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Recognition Of Gay Unions In Austria

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Random mentioned the organization GALVA. This is their whole idea (if they are even still around) they lobby to get homosex marriage approved in Iskcon and thus destroy the peaceful atmosphere for everyone else. Extremely selfish.

They are still around, and have a website and many blogs. :crazy2:


Anyways, I'm outa here. Today is Sri Gadadhara Pandit's Divine Appearance Day, also the one year anniversary of Puru's passing and I'm trying to finish a eulogy essay. :crying2: I think that will be a much more productive use of my time than an endless discussion on this disgusting subject.... :cool:

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Not that the kirtana or spiritual society needs to change to accomodate me and my hang-up but rather I need to change to enter fully into the spiritual aociety. by Theist

This is so true Theist. And I think the skillful spiritual master or devotee who gives shelter to the addicts or people caught in illicit activity can see ways that peoples hearts may change.


Stressing the importance of Hari-Naam and finding a way to awaken bhakti in the heart of the new comer. Gaura Naam Tattva is essential when the heart is full of unwanted things, as direct chanting of the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra (srngara) will have no effect, especially if we are caught in addictive sex behaviours or drugs, or other bondage.


I dont understand Galva. Maybe people who take shelter there do so for many reasons, even ones you have suggested. Maybe some simple soft hearted men also take shelter there because of feelings or rejection or awfullness of others attitudes. I am sure there are many variants.


I do feel very strongly though Random Axis that certain attitudes could be modified or worked on when serving in a mission of mercy, especially since we are living in the age of kali, where things will get progressively worse.


I mean that is the whole point of Suchandra's first post. Where are we going in kali? So shrinks like Rojas, who is a Richard Dawkins of Psychiatry, is not going to change the heart of the jiva is it?


Ok you think this thread is disgusting. Well so is the nightly news, all the killing, the suffering, the crime, the hate, the sectarianism. If we dont develop the inner depth to extend mercy in this age....we wont be servants of change in this world. But will fall into servants of kali like the pervading intolerance kali spreads rapidly now. No one seems to have time for anyone these days. I can barely imagine the big cities in the US now.


Here is an example. There was a horse racing carnival in town last week. I walked past the TAB betting office (the gambling place) to buy some fruit for an offering. On the way back past the office I put my hand in the bead bag for some Nitaai Naam. I have been attacked several times this year in this one horse town due to being a devotee. Straight away a man walked up to me out front of the betting agency and said 'are you Hare Krsna!'


I thought oh God, another attacker, but listened deeply to him anyhow. It turned out he was a disability pensioner from Melbourne who had come down for the racing carnival and blew all his money on the first day of racing. He had no food, was hungry and knew Hare Krsna's have food. I sent him to a christian food parcel place. He said to me 'I approached you becuase you Krishna people dont judge and are not material thinking'. He said 'no one here would give me time of day, and they would all judge me. But I felt safe asking you for help'.


Jaya Nitaai....the ocean of mercy. The intelligent master!


No gay man will take shelter of someone who denigrates him generally, but they will seek a master who is skillful.


We need to find depth within without lowering our standard and purity. Just as Theist is suggesting. And that may take an inner work in the preacher.


Sorry to be so blunt, bhakti loves a soft heart. Please accept my well wishes Random, I loved reading Puru dasa at this forum, and several days before he passed I thought to myself, 'man...I love this guy...who is he?'


I dont know many devotees, but reading Puru dasa in those last days touched my heart deeply. I was wrestling within with all the awful talk at audarya fellowship, it was hurting me and spoiling bhakti (making my mind offensive). When I read he was gone a few days after those feelings I was deeply saddened, and realized how quick things can come. It made me realize not to criticize others on this forum. That was my realization that day. I feel grateful for that treasure he gave me. This is my testimony of audarya and his presence here!

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There is a good example of GALVA preaching today on Chakra. This guy Amara has been trying to getIskcon to accepted gay marriage for years and he is still at it. It is his one subject. I never heard of him discussing Krishna except in terms of devotees becoming gay friendly.


I am surprised he is not banned from all Iskcon functions. I know I would ban him. Narayana Maharaja and his discpiles are banned because of some perceived harm he might do to Iskcon and all he talks about is Krishna consciousness but they tolerate a homosexual activist trying to change Prabhupada's clear instructions on the homosex issue. Go figure.

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Well Radhey I am prepared to get flamed. by bija

I think the only reason that people even join GALVA is b/c so many other Vaishnavas judge them that they feel they have to hide themselves in such an organization. Really just a sad commentary on these times of discord and cruelty that is the Kali Yuga. quote by radhey

Oh never mind Radhey....you must come over and see my new dhoti and kurta...its that delicious pinkish color...it goes so well with that perfume smell of the gopi chandan. And the flowers I picked today are delicious indeed!


I joined the Hare Krsna movement because of the music and love of cloth, plus my spiritual yearnings, and disatisfaction with the norms of society. Could some gay men or some non-blokie men have had some samskaras that invoked their initial attraction?


I think so. And as time passed their hearts became pure by the grace of sweet Tulasi Devi and Bhakti Devi. Sweet Bhakti Devi the internal potency of Sri Krsna. They began to see what devotion is, how pristine and pure it is!


If no change of the heart takes place, and tears do not flow, it is due to the mountains of offences that reside in the heart!


Here is the way of liberation! Gratification or imitationism is never the way of freedom!



Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 8 verse 29-32

As a result of chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, one makes such great advancement in spiritual life that simultaneously his material existence terminates and he receives love of Godhead. The holy name of Kṛṣṇa is so powerful that by chanting even one name, one very easily achieves these transcendental riches.

If one chants the exalted holy name of the Lord again and again and yet his love for the Supreme Lord does not develop and tears do not appear in his eyes, it is evident that because of his offenses in chanting, the seed of the holy name of Kṛṣṇa does not sprout.

But if one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord Caitanya and Nityānanda, very quickly he is cleansed of all offenses. Thus as soon as he chants the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, he feels the ecstasy of love for God.

Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, is greatly magnanimous. Unless one worships Him, one can never be liberated.

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Well Radhey I am prepared to get flamed. by bija



I think the only reason that people even join GALVA is b/c so many other Vaishnavas judge them that they feel they have to hide themselves in such an organization. Really just a sad commentary on these times of discord and cruelty that is the Kali Yuga. quote by radhey


Oh never mind Radhey....you must come over and see my new dhoti and kurta...its that delicious pinkish color...it goes so well with that perfume smell of the gopi chandan. And the flowers I picked today are delicious indeed!


I joined the Hare Krsna movement because of the music and love of cloth, plus my spiritual yearnings, and disatisfaction with the norms of society. Could some gay men or some non-blokie men have had some samskaras that invoked their initial attraction?


I think so. And as time passed their hearts became pure by the grace of sweet Tulasi Devi and Bhakti Devi. Sweet Bhakti Devi the internal potency of Sri Krsna. They began to see what devotion is, how pristine and pure it is!


If no change of the heart takes place, and tears do not flow, it is due to the mountains of offences that reside in the heart!


Here is the way of liberation! Gratification or imitationism is never the way of freedom!

Sounds nice! Was it expensive?

I think part of the reason that some people are gay is b/c they were the opposite gender in a past life, and they just haven't adjusted yet. :(

Jai Tulasi Devi! Jai Bhakti Devi! I've just started reading the Chaitanya Charitamrita, so I haven't gotten to that part yet. But I have noticed that I go into a deeper (yet still very small) ecstasy when I chant "Jai Nitai-Gauranga!" over and over again... even before I chant Maha-Mantra I get such ecstatic feelings of joy.

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Sounds nice! Was it expensive? radhey

:) Just kidding. I have this $5 woolie at the moment thats nice, and a shawl a godsister gave me from Vrindavan. I travelled years ago in Latin America, the cloth was very nice.


Jai Radhey! Dive into Nitaai-Gaura chanting constantly, its wonderful.


Caitanya Bhagavata is a very beautiful book too. Its so simple thats its treasure is deceptively hidden....deeply esoteric and saturated with bhakti. Simple and sublime. Hidden within its simplistic words is the 'art of bhakti yoga'!


I think past lives have a big effect too....all the mixed up impressions in the subtle body. I dare to say but, when we can see the bigger picture of this material manifestation and its working, the simple explanations of sin dont fit so well. This energy is so complex.


If you absorb yourself in Nitaai-Gaura Naam Tattva the above verses will manifest as truth. All those symptoms will come in due course, as the heart will be very quickly purified.

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Sounds nice! Was it expensive? radhey


:) Just kidding. I have this $5 woolie at the moment thats nice, and a shawl a godsister gave me from Vrindavan. I travelled years ago in Latin America, the cloth was very nice.


Jai Radhey! Dive into Nitaai-Gaura chanting constantly, its wonderful.


Caitanya Bhagavata is a very beautiful book too. Its so simple thats its treasure is deceptively hidden....deeply esoteric and saturated with bhakti. Simple and sublime. Hidden within its simplistic words is the 'art of bhakti yoga'!


I think past lives have a big effect too....all the mixed up impressions in the subtle body. I dare to say but, when we can see the bigger picture of this material manifestation and its working, the simple explanations of sin dont fit so well. This energy is so complex.


If you absorb yourself in Nitaai-Gaura Naam Tattva the above verses will manifest as truth. All those symptoms will come in due course, as the heart will be very quickly purified.

Does your shawl have the Holy Names on it? I love those. I think they're so wonderful. I saw one not too long ago that had Ram-Darbar on it, and around it was 'Jai Ram!' or 'Jai Sita-Ram!' (I don't remember which one) around the picture. It was so lovely.

I usually just chant, "Jai Nitai-Gauranga!" once before I start chanting my rounds and then I chant it again when I finish. I'll start chanting a round of the Holy Names of Lord Nityananda and Lord Chaitanya now that I know.

I'll have to start reading Chaitanya Bhagavata sometime after I get done w/ Chaitanya Charitamrita.

I agree. I think the matter is much too complex for any of us to judge. None of us here is actually homosexual (that I know of), so none of us really understand why they feel the way they do, and until we do, I say we just support them and love them the way we love and support all of our other brothers and sisters.

Jai! Thank you so much for showing me the wisdom and mercy of the Lord's Holy Names. :)

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You are most welcome.


We dont know how gay people feel, I agree with your approach.


Most of my Krsna stuff is prasadam hand me downs from a friend. I have a pink shawl from her with sanskrit holy names. The one I was wearing today is green with a beautiful embroided patterned edge.


Not everyone chants Nityananda Gauranga on beads, some disagree. Follow your heart....even when I am falling and trying my best to live a spiritual life (as a beginner in bhakti naam yoga) Lord's Nityananda Gauranga never give up. They inspire me within to pick up the japa beads.


Eventually Lord Gauranga will appear before our eyes and we will see him in all things. Then all jiva's become beautiful hey! :pray:


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare!

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You are most welcome.


We dont know how gay people feel, I agree with your approach.

I think it's a lot better than 'avoiding them' like they're cockroaches on the floor (which some people actually admit to doing).



Most of my Krsna stuff is prasadam hand me downs from a friend. I have a pink shawl from her with sanskrit holy names. The one I was wearing today is green with a beautiful embroided patterned edge.


Not everyone chants Nityananda Gauranga on beads, some disagree. Follow your heart....even when I am falling and trying my best to live a spiritual life (as a beginner in bhakti naam yoga) Lord's Nityananda Gauranga never give up. They inspire me within to pick up the japa beads.

I like it that you call your spiritual hand-me-downs prasadam :) That's a nice way to look at it.

I didn't really chant that much today. Just some Hari Nam... I found out that a (somewhat distanced) friend died, so it wasn't exactly the best day. It's very hard to confront death. Hopefully Radharani will help me through it.



Eventually Lord Gauranga will appear before our eyes and we will see him in all things. Then all jiva's become beautiful hey! :pray:


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare!

I can't wait for that day. Jai Gauranga, Jai Gauranga, Jai Gauranga...

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Originally Posted by radheyradhey108

I think part of the reason that some people are gay is b/c they were the opposite gender in a past life, and they just haven't adjusted yet.




My 2 cents:

I think part of the reason that some people are gay is b/c they are [unconsciousously] enraged to the core of their psychi at their own same gender parent.


Yet, the gay person is nonetheless a moral & law abiding

conscientious person --who expresses their "love" in a way that others consider an affront to human elevolution, etc. ie:


The vernacular of common speech.


Common vulgarity often refers to sexual compromises that allude to 'victory' or 'robbery'.


A gay man express his love the same way that a buisness man decribes the situation of losing his wealth to a bad deal. I got F--ked! Stick this up your a--!


Why is there a converse analogy?


Here's the irony of civic-homphobia:

Most people think gay men are fabulous and fun ---and yet all people seek our own agendas without hinderences from naysayers of any group.


"You don't know me" is the watch word of those with an agenda that is not the norm, and we can't argue with those who are already engaged in their pursuit of the Great American dream [or whatever great whatever one one is searching for].

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I like it that you call your spiritual hand-me-downs prasadam :) That's a nice way to look at it.

I didn't really chant that much today. Just some Hari Nam... I found out that a (somewhat distanced) friend died, so it wasn't exactly the best day. It's very hard to confront death. Hopefully Radharani will help me through it. posted by radhey radhey


I hope Radhey that your awakening spiritual life can give you peace at this time. I lost a friend a few months back, and I still feel him, worts and all...I have found that I loved him alot since he has been gone. He was a heroin addict most of his adult life...but a heart of gold. Life is eternal I am sure and I feel we will evolve in love birth after birth....love is the nature of the organic whole...Reality the Beautiful.


Prasadam means mercy, anything that has touched Sri Krsna's Lotus Feet or His devotees Lotus Feet in devotion is prasadam. Flowers, food, cloth etc....all these things are fully spiritual.


Here is some reading for your pleasure about prasadam:


Caitanya Caritamrta Antya 16 - click here

TEXT 105

prabhura iṅgite govinda prasāda ānilā

purī-bhāratīre prabhu kichu pāṭhāilā


TRANSLATION Following the indications of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Govinda brought the prasādam of Lord Jagannātha. The Lord sent some to Paramānanda Purī and Brahmānanda Bhāratī.

TEXT 106


sabāre prasāda dila kariyā vaṇṭane


TRANSLATION Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu then gave shares of the prasādam to Rāmānanda Rāya, Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya, Svarūpa Dāmodara Gosvāmī and all the other devotees.

TEXT 107

prasādera saurabhya-mādhurya kari’ āsvādana

alaukika āsvāde sabāra vismita haila mana


TRANSLATION As they tasted the uncommon sweetness and fragrance of the prasādam, everyone’s mind was struck with wonder.

TEXTS 108–109

prabhu kahe,——“ei saba haya ‘prākṛta’ dravya

aikṣava, karpūra, marica, elāica, lavaṅga, gavya

rasavāsa, guḍatvaka-ādi yata saba

‘prākṛta’ vastura svāda sabāra anubhava


RANSLATION Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, “These ingredients, such as sugar, camphor, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, butter, spices and licorice, are all material. Everyone has tasted these material substances before.


The word prākṛta refers to things tasted for the sense gratification of the conditioned soul. Such things are limited by the material laws. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu wanted to make the point that material things have already been experienced by materially absorbed persons who are interested only in sense gratification.


TEXT 110

sei dravye eta āsvāda, gandha lokātīta

āsvāda kariyā dekha,——sabāra pratīta



“However,” the Lord continued, “in these ingredients there are extraordinary tastes and uncommon fragrances. Just taste them and see the difference in the experience.

TEXT 111

āsvāda dūre rahu, yāra gandhe māte mana

āpanā vinā anya mādhurya karāya vismaraṇa



“Apart from the taste, even the fragrance pleases the mind and makes one forget any other sweetness besides its own.


TEXT 112

tāte ei dravye kṛṣṇādhara-sparśa haila

adharera guṇa saba ihāte sañcārila



“Therefore, it is to be understood that the spiritual nectar of Kṛṣṇa’s lips has touched these ordinary ingredients and transferred to them all their spiritual qualities.


Since everyone had previously tasted these ingredients, why had they become extraordinary and spiritually delicious? This was proof that food, prasādam, becomes uncommonly flavorful and delicious by touching Kṛṣṇa’s lips.


TEXT 113

alaukika-gandha-svāda, anya-vismāraṇa

mahā-mādaka haya ei kṛṣṇādharera guṇa



“A fragrance and taste that are uncommon and greatly enchanting and that make one forget all other experiences are attributes of Kṛṣṇa’s lips.

TEXT 114

aneka ‘sukṛte’ ihā hañāche samprāpti

sabe ei āsvāda kara kari’ mahā-bhakti”



“This prasādam has been made available only as a result of many pious activities. Now taste it with great faith and devotion.”

TEXT 115

hari-dhvani kari’ sabe kailā āsvādana

āsvādite preme matta ha-ila sabāra mana



Loudly chanting the holy name of Hari, all of them tasted the prasādam. As they tasted it, their minds became mad in the ecstasy of love.

TEXT 116

premāveśe mahāprabhu yabe ājñā dilā

rāmānanda-rāya śloka paḍite lāgilā



In ecstatic love, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu ordered Rāmānanda Rāya to recite some verses. Thus Rāmānanda Rāya spoke as follows.

TEXT 117

surata-vardhanaṁ śoka-nāśanaṁ

svarita-veṇunā suṣṭhu-cumbitam

itara-rāga-vismāraṇaṁ nṛṇāṁ

vitara vīra nas te ’dharāmṛtam



“‘O hero of charity, please deliver unto us the nectar of Your lips. That nectar increases lusty desires for enjoyment and diminishes lamentation in the material world. Kindly give us the nectar of Your lips, which are touched by Your transcendentally vibrating flute, for that nectar makes all human beings forget all other attachments.’”


This is a quotation from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.31.14).


TEXT 118

śloka śuni’ mahāprabhu mahā-tuṣṭa hailā

rādhāra utkaṇṭhā-śloka paḍite lāgilā



Upon hearing Rāmānanda Rāya quote this verse, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was very satisfied. Then He recited the following verse, which had been spoken by Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī in great anxiety.

TEXT 119


pradīvyad-adharāmṛtaḥ sukṛti-labhya-phelā-lavaḥ


sa me madana-mohanaḥ sakhi tanoti jihvā-spṛhām



“‘My dear friend, the all-surpassing nectar from the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, can be obtained only after many, many pious activities. For the beautiful gopīs of Vṛndāvana, that nectar vanquishes the desire for all other tastes. Madana-mohana always chews pan that surpasses the nectar of heaven. He is certainly increasing the desires of My tongue.’”


This verse is found in the Govinda-līlāmṛta (8.8).


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My 2 cents:

I think part of the reason that some people are gay is b/c they are [unconsciousously] enraged to the core of their psychi at their own same gender parent.


Yet, the gay person is nonetheless a moral & law abiding

conscientious person --who expresses their "love" in a way that others consider an affront to human elevolution, etc. ie: quote by bhaktajan

Why do we have to always associate love with sex? As Hare Krishna's we aspire to spiritualize the sex act, seeing it as a sacred gift from God.


Could it be possible that spiritually awakened gay men and women could marry and experience a spiritual love with each other, without need of sex? I know some Hare Krishna men and woman couples who dont have sex. Or do you all think all gay people are unable to experience purity?


Put it this way, if we awaken to love of God to some good degree, would we not love all people equally just as Krishna loves, both man and woman equally. Spiritual vision...spirit soul vision.


Why should gay marriage simply be seen as disgusting? Marriage between man and woman these days, based on sense gratification....mostly ends in painful divorce. Maybe a gay couple could live a spiritually fulfilled life together better than some men and woman. I am sure they could, especially following Bhakti in a reasonably purified consciousness. We all have past impressions in the mind that condition us....why should we limit the causeless mercy of Bhakti Devi or the Pure Devotee, if they choose to hand devotion out. The mission of mercy knows no offence...Nitaai chases after the lost!


Or should we go to the extreme and say....marriage is failed in this age of Kali....divorce is more common than succesful marriage....let's ban it all-together, and just have fun!:rolleyes: Would it end up being fun....nope...all gratification leads to pain eventually...sweet death!

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A gay man express his love the same way that a buisness man decribes the situation of losing his wealth to a bad deal. I got F--ked! Stick this up your a--!

And a straight woman expresses her 'love' the same way many other people describe unpleasant situations:

"Oh man! I just got f--ked! Stick it up my c--t!" or, how about, "Well, just f--k me raw!"

So, I suppose that since we use disgusting words and phrases to describe all sexual acts, we should just give up on expressing physical love with anyone. This argument is ridiculous and foolish.

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I hope Radhey that your awakening spiritual life can give you peace at this time. I lost a friend a few months back, and I still feel him, worts and all...I have found that I loved him alot since he has been gone. He was a heroin addict most of his adult life...but a heart of gold. Life is eternal I am sure and I feel we will evolve in love birth after birth....love is the nature of the organic whole...Reality the Beautiful.


Prasadam means mercy, anything that has touched Sri Krsna's Lotus Feet or His devotees Lotus Feet in devotion is prasadam. Flowers, food, cloth etc....all these things are fully spiritual.


Here is some reading for your pleasure about prasadam:


Caitanya Caritamrta Antya 16 - click here

TEXT 105

prabhura iṅgite govinda prasāda ānilā

purī-bhāratīre prabhu kichu pāṭhāilā


TRANSLATION Following the indications of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Govinda brought the prasādam of Lord Jagannātha. The Lord sent some to Paramānanda Purī and Brahmānanda Bhāratī.


TEXT 106


sabāre prasāda dila kariyā vaṇṭane


TRANSLATION Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu then gave shares of the prasādam to Rāmānanda Rāya, Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya, Svarūpa Dāmodara Gosvāmī and all the other devotees.


TEXT 107

prasādera saurabhya-mādhurya kari’ āsvādana

alaukika āsvāde sabāra vismita haila mana


TRANSLATION As they tasted the uncommon sweetness and fragrance of the prasādam, everyone’s mind was struck with wonder.


TEXTS 108–109

prabhu kahe,——“ei saba haya ‘prākṛta’ dravya

aikṣava, karpūra, marica, elāica, lavaṅga, gavya

rasavāsa, guḍatvaka-ādi yata saba

‘prākṛta’ vastura svāda sabāra anubhava


RANSLATION Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, “These ingredients, such as sugar, camphor, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, butter, spices and licorice, are all material. Everyone has tasted these material substances before.


The word prākṛta refers to things tasted for the sense gratification of the conditioned soul. Such things are limited by the material laws. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu wanted to make the point that material things have already been experienced by materially absorbed persons who are interested only in sense gratification.


TEXT 110

sei dravye eta āsvāda, gandha lokātīta

āsvāda kariyā dekha,——sabāra pratīta



“However,” the Lord continued, “in these ingredients there are extraordinary tastes and uncommon fragrances. Just taste them and see the difference in the experience.


TEXT 111

āsvāda dūre rahu, yāra gandhe māte mana

āpanā vinā anya mādhurya karāya vismaraṇa



“Apart from the taste, even the fragrance pleases the mind and makes one forget any other sweetness besides its own.


TEXT 112

tāte ei dravye kṛṣṇādhara-sparśa haila

adharera guṇa saba ihāte sañcārila



“Therefore, it is to be understood that the spiritual nectar of Kṛṣṇa’s lips has touched these ordinary ingredients and transferred to them all their spiritual qualities.


Since everyone had previously tasted these ingredients, why had they become extraordinary and spiritually delicious? This was proof that food, prasādam, becomes uncommonly flavorful and delicious by touching Kṛṣṇa’s lips.


TEXT 113

alaukika-gandha-svāda, anya-vismāraṇa

mahā-mādaka haya ei kṛṣṇādharera guṇa



“A fragrance and taste that are uncommon and greatly enchanting and that make one forget all other experiences are attributes of Kṛṣṇa’s lips.


TEXT 114

aneka ‘sukṛte’ ihā hañāche samprāpti

sabe ei āsvāda kara kari’ mahā-bhakti”



“This prasādam has been made available only as a result of many pious activities. Now taste it with great faith and devotion.”


TEXT 115

hari-dhvani kari’ sabe kailā āsvādana

āsvādite preme matta ha-ila sabāra mana



Loudly chanting the holy name of Hari, all of them tasted the prasādam. As they tasted it, their minds became mad in the ecstasy of love.


TEXT 116

premāveśe mahāprabhu yabe ājñā dilā

rāmānanda-rāya śloka paḍite lāgilā



In ecstatic love, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu ordered Rāmānanda Rāya to recite some verses. Thus Rāmānanda Rāya spoke as follows.


TEXT 117

surata-vardhanaṁ śoka-nāśanaṁ

svarita-veṇunā suṣṭhu-cumbitam

itara-rāga-vismāraṇaṁ nṛṇāṁ

vitara vīra nas te ’dharāmṛtam



“‘O hero of charity, please deliver unto us the nectar of Your lips. That nectar increases lusty desires for enjoyment and diminishes lamentation in the material world. Kindly give us the nectar of Your lips, which are touched by Your transcendentally vibrating flute, for that nectar makes all human beings forget all other attachments.’”


This is a quotation from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.31.14).


TEXT 118

śloka śuni’ mahāprabhu mahā-tuṣṭa hailā

rādhāra utkaṇṭhā-śloka paḍite lāgilā



Upon hearing Rāmānanda Rāya quote this verse, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was very satisfied. Then He recited the following verse, which had been spoken by Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī in great anxiety.


TEXT 119


pradīvyad-adharāmṛtaḥ sukṛti-labhya-phelā-lavaḥ


sa me madana-mohanaḥ sakhi tanoti jihvā-spṛhām



“‘My dear friend, the all-surpassing nectar from the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, can be obtained only after many, many pious activities. For the beautiful gopīs of Vṛndāvana, that nectar vanquishes the desire for all other tastes. Madana-mohana always chews pan that surpasses the nectar of heaven. He is certainly increasing the desires of My tongue.’”


This verse is found in the Govinda-līlāmṛta (8.8).


Thank you so much Bija Prabhu. We need more caring and open individuals like you in our world. May Radharani and Her Beloved Govinda bless you with all the opulences of spirituality for your kind and comforting words and wise use of scripture.

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Oh Radhey....all glories to my spiritual master and the the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga!


I am just an ex druggie...trying to love Krishna, because he first loved me. Thanks so much for your blessings...oneday you will realize the depth of that blessing and what being a servant of Radharani means...thx!!! Please receive my prayer that oneday soon you can realize your pure eternal form!


If you have a spare $20 oneday, and wish to dive deeply into Naam...buy this book. Guru and Gauranga will give you taste to chant each day...


This websites service is excellent too:




When I bought this book they gave me a free gift card of baby yoghurt thief Krsna.

Sri Krsna was a thief since a baby, a thief as a teenager, and to the extreme he tried to steal Radharani's effulgence coming as Sri Gauranga - the golden one. But Radharani's love was so deep that even Sri Krsna's body as Sri Gauranga was unable to contain that love. In his later life his body manifested wonderous ecstacies....like his limbs elongating and then contracting into his body. Radha's love is the highest of all love. The gopies serve her....feeling her love...they dont need to go to Krsna directly. Gauranga came to give us the gopies love. All glories to that transcendental thief who attracts the whole universe. (Sri GaurangaKrishna- all attractive golden limbed one).



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And a straight woman expresses her 'love' the same way many other people describe unpleasant situations:

"Oh man! I just got f--ked! Stick it up my c--t!" or, how about, "Well, just f--k me raw!"

So, I suppose that since we use disgusting words and phrases to describe all sexual acts, we should just give up on expressing physical love with anyone. This argument is ridiculous and foolish.


The highest love a husband can show his wife is to not use her as a sex toy and/or get her hooked deeper on having sex herself but to see her as a spiritself, part and parcel of Krishna and to help her enter into rasa with Him.


This is love. There is no such thing as physical love. Love is purely spiritual. There is love expressed physically of course. In the sense I described it above abstinence is an act of love.


Love is from one soul to another soul and not from one body to another. In an act of love the corpse body is purely incidental.

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Oh Radhey....all glories to my spiritual master and the the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga!


I am just an ex druggie...trying to love Krishna, because he first loved me. Thanks so much for your blessings...oneday you will realize the depth of that blessing and what being a servant of Radharani means...thx!!! Please receive my prayer that oneday soon you can realize your pure eternal form!


If you have a spare $20 oneday, and wish to dive deeply into Naam...buy this book. Guru and Gauranga will give you taste to chant each day...


This websites service is excellent too:




When I bought this book they gave me a free gift card of baby yoghurt thief Krsna.

Sri Krsna was a thief since a baby, a thief as a teenager, and to the extreme he tried to steal Radharani's effulgence coming as Sri Gauranga - the golden one. But Radharani's love was so deep that even Sri Krsna's body as Sri Gauranga was unable to contain that love. In his later life his body manifested wonderous ecstacies....like his limbs elongating and then contracting into his body. Radha's love is the highest of all love. The gopies serve her....feeling her love...they dont need to go to Krsna directly. Gauranga came to give us the gopies love. All glories to that transcendental thief who attracts the whole universe. (Sri GaurangaKrishna- all attractive golden limbed one).



Quite the inspiring story. It seems that you have truly risen from your own ashes, like the Phoenix.

Thank you so much for your blessings, dear friend. I hope to understand one day what it truly means to be one of Radharani's sakhis. You are truly one of the most pious and devout souls I have ever met. All glories be unto Gopi-Nath! All glories be unto Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga!

I've shopped from Exotic India before :) I love their store! I once bought a picture of Parvati Mata from them, and they sent me a card of Lord Krishna in His deity-form. I will be sure to buy the book you suggested one day. Thank you so much for suggesting it :) Jai Sri Chaitanya!

Don't forget that He also stole Radharani's clothes and Her Heart!;)

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The highest love a husband can show his wife is to not use her as a sex toy and/or get her hooked deeper on having sex herself but to see her as a spiritself, part and parcel of Krishna and to help her enter into rasa with Him.


This is love. There is no such thing as physical love. Love is purely spiritual. There is love expressed physically of course. In the sense I described it above abstinence is an act of love.


Love is from one soul to another soul and not from one body to another. In an act of love the corpse body is purely incidental.

Then could a homosexual couple not express their love in these ways as well?

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The highest love a husband can show his wife is to not use her as a sex toy and/or get her hooked deeper on having sex herself but to see her as a spiritself, part and parcel of Krishna and to help her enter into rasa with Him. quote by Theist

I appreciate very much what you have said here. If we could oneday attain the caring position of such a gentleman, we would be a very loving person. And as you have said earlier in the thread, man and woman is sanctioned by God as a help to each other, to go back home. Thanks Theist. This thread has revelaed many essential points about marriage and relationship, whilst still connected to these material bodies.

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Which deity form of Krsna was the picture?


After two years searching in second hand shops looking for Krsna I found this deity, butter ball Krsna (Bala-Krsna) at a junk market. He was dirty and naughty playing in the filth.


He is antique and worth alot more than I found him for. The junk dealer did not know what it is. It is around 80-100 yrs old. Ofcourse money means nothing to what this deity actually is.


He shines when washed in a mixture of gopi chandan clay and lemon juice. I am looking at him now...time for bath again soon. lol


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Which deity form of Krsna did you purchase?


After two years searching in second hand shops looking for Krsna I found this deity, butter ball Krsna (Bala-Krsna) at a junk market. He was dirty and naughty playing in the filth.


He is antique and worth alot more than I found him for. The junk dealer did not know what it is. It is around 80-100 yrs old. Ofcourse money means nothing to what this deity actually is.

He is most beautiful, Bija Prabhu! And an artifact! How much did you pay for Him?

I didn't purchase any deities from Exotic India... I am going to get two twelve inch golden deities of Sri Sri Radha Krishna, though. They have seashell eyes :) They're so beautiful. I bought Them from Vedic Resource, but for some reason the site isn't working :confused:

I'm also getting these ones of Nitai-Gauranga from Krishna.com:


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Sea shell eyes, lovely!


His face looks sweet hey...

Jai Gaura!



I paid $40 australian dollars for the brass Bala Krsna. A lady in another stall told me the seller did not know what it is worth...but said it is worth alot more.


It has some structural damage on its footstand which has been repaired at some stage...I looked on the net and this particular deity is a wax bronze cast from South India....ranging anywhere from $200US to $800US. I am feeling mine is from around the 1920's. The one's from 1890's are the same style and structure, carving, and design from the traditional artisans....but the shape of mine is slightly different over time.


'Mine' is such an awful word lol!

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Sea shell eyes, lovely!


His face looks sweet hey...

Jai Gaura!



I paid $40 australian dollars for the brass Bala Krsna. A lady in another stall told me the seller did not know what it is worth...but said it is worth alot more.


It has some structural damage on its footstand which has been repaired at some stage...I looked on the net and this particular deity is a wax bronze cast from South India....ranging anywhere from $200US to $800US. I am feeling mine is from around the 1920's. The one's from 1890's are the same style and structure, carving, and design from the traditional artisans....but the shape of mine is slightly different over time.


'Mine' is such an awful word lol!

Thank you :) I think They are most beautiful, myself. I wish I could show you the gold deities!

He's ever so beautiful. You were blessed to come by Him for such a low price! He must've wanted to go to your home specifically :)


Well... He is yours, you meditate on Him and you bathe Him and love Him... just as Mother Yashoda has Her Krishna, so you have yours :)

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