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help me with its significance (its my chart)

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i cant analyze the eleventh house plss hlp me.a combination of venus ,mercury,sun,ketu.(in dhanus)

12 th house exalted mars.

9th house exalted saturn

kumbh lagna meena rashi

10th house jupiter.



for further details





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Dear Krish,


You have been unhappy off and on, though intelligent, good natured and also mature. You get along very very well with people - so in that sense you have loads of friends.


A good person, basically, but your circumstances have not been good in your case. If you look at navamsa, lagna lord is in debility and 9th lord is in 8th, Mars isnt well placed in lagna, Rahu in MKS gives you bad results in career atmosphere.


Dont take health issues lightly because you are unable to recover easily.


I may be wrong - do give me a feed back and any specific query


Best wishes


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regarding exact place of birth i think the following data would suffice



Ascendant 24:28:56 Aquarius

Sun 07:25:57 Sagittarius

Mercury 25:06:37 Sagittarius

Venus 19:24:56 Sagittarius

Mars 16:30:09 Capricorn

Jupiter 05:48:06 Scorpio

Saturn 08:37:16 Libra

Moon 03:08:53 Pisces

Rahu 10:39:15 Gemini

Ketu 10:39:15 Sagittarius


my career atmosphere is definitely not good till now

but what do you thnk about my spiritual life.i thnk saturn and that eleventh house combo has some meaning .i want to know tht meaning????

pls hlp frnd.

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not too much frnds yah i make frnds easily but at depth i am a sort of reserve type.

i mean the typical aquarian.

what can tht jupiter(a malefic for kumbh lagna) but a general benefic in that 10 th aspecting moon can do in terms of profession.


yah tht moon aspect has given me a sort of orthodox view towards life i mean a native believing in age old principles.but what of professional life??

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well, i have seen so many types of aquarians! Thats hardly a criteria to judge or tell.


Most planets in upachayas form vasumati yog and that gives abundant wealth.


The first thing I saw immediately was the combustion factor since so many planets with a malefic sun - sun is marakesh also, though general tendency is to take a kendra -luminary lord as a benefic.


10th house jupiter wouldnt be so bad. Its aspect upon moon will strenghten your mindset and give you pious thoughts:)


career life - well you have a fairly good D-10, except an eclipsed 3rd house, which means either delayed efforts from your part or a kind of laziness. Work related to medicine or women or art


Best wishes


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when will my carrer improve now i am in such a company that is by name a company only doing job not getting salary company now and then is at the brink of closing but not really closing.


what will happen during ketu mahadasha second saade sati also begins in between that time what will be the combined effect


can you suggest any good book for studying ashtavarga analysis

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DOB- 23.12.1982


place- Kolkata(88.20E 22.30N)


time- 10.55 am


events:my grandfather(mother's father) died at november 1995

my upanayan took place in April-May 1996

i passed my class 10 in 1999

i passed my class 12 in 2001

i entered my B-tech in July-August 2003

i passed my B-tech in July 2007

i joined this company on december 2007


my father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher.


my queries:


1.when will my carrer improve now i am in such a company that is by name a company only doing job not getting salary company now and then is at the brink of closing but not really closing.


2.what will happen during ketu mahadasha second saade sati also begins in between that time what will be the combined effect


3.how will be my spiritual life


4.what do u thnk of the 11th house(Deepaji answered but my satisfaction was not 100%)



an advice needed from you sir


can you suggest any good book for studying ashtavarga analysis

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<TABLE borderColor=#990000 cellSpacing=0 width="100%" border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>Good Placement, Aspected by Saturn </TD></TR><TR><TD>Moon</TD><TD>Good Placement, Strength 63%, Weak By Strength, Functional Malefic</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mars</TD><TD>Weak By Placement, Exalted</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>Good Placement, Strength 97%, Weak By Strength, Functional Malefic Afflicting to House No 5,11</TD></TR><TR><TD>Jupiter</TD><TD>Good Placement</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Good Placement, Debilitated in Navamsa</TD></TR><TR><TD>Saturn</TD><TD>Good Placement, Exalted, Aspected to Sun , Weak Dispositor</TD></TR><TR><TD>Rahu</TD><TD>Functional Malefic</TD></TR><TR><TD>Ketu</TD><TD>Functional Malefic</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Weak and afflicted Planets Effects in ur case

SUN - Disturbed marital life, loss of vitality and lack of will power.

MOON - Indifferent health, debts, defeat in disputes and loss of mental peace.

MARS - Unsuccessful ventures, lack of courage, lack of younger brothers, selfishness and gives quarrelsome nature.

MERCURY - Medium life span, accidents, weak health, nervousness, constipation and setbacks to father.

JUPITER - Loss of income, lack of happiness from elder brothers and weak liver.

VENUS - Trouble to father and wife, loss of comforts and vitality.

SATURN - Joint pains, breathing problems, rheumatic pains, accidents, fractures and loss of status.


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krish1982(real name),

Lagna and 12th lord Shani is exalted in 9th,Tula a house of piety and dharma.Your activities are inclined towards helping poor people irrespective of caste and creed and will be constantly thinking of the devine abodes.

There is Budhatitya Yoga that too in a favourable 11th house neutralising the evil effect of Ketu by combustion and association of Venus the 3rd and 9th lord.You gain through your profession and make unimaginable amount of money in due course of time.You are sharp in your engineering skills.

Moon the 6th lord in 2nd and Mars the 3rd and 9th lord in 12th puts you worried about parents and brothers/sisters if any (you didn't give details).

Pray Sri Shiv-Parvati mata for moon and Kuja (Lord Subrahmaneswara or Hanuman Ji) on Monday and Tuesday.Do poor feeding.

Now you are in Budha Mahadasa.Budha-Guru dasa is going to be tesing period during 3/2012 to 7/2016.Then you have to pray Sri Vishnau .

Wish you good luck,


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dear sri.krish


1.when will my carrer improve now i am in such a company that is by name a company only doing job not getting salary company now and then is at the brink of closing but not really closing.

before march next year you will change job.



2.what will happen during ketu mahadasha second saade sati also begins in between that time what will be the combined effect


ketu mahadasa placed third to AL can bring in some bodily ailment.

how was the period from july 2004 to july 2005 ?


3.how will be my spiritual life

there is lot of scope for improvement spritually , provided you use

jupiter placed second to saturn , the lagna lord.

saturn, the lagna lord is aspecting ven and ketu combination placed

in the natural ninth house of zodiac. sat , ven and ketu if activated

will produce tapaswi yoga.

pl start observing from 2012 onwards..look for any spritual impact..

4.what do u thnk of the 11th house(Deepaji answered but my satisfaction was not 100%)

eleventh house shows your friends company, labha influencing your lagna.

budha aditya yoga is too common since mercury is always near sun. Sun

is with ketu and aspected by a malefic shows pitri chaapa.

venus , though yogakaraka , is bhadakesh.

it is better you keep good contacts only with good friends.

combination of venus / ketu can bring in blood disorder.

seventh lord sun and ninth lord venus placed in labha sthana can bring in

wealth after marriage.

your ishta devat is lakshmi.


apart from the above, as per your chart you have to stricly observe

budha ashtami vrata throughout your life.


may mother bless all






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