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Dearest freind

u dont worried about the concive of child it is gift of god and please keep u and ur husband mind concentrate for peace and meditation.. and if can do one remediies what i m telling u that will be very great for u .. ur of mathura so all those things u can easily got . Go and buy good company LIke GURUKUL -- Maha Fal Ghrit,, that is ghee form take 1 tea spoon before sleeping and also u can buy some SUPARI PAK Churna it will be poweder form in night before sleeping take 6 gm of CHurna and one tea spooon Maha fal ghrit before sleeping and also in morning take 6 gm of supari pak with normal drinking water.. and please mentioned me about ur husband nature so that i will more configure about him too.. i had treated many lady and gents those wont have child..


adwait tripathi

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your husband chart is denoting positive indications in regard to birth of child. Did you ever had mis-carriage or abortion?




I have never had miscarriage or abortion......

when is the right time..is this month good ...i am undergoing medical treatment as well...

what is the correct time period for us...


thankyou for all your help

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Dear psg(better if full name is given),

Your question is not clear. Do you want to know the chances of having children or want a good muhurtha(time) for conception.






I want to know both the answers

1. Whether and when will i have children

2. What is the best time for conception

3. is this month good for chances of pregnancy as am undergoing medical treatment


there is no medical problem all reports are fine but still i am not able to conceive..hence taking fertility treatment accod to doctor


sorry for not divulging my full name pls pardon me for that.


thankyou very much

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I have never had miscarriage or abortion......

when is the right time..is this month good ...i am undergoing medical treatment as well...

what is the correct time period for us...


thankyou for all your help


There are great chances that you may conceive before 9 August 2009. Continue your medical treatment till that time.

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Dear psg,


Both you and your husband are having a dosha called "The curse of serpents". It happens when Rahu is in 5th house ,the house of progeny. In your horoscope Rahu is in 5th house associated with Moon the 11th lord. In your husband's horoscope debilitated Rahu is in 5th house aspecting the 5th house lord Mars situated in 11th house with debilitated Ketu. This Naga Shapa(curse) denies progeny. The remedial for this doing Naga puja/ installing Naga diety in a Shivalayam with puja and Praying Diety Subrahmanya (Son of Shiva and Parvathi) regularly on every tuesday. Once you complete the remedy, you will be blessed with good children.

Good luck.



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Dear psg,


Both you and your husband are having a dosha called "The curse of serpents". It happens when Rahu is in 5th house ,the house of progeny. In your horoscope Rahu is in 5th house associated with Moon the 11th lord. In your husband's horoscope debilitated Rahu is in 5th house aspecting the 5th house lord Mars situated in 11th house with debilitated Ketu. This Naga Shapa(curse) denies progeny. The remedial for this doing Naga puja/ installing Naga diety in a Shivalayam with puja and Praying Diety Subrahmanya (Son of Shiva and Parvathi) regularly on every tuesday. Once you complete the remedy, you will be blessed with good children.

Good luck.





Dear sir


Thankyou very much for all the time and guidance. I appreciate it and will pray to lord subrahmanya every tuesday without fail.


But as far as naga pooja is concerned, i am umable to do this as i am not in india and there is no temple here as well. Is there anything else you can suggest which i can do at home instead of naga pooja for quick remedy of progeny.


Thankyou very much.

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Dear psg,

Enquire with some famous temples in India via Internet like Sri Kalahastiswara Temple, Andhra Pradesh. They may be able to do Rahu-Ketu puja on your behalf in absence at some price. Or do Rahu-Ketu japa from the booklets in your language . Or donate blackgram and horsegram pulses to to needy people.If it is not possible for you to do ,ask your relations in India to do on your behalf at your cost. These are the ancient remedies prescribed.


Good luck.


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Dear psg,

Enquire with some famous temples in India via Internet like Sri Kalahastiswara Temple, Andhra Pradesh. They may be able to do Rahu-Ketu puja on your behalf in absence at some price. Or do Rahu-Ketu japa from the booklets in your language . Or donate blackgram and horsegram pulses to to needy people.If it is not possible for you to do ,ask your relations in India to do on your behalf at your cost. These are the ancient remedies prescribed.


Good luck.



Dear sir


Thankyou for the advice, i will try and do the pooja either thru the internet or thru my relatives in india. i was thinking that i will i have to be personally present there with my husband.


I will do all the remedies suggested by you as i do believe in the ancient wisdom and god. i anyway pray everyday.


thanks a million

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