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I eat alot of Soya. Can I be risking my health?

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>>>This is my true story, nothing altered. These are facts, as they


>>>relate to my experience, my opinions based on what I have read and


>>>felt. I am relating them to warn other young health-conscious women


>>>who are unwittingly harming themselves.






>>>In 1989, I graduated from high school in Texas and couldn't wait to


>>>hit the big college city. One of the changes I wanted to make was to


>>>eat healthier.




>>>Once I moved to health-conscious Austin, Texas, I began to fortify my


>>>body with the best and healthiest foods I could find. Tofu was the






>>>ingredient in every healthy dish and I bought soya milk almost every day.




>>>I used it for everything from cereal to smoothies or just to drink


>>>for a quick




>>>snack. I bought soya muffins, miso soup wth tofu, soyabeans, soyabean




>>>sprouts, etc. All the literature in all the health and fitness


>>>magazines said that soya protected you against everything from heart


>>>disease to breast cancer. It was the magical isoflavones, the


>>>estrogen-like hormones that all worked to help you stay young and


>>>healthy . I looked great, I was working out all the time, but my


menstrual cycle was off.




>>>At 20, I started taking birth control pills to regulate my menstrual


>>>cycle. In addition to this I began to suffer from painful periods. I


>>>began to get puffy, it was as though I was losing my muscle tone. I


>>>began to suffer from depression and getting hot flashes. I mistook


>>>all this for PMS since my periods were irregular. By the time I was


>>>25, my periods were so bad I couldn't walk. The birth control pills


>>>never made them regular or less painful so I decided to stop taking


>>>them. I went on like this for another two years until realized my




wasn't normal.




>>>At 27, my gynecologist found two cysts in my uterus. Both were the


>>>size of tennis balls. I went through surgery to have them removed and


>>>thank God they were benign. The gynecologist told me to go back on


>>>birth control pills. I didn't. In 1998, he discovered a lump in my




>>>Again, I went through surgery and again it was benign.




>>>In November 2000 my glands swelled up and my gums became inflamed.


>>>Thinking I had a tooth infection i went to the dentist who told me


>>>that teeth were not the problem. After a dose of antibiotics the


>>>swelling still did not go down.




>>>At this point I could feel a tiny nodule on the right side of my


>>>neck. I told my mother I had thyroid trouble. She think I was being


>>>silly. No one in the family suffered from thyroid trouble. Going on a


>>>hunch I saw a specialist who diagnosed me with Papillary Thyroid


>>>Carcinoma. After a series of tests he told me it was cancer. My


>>>fiance and I sat stunned. We were not prepared and I was so scared.




scheduled surgery right away.






>>>The specialist told us that it would only be after the operation that


>>>a pathologist would be able to tell us for sure if it was cancer.


>>>They found a tumor at my right lobe composed of irregular cells and


>>>another smaller tumor growing on the left, so the entire thyroid was




>>>They told me that after undergoing radioactive iodine I would be safe


>>>and assured me that I could live a long life. After treatment I began


>>>to search for the cause of all these problems. I never once thought


>>>it could be all the soya I had consumed for nearly ten years. After


>>>all, soya is healthy.




>>>I came upon a web page that linked thyroid problems to soya intake


>>>and the conspiracy of soya marketed as a health food when in fact it


>>>is only a toxic by-product of the vegetable oil industry. This was


>>>insane, afterall, the health and fitness magazines had said nothing


>>>about soya being harmful.




>>>I visited a herbalist who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1985.


>>>She informed me that soya was the culprit. She had a hysterectomy due


>>>to cysts and other uterine problems. A few months later another


>>>acquaintance who had consumed soya came down with thyroid cancer. A


>>>girl in England I met through the internet in a thyroid cancer forum


>>>had just undergone surgery and she was only 19.




>>>What was going on????




>>>Breast cancer is linked to estrogen. What mimics estrogen in the


>>>female body, SOYA!




>>>But I never suspected soya because until now I never once found a


>>>single article that stated soya could be dangerous. Women who took


>>>soya prior to thyroid problems will continue to take it after if they


>>>are not aware of what soya actually does, what it contains and how it


>>>reacts in the female body. I think this is the reason that women with


>>>thyroid cancer often develop breast cancer later.




>>>My co-worker is big into soya and I see her losing hair and gaining


>>>weight despite a walking workout during her break and after work, and


>>>apples and oranges for lunch. She just had cysts removed from her


>>>uterus too. I warn her to stay off soya. I refer her to websites but


>>>until it is on the evening news on all four networks, women will


>>>suffer. Since the thyroidectomy. I do not touch soya, haven't for two






>>>Dear readers,


>>>please use my story in any way you can. There are so many young girls


>>>who are consuming soya because they think they are taking care of


>>>themselves, and women taking soya because they want to be healthy. It


>>>is so unfair that the information about the dangers of soya isn't


>>>more widely circulated. It is sad. There are many out there who feel


>>>this way and it is a terrible blow when you realize you are not as


>>>healthy as you thought and that the information that you depended on








>>>some references http://www.haelan.co.uk/Wholefood-Soya.shtml















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. . . "by-product of the vegetable oil industry" . . .


1- Soy is acid forming in the body [vs. alkaline].

2- Acidity will leach out alkaline minerals required to rid acids in the blood.

3- The lymph glands are part of the filtering/elimination process of ridding acidity and restoring proper 'ph' to the body's internal chemistry.

4- I have seen similar reactions to myself with oil based foods --ie: "processed-cheese-food", velveta, margerine, cheep olive oil, soy milk, and then american cheese and other aged cheeses.


The idea is that acidic 'ph' will cause a vicious cycle that causes many bodily systems incapable of fullfilling their functions.


Thank you for this post I shall foward it immediately.

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I just fowarded the above to a friend and she sent this back to me--so I'm posting here below:


I appreciate this and I have heard about it however I know the real

culprit and it was all through the article 'THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL".

I am 54 and a size 6, very ok except for a bout of lymes and spinal thing from an accident however I breezed through menopause and I have been eating pure soy beans to soy everything for over 30 years. My sister has thyroid and so does a very good friend and the common denominator there is THE PILL.

My young client of 25 had a cyst removed and she was on the pill. For many years birth control pills have been killing women and it's about time the pharmaceutical companies stopped their health food danger campaigns and started telling the truth.

In my case a little extra estrogen doesn't hurt since we lose it as we get older. I don't know about this. I think meat is much more dangerous and I don't believe a soy bean is. Where did you get this stuff?

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  • 2 weeks later...


its good


and valuable


plz post some other useful info.

Prabhupada always said soya is animal food, too heavy to digest for human beings. Additionally what we have right now is only genetically modified soya beans, nothing what can be called natural food.


Genetically modified soy affects posterity: Results of Russian scientists’ studies





On October 10, during the symposium over genetic modification, organized by the National Association for Genetic Security (NAGS), Doctor of Biology Irina Ermakova made public the results of the research led by her at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). This is the first research that determined clear dependence between eating genetically modified soy and the posterity of living creatures.

During the experiment, doctor Ermakova added GM soy flour to the food of female rats two weeks before conception, during conception and nursing. In the control group were the rat females that were not added anything to their food. The experiment was formed by 3 groups of 3 female rats in each: the first one was control group, the second one was the group with GM-soy addition, and the third one with traditional soy addition. The scientists counted the number of female species to give birth and the number of born and died rats.

After the result of the first stage, the second part took place. Now the rats were divided into two groups – one with GM-soy addition in their food, and other without the GM-soy. In three weeks the scientists received following results:

<table class="framed" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Additions</td> <td>Female that gave birth</td> <td>Born rats</td> <td>Dead rats (in three weeks)</td> <td>Percent of dead rats</td> <td>Rats still alive</td></tr> <tr> <td>Control group</td> <td>4 (of 6)</td> <td>44</td> <td>3</td> <td>6,8%</td> <td>41</td></tr> <tr> <td>With GM-soy</td> <td>4 (of 6)</td> <td>45</td> <td>25</td> <td>55,6%</td> <td>20</td></tr> <tr> <td>With normal soy</td> <td>3 (of 3)</td> <td>33</td> <td>3</td> <td>9%</td> <td>30</td></tr></tbody></table> Thus, according to these results, the abnormally high level of posterity death has been detected at the posterity of the female species with GM-soy added to their food. And 36% percent of born rats weighed less than 20 grams that is an evidence of their extremely weak condition.

“The morphology and biochemical structures of rats are very similar to those of humans, and this makes the results we obtained very disturbing,” said Irina Ermakova to NAGS press office. According to NAGS Vice-president Aleksey Kulikov, the data received by Dr.Ermakova confirm the necessity of full scale tests of GM-products influence over living creatures.

On the photo: the results of the experiment. Same age rats from the control group (on the left) and the “GM-soy” group.



Permanent news address: www.regnum.ru/english/526651.html

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I've been forced off soya products by my own body. I gradually found myself including more and more soya products daily. I would use 4 or 5 lbs of tofu a week and sometimes more because being a bachlor it is so easy to cook with and it goes well with almost all other foods.


Soya milk also daily.


Then recently within the past two years my body just suddenly started rjecting it. It started causes a very similar reaction in my body to what I experience if I drink cows milk or eat dairy. Mucous, dull feeling and foggey brain to vomiting to clear my stomach of large quantities of ama.


I used to ignore the warnings I heard about eating too much soya but now I have no choice but to stay away from all of it. I may not have ever had such a reaction had I not relied on it daily for for about 30 years.


Two days ago there was a preliminary study that MAY show as causal link between soya and dementia. This study also said that to reach that point one would need to consume soya every day. THIS STUDY VERY WELL COULD BE COMPLETE NONSENSE and sponsered by the meat industry for all I know. But I would think it wise to at least to limit intake to a max of 25 grams of soya protein a day and no more. That's enough of any one food.

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Theist Prabhu-ji,


If you buy soy flour and make your own soy milk you might have a different reaction [simmer water and flour 5 minutes while stirring & add stevia as sweetner (or sugar, etc) & let cool].


My speculation is:

that the soy milk product is composed of "Oils" [not petro-based(?)] but various food grade oils that actually should not be consumed as a substitute to the best of the best 'home-made' soy milk.


Also, you may be missing vitamin/mineral derived enzymes required from digestion --such alkaline [mostly] required vitamin/minerals are derived from "green-raw [not-overcooked] foods".

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Theist Prabhu-ji,


If you buy soy flour and make your own soy milk you might have a different reaction [simmer water and flour 5 minutes while stirring & add stevia as sweetner (or sugar, etc) & let cool].


My speculation is:

that the soy milk product is composed of "Oils" [not petro-based(?)] but various food grade oils that actually should not be consumed as a substitute to the best of the best 'home-made' soy milk.


Also, you may be missing vitamin/mineral derived enzymes required from digestion --such alkaline [mostly] required vitamin/minerals are derived from "green-raw [not-overcooked] foods".


Possible lack of key enzymes. That makes sense. There is a conspiracy on to make me eat in a very austere way EVEN THOUGH I DON'T WANT TO.


I can't eat grains, no rice breads etc. I am a vegan but even if I didn't choose it I couldn't eat dairy. Even too many white potatos give me problems. Soy was like my saving food and now I can't eat that either. I have had my thyroid checked and all is in order there. I am taking extra enzymes with meals especially papaya based protein digesting enzymes but others as well. Best deal out there I think is Papaya enzymes from NOW. Cheap but good quality.


Material life is a bad bad bargain baby. I got ripped off. :mad2:

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Possible lack of key enzymes. That makes sense. There is a conspiracy on to make me eat in a very austere way EVEN THOUGH I DON'T WANT TO.


I can't eat grains, no rice breads etc. I am a vegan but even if I didn't choose it I couldn't eat dairy. Even too many white potatos give me problems. Soy was like my saving food and now I can't eat that either. I have had my thyroid checked and all is in order there. I am taking extra enzymes with meals especially papaya based protein digesting enzymes but others as well. Best deal out there I think is Papaya enzymes from NOW. Cheap but good quality.


Material life is a bad bad bargain baby. I got ripped off. :mad2:


Yep, these choices and impositions of circumstances and time, really mind twisting.:mad:


Nice, if someone gives that indepence to Hari, life becomes easy.;)

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Good advice Amlesh. I am a subborn hold out so I must suffer until my false pride is broken. Krishna is kind to me anyway. He just keeps a constant but bareable (barely) pressure on me letting me remember I am suffering and miserable without Him. I have to give sooner ot later.

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