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Recognition Of Gay Unions In Austria

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No. Because if one considers themselves a homosexual then they are not relating to each other as spiritsoul which is their real identity.

True but for those who have not still searched for the soul, then any entity who follow their nature does not incur sin. The very nature of Tigers is to eat meat, in turn they do not have to pay the price for that. Likewise, the natural tendency of a man is attraction towards a woman.


Now, a higher realization than that is what Theist said. But as i always say, very few can realize that.:(


For the seers of God, all that does not matter, they are transcendental to vice and virtue. They know their real nature, that of a servant of the Eternal Flute Player, and no one else.:)

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True but for those who have not still searched for the soul, then any entity who follow their nature does not incur sin. The very nature of Tigers is to eat meat, in turn they do not have to pay the price for that. Likewise, the natural tendency of a man is attraction towards a woman.


Now, a higher realization than that is what Theist said. But as i always say, very few can realize that.:(


For the seers of God, all that does not matter, they are transcendental to vice and virtue. They know their real nature, that of a servant of the Eternal Flute Player, and no one else.:)

Meanwhile the development for example the past thirty years is like that, that the global varna-sankara population became very powerful and in this way it is hard to say who is more degraded - they're in fact all degraded and in the same way in great need to get spiritual knowledge to understand what is the soul and next, to wake up their sleeping souls by transcendental sound vibration. The Vaishnavas have to understand that the great responsibility about the future of planet Earth rests upon their shoulders and each and every lack of united preaching force immediately increases the spreading of the opposite - material attachment and sinful activity.

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The Vaishnavas have to understand that the great responsibility about the future of planet Earth rests upon their shoulders and each and every lack of united preaching force immediately increases the spreading of the opposite - material attachment and sinful activity. suchandra

How do we work together as one unit do you think Prabhu?

There are many branches of the Sri Caitanya tree....what brings all those branches together in unity...what is the sap?

I would say it is bhakti...only bhakti...talk bhakti...breathe bhakti....live bhakti. Glorify bhakti...

I would appreciate some thoughts Suchandra...to thoughtfully consider.

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The Vaishnavas have to understand that the great responsibility about the future of planet Earth rests upon their shoulders and each and every lack of united preaching force immediately increases the spreading of the opposite - material attachment and sinful activity. suchandra

How do we work together as one unit do you think Prabhu?

There are many branches of the Sri Caitanya tree....what brings all those branches together in unity...what is the sap?

I would say it is bhakti...only bhakti...talk bhakti...breathe bhakti....live bhakti. Glorify bhakti...

I would appreciate some thoughts Suchandra...to thoughtfully consider.

As there's a saying, "a blind uncle is better than no uncle", the different Vaishnavas groups should gradually understand, that other Vaishnava groups are not lower than the conditioned souls but always above. This understanding is presently lacking. For example ISKCON and ritviks. ISKCON considers the ritviks lower than the sinful karmis by passing resolutions of banning ritviks from ISKCON temples. What they don't consider by this policy is that they themselves degrade their position of authenticity when fighting kali-yuga. Just like parents. As soon the children of these parents find out that their parents do not agree with each other - even very small kids - they immediately play their parents off against each other with most clever psychological tricks. And that's what's happening in the temples, the temple servants are meanwhile in the position to even get paid for performing puja. When the cat's away the mice do play. What next, the paid personnel will sometimes succeed to get control of the temple and kick out the owners. And turn the whole thing into what? A business, a museum, a Hindu social/welfare center etc. - degrading spiritual advancement by using the name of Vaishnavism. Disunited Vaishnavism to open the floodgates for kali to enter.

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True but for those who have not still searched for the soul, then any entity who follow their nature does not incur sin. The very nature of Tigers is to eat meat, in turn they do not have to pay the price for that. Likewise, the natural tendency of a man is attraction towards a woman.


Now, a higher realization than that is what Theist said. But as i always say, very few can realize that.:(


For the seers of God, all that does not matter, they are transcendental to vice and virtue. They know their real nature, that of a servant of the Eternal Flute Player, and no one else.:)


Such, sentimental self-righteous imaginative flowery words !!!!


The mind is entangled so describe it as sublime?


There are more ex-convicts and present prison convicts denizens in prison and in the news headlines who don't know anything about the soul --and they have all followed their 'nature' only to be arrested by the "long arm of the law".


What ever spiritual maxim you'd like to discuss must be backed up by your own scholarly research replete with Scriptual reference(s) or else just settle for stating that it is simply your "educated-opinion" and is all you know--in your opinion.


When I post something I will say, 'it is my opinion that . . .' or I will say, "Scripture enjoins . . ."


Also, when I post something my writtings are comprised & express scriptural maxims that support my 'artistic license to be snide'.


by your leave,



Your sentimental opinions of your choice of under-dog to cheer for are OK.

But, If you could be truely objective then you'd sincerely understand me too.

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No. Because if one considers themselves a homosexual then they are not relating to each other as spiritsoul which is their real identity.

Heterosexuals also aren't considering themselves and the people around them as pure spirit/soul, if you want to go in that direction, since they consider themselves heterosexuals.

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True but for those who have not still searched for the soul, then any entity who follow their nature does not incur sin. The very nature of Tigers is to eat meat, in turn they do not have to pay the price for that. Likewise, the natural tendency of a man is attraction towards a woman.


I have to challenge this Amlesh. Some have the nature to rape children, murder, steal etc. They incur sin by following their nature and in this way they work themselves lower and lower into the material modes.

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Heterosexuals also aren't considering themselves and the people around them as pure spirit/soul, if you want to go in that direction, since they consider themselves heterosexuals.


That's true. The difference is Krsna has provided the human form and laws governing human life. Human life is meant to be a transitional one from material consciousness into spiritual consciousness. As such He has sanctioned marriage between a man and woman and set up rules governing that union that lead back to Him.


Where is there any sanction in any scriptures for homosexuality? There isn't any.

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That's true. The difference is Krsna has provided the human form and laws governing human life. Human life is meant to be a transitional one from material consciousness into spiritual consciousness. As such He has sanctioned marriage between a man and woman and set up rules governing that union that lead back to Him.


Where is there any sanction in any scriptures for homosexuality? There isn't any.

Where is there any condemnation of homosexuality in the scriptures?

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<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by Amlesh

True but for those who have not still searched for the soul, then any entity who follow their nature does not incur sin. The very nature of Tigers is to eat meat, in turn they do not have to pay the price for that. Likewise, the natural tendency of a man is attraction towards a woman.

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

I have to challenge this Amlesh. Some have the nature to rape children, murder, steal etc. They incur sin by following their nature and in this way they work themselves lower and lower into the material modes. by theist


I think Amlesh is 'gently' saying that the 'nature' of man is attraction for woman. Without being too offensive to gay people in his wordage.

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Where is there any condemnation of homosexuality in the scriptures?


It condemned by ommision. Where do the scriptures condemn sex with holes in trees? Good Gawd man use your common sense instead of continually trying to find some loophole for that which is not natural.


I already posted the incident where Brahma was chased by homos who wanted to have sex with him and Prabhupada comments on it. If you won't accept that then you won't accept anything I have to say. Your mind is made up.

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Such, sentimental self-righteous imaginative flowery words !!!!


The mind is entangled so describe it as sublime?


There are more ex-convicts and present prison convicts denizens in prison and in the news headlines who don't know anything about the soul --and they have all followed their 'nature' only to be arrested by the "long arm of the law".


What ever spiritual maxim you'd like to discuss must be backed up by your own scholarly research replete with Scriptual reference(s) or else just settle for stating that it is simply your "educated-opinion" and is all you know--in your opinion.


When I post something I will say, 'it is my opinion that . . .' or I will say, "Scripture enjoins . . ."


Also, when I post something my writtings are comprised & express scriptural maxims that support my 'artistic license to be snide'.


by your leave,



Your sentimental opinions of your choice of under-dog to cheer for are OK.

But, If you could be truely objective then you'd sincerely understand me too.


No my friend, those people in jail never followed their nature infact they deviated from it.


The nature of any entity is the same for all other entities. Discrimination arises depending on the degree of Self realisation.


Nothing in my speech is sentimental, it is always logical and compassionate.


By the way, can you see a tiger eating vegetables?

No my friend, animals never deviate from their nature, in that respect they are better than Men.


I'm sorry to say my friend, your argument was not fitting in.:)



The real nature of Narada is to serve Hari

The real nature of Mine is to serve Hari

The real nature of yours is to serve Hari

The real nature of people in jail is to serve Hari

The real nature of the tiger is to serve Hari

The real nature of the frog is to serve Hari


... directly or indirectly.

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...and of course those who are seers of God does not need quotations to support their logic.


I've learnt it From Vaishnavas only.


"For the seers of God, scriptural injunctions are like searching water in a well full of water or lighting a torch in a broad day light."


This is my speciality, I never learn like you, parrot.


I learn from the school of experience.


Gyan converted into Vigyan.


Never ask me Pramanas, I'm too lazy for that.

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It condemned by ommision. Where do the scriptures condemn sex with holes in trees? Good Gawd man use your common sense instead of continually trying to find some loophole for that which is not natural.


I already posted the incident where Brahma was chased by homos who wanted to have sex with him and Prabhupada comments on it. If you won't accept that then you won't accept anything I have to say. Your mind is made up.

Do the scriptures support democracy? Most of them speak of monarchies. Democracy is omitted from the scriptures. So, I suppose that democracy is now condemned by the scriptures as well, since all things not in the scriptures are now condemnable (according to your views).

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Do the scriptures support democracy? Most of them speak of monarchies. Democracy is omitted from the scriptures. So, I suppose that democracy is now condemned by the scriptures as well, since all things not in the scriptures are now condemnable (according to your views).



My opinion is leave the gays alone even though I do admit that from an anatomical perspective homosexuality is inherently ridiculous on some level but still at the end of the day it is really none of my business what people are doing with their sex organs as long as it doesn't involve a crime. Prabhupada said that it is degrading for a priest to grant gay marriages and if I was a priest I would have to decline on marrying gays but at the same time I still think we as a society should leave gays alone in peace and love them as our brothers and sisters but whudda I know.

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....................but still at the end of the day it is really none of my business what people are doing with their sex organs as long as it doesn't involve a crime.................

Right, except that you support it by paying tax, see below. Slightly remember that we become implicated in karma by consciously donating for a sin, but this may be not true? For example you donate for people who buy drugs with your money. Could be however that many Vaishnavas also smoke dope. But so far I found the Theist Vaishnavas are nowadays the most nice and liberal people on Earth, they even praise folks like Hugh Hefner and his Playboy mag as sincere and respectable ideal for modern society.



header_exclusive.gif<!-- end leadin graphic --> <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> <!-- standing head --> BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS

<!-- end standing head --><!-- head --> Prof teaches 'being gay' with taxpayer funding

<!-- end head --><!-- deck --> 'Being homosexual doesn't mean you don't learn how to become one'


<!-- end deck --> <hr size="1">Posted: May 11, 2008

1:00 am Eastern

<!--- copywrite only show on NON commentary pages as per joseph meeting 8/23/06 ------> <!-- copyright --> © 2008 WorldNetDaily.com <!-- end copyright -->

<!-- begin bodytext -->


A University of Michigan class that earlier prompted state lawmakers to consider a 10 percent budget penalty for the school and is taught by a homosexual professor openly endorsing the "uncompromising political militancy" of "lesbian and gay is returning.

But so is the opposition.

<table align="right"> <tbody><tr> <td width="146">dhalperin.jpg

David Halperin</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

The class at the tax-funded University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is called "How to be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation," and is taught by David Halperin.

It surfaced in 2000, returned the following year and again a couple years later. Now university officials have confirmed it is returning, and Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, said "it was and remains an outrageous abuse of taxpayer dollars."

"Each time it has been offered we have renewed our objections to it. The first time around the Michigan House of Representatives came with a few votes of cutting the university budget by 10 percent," he said.

He said Halperin "makes no bones about it on the other side of the world, knowingly using tax dollars to promote the militant political agenda of homosexuality."

Glenn was referring to Halperin's writings on his activities as part of his work in Australia, where he spends part of each year.

There, Halperin has written, "The fact is that lesbian and gay studies simply is the academic wing of the lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender movement … no one in the field has ever (to my knowledge at least) contested this…"

"Let there be no mistake about it: lesbian and gay studies, as it is currently practiced in the U.S., expresses an uncompromising political militancy," he wrote.

"We have lobbied universities and professional associations to adopt and enforce anti-discrimination policies, to recognise same-sex couples, to oppose the U.S. military's anti-gay policy, to suspend professional activities in states that criminalize gay sex or limit access to abortion, and to intervene on behalf of human rights for lesbians, bisexuals, and gay men at the local and national levels," he wrote in Australian Humanities Review.

"Just because you happen to be a gay man doesn't mean that you don't have to learn how to become one," he writes in the University of Michigan course description. "Gay men do some of that learning on their own, but often we learn how to be gay from others, either because we look to them for instruction or because they simply tell us what they think we need to know, whether we ask for their advice or not."

Further, he advises potential students, "the course itself will constitute an experiment in the very process of initiation that it hopes to understand."

University officials posted a defense of the decision to allow the course on the university website, a tacit acknowledgment of its controversial nature.

"This course is not about encouraging people to become gay, but about how individuals in our society create meaning and beliefs about gay culture from literature and the arts," explained Robert M. Owen, associate dean for undergraduate education. "The course also makes no assumptions about the sexual orientation of its students."

"We are aware that much of the concern is with the title of the course and acknowledge that the interpretation of that title is very troubling for some people. The English Department … approved this course," he said.

Provost Paul Courant boasted of the evolution of the school into one "of the finest public institutions of higher education in the world" and attributed that to "the free and open exchange of ideas."

He said Halperin's course "is similar to literature courses taught at many other universities in our state and across our country."

Concerns over Halperin's actions were raised even within the homosexual community. In an online forum for homosexuals, one wrote, "Having a course in initiating young people into the gay lifestyle? Isn't that what Christian Fundementalists (sic) claim actually goes on in the gay community? Thank you Dr. Halperin for confirming their suspicions."

Halperin also has written that, "I still find the possibility of an open, uncensored, honest, and sexually explicit gay male literature thrilling, and I expected my students to do the same…"

"Lesbian/gay studies necessarily straddles scholarship and politics …. It would be hard to be more explicit than that," said Halperin, who is has written several homosexual-oriented books.

In the past, Glenn promised, "Every time U-M offers this ludicrous class, you and I cannot fail to speak out against it."

Reports said in 2003, Halperin refused to meet Glenn's offer for a face-to-face public debate on the merits of the class.

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My opinion is leave the gays alone even though I do admit that from an anatomical perspective homosexuality is inherently ridiculous on some level but still at the end of the day it is really none of my business what people are doing with their sex organs as long as it doesn't involve a crime. Prabhupada said that it is degrading for a priest to grant gay marriages and if I was a priest I would have to decline on marrying gays but at the same time I still think we as a society should leave gays alone in peace and love them as our brothers and sisters but whudda I know.

I agree. We should just accept and love them as we would our own brothers and sisters. It's not like they can force themselves to change. It's the way they are.

You certainly know a lot more than those who say that they avoid homosexuals b/c they creep them out with their 'unnatural' tendencies.

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Right, except that you support it by paying tax, see below. Slightly remember that we become implicated in karma by consciously donating for a sin, but this may be not true? For example you donate for people who buy drugs with your money. Could be however that many Vaishnavas also smoke dope. But so far I found the Theist Vaishnavas are nowadays the most nice and liberal people on Earth, they even praise folks like Hugh Hefner and his Playboy mag as sincere and respectable ideal for modern society.



You are so right... making women into sex-objects for every man on earth to enjoy through disgusting photos is much better than homosexuality, where the couple actually love each other.



header_exclusive.gif<!-- end leadin graphic --> <HR noShade SIZE=1><!-- standing head -->BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS


<!-- end standing head --><!-- head -->Prof teaches 'being gay' with taxpayer funding

<!-- end head --><!-- deck -->'Being homosexual doesn't mean you don't learn how to become one'


<!-- end deck --><HR SIZE=1>Posted: May 11, 2008

1:00 am Eastern

<!--- copywrite only show on NON commentary pages as per joseph meeting 8/23/06 ------><!-- copyright -->© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com <!-- end copyright -->

<!-- begin bodytext -->


A University of Michigan class that earlier prompted state lawmakers to consider a 10 percent budget penalty for the school and is taught by a homosexual professor openly endorsing the "uncompromising political militancy" of "lesbian and gay is returning.

But so is the opposition.

<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=146>dhalperin.jpg

David Halperin


The class at the tax-funded University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is called "How to be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation," and is taught by David Halperin.

It surfaced in 2000, returned the following year and again a couple years later. Now university officials have confirmed it is returning, and Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, said "it was and remains an outrageous abuse of taxpayer dollars."

"Each time it has been offered we have renewed our objections to it. The first time around the Michigan House of Representatives came with a few votes of cutting the university budget by 10 percent," he said.

He said Halperin "makes no bones about it on the other side of the world, knowingly using tax dollars to promote the militant political agenda of homosexuality."

Glenn was referring to Halperin's writings on his activities as part of his work in Australia, where he spends part of each year.


There, Halperin has written, "The fact is that lesbian and gay studies simply is the academic wing of the lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender movement … no one in the field has ever (to my knowledge at least) contested this…"


"Let there be no mistake about it: lesbian and gay studies, as it is currently practiced in the U.S., expresses an uncompromising political militancy," he wrote.


"We have lobbied universities and professional associations to adopt and enforce anti-discrimination policies, to recognise same-sex couples, to oppose the U.S. military's anti-gay policy, to suspend professional activities in states that criminalize gay sex or limit access to abortion, and to intervene on behalf of human rights for lesbians, bisexuals, and gay men at the local and national levels," he wrote in Australian Humanities Review.


"Just because you happen to be a gay man doesn't mean that you don't have to learn how to become one," he writes in the University of Michigan course description. "Gay men do some of that learning on their own, but often we learn how to be gay from others, either because we look to them for instruction or because they simply tell us what they think we need to know, whether we ask for their advice or not."


Further, he advises potential students, "the course itself will constitute an experiment in the very process of initiation that it hopes to understand."


University officials posted a defense of the decision to allow the course on the university website, a tacit acknowledgment of its controversial nature.


"This course is not about encouraging people to become gay, but about how individuals in our society create meaning and beliefs about gay culture from literature and the arts," explained Robert M. Owen, associate dean for undergraduate education. "The course also makes no assumptions about the sexual orientation of its students."


"We are aware that much of the concern is with the title of the course and acknowledge that the interpretation of that title is very troubling for some people. The English Department … approved this course," he said.


Provost Paul Courant boasted of the evolution of the school into one "of the finest public institutions of higher education in the world" and attributed that to "the free and open exchange of ideas."


He said Halperin's course "is similar to literature courses taught at many other universities in our state and across our country."


Concerns over Halperin's actions were raised even within the homosexual community. In an online forum for homosexuals, one wrote, "Having a course in initiating young people into the gay lifestyle? Isn't that what Christian Fundementalists (sic) claim actually goes on in the gay community? Thank you Dr. Halperin for confirming their suspicions."


Halperin also has written that, "I still find the possibility of an open, uncensored, honest, and sexually explicit gay male literature thrilling, and I expected my students to do the same…"


"Lesbian/gay studies necessarily straddles scholarship and politics …. It would be hard to be more explicit than that," said Halperin, who is has written several homosexual-oriented books.


In the past, Glenn promised, "Every time U-M offers this ludicrous class, you and I cannot fail to speak out against it."


Reports said in 2003, Halperin refused to meet Glenn's offer for a face-to-face public debate on the merits of the class.


I’d like to meet the college-age person who doesn’t already know their sexuality. Also, it’s not like they force students to take the class. Most of the students who will be taking the class will probably already know their sexual preference (and, if it ‘changes’ then that’s probably how it was in the first place and they were in denial).

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I have become a big believer in going out of my way to make sure gay people feel accepted in our society. I used to be somewhat homophobic but for some reason I feel my heart has softened and I really feel we need to make a special effort to make sure gay people feel accepted and appreciated and not looked down upon. I guess I can sympathize with them in a lot of ways because I have suffered from bi polar problems and the nazis probably would have rounded me up and threw me in the gas chambers with the gays etc. So I have developed a soft spot in my heart for all downtrodden and outcast people.

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I have become a big believer in going out of my way to make sure gay people feel accepted in our society. I used to be somewhat homophobic but for some reason I feel my heart has softened and I really feel we need to make a special effort to make sure gay people feel accepted and appreciated and not looked down upon. I guess I can sympathize with them in a lot of ways because I have suffered from bi polar problems and the nazis probably would have rounded me up and threw me in the gas chambers with the gays etc. So I have developed a soft spot in my heart for all downtrodden and outcast people.

I also wish for them to feel accepted. They are our brothers and sisters, and we should treat them as such.

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I have become a big believer in going out of my way to make sure gay people feel accepted in our society. I used to be somewhat homophobic but for some reason I feel my heart has softened and I really feel we need to make a special effort to make sure gay people feel accepted and appreciated and not looked down upon. I guess I can sympathize with them in a lot of ways because I have suffered from bi polar problems and the nazis probably would have rounded me up and threw me in the gas chambers with the gays etc. So I have developed a soft spot in my heart for all downtrodden and outcast people.


This sounds all so sad, gas chamber thoughts etc. Would be nice if band below could make a stopover at AncientMariner's place.


New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble Reunites

New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble Reunites for North American Tour April 11th, 2008 NEW VRNDAVANA, WV — The New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble announced their first tour in decades Monday at a rehearsal in the Guest Lodge as a throng of fans crowded near the legendary Palace of Gold. Five of the original ensemble members led the Sunday feast program with a live performance of its hit "Within Vrndavana's Woods and Groves." The be-robed ensemble officially broke up in 1992, most of the members pursuing solo careers.

The New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble plans to play temples, prasad halls and some festivals in a North American tour beginning May 9 for New Vrndavana's Festival of Inspiration. Some confirmed cities on the tour include Gita Nagari, Murari-sevaka, New Goloka, New Talavan, New Raman Reti, New Govardhana Hill, New Kusum Sarovara, New Jagannatha Puri, New Dwarka, Saranagati Dham, Bhaktivedanta Cultural Center, and several Festival of India Dates.

During the ensemble's short, but exciting career, they rose to fame not only in America, but also in Japan, signing a two-cassette tape deal with Pony-Cannon Records. A short tour of Japan, starting at the New Gaya Dham court yard, is in the works. If all goes as planned, the triumphant return of one of the most influential Hare Krishna accordion ensembles of the late 80's may also be followed by a new studio album, industry insiders say.

It was originally reported that New Vrndavana's choir, The Krishna Chorale, would also be reuniting to open for the accordion ensemble on tour, but blamed "artistic differences" in their failure to get back together. However, sources close to the Chorale report that "it would be a cold day in Patala-loka before the Krishna Chorale would open for those damn squeeze-boxers." Ticket prices for the North American leg will range from "doing a little seva" to $25. A portion of the tour's proceeds will go to AccordionAid, an anti-poverty organization that provides slightly used accordions to temple residents.

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This sounds all so sad, gas chamber thoughts etc. Would be nice if band below could make a stopover at AncientMariner's place.


New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble Reunites

New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble Reunites for North American Tour April 11th, 2008 NEW VRNDAVANA, WV — The New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble announced their first tour in decades Monday at a rehearsal in the Guest Lodge as a throng of fans crowded near the legendary Palace of Gold. Five of the original ensemble members led the Sunday feast program with a live performance of its hit "Within Vrndavana's Woods and Groves." The be-robed ensemble officially broke up in 1992, most of the members pursuing solo careers.

The New Vrndavana Accordion Ensemble plans to play temples, prasad halls and some festivals in a North American tour beginning May 9 for New Vrndavana's Festival of Inspiration. Some confirmed cities on the tour include Gita Nagari, Murari-sevaka, New Goloka, New Talavan, New Raman Reti, New Govardhana Hill, New Kusum Sarovara, New Jagannatha Puri, New Dwarka, Saranagati Dham, Bhaktivedanta Cultural Center, and several Festival of India Dates.

During the ensemble's short, but exciting career, they rose to fame not only in America, but also in Japan, signing a two-cassette tape deal with Pony-Cannon Records. A short tour of Japan, starting at the New Gaya Dham court yard, is in the works. If all goes as planned, the triumphant return of one of the most influential Hare Krishna accordion ensembles of the late 80's may also be followed by a new studio album, industry insiders say.

It was originally reported that New Vrndavana's choir, The Krishna Chorale, would also be reuniting to open for the accordion ensemble on tour, but blamed "artistic differences" in their failure to get back together. However, sources close to the Chorale report that "it would be a cold day in Patala-loka before the Krishna Chorale would open for those damn squeeze-boxers." Ticket prices for the North American leg will range from "doing a little seva" to $25. A portion of the tour's proceeds will go to AccordionAid, an anti-poverty organization that provides slightly used accordions to temple residents.




Gotta give you some credit. That was funny. :idea:

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I just wish homosexuals would leave society in general alone by not pushing their agenda.


The point is the human life and human society are meant to function as God designed and decried. He has a structure for human society that leads to spiritual realization through the progressive development of the human soul from one birth to the next. Homosexuality is a deviation in this process.


How many homosexual marriages do we see given sanction in the Mahabharata?

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I have become a big believer in going out of my way to make sure gay people feel accepted in our society.

. . . So I have developed a soft spot in my heart for all downtrodden and outcast people.



Hey you! You take resposibility for the front door reception.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the the vegitable cutting.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the the class lecture.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the pot cleaning.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the mop up.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the prasadam preps.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the Diety Puja.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the utility bills.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the the follower purchases.

Hey you! You take resposibility for the shoe racks. etc., etc., etc.,

AND You! You take resposibility for the homosexuals.


OK! Everyone know their Dharma?

NOW, everyone back to work --there's nothing left to look at here.


here's to you all for making the world a better place for the living entities of all species,


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