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I need your views (about pets)

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Well I was thinking about adopting a little budgie but I am having a change of heart because someone brought it to my attention that it is wrong. He said it is taking away their right to freedom by putting them in a cage. Now, if only I had thought about that before. If I adopted one, wouldn't it mean I am supporting a cause to take away their freedom? So is it considered immoral to adopt one in your view? I have a friend who is a Krishna devotee but has a budgie. Is this considered okay? I am just curious on your views. Thanks :(

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It sounds to me like you are making it a bit too complicated. As long as you take good care of your pets it will be good for you and them both. Freedom is more than just the ability to walk away; it is having options. Being supplied with food, water, love, and protection is better than having to be out in the wild where so much time and energy must be spent on getting the basic needs met. Being around people can help animals develop higher emotions like love, gratitude, and appreciation. Being able to hear a "Hare Krishna" or two is even better.

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It sounds to me like you are making it a bit too complicated. As long as you take good care of your pets it will be good for you and them both. Freedom is more than just the ability to walk away; it is having options. Being supplied with food, water, love, and protection is better than having to be out in the wild where so much time and energy must be spent on getting the basic needs met. Being around people can help animals develop higher emotions like love, gratitude, and appreciation. Being able to hear a "Hare Krishna" or two is even better.


Thank you Inedible. I was actually feeling really guilty of adopting one. But this made me wonder. Thanks. :(

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Hare Krishna,

I personally don't like the idea of keeping animals in cages. I think they should be able to roam around naturally. Especially birds, yes, it may be more work for them (look for food, danger of predators), but that is their nature. In some situations animals are being kept captive to save the species, maybe in a zoo or a sactuary. This is a whole different situation, anyway this is just my personal opinion...




Well I was thinking about adopting a little budgie but I am having a change of heart because someone brought it to my attention that it is wrong. He said it is taking away their right to freedom by putting them in a cage. Now, if only I had thought about that before. If I adopted one, wouldn't it mean I am supporting a cause to take away their freedom? So is it considered immoral to adopt one in your view? I have a friend who is a Krishna devotee but has a budgie. Is this considered okay? I am just curious on your views. Thanks :(
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Hare Krishna,

I personally don't like the idea of keeping animals in cages. I think they should be able to roam around naturally. Especially birds, yes, it may be more work for them (look for food, danger of predators), but that is their nature. In some situations animals are being kept captive to save the species, maybe in a zoo or a sactuary. This is a whole different situation, anyway this is just my personal opinion...

I appreciate your opinion. If I adopt one, I'd be supporting this industry. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes in this market but I'm told they're treated in a cruel way. The more the birds get purchased by people like me, shops will continue with this trade. So perhaps the best thing to do is not purchase animals. Perhaps I should adopt one that needs a home from a rescue center rather than actually buy one. Thank you for your opinion.

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I have differing opinions. I believe it would be a noble cause to take an animal that was sick or being mistreated and nurse it back to health and send it to its natural surroundings. But then again I feel we are capturing animals for our own entertainment and amusement and this is not right.


I mean you can always adopt one and let it go into its natural surroundings.


Jai Shri Krishna

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My wife and I adopted a cat from the city animal shelter. He gets his meals every day and he has a water fountain that is supplied with reverse-osmosis water. He has his favorite places to sleep and he likes to look out the windows. If you could ask him, he'd tell you that he is happy where he is. It would not serve his best interests to throw him out the door and to tell him he has his freedom back. Somehow he knows when I am meditating or giving myself reiki and he comes over to me even if he is in another room when I start. He sits with me when I meditate. Sometimes I tell him he needs to grow thumbs and learn to walk upright, so he can do more things on his own. He glares at me and goes back to licking his paws. Remember, people ... he is a cat. I have not gone somewhere and adopted another human being. It is a bit of a leap to say that I am holding our cat in captivity as though he were a human being who should be attending school or getting a job or finding a lady cat to marry and settle down with. Certain animals are no longer wild animals. Their natural environment is now living with human beings. Even when our cat was living on the streets, he was living in a city, surrounded by human beings. If you want a dog for a pet, great. It isn't like you are choosing a wolf, who really would be better off in a more natural environment. If you want a cat, you probably aren't going to choose a cougar or a lion. The only thing I would suggest is that you get your pet from a shelter instead of a pet store, where the animals are bred for the purpose of becoming pets. That way you can avoid supporting "the industry" and you'll be saving a life in the process.

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I mean you can always adopt one and let it go into its natural surroundings.


Jai Shri Krishna


I could adopt one and let it go but it would probably not survive out there on its own, because it doesn't know how. It was domesticated, remember? I'd rather take care of the animal than let it go because its chances of survival would be very low.



The only thing I would suggest is that you get your pet from a shelter instead of a pet store, where the animals are bred for the purpose of becoming pets. That way you can avoid supporting "the industry" and you'll be saving a life in the process.

Yes, exactly what I was trying to say :). The difficulty is that I know of no animal shelter near by, but I will be on the look out. May be one might come up.

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