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I don't really understand what it is you are trying to say in English.

Do you want to say that knowledge is painful (i.e. 'painful' is functioning adjectivally, qualifying 'knowledge')?

As it stands, 'knowledge is pain' reads something like 'ants are elephants'.


Anyway, for what it's worth, and in response to Pokoya, both 'knowledge' and 'pain' would have to be in the same case (here, nominative).




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Hello, Shankar....I appreciate hearing from you.


I do not know in what sense sessions, who posted the original inquiry, meant. For myself, I responded because pain, and dealing with pain, (the kind due to physical injury), has been a pivotal factor in my growth. I literally, and without exagerration, credit the Russian language for saving my life. When I was absorbed in learning and studying the language, the feeling was akin to disappearing from the face of the earth -- and it helped to alleviate my pain and suffering.


Because of the rewarding experience with Russian, I began to study Sanskrit. Needless to say, simply studying the language exposed me to many of the ideas and tenets of Hinduism -- with which I found an affinity and attraction towards.


Again, speaking personally, it is in this sense I responded -- pain as a motivator and cause which forces a person to seek outside his comfortable and habitual ways of thinking and solving problems.


Sincere regards,



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