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A very dear friend of mine (I have known her only since last year) has been through severe pregnancy-related traumas (twice) + has been through the pain of unfaithful husband (love marriage in her case, she hasnt divorced).


She is currently quite disturbed (understandable bcos of saturn sadesatti + 12house dasha). Yet I am quite disturbed to find saturn-mars-moon conjunction in her lagna.


Does this mean she isnt a good person / or not trust worthy/ or does this mean she is ill fated? She is trying to recover a reasonable amount of money from someone. What remedy should she go in for?


I am disturbed for her because till now, we have been great friends. Kindly help.


Thanks to all here.



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Read my comments appended in your message below:



A very dear friend of mine (I have known her only since last year) has been through severe pregnancy-related traumas (twice) + has been through the pain of unfaithful husband (love marriage in her case, she hasnt divorced).


Her 7th lord i.e. Saturn is under influence of Yoga-karaka Mars and Jupiter is having good aspect over 7th house; these are the saving factors for her marital bond.


She is currently quite disturbed (understandable bcos of saturn sadesatti + 12house dasha). Yet I am quite disturbed to find saturn-mars-moon conjunction in her lagna.


The conjunction is good for marital aspect.


Does this mean she isnt a good person / or not trust worthy/ or does this mean she is ill fated? She is trying to recover a reasonable amount of money from someone. What remedy should she go in for?


The presence of Sat+Mars+Moon in the Lagna; and the conjunction of Sun with Mercury denotes that she is a very practical person, not believe much in emotions.


I am disturbed for her because till now, we have been great friends. Kindly help.


At present, she is going through Moon/Mars till 14 Aug. 2008 followed by Moon/Rahu. Things are likely to remain tough for her in overall matters of life; but her nature of being absolute practical is very likely to help her in dealing with the contrary situations.


Thanks to all here.



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A very dear friend of mine (I have known her only since last year) has been through severe pregnancy-related traumas (twice) + has been through the pain of unfaithful husband (love marriage in her case, she hasnt divorced).


She is currently quite disturbed (understandable bcos of saturn sadesatti + 12house dasha). Yet I am quite disturbed to find saturn-mars-moon conjunction in her lagna.


Does this mean she isnt a good person / or not trust worthy/ or does this mean she is ill fated? She is trying to recover a reasonable amount of money from someone. What remedy should she go in for?


I am disturbed for her because till now, we have been great friends. Kindly help.


Thanks to all here.first thing she has to do puja for magha nakshtra she born with normaly 7 lod go to i houe will do love marrage things or trust on him or her so much.for this time her father cud be sink she may be sufring form headic or hed engery .or lot of mantel satres she is maglek also she has to choe her husbed with maching the kudles



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