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Hare Krsna Community Finds Gold Deposits Under Cowshed

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Hare Krsna Community Finds Vast Gold Deposits Under Cow Shed

Report by Steve Zamani



There is uproar in a small southern coast town today as a local Hare Krsna community has claimed to discovered an old gold mine under one of its cowsheds. The local area was a major gold boom in the late 19<sup>th</sup> century. The independent Krsna community was founded here 5 years ago and has been struggling in subsistence living.

The local Krsna community is ‘ecstatic’ due to the find and claims ‘total surrender to God comes good in the end.’ The Hare Krsna’s locally were well known for their austere lifestyle, but according to temple president Narayana dasa ‘that will all change now!’

Narayana dasa has said ‘we have had a professional team come and look at the mine. There is vast gold deposits in it, we have been keeping this quiet for some time.’

He is also quoted as saying, ‘we are a preaching mission, so plans are to extend this rural community vastly. With this new income we will be supplying housing and accommodation to all sincere seekers.’

Some locals have expressed their concerns about the planned expansion of the Krsna community in the area, and the impact this may have on local culture.

Narayana dasa has extended an invitation to all sincere seekers who would wish to join in the opulent service to Sri Krsna and rural living…he may be contacted here-click.


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People Enough of the April fool jokes. The Spageti tree from down under has already hit the spot.:D


Please leave the Cows from down under alone.:smash:


I get it the devotees do have a sense of humor put this is really going over the top


Happy April Fools (Gold) day to you


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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You had this person fooled for a minute or two. Yeah, you had her going really good:









Then this city-slicker news reporter walks in and says:










Now... if you have anything further to say, we'd love to hear it.

Otherwise, you're free to go.


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