes to the streets of major cities around the world that have not been attacked and begin a 24 hour kirtan (chanting the Hare Krishna mantra) many in the public of all nationalities and religions join in.




DAY TWO???????


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As many are aware, Srila Prabhupada has many times warned us that the third world war will eventually take place.

Srila Prabhupada – “The America has got atom bomb and Russia has got atom bomb. As soon as there is another war, the whole world will be finished” (Bhagavad-gita Lec. 13.14 Bombay, October 7, 1973)

Srila Prabhupada – “So these rascals are going on. So it is very difficult to preach Krsna consciousness. The whole world is overburdened by these rascals and demons. So atom, atom bomb is waiting for them. Yes. It will be finished. All the demons will be finished” (Srimad-Bhagavatam Lec. 1.8.34 Los Angeles, April 26, 1973)

Srila Prabhupada – “You are maintaining so many slaughterhouses, and when it will be mature, there will be war, the wholesale murder. Finished. One atom bomb--finished. You'll have to suffer. .(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lec. 6.1.32 Honolulu, May 31, 1976)

Srila Prabhupada – “Don't think that "Innocent animals, they cannot protest. Let us kill and eat." No. You'll be also punished. Wait for accumulation of your sinful activities, and there will be war, and the America will drop the atom bomb, and Russia will be finished. Both will be finished. .(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lec. 6.1.32 Honolulu, May 31, 1976)

Srila Prabhupada – “Go on now enjoying. It takes time. Just like even if you infect some disease, it takes time. Not that immediately you infect, and immediately the disease is there. No. It takes a week's time or so.(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lec. 6.1.32 Honolulu, May 31, 1976)

Paramahamsa: The theory nowadays is that by the proliferation of atomic weapons, that Russia has so many weapons, China has so many weapons, the United States has so much...

Prabhupada: Everyone now. India has also.

Paramahamsa: They're all afraid of using them.

Prabhupada: They must use it. That is nature's arrangement.

Paramahamsa: Yeah, right. History.

Prabhupada: Yes. That is nature's arrangement (chuckles) that you all die. That is nature's arrangement.

Tamala Krsna: When someone gets some power he wants to try it out. Just like there was that demon. Lord Siva gave him power: whoever head he touched, the head would fall off.

Prabhupada: Just like in your country there are so many cars so that a poor man like me has car always, not an inch move on leg. So because there is so many. There are so many cars. So there are so many weapons now. That must be used. That is a natural sequence. They must use it.

Bahulasva: That is why they have wars, just so they can use up the weapons.

Prabhupada: Oh yes.

Paramahamsa: The only difficulty is that if one person uses the atomic weapon, that means entire, it would be entire waste of mankind. So everyone's afraid of using the ultimate.

Prabhupada: Well, anyway, they must be used. There is no doubt about it. Therefore we can say there will be war. It is no astrology. It is natural conclusion.

Tamala Krsna: Common sense.

Paramahamsa: That'd mean total destruction.

Prabhupada: Well, total or partial, that we shall see. But they must be used. ( S.P.Morning Walk July 18, 1975, San Francisco)

Srila Prabhupada – “The modern civilization has got everything, but without God consciousness, any moment it will be finished. And there are symptoms... Any moment.

Srila Prabhupada – “At the present moment, this godless civilization, as soon as there is declaration of war, the America is prepared to drop atom bomb, Russia is... The first nation who will drop the atom bomb, he will be victorious. Nobody will be victorious, because both of them are ready to drop. The America will be finished and Russia will be finished. That is the position. So you may make advancement of civilization, scientific improvement, economic development, but if it is godless, at any moment it will be finished. At any moment. (Srimad-Bhagavatam Lec. 1.15.21 Los Angeles, December 1, 1973)

Srila Prabhupada – “You have created this situation. You must be killed. You may be American or Englishman or German or this or that. You may be very proud of your nationality. But you must be killed." This is the position. Isvarasya vicestitam. "You have killed so many animals. Now wholesale killing, one bomb. One atom bomb. Be killed." So these rascals they do not know how things are going on. Isvarasya vicestitam. "Tit for tat." There must be”. (Srimad-Bhagavatam Lec. 1.15.24 Los Angeles, December 3, 1973)

Prabhupada: Yes. All Western adventure to keep people in darkness. And that is going on. Now it will be smashed by the next war. Next war will come very soon.

Tamala Krsna: (Surprised) Oh!

Prabhupada: Yes.

Tamala Krsna: Next war...?

Prabhupada: Your country, America, is very much eager to kill these Communists. And the Communists are also very eager. So very soon there will be war. And perhaps India will be the greatest sufferer.

Tamala Krsna: Greatest...?

Devotees: Sufferer.

Srutakirti: Sufferer.

Prabhupada: Because America is aiming to start the war from India.

Devotee: Oh!

Prabhupada: Yes. Because India and Russia, they are...

Brahmananda: They are... Friendship.

Prabhupada: No. Side by side. If the war is started from India...

Rupanuga: So India will become...

Prabhupada: And the Russians are ready here already, I have heard, with soldiers and... Not soldiers. I mean to say.

Hamsaduta: Missiles.

Prabhupada: Yes. They are also vigilant.

Visnujana: Will that help our preaching, Prabhupada?

Prabhupada: Preaching will be very nice after the war when both of them, especially Russia, will be finished.......

Prabhupada: Yes, they are getting. They are already getting. The Pakistan will start the war with India. And then everything will be...

Devotees: Oh! Whew!

Devotee: Pakistan will start a war... (devotees talking among themselves.)...

Tamala Krsna: Will this war spread to many different countries and continents?

Prabhupada: The actual war will be between America and Russia. (S.P. Morning Walk Conversation (World War III) April 4, 1975, Mayapur)

Prabhupada: Yes. Next war means atomic war. All these rascals will be killed automatically. I will kill you, you'll kill me. That's all.

Yogesvara: Is that war to occur in the recent future? Or is that a long way off?

Prabhupada: Very recent, very recent future. (S.P.Morning Walk May 27, 1974, Rome)

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That was 34 years ago and it has not happened yet. What is "Very recent, very recent future"? 50 years? maybe... but I do not take it as any kind of 'Prabhupada prophecy'. Prabhupada spoke of possibilities, and from the perspective of the Cold War such conflict seemed both likely and unavoidable. Today it is not. It can happen, but it is not likely.

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Considering the actions of US/Israel, I am seriously beginning to think 9/11 was an inside job. Too many contradictions in the govt. version of events, too many loopholes, also motive for US to invade Iraq. Not that I am justifying Islamic terrorism, but it's come in handy for the US/Jews to use Islamic terrorism as a pretext to start wars.

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Considering the actions of US/Israel, I am seriously beginning to think 9/11 was an inside job. Too many contradictions in the govt. version of events, too many loopholes, also motive for US to invade Iraq. Not that I am justifying Islamic terrorism, but it's come in handy for the US/Jews to use Islamic terrorism as a pretext to start wars.


I think it is not so much an 'inside job' as it is the case of knowing about that plot and allowing (and even helping) it to go through because it provided all kinds of justifications, power and resources to US top power circles.

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I think it is not so much an 'inside job' as it is the case of knowing about that plot and allowing (and even helping) it to go through because it provided all kinds of justifications, power and resources to US top power circles.


Yes, that's what I meant. Islamic terrorism is simply a tool of the Jewish Bourgeois, which they unleash on their opponents (as they did in the Soviet War, when Bin Laden was their best friend!;)). And in other cases, they unleash it on their 'own' people to distract them from the real economic problem (which always revolves around workers).


This helps the Jewish bourgeois regain control of the means of production, and keep the workers down and suppressed, all the while distracting them with the bogey of Islamic terrorism.:smash: Job well done!


Many people have ignored the real problem, which is the oppression of the working class by the Jewish capitalists, and instead targeted their anger on Islam, which itself happens to be a creation of Jewish capitalists to suppress workers.:eek:


Result: Rich get richer, and the poor get stupid.:P

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Considering the actions of US/Israel, I am seriously beginning to think 9/11 was an inside job. Too many contradictions in the govt. version of events, too many loopholes, also motive for US to invade Iraq. Not that I am justifying Islamic terrorism, but it's come in handy for the US/Jews to use Islamic terrorism as a pretext to start wars.

Well, I don't agree. Yes there are loopholes but saying anything conclusively would not be right thing to do.

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July 24, 2008

<!--mstheme-->Are You Ready to Face the Facts about Israel?<!--mstheme-->


By Paul Craig Roberts

"On October 21 (1948) the Government of Israel took a decision that was to have a lasting and divisive effect on the rights and status of those Arabs who lived within its borders: the official establishment of military government in the areas where most of the inhabitants were Arabs."

Martin Gilbert, Israel: A History

I had given up on finding an American with a moral conscience and the courage to go with it and was on the verge of retiring my keyboard when I met the Rev. Thomas L. Are.

Rev. Are is a Presbyterian pastor who used to tell his Atlanta, Georgia, congregation: "I am a Zionist." Like most Americans, Rev. Are had been seduced by Israeli propaganda and helped to spread the propaganda among his congregation.

Around 1990 Rev. Are had an awakening for which he credits the Christian Canon of St. George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem and author Marc Ellis, co-editor of the book, Beyond Occupation.

Realizing that his ignorance of the situation on the ground had made him complicit in great crimes, Rev. Are wrote a book hoping to save others from his mistake and perhaps in part to make amends, Israeli Peace Palestinian Justice, published in Canada in 1994.

Rev. Are researched his subject and wrote a brave book. Keep in mind that 1994 was long prior to Walt and Mearsheimer’s recent book, which exposed the power of the Israel Lobby and its ability to control the explanation Americans receive about the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

Rev. Are begins with an account of Israel’s opening attack on the Palestinians, an event which took place before most Americans alive today were born. He quotes the distinguished British historian, Arnold J. Toynbee: "The treatment of the Palestinian Arabs in 1947 (and 1948) was as morally indefensible as the slaughter of six million Jews by the Nazis. Though nor comparable in quantity to the crimes of the Nazis, it was comparable in quality."

Golda Meir, considered by Israelis as a great leader and by others as one of history’s great killers, disputed the facts: "It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist."

Golda Meir’s apology for Israel’s great crimes is so counter-factual that it blows the mind. Palestinian refugee camps still exist outside Palestine filled with Palestinians and their descendants whose towns, villages, homes and lands were seized by the Israelis in 1948. Rev. Are provides the reader with Na’im Ateek’s description of what happened to him, an 11-year old, when the Jews came to take Beisan on May 12, 1948. Entire Palestinian communities simply disappeared.

In 1949 the United Nations counted 711,000 Palestinian refugees. [ United Nations General Assembly Appendix 4, No. 15 ]

In 2005 the United Nations Relief and Works Agency estimated 4.25 million Palestinians and their descendants were refugees from their homeland. [PDF ]

The Israeli policy of evicting non-Jews has continued for six decades. On June 19, 2008, the Laity Committee in the Holy Land reported in Window Into Palestine that the Israeli Ministry of Interior is taking away the residency rights of Jerusalem Christians who have been reclassified as "visitors in their own city."

On December 10, 2007, MK Ephraim Sneh boasted in the Jerusalem Post that Israel had achieved "a true Zionist victory" over the UN partition plan "which sought to establish two nations in the land of Israel." The partition plan had assigned Israel 56 percent of Palestine, leaving the inhabitants with only 44 percent. But Israel had altered this over time. Sneb proudly declared: "When we complete the permanent agreement, we will hold 78 percent of the land while the Palestinians will control 22 percent."

Sneb could have added that the 22 percent is essentially a collection of unconnected ghettos cut off from one another and from roads, water, medical care, and jobs.

Rev. Are documents that the abuse of Palestinians’ human rights is official Israeli policy. Killings, torture, and beatings are routine. On May 17, 1990, the Washington Post reported that Save the Children "documented indiscriminate beating, tear-gassing and shooting of children at home or just outside the house playing in the street, who were sitting in the classroom or going to the store for groceries."

On January 19, 1988, Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, later Prime Minister, announced the policy of "punitive beating" of Palestinians. The Israelis described the purpose of punitive beating: "Our task is to recreate a barrier and once again put the fear of death into the Arabs of the area."

According to Save the Children, beatings of children and women are common. Rev. Are, citing the report in the Washington Post, writes: "Save the Children concluded that one-third of beaten children were under ten years old, and one-fifth under the age of five. Nearly a third of the children beaten suffered broken bones."

On February 8, 1988, Newsweek magazine quoted an Israeli soldier: " We got orders to knock on every door, enter and take out all the males. The younger ones we lined up with their faces against the wall, and soldiers beat them with billy clubs. This was no private initiative, these were orders from our company commander. . . . After one soldier finished beating a detainee, another soldier called him ‘you Nazi,’ and the first man shot back: ‘You bleeding heart.’ When one soldier tried to stop another from beating an Arab for no reason, a fist fight broke out."

These were the old days before conscience was eliminated from the ranks of the Israeli military.

In the London Sunday Times, June 19, 1977, Ralph Schoenman, executive director of the Bertrand Russell Foundation, wrote: "Israeli interrogators routinely ill-treat and torture Arab prisoners. Prisoners are hooded or blindfolded and are hung by their wrists for long periods. Most are struck in the genitals or in other ways sexually abused. Most are sexually assaulted. Others are administered electric shock."

Amnesty International concluded that "there is no country in the world in which the use of official and sustained torture is as well established and documented as in the case of Israel."

Even the pro-Israeli Washington Post reported: "Upon arrest, a detainee undergoes a period of starvation, deprivation of sleep by organized methods and prolonged periods during which the prisoner is made to stand with his hands cuffed and raised, a filthy sack covering the head. Prisoners are dragged on the ground, beaten with objects, kicked, stripped and placed under ice-cold showers."

Sounds like Abu Ghraib. There are news reports that Israeli torture experts participated in the torture of the detainees assembled by the American military as part of the Bush Regime’s propaganda onslaught to convince Americans that Iraq was overflowing with al Qaeda terrorists. On July 23, 2008, Antiwar.com posted an Iraqi news report that the Iraqi government had released a total of 109,087 Iraqis that the Americans had "detained." Obviously, these "terrorist detainees" had been used for the needs of Bush Regime propaganda. No one will ever know how many of them were abused by Israeli torturers imported by the CIA.

Rev. Are’s book makes sensible suggestions for resolving the conflict that Israel began. However, the problem is that Israeli governments believe only in force. The policy of the Israeli government has always been to beat, kill, and brutalize Palestinians into submission and flight. Anyone who doubts this can read the book of Israel’s finest historian Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006).

Americans are a gullible and naive people. They have been complicit for 60 years in crimes that in Arnold Toynbee’s words "are comparable in quality" to the crimes of Nazi Germany. As Toynbee was writing decades ago, the accumulated Israeli crimes might now be comparable also in quantity.

The US routinely vetoes United Nations condemnations of Israel for its brutal crimes against the Palestinians. Insouciant American taxpayers have been bled for a half century to provide the Israelis with superior military weapons with which Israelis assault their neighbors, all the while convincing America—essentially a captive nation—that Israel is the victim.

John F. Mahoney wrote: "Thomas Are reminds me of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: an active pastor who comes to the unsettling realization that he and his people have been fed a terrible lie that is killing and torturing thousands of innocent men, women and children. Not without ample research and prayer does such a pastor, in turn, risk unsettling his congregation. The Reverend Are has done his homework and, I suspect, has prayed often and long during the writing of this courageous book."

Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran theologian and pastor who was executed for his active participation in the German Resistance against Nazism.

Professor Benjamin M. Weir, San Francisco Theological Seminary, wrote: " This book will make the reader squirm. It asks you to lend your voice in behalf of the voiceless."

Americans who can no longer think for themselves and who are terrified of disapproval by their peer group are incapable of lending their voices to anyone except those who control the world of propaganda in which they live.

The ignorance and unconcern of Americans is a great frustration to my friends in the Israeli peace movement. Without outside support those Israelis, who believe in good will and do not share their government’s belief in Lenin’s doctrine that violence is the only effective force in history, are deprived, by America’s support for their government’s policy of violence, of any peaceful resolution of a conflict began in 1947 by Israeli aggression against unsuspecting Palestinian villages.

Rev. Are wrote his book with the hope that the pen is mightier than the sword and that facts can crowd out propaganda and create a framework for a just resolution of the Palestinian issue. In his concluding chapter, "What Christians Can Do," Rev. Are writes: "We cannot allow others to dictate our thinking on any subject, especially on anything as important as Christian faithfulness, which is tested by an attitude towards seeking justice for the oppressed. It’s a Christian’s duty to know."

Duty, of course, has costs. Rev. Are writes: "Speak up for the Palestinians and you will make enemies. Yet, as Christians, we must be willing to raise issues that until now we have chosen to dodge."

More than a decade later, President Jimmy Carter, a true friend of Israel, tried again to awaken Americans’ moral conscience with his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

Carter was instantly demonized by the Israel Lobby.

Sixty years of efforts by good and humane people to hold Israel accountable have so far failed, but they are more important today than ever before. Israel has its captive American nation on the verge of attacking Iran, the consequences of which could be catastrophic for all concerned. The alleged purpose of the attack is to eliminate nonexistent Iranian nuclear weapons. The real reason is to eliminate all support for Hamas and Hezbollah so that Israel can seize the entire West Bank and southern Lebanon. The Bush regime is eager to do Israel’s bidding, and the media and evangelical "christian" churches have been preparing the American people for the event.

It is paradoxical that Israel is demonstrating that veracity lies not in the Christian belief in good will but in Lenin’s doctrine that violence is the effective force in history and that the evangelical Christian Zionist churches agree.

Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider's Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.<!--mstheme-->

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting article by Vladimir Anokhin


Israel ready to attack Iran without USA’s permission





Vladimir Anokhin – Pravada.ru August 1, 2008




Israel has entered the last phase of its war preparations against Iran. Recent resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, a proponent of negotiations and concessions, and several other factors speak well for the imminent war. Israel’s recent creation of the US missile defense shield can be another addition on the list. The US administration also tries to use the Israeli forces to play a dirty trick on Russia.


The resignation of the Israeli prime minister has become another reason to raise the subject of imminent war between Israel and Iran. Many Israeli politicians dislike Ehud Olmert’s views on the need to conduct negotiations with neighboring states, as well as his intention to discuss an opportunity to return Golan Heights to Syria.


There are other aspects which testify to a possible war in the nearest future. The USA is going to ship a radar station to Israel to track down missile launches. Furthermore, the United States intends to use the radar together with Israel . The USA will provide Israel with early missile launch prevention information, as well as technical and financial aid for the creation of the missile defense system.


According to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the radar station will be deployed in Israel before the new US administration officially takes the White House in January 2009.


The US administration believes that the radar station is required to defend Israel against Iranian missiles. It does not go about the deployment of interceptor missiles yet. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the distance to Iran is almost the same as the distance to Russia, which vehemently opposes the deployment of US missile system in Europe.


The station will give the USA an opportunity to use its radar towards Russia freely, without any explanations or control. In addition, the station will give Israel more confidence in its war preparations.


Israel acts by the law of war and seriously prepares to attack Iran’s nuclear objects. It transpired that the top Israeli administration had had a secret meeting with architect of Operation Opera, Retired General Aviam Sela. It was Sela, who planned the surprised Israeli air strike against the Iraqi nuclear reactor 27 years ago. In addition to Opera, the general also elaborated and conducted several operations to destroy Syrian air defense batteries in Lebanon during the First Lebanese War in 1982.


Israeli officials have been talking about Iranian nuclear threat for about a decade. However, now is the time, when Tel Aviv seriously considers a question about the use of military force against Iran . The nuclear issue is obviously the key question in the opposition between Iran and Israel, but there is a more global question, which explains why Israel fears Iran.


Iran strives to obtain the status of a regional superpower against the background of its open hostility against Israel. Iran’s views and intentions pose a threat to Israel ’s role and place in the Middle East. Iranian nuclear weapons endanger the existence of the State of Israel even if the weapons are used with the deterrent value only.


One shall assume that Israel may claim its entire responsibility for the start of a military action against Iran, if the action takes place, of course. Ex-head of Mossad, Shabtai Shavit said that Israel would not be waiting for USA’s permission to attack Iran ’s nuclear facilities.


The US administration does not hurry to use its military force against Iran ’s nuclear program. US officials prefer to wage psychological war against Iran, which could also be a good start of a real war.


Nevertheless, there is a number of circumstances, which do not let the USA launch a large-scale military action against Iran. The current political stability in Iraq and Afghanistan leaves much to be desired. A limited contingent of coalition troops in Afghanistan is obviously not enough to conduct large-scale military operations in the south of the war-torn nation. US and coalition troops make up about 200,000 people in the region. The Pentagon cannot provide more.


Iran will not miss a chance to strike back on oil pipelines and oil structures of neighboring Arab states. Even a slight military action in the region may cause serious damage to the world economy. The European Union, China and India will suffer from the possible fuel crisis most. The USA would not mind weaker competitors, of course. It is an open secret that the economies of those industrial giants largely depend on crude shipments from the Persian Gulf. The war could be a good reason.


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July 24, 2008

<!--mstheme-->Are You Ready to Face the Facts about Israel?<!--mstheme-->


By Paul Craig Roberts


It is paradoxical that Israel is demonstrating that veracity lies not in the Christian belief in good will but in Lenin’s doctrine that violence is the effective force in history and that the evangelical Christian Zionist churches agree.


This might be all true, but without Krishna's sanctioning nothing happens.

Since there was never any stopping and things developed for so many years, it must have been sanctioned by Krishna.

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The same can be said about Holocaust

I wasnt born at that time, but we learned at school that the Holocaust lasted only for a couple of years and was stopped with great force on May 8 1945. Therefore the whole thing was not sanctioned by Krsna but rather stopped by Krsna. The Allied forces came and exposed the murdering if innocent people as a crime and killed the aggressors. Next, there was a trial, Nuremberg trials, were all the leading rascals were convicted.

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The Allied forces came and exposed the murdering if innocent people as a crime and killed the aggressors. Next, there was a trial, Nuremberg trials, were all the leading rascals were convicted.


So in your logic the fact that other leading rascals, like Stalin, were never tried and convicted must mean that the killing done by them was sanctioned by Krsna?? Stalin and other communists killed far more people than the nazis.

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So in your logic the fact that other leading rascals, like Stalin, were never tried and convicted must mean that the killing done by them was sanctioned by Krsna?? Stalin and other communists killed far more people than the nazis.

"Your logic", better we refer to what Krsna says, see below, "material energy is working under My direction." So don't put the blame on me, although I would realy like to do you that favour. But in this case, when Krsna clearly says, "under My direction", we have to accept although reluctantly.


mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ

sūyate sa-carācaram

hetunānena kaunteya

jagad viparivartate


mayā — by Me; adhyakṣeṇa — by superintendence; prakṛtiḥ — material nature; sūyate — manifests; sa — both; cara-acaram — the moving and the nonmoving; hetunā — for the reason; anena — this; kaunteyaO son of Kuntī; jagat — the cosmic manifestation; viparivartate — is working.


This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kuntī, producing all moving and nonmoving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.


It is clearly stated here that the Supreme Lord, although aloof from all the activities of the material world, remains the supreme director. The Supreme Lord is the supreme will and the background of this material manifestation, but the management is being conducted by material nature. Kṛṣṇa also states in Bhagavad-gītā that of all of the living entities in different forms and species, "I am the father." The father gives seeds to the womb of the mother for the child, and similarly the Supreme Lord by His mere glance injects all the living entities into the womb of material nature, and they come out in their different forms and species, according to their last desires and activities. All these living entities, although born under the glance of the Supreme Lord, take their different bodies according to their past deeds and desires. So the Lord is not directly attached to this material creation. He simply glances over material nature; material nature is thus activated, and everything is created immediately. Because He glances over material nature, there is undoubtedly activity on the part of the Supreme Lord, but He has nothing to do with the manifestation of the material world directly. This example is given in the smṛti: when there is a fragrant flower before someone, the fragrance is touched by the smelling power of the person, yet the smelling and the flower are detached from one another. There is a similar connection between the material world and the Supreme Personality of Godhead; actually He has nothing to do with this material world, but He creates by His glance and ordains. In summary, material nature, without the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, cannot do anything. Yet the Supreme Personality is detached from all material activities.

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"Your logic", better we refer to what Krsna says, see below, "material energy is working under My direction."


Under His direction means that He sets the rules. The justice system sanctions punishments for activities we chose to preform. Just because something happened it does not mean that Krsna wanted it to happen. The state does not want to punish people, but when they commit a crime it has to punish them.


We should be careful when we say that something in this world happened because Krsna wanted it to happen that way. How in the world do we know such things?

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Under His direction means that He sets the rules. The justice system sanctions punishments for activities we chose to preform. Just because something happened it does not mean that Krsna wanted it to happen. The state does not want to punish people, but when they commit a crime it has to punish them.


We should be careful when we say that something in this world happened because Krsna wanted it to happen that way. How in the world do we know such things?


This is a very valid point made by Kulapavana Prabhu.

Actually, it is Krsna's arrangement to give the living entities the fee will to choose though, Krsna also warns us to be careful what we desire because we are responsible for the good and bad reactions our activity creates.

Krsna is not responsible for the wars and suffering in the material we, we are, even though simultaneously it is also Krsna’s arrangement.

What does that mean?

Well, just like a government provides are playground for children to play in, that belongs to the government and is their creation and under their control, the government really has no control over what the children choose to do in the playground.

In other words, Krsna provides everything that includes giving the living free will to play in Krsna’s playground of the material world the way they desire and choose making the embodied living entities responsible for their own suffering or pleasure in the maha-tattva, NOT Krsna who is the Governing provider like a government who provides a playgound for children to play in.

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and repented. Now he is trying to warn his brothers:


Gaddafi warns 'arrogant' Iran of Iraq fate


<small> Al Arabiya ^ | 05 August 2008 | Staff </small>




Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi on Tuesday warned "arrogant" Iran that it faces military humiliation on the scale of Iraq for its refusal to respond to western powers over a nuclear impasse.




"What Iran is doing stems simply from arrogance," Gaddafi said during a visit to Tunisia after Tehran ignored another western deadline to accept an incentives package in exchange for full transparency on its nuclear drive.

"In the event of a decision against Iran, this country will suffer the same outcome as Iraq... Iran is not any stronger than Iraq and won't have the means to resist (a military attack) on its own," Gaddafi said.




"The challenges are greater and exceed Iran's ability to reply," he added, speaking on the third day of his visit.




Negotiators from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- who suspect Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons capability -- have scheduled a conference call for Wednesday as the crisis deepens.

Like Iran and Iraq before it, Libya was for years pressured by the west over its nuclear and chemical weapons ambitions and capabilities before finding common ground in 2003.




Tehran has steadfastly refused to suspend its uranium enrichment activities, which it says are aimed only at producing fuel for nuclear power production.




The United States and its allies fear the program is a cover for developing nuclear weapons.

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We should be careful when we say that something in this world happened because Krsna wanted it to happen that way. How in the world do we know such things?

We know things by Krishna's instructions. Just like to spike someone's guns. So much rascaldom was confounded, crossed, ensnared. Krishna's agent the material energy is very powerful and can immediately interfere when things should NOT happen. At least three times people tried to kill Hitler, they didn't succeed, misfortune or coincidence?


"Yes, maya is there. Daivī hy eṣā guṇamayī [Bg. 7.14]. You cannot do anything without knowledge of Krishna. Krishna is there, māyā is there. They’ll take care. Krishna’s agent maya will take care of you. You have to be taken care, either by maya or by Krishna. If you agree to be taken care by Krishna, then you are happy. And if you don’t agree, you will be taken care by maya. You go on suffering. In either case you are not independent. Daivī hy eṣā guṇamayī mama maya duratyayā. That verse is very important—yathecchasi tathākuru. Find out that verse. It is the last part. Yesterday you found."


Evening Darśana

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

August 11, 1976, Tehran

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This is a very valid point made by Kulapavana Prabhu.


You mean to say that Krsna has no full control about what's happening in His material creation is a very valid point?




"So anything that is going on in this world, it is under the supreme supervision of the Lord. Mayadhyaksena prakṛtiḥ suyate sa-caracaram [Bg. 9.10]. In every… There is a philosopher’s saying, “Not a blade of grass moves without the will of God.” It is actually the fact. Everything… Now, we have to dovetail ourself with that plan of the Supreme Lord. That is called karma-yoga. That is called karma-yoga. So Arjuna understood it, and he dovetailed himself with the supreme will of the Lord. And when he was inquired, “Whether you are going or fight or not? What you have settled after hearing Bhagavad-gita?” he said, “Yes Krishna. My illusion is now removed by Your grace, and I have decided to fight. That’s all.”


Bhagavad-gītā 3.13-16

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

New York, May 23, 1966

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You mean to say that Krsna has no full control about what's happening in His material creation is a very valid point?







"So anything that is going on in this world, it is under the supreme supervision of the Lord..”Srila Prabhupāda

New York, May 23, 1966




Krsna says, "Not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of the Lord".<?xml:namespace prefix = o />



OK This is a very good point Suchandra prabhu. So how do we understand how free will fits in to all this?


As a devotee of Lord Krsna the cause of all causes, you will understand this.


Lord Balarama's expansion Maha-Vishnu is the creator of the maha-tattva or material world, He can see past present and future. He sees the journey of the arrow from where it begins, how it travels and where it ends. In the meantime however, the living entity experiences the reality of free will where everything to them to be NOT known on another their level of mundane time and space in the mahat-tattva.

From the viewpoint of each embodied baddha-jiva trapped in the restricted material world, they DO experience free will WITHIN the material body they possess, ACCORDING to desire, and karma that may appear to them that the actions of man creates the wars and peace etc in the material world.


However, on a higher level of understanding, everything is following a plan (the dreams of Maha Vishnu) that is known by Maha Vishnu and not known by the embodied jiva who enters His dreams and plays out those bodily roles, hence as Krsna says, "not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of the Lord".

So the answer is, there is always free will for the marginal living entity to choose peace or war influenced and directed by their own desires and Karma that are experienced and lived out within vessels provided by Maha-Vishnu.


Such 'vessels' are His creations and NOT the living entities, they manifested by Maha-Vishnu's dreams that are actually a real reality but are only temporary.


Therefore, everything within the realm of past and future in the mahat-tattva is also known by the creator of the material creation, Maha Vishnu because they are His dreams (Who ultimately is an expansion of Lord Krsna, the cause of all causes)


This is not easily understood but my point is we do originally have free will to love or serve Krsna or ignore Him and chase our own plans of grandeur


If we choose to ignore Him, then we act out our desires within Maha Vishnu's stage drama of the material world, playing out a part or role that simultaneously suits our desires within His dreams.

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Krsna says, "Not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of the Lord".



Thanks Gauragopala dasa, as I understood the posts above, the question seemed that how the Supreme Lord can sanction that innocent people are getting punished?

Let's say parents offered their kids a sandbox to play with, while sitting outside and watching their kids playing. They don't interfere in any way the playing/free will of their kids, just watching. As soon the parents find that the kids are not playing right they could immediately interfere, grab the kids and stop their playing. Now let's say the parents watch how their kids start to fight with each other but let it happen to see how far it goes. Do they not also become involved when not interering when seeing how a weaker child is beaten by a stronger child?

They could stop the game but let it happen.

So this was my point, we cannot blame God for allowing suffering to happen.

If we watch in this world so called injustice taking place and Krsna Himself or the material energy, Krsna's agent, let it all happen, there's only one conclusion/answer, it's karma. There was no injustice, otherwise it could not have taken place, would have been baffled, crossed, blighted from begin with.

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If we watch in this world so called injustice taking place and Krsna Himself or the material energy, Krsna's agent, let it all happen, there's only one conclusion/answer, it's karma. There was no injustice, otherwise it could not have taken place, would have been baffled, crossed, blighted from begin with.


If we say that there is never any injustice, it is all a reaction to past karma, than how is the NEW karma generated? Of course there are improper actions we witness in this world! and they will be punished in the future.

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If we say that there is never any injustice, it is all a reaction to past karma, than how is the NEW karma generated? Of course there are improper actions we witness in this world! and they will be punished in the future.

So far I learned that new karma is not generated by inflicting suffering upon innocent people but by performing sinful activity. How someone who is innocent can face suffering/sinful reaction, it is impossible. This is not how karma works. As soon people accumulate huge amounts of sinful reactions due to sinful activity these sinful reactions have to burned up exempli gratia in an analog war. Especially in this age of kali-yuga, people perform unlimited sinful activities, so much so that we almost consider all this sinning as normal. According vedic authority, sinful actions are not dissolving, they are producing seeds, these seeds grow and when turning into fruits they become a visible karmic reaction. This can also happen collectively, a whole nation developing very similar accumulations of sinful karmas.



example how collective karmic reactions are build up: mass slaughter of chickens

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