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Seven New Categories Of Sin

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An idle mind is the devil's workshop - thanks to Church leaders who realized, wait, there's a new contingent of sins to be made aware of.



<small class="post-date" id="day_10">March 10, 2008, 3:01 pm


</small> Seven More Sins, Thanks to Vatican


By Mike Nizza

<!-- end post-info --> Lust, gluttony, greed and the rest of the seven deadly sins gathered in the 6th century will have to get used to a modern companion. A Vatican official has articulated seven new categories of sin “due to the phenomenon of globalization.”

“While sin used to concern mostly the individual, today it has mainly a social resonance,” Monsignor Gianfranco Girotti told L’Osservatore Romano, Vatican City’s local paper. Bloomberg News parsed his remarks into a clip-n-savable list:


1. “Bioethical” violations such as birth control


2. “Morally dubious” experiments such as stem cell research


3. Drug abuse


4. Polluting the environment


5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor


6. Excessive wealth


7. Creating poverty


The message, according to a leading scholar on Catholic thought talking to BBC News, was meant as a reality check to priests “not sufficiently attuned to some of the real evils in our world.” There is more to life than following the Ten Commandments, it would seem.




The seven deadly sins served another purpose, too: inspiring artists from Bosch to Balanchine. Can anyone picture a similar renaissance fueled by this new list. Or has it already happened?

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We should all independently lodge complaints to those in authority--we should very gently and subtly "make our position known" without causing others to panic or even feel pressured by the complaint.


Complaint letters should make known that the Local Hare Krishnas in the region do not approve --while also stating that the writer does not seek to bring or cause any action to change the situation --rather the writer seeks to lodge a complaint that is gently written by a local neighbor who is "a Local Hare Krishnas in your city or town".


This 'grass-roots' effort will familurize those in authority with what is the moral and ethical priciples held by we followers of the Vedas.




Below is theoretical type of letter to be circulated just to make people know we are out there--there's an old axiom: "There no bad publicity as long as they spell our name right"




Dear Sir or Madam (_fill-in a name_),


I am writting you to express my revulsion with your standard buisness practice.


As I am a Hare Krishna, and you are very likely without any formal training in my field of knowledge, I have the unique honor of most probably being the first Hare Krishna to chastise your local newspaper's exectutive broad members:


You should stop advertising meat-eating buisness because the ramifications of such a type of commercial enterprise has only culminated in the 7 deadly sins. Since I am trained in the rules and science of Karma & Karmic re-actions, it is incombent upon me that I inform you of the members Hare Krishnas world wide.


The abundance of Headline 'Sins' that your newspaper historically uses as it's bread and butter, more so than 'man bites dog' headlines, shall require your newspaper's principle executives to have a change of heart that will surely put you in 'a dark night of the soul'--for that transition, you will have our collective prayers and wellwishes and guidance available to you.


Institutions that depend on the sale of meat products invariblely results in creating a down-ward spiral of mis-fortune and the spread of the ethos of 'le miserables', as is evidenced through-out the last century where every economic mass venture culminated in the lost of lives.


The first rule of spiritual life is:

"We are not the mundane body, but we are a spirit soul in a material body".


The Antithesis of this maxim is an ethos of exploitation (not of spirtual up-liftment) of people by way of their expendability, thus, the common masses cultivate uncontroled lust, criminality, civil rebellion and delinquincy and self-loathing illusion-ments.


I realize that I am being pandantic, didactic, and, high-minded

but of course as a sincere devotee of Krishna I must be edifying to all mundane minded souls.


May you be able to chant Hare Krishna especially by the time of your golden years.


Still, after so many years the Hare Krishnas are still preaching the same old transcendental message.


Yours in Krishna's service,

(__fill-in your name_)

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