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Kind Attention Shri USRji and Shri Sasisekaranji Help Needed Desparately

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Dear Shri USRji and Shri Sasisekaranji,

First of all I would like to thank Shri Deepaji who guided me to get in touch with you.

Sirs, I am really in dire straits. I dont understand why my things have never clicked in life. While a student although being called intelligent, I never went for MBA or CA or any other career motivated studies partly because I knew my father would unable to afford them and partly I didn’t gain that kind of interest. By Gods grace and my mother’s blessing, I never failed in any exams and cleared my Bachelors in 2005, but I had always been bent towards creative things and wanted to be a film maker someday. Our family business was at bad times when I joined it to help my father who was already 59years of age by the time I graduated. Being the only son I thought it my duty to help him but our condition worsened as days passed by. So I joined Interior Designing Course and now it is 2 years but I got only 1 project. Who ever visits my this project or sees its pictures is very much impressed by my work and build up bridges of appreciations yet mostly I dont get new clients and if at all I get, they just slip due to some reasons or the other. I even tried my hand in Share Market but there too failed. Our family astrologer told me that I am under the influence of Rahu which will end by the end of this year. Yet he says that I will only be able to make it after 2011 and gave me a Durga Beesa Yantra which I wear around my neck. I also worship Shree Karyasiddhi Yantra and Shree Mahalaxmi Yantra daily since 2005 but with no noticeable results. The only thing good that has happened to me till now in my life is that last year I got married to the girl I loved. But I feel ashamed that I cant handle her responsibility so much so that I didn’t even have money to buy her a good gift on her birthday. In fact, whatever liquid cash she got during our marriage is also spent on our various needs. She is very cooperative and never uttered a word of complain but I am belittled in my own eyes. I am very frustrated in life. I want to do something in my business. Can you please guide me? I will ever be thankful to you. A business friend of mine who is very impressed by my works may be pursued provide me a loan to start a new Interior Designing firm. Shall I ask him for the laon? Shall I venture? I am giving below my birth details.


Name: Rajiv Kejriwal

D.O.B.: December 10, 1982

Time: 3:37 A.M. IST

Place: Kolkata(previously Calcutta), West Bengal, India.

With Best Regards,


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Dear Shri USRji,

It was really a courtesy of Shri Deepaji to have extended a helping hand to me. I have already got her observations. But since I am just a beginner in astrology science so she adviced me to contanct your goodself and/or Shri Sasisekaranji for a much detailed analysis and may be a solution which may yeild a more prompt results. I thank you too for your reply and am anticipating a solution soon.


Best Regards,

Rajiv Kejriwal.

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Dear Rajiv Kejriwal,

You are in Shani Sade-sath from 11/2006 to 11/2014. Very trying and testing period. Do sani puja on every saturday till 11/2014.Rahu in 9th won't harm you.But Rahu-Mars period from 2/08 to 3/09 is a bit depressive period due to 1-8 relation. Pray Rahu till 3/09.Jupitor dasa from 3/09 clears your problems and will enjoy the bliss of marital life ,children and employment. Don't go for private loans or partnership which will be dangerous.Pray Durga mata Ji every friday and wear a diamond ring.

with best wishes,


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Dear USrji,


Thank you so much for your analysis. It is appriciable that although being on a holiday, you still care to reply. But Sir, what am I supposed to do right now? As I told you, I am completely unemployed at this point of time. So I got to do somthing. You will appriciate, I cannot just wait sitting idle till 03/09. Shree Deepaji also told me to wear a diamond, a emerald of 5.25 carats and zircon of 3 carats. What weight would you prescribe me? Also tell me the respective finger, day, time etc. of wearing them. After wearing these gemstones, can I enter into the venture?


With Best Regards

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Respected USRji :) :)


That's why I was missing you...


Welcome back to India...





Dear Rajiv,

Emerald can be worn in gold in little finger of right hand on Wednesday morning


Diamond OR Zircon in the middle finger of right hand on Friday Morning


The week in which the moon is waning is considered better.


Best Wishes


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Dear USRji & Deepaji,

It seems you two share a strong bond of love. Shri USRji, I would like to comment on your saying that Deepaji likes gems being a woman... because you yourself suggested me to wear a Diamond, a women's best friend.;)

You both simply R O C K. I have taken into consideration both of yours valued suggestions and have already started working towards the same. Lets hope things materialise soon. I will keep in touch with you both.

With Best Regards,


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Revered Shri USRji and Shri Deepaji,

I am sorry to interrupt and apologise in speaking among learned scholars like you two but I have grown up so much at least to understand that love doesn’t merely means love for a lady. It encloses all sorts of affections be it for a lady, a sibling, a teacher, a disciple, a parent, anyone including self. In fact your helping us is also your love for mankind, philanthropy. And I really feel so lucky to be able to have communicated with you two such loving persons.:) :) :)

With all my Love,


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Dear Rajiv,


Thanks for your "love". For ladies, we dont prefix "Shri", we prefix "Shrimati". However, feel free to call me Deepa ji without a prefix.


"Cupidcastlle" - its not what YOU understand, its about all people who log on here and read through posts and who might NOT have read after what you last wrote.



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