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Will they reconcile?

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Jai Shri Krishna & Namaskar,


My brother got married three years back and since then there are constant quarrels in the house due to some or the other reason. My bhabhi left home two months back and doesnt communicate with my brother now. My mother is tensed and so am I. Please let us know whether they will reconcile again or will they be seperated.


Date of Birth of my brother: 12.02.1978(DD:MM:YY)

Time:11:15PM, Place:Vadodara

Date of Birth of my bhabi: 11.04.1981(DD:MM:YY)

Time:12:25PM, Place:Surat



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In your brother's chart, Lagna Lord Venus is combust and conjunct with cruel Sun. Jupiter ruling 3rd and 6th house is placed in 9th house and casting its malefic aspect over the lagna, fifth house and Venus. Mars ruling 2nd house (family, status, wealth) and 7th house (wife, journey, trade, partnership) is placed in 10th house in neecha Rashi. He is going under mahadasa of Sun since 24 Oct 2002 which will remain effective till 24 Oct 2008. You talk of marital problems, but I think he would have been facing similar troubles i.e. disputes, arguments, enmity, confrontations, legal problems in almost every sphere of his life. Though, you are trying to get solution for him being his brother, but it seems that he is not having smooth brotherly relationship. Only possible solution under such situation is to wait for next mahadasa of Moon which will commence from 25 Oct 2008 onwards and perform remedial measures regularly with dedication. Sun rules 11th house which denotes gains, friends and desires. Being an enemy of the Venus, it will not allow your brother to enjoy the significations of Venus freely. The more he will try to have Venus significations i.e. luxury, enjoyment, status, wealth, happiness from wife; the More Sun will act on opposite. Either, he should have performed remedies for appeasement of the Sun prior to marriage or at the time of marriage.

Following remedies can be performed for mitigation of evil impact of planets over the nativity:

he should offer water daily to the Sun in the morning.

Donate whole wheat equal to his weight at some religious place on Sunday (one time).

Offer chana dal (soaked in water) to cow on every Thursday.


In your bhabhi's chart too, things are difficult. Lagna Lord Mercury is debilitated in 10th house and conjuct with Mars, Sun and exalted Venus; and also aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. With direct impact of so many planets over the lagna lord Mercury which is debilitated, she might have been having high ego and hyper-sensetive nature. Under such circumstances, it is really hard to console her.


In my opinion, you can ask your brother to start performing the remedies mentioned above and wait till the mahadasa of Moon starts. I can not guarantee that this marriage will become smooth but I can assure that with the aid of remedies and patience, he can surely have some reasonable good in his life.

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The date of marriage was 29.12.2005, the time was around 2.00pm afternoon, place Vadodara. My bhabhi has one sister. The reasons of quarrel are that she wants to stay separately and live independant while my brother is not interested to leave us and go.




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It seems the marriage is solemnised at the behest of your brother (may be love/obligation) with the girl . In your babhi's chart denial of marriage is present. The marriage might have taken place by elders pressure on her. It is difficult to convince your babhi unless she takes up some remedial measures. For your brother the 2/7th lord Kuja is debilitated and vargottama in 10th aspected by 12th lord Mercury from the house of Saturn is the cause of this problem. He can do shanti to Kuja and Pray Lord vishnu for Budha . When you reply give your real name :) .



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It was an arranged marriage, but after engagement there was some problem between my mother and bhabhi for which we wanted to call of the marriage. My brother did not agree as he liked the girl very much. Nowadays parents cant force girl or boy to marry someone if they are not happy. Then why did she enter into matrimony against her wishes, when she is MBA with finance, was doing job and was able to support herself financially. Denial of marriage in her chart meaning she was not interested in getting married at all?


Savitri Pandya

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Dear Savitri Pandya Ji,


Denial means until somebody forces the person to get married they themselves will not ask as they don't give priority to marriage. Some times they remain as bachelor. Like Abdul kalam Ji, Sri Vajpayee, Swamy Sankaracharys, Swamy Vivekananda etc. They devote themselves totally towards their path they choose ,like profession,studies, religion etc.Your Babhi belongs to such a case. The only way to keep the marital bondage to continue ,the only way is your brother has to tow her line and has to do what ever that doesn't disturb her chosen path of activity.They have to reverse the role. If all your family members like, do what she says. She is right as per her horoscope.


Wish your brother and babhi a happy reunion,



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Please accept our thanks for your advice. We will try our best to make the things work.But this denial factor has become both scary and concern for me. My brother has a prospect for me and his DOB is 31.05.1982, 10:45AM Ahmedabad. Would you please check denial factor specially and his overall horoscope to find out his nature? I am really scared now to step into arranged marriage after what has happened with my brother. Do you think its suitable to marry the above prospect?



Savitri Pandya

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Savitri Pandya,


pl give your educational background,DOB details and the important events in your life and your would be if possible. This helps to analyse the horoscopes more accurately. Don't misunderstand your babhi. Different people are born with different nature. It is a rare case .Don't be scary .:) as a lady sometimes you have to accept female individuality and authority.



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Savitri Pandya,

Sani Sadesath ends by 9/2009 for you. The proposed boy is also in Sani Sadesath upto 11/2014. Till the end of this period prayers/puja to Sani has to be done by both of you. Your horoscopes match gets 26.5 points out of 36 points, which indicates you are compatible to each other. Though you are mangalik, it gets cancelled due to Mars is in his own house,hence you can marry a non mangalik.The boy is not mangalik. The boy is sure to settle in a foreign land and similar indications are there in your horoscope.The boy helps you to achieve your goals ,but you must develop broad outlook to encourage him in what he wants and should not be harsh. (His birth star is favourable to you , your birth star is not that much favourable to him).The marriage takes place by Feb 2009.

Wish you good luck,


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Hello USRji,


My friend who is at the learning astrology from books pointed out one thing about the proposed boy that he may have some affair with some girl in the past or can have after marriage too. She mentioned this because in his case the lord of fifth and seventh houses are to-gether. What does the astrological code mention about his character? The reason for asking you is not based on what my friend said, but on the introductory conversation I had with him. Is there a scope for imprisonment in his horoscope?


Savitri Pandya

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It is good if the boy is having loving nature. It indicates he is biologically active.He can love you too and meet your requirements.After marriage it is you who should keep him under your control.That is what every lady does.Tell your friend that Mars and Sani own two houses.Ask her to explain what she can say about their combination in 3rd house. Tell her she can't learn everything from books, she has to experience and practice.The boy can't go to jail as Rahu in 12 th will take him to a foreign land.



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dear savitur pandya


the horoscope of the boy you have given does not appear to be good.

the fifth lord mars , the seventh lord saturn and lagna lord moon are

placed in the third house, which is one of the kama trikonas.


in addition to this , saturn/mars combo is generally bad. this combo

joins the lagna lord, the place which is called as paka lagna.

paka lagna comes under severe stress from saturn , mars and the nodes.

apart from this, saturn is atma karaka too.


i dont favour this, since the person will be under severe stress at the

atma level.


rahu in 12 , though can take the person to a foreign land, it cannot

be always considered like that. for example, a well known pontiff in

south was arrested and put in jail during its period. rahu is in 12h.

he was accused of a murder.


in the proposed boy's chart, rahu causes stress to the arudha lagna

too. it is placed in 8th from arudha lagna. arudha lagna shows the

image. 8th placed planet can cause damage to it.


in addition to this , rahu is placed in fourth in navamsa ! , one of the

bad place.


may mother bless all





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Shashikaranji and Savitri Pandya,


We should not use astrology too harshly to say directly that the concerned person is a love bug or that he may be sent to jail. In this case the boy is decently educated and may be hailing from a decent family.Better personal enquiry among elders is also required. The said pontif instead of preaching relegion started siding with political parties and has become a spokes person to National party against the ruling Govt in TN. In politics going to jail is like going home . In this case he is sure to go to a distant land and someother lady will snatch the oppertunity.

Better you take the opinion of Astro_tech.


with best wishes,


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Hello USRji,


Thank you very much for your advice. But it seems for some reason you have a softcorner for this boy inspite of addressing him as lovebug. Any other observations you have made in his horoscope which you are trying to conceal for some reason?


My friend has a request and its about going abroad or going to jail with Rahu in 12th house. She came up with the e.g of first Primeminister of India.Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's horoscope where the position of Rahu is same and wants to ask how come he stayed all the while in India except going for studies reasons abroad? Even in case of my brother Rahu position is in 12th but I dont see any scope of him going abroad, but if the things with my Bhabhi are not settled he will surely have some legal issues.


One more question from my friend what happens if Rahu is in 4th house as its related to home or ones own country?




Savitri Pandya

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Dear Savitri pandya,

I have soft corner for you and not for the boy.I don't know how you misunderstood this. When you have come to a conclusion about this boy ,everything looks odd.In my experience no planet is bad. They do their job as per position and aspects. Rahu in this case is in 12th close to his exaltation sign and aspected by Jupitor from 4th house.It is aspected by Sani from 3rd house with 5th and 10th lord Mars and lagna lord Moon.Rahu is in his own constallation Arudra ruled by Rahu.10th house sublord is Rahu.Venus in 10th has its sublord Rahu.Jupitor sublord is Rahu.

Now take the help of your friend and reply astrologically what Rahu is going to give this person.

I wish to discuss with your friend directly, not through you ,about Rahu and its effect She forgot to checkup the horoscope of Prof.B.Suryanarain Rao,great astrologer and grandfather of Sri B.V.Raman.(Author of Notable Horoscopes)who has Rahu in 12th.



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Dear USRji,


I will ask my friend to continue her queries about the 12th house in another thread. I dont understand why you have softcorner for me instead of him and advice me to reconsider again my views. Am I missng something? Is there some major problem in my horoscope that I will not get married in case I reject this proposal? No marriage is better than a bad marriage.




Savitri Pandya

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Dear Savitri Pandya,

I am forgetting all about soft corners. Let us speak about astrology. We give advice as per the DOB given by you.I didn’t recommend the boy.I only analysed and gave the reply. Based on this and other issues you have to decide about your life partner. I tried to explain the role of Rahu in his chart to be of use to other members also, reading these posts. Generally we don’t find such data in the forum.

I didn’t hide anything in this case.Some times I do as the astrological information may upset the member. Anyway in your chart , Moon is in it’s own house and it is 12<SUP>th</SUP> to lagna.At present Ketu-Moon dasa is running upto Nov 2008. Saturn is aspecting matrukaraka (mother) Moon. You are in Sani sade sath upto 9/2009. Moon is for mind.Moon is weak as you are born close to amavasya(New Moon) and the other reasons above. You are prone to depression due to weak moon.Here you seem to be disturbed by the events and a bit afraid . I feel your parents are a little bit sick of the present problem. Your mother seems to be more disturbed .Pl take care of them.Second ,you pl do puja to Sani (on Saturday )and Moon (on Monday).Pl see my other replies where I gave in detail how to do.Give strength to Chandra by wearing a pearl in the ring on little finger. Otherwise your horoscope is very good.

Asking your friend to post independently is to learn astrology from her .She may be knowing better than me.

Be sportive.If I had hurt you,sorry.

Wish you happiness and good luck.


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Dear USRji,


Many thanks for your analysis and valuable advice on my horoscope. As such I am not interested in learning astrology, but since you mentioned in your earlier replies to approach you separately, I told her. I am more interested in music and share bazaar. Since I showed the details of the prospect to her first she had given her suggestions and thats how the issue about 12th house came up. I wrote what she dictated to me. When she is there, why do I bother to take all the efforts to learn a new subject. If you still have some more analysis on my horoscope or the boy's horoscope or about my brother's or bhabhi's horoscope, about which you are hesistant to put on the public board, please feel free to mail me on pandya.savitri@gmail.com . I or my family members will not feel bad about it and it will enable us to take some decision.




S Pandya

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dear shri.Usr


when people seek opinions, it is the duty of us to say what we read from the chart. the risk involved in either accepting it or rejecting it is always their's. we are not truth seers. we are bound to commit mistakes. no two astrologer's opinion is same as that of doctors.


if rahu can make one to cross boundaries , not only crossing ocean is to be considered, but confinement of mana or bhuthi too.


confinement , need not necessarily mean jail or staying in a room but can mean their mind getting into disturbed situation.


i never meant that the person would go to jail, but chances of difficulties because of rahu was brought to light. the position of rahu in navamsa , otherwise called as dharmasa was also weighed. navamsa is god given and shows the dharmic content.


i strongly feel, looking at the plus side alone is not enough. otherwise people who are seeking opinions here would not present their serious problems for some remedies.


may mother bless all






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