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Marriage Compatibility

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I have a relative whose DOB is 31.05.82,10.50AM,Jamnagar. How will be his overall married life in case he marries a girl, whose DOB is 26.08.84,6.15AM,Jamnagar.The boy is highly devoted to his parents and will this girl be suitable for him? Secondly, I was told by an astrologer that the girl seems to be having affairs earlier and she is hot-tempered too.

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Dear Mr.Rao,


I as a client did not ask him about how he came to the conclusion, but the fact is I know of two other people who were having such affairs earlier and broke off due certain reasons, the prediction about them was absolutely correct. This was consulted to them in my presence during their first visit when they had gone to ask about marriage and career. On the hot tempered issue he told that she being a leo ascendant and sun also in the same sign. And the feedback received from girls other relatives is that she is quite egoistic and hot tempered. He further told that if they marry then this will result to lot of adjustments from both the sides. He further forsees delayed progeny issues in girls horoscope. Please let me know what do you think both about the boy and the girl and their future if they enter into matrimony.

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Dear Meera Rai,

The compatibility of the boy and girl is reasonably good with a score of 20/36 points. The girl is beneficial to the boy rather than the boy to the girl.The girl's horoscope is a rare one ,with excellent placing of all the planets. Anybody marrying her gets benefit from her. The placing of Jupitor in 5th in its own house which is also moola trikona in retrograde motion aspecting the Lagna and lagna lord Ravi nullifies the temperamental attitude and keeps the girl pious.Moon in 12th in its own house makes the girl religious and conservative , so any affairs as thought are not physical. She has to be beautiful and highly intelligent. Lucky in all respects. The only point to be noted is she is born on amavasya , Chandra is weak.

Puja has to be performed for Ravi and Chandra. She can wear a pearl to give strength to Chandra.



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Dear Mr.Rao and Mr.Ramchandran,


Could you please let me know whether she can adjust with her in-laws? This girl is mangalik while the boy is not. Whoever girl marries this boy is going to end up being a housewife because he is not interested in a working spouse. As mentioned in the first post, this boy is very devoted to his parents and will not compromise on any thing which makes his parents unhappy. His parents too have very high expectations from him and are sure the stay with him after a year or two of his marriage? Why do you think the boy is not beneficial to her? Secondly, it would help if you give your views on progeny issues.

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Dear Meera Rai,

You have lot of doubts inspite of giving the advice after going through the horoscopes in detail of the boy and the girl.You also pl use some astrology software , you can understand to some extent.Anyway Rahu and Saturn represent the would be in-laws of the girl are exalted.So the in-laws of the girl get benefit with her association. Regarding Kuja dosha in the girl's horoscope, Mars is in his own house hence the dosha gets cancelled.

Regarding progeny Ramachandran is confused in his reply. Jupitor is lord of 5th(trine)house as well as 8th house(logevity) is retrograde and is in his own house gives best results for progeny and other things Guru represents. Ramachandran has to note that Planets who are lord of two houses have different effects ,which varies from horoscope to horoscope.Boy's lagna is 12th to the lagna of the girl and the girl's lagna is 2nd to the boy's lagna, the girl is beneficial to the boy. Hope there are no more doubts.


Good luck to Meera Rai and Ramachandran.



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Dear Mr.Rao,


Thanks for your prompt replies. I can download astrological software from the websites and install them, but it will be all greek and latin to me. Thank you once again for your feedback. I would appreciate if you advise to the another thread "Job or Business" sent by me. The lady there is fed up of her jobs ups and downs.

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