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Please predict an auspecious career.

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The native is born on 13th May 1988 at 18:19 Hrs at Patna.


Please predict the chances of becoming a good writer and becoming famous.


What are the chances of immigrating to a foreign land?


What kind of partner will the native get and how would be the relationship?


How wealthy would the native become, and would it be through profession or through some other means?


Are there any chances of suicide or such tendencies?

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1. Chances of becoming a good writer - 10th lord moon in 6th in paap kartari along, mercury (significator of writings) in 8th, parivartana between 8th and 9th lords is inauspicious, jupiter is combust...i find these factors averaging out the effects of exalted sun and lagnesh in 9th house.


2. Chances of immigration - Extremely good - Venus-Mercury dasha distinctly points at it.


3. Very good married life. Stable and materialistically good relationship. Pls do not look at sun in 7th house and deduce divorce. There are many good factors on 7th house.


4. I do not visualise any money problems at all - venus dasha + sun dasha I can definitely vouch. Probability of money income from spouse/inheritance is more than career.


5. There are tendencies towards anger/ego(atma karaka sun) + stubborn-ness + depressions (moon in 6th) - IF I AM RIGHT, PEARL in SILVER should take care of career + mood swings both - PLEASE CONFIRM WITH SENIOR ASTROLOGERS HERE. THERE ARE NO SUICIDAL TENDENCIES AS SUCH.


6. Let her also wear Gomedh (pls confirm with senior astros) - for overall power and strength to good points in the chart.


Best wishes


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