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Need immediate help on my horoscope

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For the last couple of months I have been in three accidents but came out safely from them. Also my car was broken in to. There are many things which are going wrong at the same time without any specific reason. If any of you gurujuns can guide me on my future it would be of great help



Date of birth - 22 october 1982

time 10.00 am

Place - Mumbai


Thanks a lot,


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Dear Sarthak,


I am a beginner in astrology and this message is for senior members here. Kindly ignore this message as it may be 100% wrong.


Dear Sirs,


At first glance, I saw 4 planets in 12th house(all naturally aspecting 6th) and recent beginning of sun's mahadasha - debilitated, aspecting 6th house (do we consider sun's aspect?). And since 12th house signifies loss/surgeries and 6th (accidents) I thought that may be the case.


But isnt this a great raj yoga too? (lords of 4,5,7,10 conjunct in the same house!!!) Of course venus is in own sign and combust. Exalted Saturn is deeply combust. Further, dual ownership includes houses 3 and 12 also in the conjunction.


Moon is not bright and is aspected by saturn. jupiter also aspects 8th house - where we have rahu. also lagnesh mars is in lagna, in own sign but is also in old age.


there are so many considerations. one thing is certain - gemstone for mars + propitiating sun is a must. but is also rahu-ketu in gochara that was troubling (which is now changed) or jupiter mainly ?


I would request USRji, Sharmaji and Sasisekaran for there comments!


Best regards,



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For the last couple of months I have been in three accidents but came out safely from them. Also my car was broken in to. There are many things which are going wrong at the same time without any specific reason. If any of you gurujuns can guide me on my future it would be of great help



Date of birth - 22 october 1982

time 10.00 am

Place - Mumbai


Thanks a lot,



Scorpio rises in the Lagna and Mars is placed therein, which is a very good position in view of placements of other planets. Even, the position of Moon and mercury are moderately favorable. The debilitation of Sun and its conjunction with Saturn and Venus is not good. There are great chances that you may leave your birth place and move at a distant place especially during Sun/Rahu which will start from 5 Sept 2008 to 31 July 2009. At present, the antardasa of Mars is running till 5 Sept 2008; which I feel is likely to provide good amount of support in troubled areas of life.

You can try performing the following remedies:


Donate Mustard Oil and Sabut Urad in Shani Temple on Saturdays.

Offer prayers to Goddess Durga daily in the morning.

Watering Tulsi Plant daily in the morning except on Sundays.

Wear Pearl and Coral.

Avoid dealing in Loans (either taking or lending).

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thank a lot deepa for ur valued opinion.


Dear Sarthak,


I am a beginner in astrology and this message is for senior members here. Kindly ignore this message as it may be 100% wrong.


Dear Sirs,


At first glance, I saw 4 planets in 12th house(all naturally aspecting 6th) and recent beginning of sun's mahadasha - debilitated, aspecting 6th house (do we consider sun's aspect?). And since 12th house signifies loss/surgeries and 6th (accidents) I thought that may be the case.


But isnt this a great raj yoga too? (lords of 4,5,7,10 conjunct in the same house!!!) Of course venus is in own sign and combust. Exalted Saturn is deeply combust. Further, dual ownership includes houses 3 and 12 also in the conjunction.


Moon is not bright and is aspected by saturn. jupiter also aspects 8th house - where we have rahu. also lagnesh mars is in lagna, in own sign but is also in old age.


there are so many considerations. one thing is certain - gemstone for mars + propitiating sun is a must. but is also rahu-ketu in gochara that was troubling (which is now changed) or jupiter mainly ?


I would request USRji, Sharmaji and Sasisekaran for there comments!


Best regards,



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Thanks a lot and would definitely follow the remedies suggested by you


Scorpio rises in the Lagna and Mars is placed therein, which is a very good position in view of placements of other planets. Even, the position of Moon and mercury are moderately favorable. The debilitation of Sun and its conjunction with Saturn and Venus is not good. There are great chances that you may leave your birth place and move at a distant place especially during Sun/Rahu which will start from 5 Sept 2008 to 31 July 2009. At present, the antardasa of Mars is running till 5 Sept 2008; which I feel is likely to provide good amount of support in troubled areas of life.

You can try performing the following remedies:


Donate Mustard Oil and Sabut Urad in Shani Temple on Saturdays.

Offer prayers to Goddess Durga daily in the morning.

Watering Tulsi Plant daily in the morning except on Sundays.

Wear Pearl and Coral.

Avoid dealing in Loans (either taking or lending).

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For the last couple of months I have been in three accidents but came out safely from them. Also my car was broken in to. There are many things which are going wrong at the same time without any specific reason. If any of you gurujuns can guide me on my future it would be of great help



Date of birth - 22 october 1982

time 10.00 am

Place - Mumbai


Thanks a lot,


hi i am new to this site i see u chart dont Wear Coral not good for u but u whare a perl for 8.25 rati is good mars is lode of 1 hous in plase on fist hous u donot need to move mar u provely have study brake sun time u have so many trble vashphala ketu dasa from jan 21 tofeb 11 2008 for sure get u into the accident .

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dear paul1973,


In planetary war, we do consider strength of planets, in lagna/chalit/navamsa even though they may be very well placed. Could you clearly explain why sarthak wouldnt need to wear coral? Its weak and the major planet responsible for saving him. I am a learner, would appreciate an answer.



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dear paul1973,


In planetary war, we do consider strength of planets, in lagna/chalit/navamsa even though they may be very well placed. Could you clearly explain why sarthak wouldnt need to wear coral? Its weak and the major planet responsible for saving him. I am a learner, would appreciate an answer.



in shad balatotal for mar is 426 which is good but i do not like to move the mar form his on house
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dear shri.sarath kumar.


was the first accident between march 11 ( after 3pm) to march 13 (20 hrs) ?

let me pl understand the chart first.


can you pl provide other dates and time too ?


how close is the time of birth to the acctual birth .?

i am asking you this question since sometimes people tend to approximate.


may mother bless all






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