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Ketu Antardasha

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Respected Deepaji, Astro_techji and Sasisekaranji,

I am going to start my ketu antardasha from 20th july 2008....i was wondering what to expect out of it........ketu is in 8th house in the lagna chart and is in 3rd house with atmakarka moon in Navamsa. Are there any remedies to do to appease ketu so that i can pass off the period without much trouble.

My details:




Thanks in advance

Best Regards


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Respected USRji,

I am a Sikh and belong to educated service class family with moderate values……….I was very idealist during my growing up years but lately have become more practical (and cant tell u how delighted my parents are with it).I have very cosmopolitan outlook….I respect all religion though I am not very much into rituals. I gain immense strength by reading our ancient scriptures be it relating to Sikhism, Hinduism or Islam. I accept astrology as my GPS system, giving me signals to lead a better life but I don’t have 100% dependency over it. I share healthy and respectful and cordial relationship with my family……I look up to my elder sis and brother for guidance but with my younger brother, the relationship lacks communication big time. We don’t interfere with each other’s lives. I respect my parents a lot but argue a lot with my mother………..my mother hasn’t been keeping good health for long time now but she is one person with gr88 will power and manages to live life without lot of cribbing…..touchwood dad is in good health.

I am well educated so as to speak…I am BA, LLB, MAIB (Masters in International Business)…and I work as administrative executive with a consultancy firm.

Important events with dates in my life:

1. Did BA,LLB with distinction in May 2001.

2. Went to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com> 8. Got engaged to a NRI on <st1:date Month=12th July 2006</st1:date> and the engagement got broken off on <st1:date Month=" /><st1:place>London</st1:place></st1:City> for Masters in Sept 2002 and came back in June 2005.

3. Had my first job (part time) in December 2002.

4. Had my first full time job in April 2003.

5. Finished my masters in July 2003.

6. Started my job with my present firm in December 2005

7. Had a long steady affair with my classmate from 1997 to 2003……after his parents rejected the alliance, broke off with him in 2003 but after 2006 again came close to him…..we still are in touch with each other but cant say if we have an affair anymore…we are more like friends now.

8. Got engaged to a NRI on <st1:date Month="7" Day="12" Year="2006">12th July 2006</st1:date> and the engagement got broken off on <st1:date Month="11" Day="28" Year="2006">28th November 2006</st1:date>, while the marriage was fixed for 28th December 2006.

Honestly I am pretty confused about my future plans………..My parents are concern about my marriage…but even after their best efforts things are as bleak as ever………..no proposal gets to the last stage…….there are hiccups all the time…..I, on the other hand am contemplating moving abroad for further studies. My target countries are US or <st1:country-region><st1:place>Canada</st1:place></st1:country-region>. I am already in the process of preparing my application. I am more interested to pursue higher studies in law related field but I am applying for business streams as well. I have made my parents listen to me and they have very reluctantly accepted my wish.

Hope this helps

Best Regards


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Dear Chinu




Ketu dasha will see you delve deeper into occult studies, it might whisk you away abroad and may be some health issues related to piles/ constipation or some lipids. You are likely to become serious and a bit detached sorts. So in a sense look forward to becoming serious and more mature!


Ganpati Vandana recommended:)




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Dear all,


Just I am trying to get oppurtunity in the below organizations could you tell me which will be work out for me?



1. Instant coffee powder unit


3.Rice - purchage and qulaity


D.O.B - 27-02-1972 place and time: guntur.,andhra pradesh

time of birth: - 11-24a.m to 11-31 a.m.


Waiting for your valuble replies,


M.S.R.Hanumath prasad:)

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